A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi december

thank for the welcome.
u change ur nick? tink last time u call classy?
tink i chat wif u b4.

think there is a few lady here want to see KKH gyane. My gyane is is from KKH and she oso deliver my girl. his skill is very good. Just to let u all know tat KKH service is very good now compare to previously. I am very pleased with their service. So dun worry those who want to choose can now do wifout worry

don't give up .... i'm sure u'll not gain more weight .....
at least u got exercise, i very lazy.... long time never do jogging ..... i used to jog 5km & 3 times a week ..... but now cos I very serious to TTC so scared that if i go jogging then may affect since not sure when I'll conceive and scared that may miscarriage ......
my sis-in-law was miscarriage without knowing that she's conceiving and that time she was doing jogging etc ......

wat u have said is really true!!

to do something NOW instead of going to wait till 'menopause'!!!unless of cos if we are so young like 18,19 or 20years lah....

but I am sure you will preggie soon without any aid...cos you are always so cheerful and bubbly...nothing 'bad'like AF can affect you leh....

how come ur SIL don't know she's pregnant? she don't keep track of AF?
i think i better stop my aerobics exercise..otherwise if i'm pregnant, before i can test, miscarriage liao,then i'll feel very guilty..
her mens was not as regular n she's that kind that very concern about her weight ..... moreover she tho that it may not be so easy to get preggie mah .....so continue to exercise lor ..... then who knows hor in the middle of one night, she got terrible stomach cramp, then rush to hospital, then discovered that she actually preggie, but too late since bb miscarriage liao ............

as i'm very serious in getting preggie, so i tho i should eat well n should not worry so much of weight first .... since after delivery then jian3 fei2 lor ......

i'm also like u, thought i shd eat well & don't worry abt weight, but after i deliver my no. 1, i can't get back to my pregnancy weight leh..doc said fats that are stored in body for > 1 yr are difficult to get rid..sob sob..
cafe - oic. now i understand liao. Thanks. I cant try now cos juz went for D & C n doctor say i wont get pregnant tis 2 mths. So i think got to wait for 2 mths n then try again. (now waiting patiently)

naturally - thanks. now i understand a bit liao. I think my hubby has a low sperm count so if i cant get preggie again then must i go lUl?
hi naturally,
me hor also dun know wat's white tea leh??? izit tea with milk??? got this article from Cleo Magazine lah......

oh yes, we chat here before. Yalor, i changed my nick liao.

i was on clomid last month too and i do not have any side effect too....
i dun think it's true lah, there're some who manage to go down to their pre-preggie weight leh .... dun scare me lah ........ but of course must put in lots of effort lah ......
Think cafe and Sandy already answered your queries, anyway I did my HSG during my op to remove fibroid, so I don't know what effect HSG has on me.
how u know i never hide and cry when AF comes?!
But most of the time i can tell that AF is coming (temp drops), so i would be prepared already to see red lor... Actually, AF is a sign of fertility, its not really bad lah! We must also look at the flip side of the coin, okie?
I rather enjoy my life now, can go shopping after work, weekend play pc games whole day, if lazy to go downstairs buy food, can chin cai cook pasta or mee sua! With a kid around, where got such luxuries?
So lets enjoy our "freedom" while it lasts, okie? I assure u, this freedom won't last long!

u are such a darling!!


meaning that time when you conceived,you already know your hubby has low sperm count?Despite that you were still able to get preggie?right now eat more bu soup...build up your health first ok?
see, u have real life examples here!
Sneaky is another case! Aiya, sometimes we must read these results with a positive mindset... give u one example.... my statistics lecturer last time told us he buys toto despite the very low odds of winning... why? Because he says we all dunno how to interpret statistics! Low odds doesn't mean no chance of winning! So long as its not zero probability, who says he can't win the next draw?

Agree with my lecturer?
Think it thru okay... your hubby's results are not as bad as u or he imagines!
anyone going away for the GoodFriday long weekend?
i feel like going somewhere leh but now seems to be too late to plan hor ..... i suddenly feel like going since scared mens will come that peiod then BB dream will be gone so hope to go R&R ..........
Hi gals,

After discussion with my husband,I have decided to go for my HSG next week.

My gynae instruct me to stop Clomid this cycle if i am gging for HSG.

So I think i will stop trying this cycle.

Will share my experience with you gals then.

Hope that everything is gging to be all right.
go where? Customs sure crowded like dunno wat... unless take plane? But yah, now a bit late, u know sgporeans will travel out in droves on such long weekends! But no harm checking out with travel agencies? Bintan resorts?

I hate crowds, so i think i'll stay home and be couch potato, heehee!
i'll prob do it 1 week after u...

let us know the date, i think a lot of girls here will want to pray for u, hee!
And then tell me how it goes hor?
hi december

no wondr find u familar i rem i chat wif u b4.

hi jenifur
how u getting on? no lah not trying for no. 2 yet dun have the energy. really tired looking after little Nicole. She start to learn sitting these day really tired
come back to chat wif u all now cos find all the ladies now very lively and sharing my life wif u all.

I hope you are fine too.

I have not confirm the date yet but most probably next Mon or Tues.

I'll be doing it in Camden Medical Centre.
<font face="Calisto mt"> Wendy,

Wow Nicole is already learning how to sit, time really files. How's ur colleague treating u, better?


Will pray that everything will b alright.</font>
Hi Choo,

I dun think i am seeing the same gynae as Mrs Tan.

My gynae is Dr Kee from Far East Plaza.

He refer me to Camden for HSG.

dont worry, we will pray for you,
let us know the date

got the spirulina yest frm hopeful

how u feeling? still MS very bad?
Hey everybody....

Announcement here!

Is everyone okie if we change the venue to <font color="0000ff">Merchant Court</font>? Carrie informed that Joaquim does not serve vegetarian meals now, so we have to look for alternative makan place.
oh forgot to add, the MC buffet is at $26.90+++, or if u want ala carte also can.
Special mention: the durian dessert... hmmmm... bagus!
naturally: as long as change of venue doesnt hurt the pocket, i think its ok.

Hi girls.. me back... the brown discharge might be caused by my cough, and today gynae did another scan, and guess wat.. bb has grown from 0.91 to 2.1cm... so amazing.. and gynae says the legs n hands forming...
so happy that both U and BB are alright.. wow.. your BB is growing well.. did yr gynae give you any medication for yr cough?? take good care..

thanks a lot for posting the change of gathering venue... muack muack...
yeah, Ling u're okie!
(i just took out my ruler to try to visualise your 2.1cm bb, heehee!

Hey, preggies can eat durian or not?

gynae did notice a slight blood clot near the bb.. but she mentioned tt it might be from the cough... so not very major.

sandy: cough mixture which the MO given me last nite..

naturally: i actually like durian.. when my hubby ask me just now wan durian.. i said no...
val: thanks for the advice. i have already refrained myself from eating chicken, oranges &amp; grapes. went to gynae again this afternoon to get somemore cough mixture cos GP doesn't have one that is preggy safe...

sexxy: i guess the flu bug is attacking people...must really take care and avoid crowded places...

cafe: i took off today...but i went mum's place after seeing a GP and then to gynae's then shopping...came home only at 5.30pm...kekekeke...ended up not resting at all...hahaha

sandy: yes, ma'am...i will drink more lukewarm water (i hate leh) instead....my cough is so bad esp in the middle of the night that i feel crampy around stomach and abdomen area....it's as if i've done 100 sit ups at one go....hey, don't be discouraged due to your HSG results, k? you will surely make it one day...sekali you conceive naturally this time...


classy: thanks for providing the info. do you know that white teas belong to the expensive range of teas??? no wonder it has such magical healing powers...kekekeke. i will drink a bit from now on...

elmo: wah...where you get the recipe from leh....sounds delicious...i have jotted it down...will get my MIL to cook for me....anyway, i'll be having my dose of birdsnest soup again tonight...yippee!!!
yah hor...i forgot that sweet stuffs causes phlegm...must stop must stop...

all: i'll be going shanghai fm 4 - 7 mar...yippee...i nearly had to forsake this trip or my job cos my german lady boss very "cat"...she wanted me to shorten my trip by 1 day...she communicated all these through my superior via SMS...quite irritating...i replied my superior saying...i cannot shorten my trip. this is the only time i can go on a trip before i deliver baby. what diff does 1 more day make when my accountant (who is an ex-my position) will be coming to do the finance part and at the same time cover my duties on the 4th day? at the end, somehow, they agreed...i don't care ah...if ever they wanna make noise, i'll just quit! but if i quit hor...how to get another job with a big belly ah? do you think anyone would employ me for a 5months' contract job?

ling: how are you?
ling: that's good to hear....i'm getting worried too because i'm coughing badly and real hard...i just can't control....damned worried leh...
sneaky: see doc ask for cough syrup.. u have to stop the cough asap.. if not like me.. i kena brown discharge leh.. dun play play... aiyah quite ur job stay home n go hoilday....kaoz not ur hubby cant feed u lah.. pls lah. if not happy then quit..
ling: i've seen gynae liao...the cough hardly stops...throat get super duper itchy when i breathe at night in my sleep and of cos during the day as well. now i get back the same cough syrup (2nd bottle liao) and phlegm tablets...hope to stop this fast...i also very scared....scared i cough until baby come out...
ya.. last nite i see that MO, he says i got no fever.. jsut now at clinic, temp was 37.3.. slight. haiz.. bb safe more impt.. be careful dun cugh till bb comes out...
ling: my temp reading was also 37.3 last night...just pray that i will recover soon... you too...take care hor...so happy to see your bb...

Ling: happy to hear that u and bb are ok. so happy to see bb...

sneaky: ya man, now everyday after work got to hid at home.. keep blowing my nose and ppls start looking at me like alien! u noti, never take a rest at home..
