A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

yes!! I went in 2003....
I also dunno how I did it... probably got hubby to encourage (but he only ate for 10 days only) and SIL also ate with me.... so make it easier lor.....
MIL also ate brown rice with us. :p


dunno how to pamper myself now. everything also cannot do. Yesterday went for a dinner at my church mate's home. End up i only ate some salad & bread. I was actually turned off by the smell of the mangoes! That's my favourite fruit!
ok, I don't like durians anyway, so very easy.

U need to eat lei, try to take small portion lor, don't eat no good.
thks naturally
but dunno will O onot.. coz so messy and didnt use OPKs oso... but took temp yday nite.. was 36.3 only.. :p

blue.. keke.. .. dun take diet pills :p go excerise better..

elmo.. me dun take veg oso.. so will sticks with fruits and steam fish ba
try having a nice foot soak..... rent some nice movies and watch.....
maybe u try the sourish food??It's normal.... cheer up ok.... will get better one...

Like Val say.... we also dunno how we feel when it's our turn... but I can tell you now that I'm dieing to be preggy thou I know all the sufferings!!!! So keep that in mind... you are preggy!!!! It will be over very soon... *saiyang saiyang saiyang saiyang saiyang*

It's a christian book warehouse. Lots of christian books at cheaper prices.

not bad, at least your SIL & MIL ate with u. I tried for a while, but going vegetarian is def not my forte. I must have meat! Sorry carrie.
my SIL also attended the class mah....
kekekeke... I also a meat eater!!! :p
but now can take veg....

I guess it's the guidelines that is impt... I cannot be like them... take for life! :p sure die...
ya hope we will nt turn off by organic food when preggie

aiyo, still must eat some food leh
by nw u knw what food u can eat without being turn off?
eat more of that lor
elmo, val

i know. i don't mind being nauseous lah. Coz' i read that preggy with nausea have lower incidences of MC. Just find food really repulsive now. Yucks. I'm sucking wu hua guo now. But doesn't seem to help much leh. Actually after vomitting feels better.

yup. ate that before i sleep. nowadays must eat before i sleep or else cannot tahan. i think baby don't like milk though. It makes me nauseous.
WOW...the thread is moving real fast...
me just went for a mtg and wow so many liao...
hardly can catch up.

hi val,
ur hb a regular ns man?

hi all,
me going hm liao .... see over the weekend got time to login or not.

I guess just take those that you can take now lor... time passes very quickly one... so, will be over very soon.. then u can enjoy the bb liao....

Focus on the good things....
Val, I think I really desperate... couple of year back... when I heard of the MS, labour pain.. etc... really puts me off and make me so scared... now I even wish I can there....???/

Desperate woman siah!!! :p hahahahhaha...
or maternity instinct in place liao... ??? hahahhaha
just rest well and stay happy.... you will be alright soon... *saiyang saiyang saiyang saiyang saiyang saiyang again*
I read b4 that pregnant women would crave for food that they usu don't like, maybe u see u hv these cravings or not, then u may not vomit so much?

me too. I also very scared when a co-worker of mine described her labour & C section. Now still scared, but i guess if so many women can go thru it, we can too. I just worried abt ending up like the woman who became vege after giving birth.

blue rabbit
no cravings at all. It's simply mai jia.

your turn will come soon. In the meantime, enjoy all the yummy food!
gd gd then u eat more vege nw, hee...ur bb like vege

isit campus crusade?
heard that gt 1 christian bookshop there
u come across this bk: supernatural childbirth?
is written by a christian that how God help woman to hv painless delivery!
very amazing

maybe u can by this bk to read too while u nw resting at hm?
also very encouraging.....

wah, I gt so many bks to buy, this bk n cookie order one for me called little miracles

hehe....buy hor??

sure or not, painless delivery? I thot God already said painful delivery is a punishment becoz' of Eve? Don't think can escape. dunno leh. it's called SKS leh. got 2 stores there. 1 for children, 1 for adults.
dun think about the negative things!!!! Ban you har!!! :p
now u have bb inside u, so u need to be strong for both of you.... nothing bad will happen to you... must have faith...

Well, being preg & giving birth is a dangerous thing. I must salute to all of us here, coz' we're all willing to take this risk knowingly, the pain in stored for us, in order to have a child to love. We are all so wei da!

Faith, i have. But painless delivery, i don't believe. It's just like thinking that God will make the path smooth for us. But that's not the case lor. Sometimes we have to suffer abit, perhaps so that we can cherish our blessings more. Don't u think that it's such a great thing that so many pp are still willing to have a baby despite the pain. Wow. I think that's real love.
And despite getting so fat & frumpy in the process and takes ages for us to shed off that extra fats. Gain a shoe size bigger, bigger hips. Not getting enough sleep. And not getting enough sex for some people becoz of kids :p
hi gals,
got my HSG results back from gynae liao. Both tubes are fine. When I told him that I'm thinking of doing IUI this cycle, he asked me to continue trying for the next 2 to 3 months. Cos he said the success rate for IUI is not that high also and he got a lot of patients who get pregnant after doing HSG even when their hubby's sperms are no good... haiz... in a dilemma now....

congrats! I think u should heed your gynae's advice & try for 2 mths first lor. Like what he said, a lot of pp got preg after HSG. Jia You!
hi hi ladies..
i enter this thread as i m trying to help my best friend who wants very much to get preg..wonder if u have any tips to share with me? she has been married since feb this yr & has been trying for awhile but till now, no news yet..so she & her hubby is kinda panicking..thks!

tell your friend not to worry. She only got married in Feb. For a normal couple below 30, it can take up to a year. If she's so anxious, she can try monitoring her BBT & using OPK to increase her chances. Most imp of all, tell her to join our group here lah.
Hi mashy & juliann,
thanks. Me and hubby are like so prepared for the IUI this cycle already. Now suddenly got to change our plan again... anyway will think it thru carefully....

HSG is a procedure whereby doctor inject dye into your viginal to let it pass through your tube and then they take x-ray of it. It is to see if your tubes are blocked or not.
hopeful dear
PRAY to God and also trust ur gynae suggestion

ya i think mother's love is the greatest that they will do anything for their bb, so long as you focus on God more,He will bless u a smooth delivery
Hi gals
I heed ur advice, went to test again and last night it positive...
haha..cannot believe, going to test again tonight..
and what worried me, just last week, i went for a spa , sauna and massage...and foot reflexogy , praying hard i will be alright ..
bookworm congratulation

so happy for you n God bless u smooth 9 mths

Gd Morning Elmo n Mashy

hiaz...me at office nw
hurray! hubby coming hm tonite!
yalor Mashy,
somemore he is an officer even more busy
well, I married a regular, hv to mentally prepare
well trust God to bless us bb for the suitable timing lor

hee...actually I dun mind this cycle if fail
cos I look foward to my Phuket trip end of this mth,
cos is my fertile period

nah... i told u so.. go n test.keke.. congrats congrats... get a doc to confirm your preggie la. ur CD are way over, isnt it.

yoo... it's BD week... keke i hope we can sustain the battle. hey did you BD everyday or alternate during the mth u strike har?
