A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

<font face="calisto Mt"><font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: Nope I'm not going with him. Australia living standard quite high so don't think it's advisable to tag along. No doubt he will be getting quite a substantial amt for oversea allowance but I rather keep e $$ for our kids.

Btw I saw your post bout ur HB dun wan to see Gynae first but if u r worried then u can go seek advise from gynae alone. I also agree with Sneaky - it's better to find out if there's any problem then to waste time.</font>

Hi jenifur,

You are right, maybe i will go and see first. Just to check if there is any problem with me.

So how long is your hubby going if he accept the offer. It is going to be tough for you. Cause my friend also alone with hubby overseas.
hi girls

I bought 20 ovulation kit from Baby~Wishes and tested once yesterday morning at about 10+am. It shows 2 lines so it means I am ovulating... however, I tested again at 6+pm on same day and it showed only 1 line.

Am I ovulating or not? I have a short cycle ranging from 21days to 24 days and that's why I tested early..
HI ladies...
me bad news...and strong and positive as i may be..i break down when i just received a call from my gynae that from my blood test result..I AM NOT OVULATING last cycle....

i was really in shock.....he ask me go see him this sat to get ovulation pills which i suppose shd be clomid...

all of a sudden..i feel like just giving up....
hi choo

*sayang* *sayang* don't be sad.. most of us here don't ovulate every monthly. That's why there's clomid to help us conceive. I also don't ovulate monthly but I have hope and a super understanding husband!!!

I read in this forum that there's this lady catz who have PCOS and had problem conceiving + her husband sperm is not very good so virtually her chances of conceiving is almost zero and was thinking of adoption. She saw her gynae, took 1 course of clomid and now pregnant. Giving birth end of this year.

So, don't give up okay.
Hi Choo,

Dun be sad, dun give up... I have not seen any gynea yet and have been trying for almost a year.

As per my chinese doc says, she suspect that I have not been ovulating for the past year.

Try again, dun give yourself any pressure, may next month be better for you!
Hi Choo,

Dun give up, I may not be ovulating every month also.

You have our support, let us all continue to try. Next cycle still have hope.
Hi Jenifur,

Just to check, the other time, you mention about the gynae at Jurong point, do you know the clinic name??
dun give up, dun be sad..i also hv this prob + PCOS 2.. but i m still n trying hard lo.. at least my husband give full understanding n support. let's we continue to try, sure will strike soon...cheers
hi all...

so happy and comforting to hear from you gals consoling me...
sigh...i really feel so useless..can't even 'ovulate'on my own...'

btw what is PCOS?
angel,I have just browse through past topics on clomid and I saw Catz's story too but didn't read too detailed....

somehow...i dun know how and wat to say....is it really stress that cos me/us so hard to conceive..now i feel sorry for my hubby...i tot i might be able to 'blame'(jokingly)him if i can't conceive..but now seems like it is my own eggs not cooperative....
Hi all,

hi my menses still not here. CD 40 liao,
tell u gals something.i tested liao , bought the pregnancy kit wow, cost me $8 plus and its positive
so u know what i did, my hubby and I went to the clinic near his place and we did a check. this doc actually told us abt scan and stuff...so we not too sure what to do, we went to do a scan , and she could not see anything,then she did a urine test and then very faint line. at the ned of the day, she is unable to confirm. Yet in total we spent $68 on the whole thing....sigh
bookworm: got line means got chance...if not preggy, where to get the line from, right? be positive, you must have strike this time...
huh...but the doc cannot even detect wor..HEy Stop congratulating me .....ITS NOT CONFIRM LA

funny...how come the one at pharmcy can detect but not the doc's clinic one..so i am quite worried its a false alarm
Hi bookworm,

Congratulation!!! should be preggie since there is line. So happy for you.

Do update us after you go for bloodtest.
doc's jus dare not to give u confirmed answer, but since that got line, mean that high chance to strike liao...

btw, how long u TTC huh?
no..i just ttc last month. haha..i very worried, u gals think i shld buy another one and try it today? how come the doc is unable to track huh? i mean the kit was positive leh, but the clinic one cannot be seen. oh gosh,
when shld i see the doc again?
u r really very lucky leh... strike straight away in one cycle only.u r jus in beginning, some of them will take a bit long time to track out whether preg or not. for ur case, seen it's good news lo.

pls pass some good skill n bb luck to us leh, excited to know how to strike it..
still very good chance you have strike...if yes,yet another good news...

I dun know when can i have this wonderful feeling of being pregnant...maybe it will never come...

those who have taken clomid,is it costly?
dun be upset.. ur good wish will be come true soon. me taking clomid for 2 cycle already, my gynae give me 3mth clomid. this is not costly, i dunno how much at sg here, me take from Johor Specialist Hospital, cost abt RM10 for 5days course in 10pills. my gynae which is former doctor from NUS, his r very good in this field.
choo: your turn will come one...i am starting my clomid next cycle and was prescibed 3 months' supply at S$69.00. each cycle requires 10 tablets (2 each day for 5 days)...therefore, each tablet costs S$2.30. the good thing is....if i can't finish all of them and get pregnant halfway, i can return the balance to gynae if unopened...
thanks for replying...yup think if this sat i can get clomids I will start on my first/second day of my AF rite?which AF will come diligently on 15/16 nov...
now feeling much better...at least i have cried it out...

just got a good news...i have been confirmed as a permanent staff liao!!
so bad news in early afternoon(not ovulating)then now good news...mixed feeling...
also thank you for replying...
me knowing won't strike this time..popped panadols..got headached since last fri...but tot 'might strike'so didn't take eat...now just popped...
choo: you should start on 3rd day, if i'm not wrong. and you are to BD on CD 13, 15 &amp; 17. so poor thing hor...BD also must follow instruction...i feel quite sore about it...other people just make love as per normal, anytime, anywhere and get preggy... what an irony!

bookworm: maybe you should test again 2 days later...maybe hCG stronger by then...meanwhile, do rest well...
Hi All,

My AF has not come, today is CD34. Longest cycle for this yr is CD43.

When do your think i can go see a gynae for checkup?? Do your think I should wait till after CD43 and test for pregnancy if AF din come before i see gynae??
Hi bookworm
maybe U should go to a gynae and run a blood test lor.. i remember last month Dr Kee told me if I strike, I need to go back to him after i have missed my mense for 10 days.. cos if I go too early than 10 days, he is unable to detect the sac..

Hi choo
the clomid my gynae prescribed to me for 5 days is $25 for 10 tablets, 2 tablets each day.. so it cost $2.50 per tablet..

dont give up hope yet.. maybe our stork have not find its way to our home yet..

Hi dawn
Yup this is my 2nd course of Clomid.. My gynae asked me to start Clomid on CD 02 and goes back to him on CD 08 or CD 09 to do a virginal scan to see if there is any eggs in the ovaries.. and he gave me a jab to make the eggs grows better and bigger to desire size..

this cycle is more encouraging lor.. he saw 4 eggs on my left and 3 eggs on my right ovaries.. so he advise me to start BD this weekend.. very good chance lor..

anyway we r leaving for BKK this Fri for our HM.. hope we can BD at a more relax manner.. ke ke ke

Wish U all the best for this cycle.. jia you..
most likely u are preggie liao. Maybe u would like to buy 1 more kit and test it tmr morning cos HCG level is higher in the morning. Do update us again...
check wif those have been do blood test b4, is it can detect whether got ovulating based on blood test? how much the blood test cost?
yap, will do so. I dun feel too secure cos what i tested is positive and the doc one is unclear, getting worried .

cross my fingers...
thanks for your consoling words...
but i would like to know the blood test my gynae did for me is for month of Oct which show i did not ovulate in that cycle rite?how abt aug and sept?he won't be able to tell rite?

yup the blood test will determine if you ovulate.I did it on my CD23.cost ah...total is $75(first time consulation + blood test)so i dun know wat is the cost for blood test..think it is ard $25 to $35.
the world is just so unfair rite??
we want baby so badly yet so many obstacles...those dun want abort and discard...really hope all of us here will graduate very soon....

ok will listen carefully wat gynae will say this sat...also listed out a lot of questions to ask him!

hey think you will have a very good chance to strike leh!!
imagine a foreign land..with no stress...
which hotel u staying?I have been there before and stayed at amari watergate!nice hotel!

dun worry, once i confirmed its not false alarm, i will passed the baby dust to u and the rest, lots and lots of it, ok
bookworm, if you are worried, then today buy digital clearblue with the wording "pregnant"

I think your GP don't dare to confirm cos it is faint.
You are at the very early stage. Of course u cannot see anything!!! scan for what and it's a waste of $$$ too.

as long as u got a line mean confirm liao so don't worry
Hi bookworm,

Congrats! Glad to hear good news here.

Think the doc cannot confirmed maybe because it is still too small. You might want to redo the pregnancy test again n re-scan after one week.

Congrats on ur confirmation to be permanent staff.
Dun worry too much, u will hav ur day to come too...
Hi Jamci,

Do you think I should consult the gynae tomorrow or I should wait till after CD43 which is my longest?

Now i am CD34 and I have not test if preggie or not. But i have no symptoms at all so dun know wat to do??
choo: yah...let's hope all the good and healthy children come to all of us...

by the way, i haven't started on my battle yet (CD24) cos i don't think i've ovulated...chked CM, one moment sticky, next moment not and the OPK says no surge...so, i also dunno when or will i ovulate at all...

yap maybe i too kan chiong liao.cos yesterday i went to buy the kit , well not clearblue, think its phamancy one, then saw the 2 red lines. state of shocked

then we went to clinic lor, the doc lor..asked us if we want to do the scan, we are also very blur. so we went ahead..wow spent 68 bucks, and what an answer, unconfirmed. felt like strangling the doc

ya, sugarbun, maybe have to check again if the menses not here ...
<font face="Calisto MT"><font color="0000ff">Bookworm</font>: <font color="ff0000">Congrats</font>

<font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: The clinic @ Jurong Point is Jurong Point Women's Centre &amp; contact number is 6792 6787. Another clinic which U can also consider is Thomson Women's Clinic @ Blk 304 CCK Ave 4 #01-653 Tel: 6893 1227; e gynae is Dr Adrain something. Understand from my fren that e clinic @ CCK is cheaper. Both doctor delievers @ TMC

<font color="0000ff">Choo</font>: Dun give up hope. Give Clomid a try &amp; who knows U will be bringing us gd news in a mth or 2

<font color="0000ff">loving</font>: Dr Ang charge me $30 for e bld test but U must also count in consultation. All in all I paid S$90 ($40 Consultation &amp; S$20 scan)</font>

its Dr Adrain Woodworth.my gynae lor...

now really dun wish place too much hope...but hope clomid can help me...
