A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 11 Nov 04
mayng .......... CD 02
jenifur ........ CD 06
snowball ....... CD 06
nik ............ CD 07
hopeformiracle . CD 08
emon ........... CD 09
angel .......... CD 12
sandy .......... CD 12
dawn ........... CD 12
hopeful ........ CD 13
joice .......... CD 21
tidyfairy ...... CD 24
garfield ....... CD 24
kelly .......... CD 25
loving ......... CD 25
yasmin ......... CD 26
sneaky ......... CD 26
sugarbun ....... CD 27
caf ........... CD 27
choo ........... CD 28
pooh ........... CD 29
gebbera ........ CD 31
miso ........... CD 32
tuffy .......... CD 33
meijia ......... CD 36
bookworm ....... CD 42
happy88 ........ CD 59
JL ............. CD 67
rikku .......... CD 81
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 3/19/2005
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 5/14/2005
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.


<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 12 Nov 04
mayng .......... CD 03
jenifur ........ CD 07
snowball ....... CD 07
nik ............ CD 08
hopeformiracle . CD 09
emon ........... CD 10
angel .......... CD 13
sandy .......... CD 13
dawn ........... CD 13
hopeful ........ CD 14
joice .......... CD 22
tidyfairy ...... CD 25
garfield ....... CD 25
kelly .......... CD 26
loving ......... CD 26
yasmin ......... CD 27
sneaky ......... CD 27
sugarbun ....... CD 28
caf ........... CD 28
choo ........... CD 29
pooh ........... CD 30
gebbera ........ CD 32
miso ........... CD 33
tuffy .......... CD 34
meijia ......... CD 37
bookworm ....... CD 43
happy88 ........ CD 60
JL ............. CD 68
rikku .......... CD 82
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 3/19/2005
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 5/14/2005
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
hi morning everyone

welcome bubbleling!! Do u wanna join us in the CD Update List?? If yes, juz let me know your first day of AF (ie. menses)....

Dawn, u made a mistake lei... only bookworm is preggie but I m not - really hope i aso preggie
yup!!i was rather shocked saw your 'name'when Dawn wrote the message but I quickly went checked the earlier posting so it was caterpillar!

hey cafe,i wanted asked you someting:do u update the TTC list manually(meaning each day u add 1 day?)thanks for the effort!
choo yes u r rite regarding updating of the list... dont mention... ya lor shd be caterpillar &amp; bookworm - me aso shocked
wen i saw dawn posting
Good morning ladies,
It's seem tat only choo, cafe n ling at work today. Cos only u girls logged on here.

Caterpillar, Congratulation. It's nice to hear good news again.

Bubbleling, welcome to the group. I also stared in sep. Also no good news yet. Lets work hard together.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"><font face="dolphin">Good Morning Ladies</font></font></font>

<font face="Calisto Mt"> Looks like everyone is on still Zzzzzz, e thread so quiet

Went to visit a fren who gave birth to a healthy 7 pound son yesterday. She's @ TMC &amp; very happy with the midwife &amp; her gynae(Dr Ang). She was really upgraded to 2 bedded despite paying for 4 bedded.</font>

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa"><font face="Amaze">Welcome bubbleling
hey where are the rest??? Seems like just few of us working today.... no mood to work as office is very quiet.... hope can chat here to pass time
<font face="Calisto MT"> think most of e ladies are on leave. My office also very quiet; too bad I submitted my leave form too late or else I shld be still Zzzzz @ home now or sun basking @ some resort
me also very xian...really dun wish come work hor..really want more sleep this morning...thinking so many pp is on long leave..either overseas tour or just laze at home..but hubby said no go overseas take leave waste leh..but tis morning hubby sent me to work really smooth traffic leh..no jam...if only every day like that...

sigh...tomorrow see my gynae get clomid...a bit negative leh...think my AF coming these 2 days liao...
Ladies, most importantly, ur boss is at work or not? Can eat snake if he isn't around isn't it? My hubby also wan to take leave, but i asked him not to, cos we may going holiday in dec. Keep the leave for later use mah.

Choo, cheer up. Must think positively. If AF wants to visit, let her visit earlier, so tat u can start a new battle sooner.
4 bosses only 1 at work..but he is quite alright..so eat a bit snake ok..but now wish time
is 530pm!!

ok will try to have positive thinking!!
choo, same same here, out of 4 bosses, there is only 1 boss working.... ya right, today's traffic really smooth.. hb sent me to work this morning aso commented tat many ppl hv gone on leave.

jenifur &amp; snowball, both of u seeing same gynae??

For me i think i would wanted to go for medical checkup soon coz recently I noticed tat i always pee very frequent... not too good sign, i noe... i think my kidney may not be functioning too well... anyway will stay positive
Hi cafe,
Saw ur CD day as 28...peeing often is also one of the earlier signs of preggie....wish u good luck! Maybe u stike this mth and the wrong postings earier cld become true!

Jen &amp; I both staying Sembawang area...and happened to see the same gynae, Dr Ang.
My friend who is preggie recommended Dr Ang to me. I went to see him to hv a checkup in August.
wow!u also same as me!!4bosses!!

he didn't specify the timing for me said 11plus is fine with him.
yasmin, guarantee i m not preggie coz i have this problem for abt 2 months already... sign!! anyway will go for checkup to solve this problem!

oic, wow u &amp; jen same gynae - so coincident lei! Meijia &amp; choo aso seeing same gynae...

choo, ya lor, me serving 4 bosses - so wen they r around, i work like a slave....... thinking of quitting but then due to ttc mission, hv to "ren"
me 3 male bosses,1 lady boss...can't stand the lady boss!!my 3 male bosses 1 most of the time outstation in China so I am still not so bad..but nw year end they are travelling a lot so a lot of travel things to be made...and u shd know bosses keep changing their mind....

how long have u been working at yr company if u dun mind me asking?

do go see the doctor for your peeing problem soon ok!
<font face="calisto Mt"> Think I e best; only 1 direct boss &amp; he has just left for his leave. He told me can leave abit early if there's nothing much to do *hee*

<font color="0000ff">Snowball</font>: My fren is all praise of Dr Ang. He's very caring. Fren's bb was too big so she was admited on Wed night to begin inducing. But still no much reaction by Thur afternoon so Dr Ang, not wanting to stress her &amp; e BB; ask my fren to opt for Caesarean instead. According to my fren Dr Ang came round a few times to check on her.

I haven't really decide if I want to stick with Dr. Ang when preggie. But he's top of my consideration list...</font>
wow jenifur, ur boss so good lei... I still think its good juz to serve 1 boss. Hope i could secure another job juz serving one boss....

In my current co, i got 2 males &amp; 2 females bosses. Out of 4, 2 are expatriates. me aso has 1 boss who always travel...well, out of 4 i like to work for 3 of them except one lady boss who always like to assign me to do her personal work (she think i am her personal asst).... I m with the co. for 8 mths plus. Ya, i will definitely going for my body check up soon....tks!

Hopeformiracle, all the best to your exam!!
yasmin: CD27 liao...any signs from your side? i haven't started BDing big time cos i don't know when i'm ovulating. have conducted 4 tests using OPK but still negative...what about you?

hopeformiracle: good luck in your exams!

looks like many of us here are holding positions similar to a secretary huh? i'm an EA, what about the rest?
<font face="Calisto MT"><font color="0000ff">Cafe</font>: Ya he's e best in e office, mayb becuz he's young, only late thirties. We even share our personal problems. I don't like to work for female boss; they r always very bossy IMO

I'm an Adminstrator but function like a secretary, everything also do

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+0"><font face="dolphin"> hopeformiracle: Good Luck for your exam </font></font></font>
Cafe &amp; Sneaky

Did you test? CD 37 already.

I am so excited for you too...keep my finger cross and wish you luck. I hope to receive good new from you by next week.
Did anyone monitor your temp everyday? My temp is quite high this cycle around 36.6 (stop taking clomid). When I was on clomid last cycle, it was like 36.4. Is this normal?

What's everyone's plan for the weekend?
<font face="Calisto MT"><font color="0000ff">hopeformiracle</font>: Last time my temp before Ovulation is alway ard 36.4 ~ 36.6, during DPO will usually shoot up to 36.7~37.0 so I guess your's shld be normal.</font>
Ok, will pay attention to my temp and hope I can ovulate this cycle.

Me not a Sec but my work "cover mountain &amp; cover sea" haha...

I went to another threat and I saw your wedding photos...very very nice and you look so photogenic (sorry ah, don't how to spell). Same like you my wedding take two days and also fall in the month of June (but its last year)...haiz memory liao
wow...most of you are in secretarial line and ES somemore...me only a 'secretary'..

me also hate lady boss!!!so demanding,petty and calculating!!!

2hours and 12 seconds to go!!
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">choo</font>: U counting down liao
I now very sian; nothing to do so surf net &amp; play game. Think will prob leave office ard 1630hr.

I personally feel ES/Sec/PA are jus nicer terms for admin assitant. Last time used to be very prestige job. Sec/ES/PA supposed to be e 2nd in command if ur boss is not in e office but now...*haiz* jus someone who "Cover Mountain &amp; Cover Sea" "one leg kick" in office as what hopeformiracle describe.

Really regret taking my Excutive Secretary &amp; Adminstrator Dip; waste time/$$.</font>
Hi everyone,

I just back for lunch slightly before 3pm...heehee..it it once in a blue moon with no bosses and 2 other colleague on leave so no government.


I also under female boss and have worked under her for 5 yrs. life is like hell here....


I have not test as I always irregular. Anyway today go see gynae, he will sure need to test for me.
opps.............cafe....so sorry about making the mistake....but maybe might come true leh!
keep our fingers crossed!

I am taking a break from temperature taking....cos too stressful like that...and always wake hubby up with the beeps from the thermometer....hee hee
<font face="calisto Mt"><font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: I truly understand how you feel cuz my 1st boss was a lady too. e 3 years with her was like hell especially when she's having her PMS. It's worse if your boss is a female in her late thirties &amp; left on e shelf.

So ur HB going with u for ur appt w Dr. Adrain tmr? Get him to go in &amp; listen even if he don't want to check. Tt's wat Dr Ang insisted when I told him HB was waiting for me outside
Hi Jenifur,

Yes, my hubby will be going with me tomorrow. I will try to persuade him to go but i think he will lor.

My boss in her fifties, always like to change her mind abt our process very frequently and make us difficult to work. And sometimes she forgets what she told us to do and say why we do that way.

Plus I have 2 colleague whom i cannot get along, even worse. i thinking of finding a new job after getting my bonus in dec.
Hi all, been hoping to strike this cycle but seems that I fail again. Since yesterday got some brown discharge..think my AF coming liao....really low morale...dunno when can graduate....

really envy those who has graduated liao....
Hi garfield,

Dun be sad, you will definitely have your chance. I also hope i can graduate soon.

Try again for this cycle, ok.

We are all here to support each other

<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: Then in this case I wld suggest u faster go find another job. Don't wait till U r preggie.

If Kallang Bahru is not too far for U then can consider Hyflux. They r urgently looking for an administrator for their operation department. Go to http://www.hyflux.com/career_vacancies.html for more details.

<font color="0000ff">Garfield</font>: Cheer Up. Just work harder for e next cycle.</font>
