A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi KC,

thanks...yeah been 2 wks since back from hol. also dunno why moody like that. but i dont wanna give myself false hopes during this time of the month, cos i always end up disappointed and upset. So i tell myself not to think abt it, but its so hard not to at least have that little glimpse of hope. Aargh...hate it.

hi Stupid,

thanks for ur advice. I cant help counting down the days to AF, cos mine is super duper CHUN one ok. It never fails to turn up and visit me on CD 28 so far...I dont wanna hope too much for fear of disappointment, yet on the other hand, i still have bit of hope, cos this month, we BD actively during O period.

Mrstan, since u BD quite actively during 'o' then will have good chance!
cross my fingers for u! hope u catch the boat this time!

my 'o' juz over......juz check with u all is the 'o' during the sharp temperature drop or after the temperature drop, the 1st day of temp. rise is the 'o'? i din BD during the drastic temp. drop cos juz arrived at another country ....very tired...BD oni the next morning which oredi had temp. rise.....so dunno if catch the boat?
hi mrs tan,
at least u still BD actively during ur fertile period....which means still have hope...Unlike me...didn't even know if I O this cycle or not, and dun even know when I O.Same as u, mine oso super CHUN...(haha.except when I under stress 4 months ago...delay of 2 days)

I have decided to relax, and dun bother after a hearted cry out in front of my hubby last cycle....So if this month failed again, I think I oso won;t feel that sad.. cos i didn't try out hard enough...
At least u still have hope, cos u very active BD this month...So ur emotional swing could be one of the alarms...Really, from bottom of my heart, baby dust to U...:)
hi dawn,
sori, I can't help much. But as far as I know, tempt rise means that u have already O. And our O can last for 12-24 hours...(that's what internet says)
hi Dawn,

I hope so too...but nothing is concretely confirmed until the day I miss AF. That is my mentality lor. All other symptoms like my current mood swings, is nothing, may be just PMS.
As for O day, by right, u shld BD on the day ur temp drops (before it rises drastically the next day). Cos by the time it rises, it has happened already. So its very tricky, cos how in the world would u know it will rise or not the next day rite? Well...to roughly predict this, the other crucial thing to check is...your cervical mucus! stretchy, unbreakable, egg-white like is the way to go baby!!
sorry...i think i siao liao. haha

hi Stupid,

despite my active BD-ing this month, i still dont wanna hope too much cos my mum took 3 yrs of charting to conceive me. 3 YEARS!! so if my genes take after hers, chances are, i too will have a good hard time conceiving...
Nonetheless, thanks for the baby dust! *pant pant* (chasing after baby dust)
hi all,
i have read tubby's story from another thread....She must be feeling very low now. Tears flow down after reading, and I was really feeling sad....Isn't it very cruel to grant her a baby and take it away from her after she has tried out very hard , juz like all of us???She deserves a healthy baby....All my blessings to her...:)
Hi Dawn,

No, I didn't do temp. taking. Still not so good with that. Only use the cervical mucus to detect ovulation.

Hi tomatoes,
Hope the faint line really mean something..

Hi angelia

My instruction leaflet is thrown already. The kit is two lines to indicate '+'. The control window is very clear and bond line but the other window is very light, as if 'underwater' line. Like I mention, I feel very little minor hope after I've seen the doc who tested -.

Hi stupid,
I think I'll try clearblue if AF is not here by Friday. Dun want to confuse myself further with watson's kit.
thanks stupid and mrstan...
hai...that means i might have missed my boat liow...cos din do when the temperature was very low that day... (36.05) normally is 36.4...

every body jia you! even it takes us 3 years !
we will perservere!
<font color="0000ff">tubby</font>
So sorry to hear of your loss.
I know of a friend who had a miscarriage.. but when she got pregnant again, God gave her twins!
So, all is not lost. God has taken away and given her back double.
Everything happens for a reason.
Please take care of yourself and 'bu' your body.

<font color="0000ff">classy</font>
Is your flow heavy? Yeah, you might want to monitor these few days first.
You also might want to consult a gynae coz' having AF on your CD13 really does sounds strange.
hi, may i know if you see any doctor before u wanted to conceive? my friends said if a couple didnt conceive 1 yr after marriage they ought to see the doctor. but why wait till 1 year?

does pre-martial checkup tells u whether can u conceive? what kind of test does it include actually? is there any good doctor/clinic to go to?
<font color="aa00aa">mrs tan,</font>
i nvr used Watson brand b4 so i oso not sure

<font color="aa00aa">edksd,</font>
cos it's not as easy as it seems to get preggie, though some super-lucky ones got hit within 1~3 tries.

we gotta "estimate" our O right, bd as the right time, etc.. 1 yr is only 12 (for some will be lesser) tries, so it's not too much.

if u've done all things right and after a yr still no news, then maybe can go to doctor to check if u'r ovulating or hubby is hving healthy sperms
the fault don't always lies with us women!
hi oreo,
my flow is not those heavy like the first 2 days...is a normal flow and no cramps leh...anyway, i will monitor these few days first and update u again.....
the previous time when i visited the gynea...he did mention that i've got thick lining in my womb and that's why sometimes i get spotting but wat i'm worried is this time is not spotting...it's really red flow.....***sigh***
hi angelia, thanks. i think i'm really ignorant abt all these issues. for a start i think i better take note of my period timing which until now i never know what time of the month it's coming.

and my friends said 6 days before and after period is the most fertile days? i hope i didnt remember wrongly. pls correct me if i got it wrong.
<font color="0000ff">edksd</font>
You should start making note of your 1st day of AF.
If you are diligent, you might want to monitor your temp. too. It really helps as you'll know when you O and what your luteal phase (LP) is.
A good place to start would be fertiliyfriend website.
There's a lot of FAQs there that can get you started.
<font color="0000ff">classy</font>
The last time my gynae did a scan on me, she also mentioned that i've got thick lining but didn't say what the effect would be. My eggs were also out of shape.

I guess after i showed her my charts over the last few months, she decided to prescribe me with norethisterone (for inducing AF) and clomid, even though i O on my own.
<font color="0000ff">edksd</font>
AF is aunt flow, also know as menses or the witch.
You start counting CD1 (Cycle Day 1) when you have red flow not spotting.
For temp. taking, you should take the 1st temp. when you wake up in the morning.
Say you wake up at 7.30am every morning, take your temp. at this time (not other times) just before you get out of bed. This is the temp. that is closes to your body temp.
Most of us use the thermometer that was provided during the SARS period. And yah, you can just pop it into your mouth.
Hey Mrs Tan or Oreo,
I think both of u are rather experts in these area. How do you know it is the time for ovulation by checking your CM? I think I remembered Mrs Tan's posting sometime back, it should be clear not thick and also not easily break. Maybe you can tell me more.
hi oreo, thank you so much.

any good website to recommend?

so how does taking note of AF timing and temperature checking relate to conceiving tendency?
<font color="0000ff">kckc</font>
Me not expert lah. I also learn a lot from this thread and by reading up on the internet.
ok, here's just a summary of how you can check your CM.

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Cervical Fluid</font>

After a woman has her period, cervical fluid typically starts to develop in the following pattern:
* Menstruation
* Nothing/dry
* Sticky
* Creamy
* Eggwhite
* Nothing/dry
* Menstruation

Observing your cervical fluid

- Begin checking the first day after menstruation has ended.
- Try to check CF two or three times each day, either at your vulva or internally. Either way, remain consistent.

<blockquote>If checking internally, remember that generic vaginal moisture is always present, but will evaporate quickly in the air. Do not confuse this with CF.</blockquote> <blockquote>Be sure to check when not sexually aroused, since sexual lubrication can mask CF (so can semen from the previous night :).</blockquote> <blockquote>Note underwear during the day. Very fertile CF often forms a symmetrical round circle on your undies, whereas non-fertile CF tends to form more of a rectangular square or line.</blockquote> <blockquote>CF is insoluble. Take a sample and dip into a glass of water. CF
will form a blob that sinks to the bottom. Basic vaginal moisture will dissolve.</blockquote>
Charting your cervical fluid

* <font color="ff0000">Menses</font>. Red blood flow
* <font color="ff0000">Spotting</font>. Brown, pink or discolored
* <font color="ff0000">Nothing</font>. Dry. No CF present
* <font color="ff0000">Sticky</font>. Opaque white or yellow. Can be fairly thick. May be crumbly or flaky like paste, or gummy like rubber cement. May form small peaks when you separate fingers.
*<font color="ff0000">Creamy</font>. Milky or cloudy, white or yellow. Creamy or lotiony. Wet, watery or thin. When separating fingers, doesn't form peaks, but remains smooth like hand lotion.
*<font color="ff0000"> Eggwhite</font>. Usually clear but can have opaque streaks. Very slippery and wet, like raw eggwhite. May stretch from 1 to 10 inches

Identifying your Peak Day.
This is considered the last day you produce fertile cervical fluid or have a lubricative vaginal sensation for any given cycle. It is called the Peak Day because it is your peak day of fertility. It most likely occurs either a day before you ovulate or on the day of ovulation itself. Your Peak Day is the last day of either:

* Eggwhite-quality cervical fluid (which is slippery and usually stretchy)
* Lubricative vaginal sensation (which is wet and slippery, but may not be accompanied by any cervical fluid)
* Any midcycle spotting </font>
hi all,
I juz bought "Bian Feng Yuan" from Yu Ren Sheng. They are having a promotion price at $32.34 for half a dozen, which means 6 bottles in a box. It's considered a good but cos normally it sells $ 43....Hee... For ur info, in case some of here are like me who take "Bian Feng Yuan" every month.
<font color="0000ff">edksd</font>
You can register for a new account at fertilityfriend.com
Over here, you can chart your temp.
The good thing abt. temping is that you''ll be able to see from the charts when you ovulate.
However, do not just temp alone as temping will only tell you when you have ovulated.
You would still need to observe your cervical fluid.
Let me give you an example, if you have a 28 day cycle and a luteal phase of 14.
That would mean that on CD14 is your peak fertile day (i.e. 28-14=14).
So, you would need to BD (babydance) every alternate day, say starting from CD10 till CD18.
This is just one way of timing it.
wah... v chim ah...

how do i tell some many day cycle i'm having?

and luteal phase?

CD means cycle day?

BD means having sex?

if let's say during CD10 - 18, i realised from my temperature chart tt i'm not ovulating, so tt means i wont conceive no matter how i BD?
Thanks for your summary. Wow, u are very informative.. Pei Fu, pei fu! BTW, which stage of CF will mean you are or going to ovulate as there are Sticky, Creamy or Egg White?
Pardon me for so ignorance...
Hi edksd
CD is count from the 1st day of your menses to the day before your next menses is here.

For e.g, your menses come on 1st May &amp; the next menses come on 29th May. This mean you had a CD28.

In order to really know your CD for particular cycle, I find the best is to know your usual luteaul phase (days after ovulation). As far as I know, ovulation may be delayed but LP usually the same (plus minus one or two days).

For e.g, if you usually have CD 28 &amp; LP of 14 days. This mean you ovulated on CD14. Says, this month from your charting, you notice you ovulated on CD18. So, you will expect a longer CD then (18 + 14 = 32days).

If really no ovulation, I dont think one can conceive. However, you may want to continue to chart instead of only for CD10 - CD18 as your ovulation may be delayed for that particular cycle as I mentioned above.

hi KC,

so sorry...never reply until now. aiyah..i am no expert lah, but watever i know abt TTC and CM is all from the net and reading up. And also talking to all my preggie or mother friends that I have, whenever i have the chance lor, hehe.

OREO, you are such a gem! All typed and explained so clearly...u know what u shld have done too? u could have typed this up in Word format so we can all print it out and paste it on our bedroom walls at home. but wonder what our hubbies would say to that man. *oops*

Ladies, as what Oreo stated in her posting above, the crucial thing to note, is CM, ensuring that it is eggwhite, stretchy (doesnt break easily when u stretch it between your fingers), and it may also have a slippery feeling (when u sit down and u can feel this on ur panties)

For ur info, I have "successful" girl friends who dont do charting or taking of temp at all, they simply BD according to their CM and monitoring it very closely. They're probably one of the really fertile and lucky ones too, i guess.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Cervical Mucus
Cervical mucus.doc (26.1 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Hi ladies,
I have saved what Oreo typed up earlier into a Word file...its exactly the same as the above.
And also, there is another file on Folic Acid for u..for those who want to understand abt its uses and benefits to us TTC girls.<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Folic Acid
Folic acid.doc (25.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>
hi morning gals,
wow....lbs, mrs tan and Oreo, the three of u really know a lot, and have a wide range of knowledge....Pei Fu Pei Fu...:)
Hi 'stupid'
aiyoh..no lar..I also learnt a lot from the ladies here...

also, have been reading up quite a lot too because wanted so hard to get pregnant lor...
hi Stupid,

yah..i also same as lbs, been reading up on so many websites and info, cos its better for me also, broaden my knowledge and understanding abt conception and pregnancy. and u know what, in fact, some mothers i know (who didnt plan/chart/take temp) but just got pregnant naturally, dont even know a single thing abt ovulation and such. Unbelievable rite?
<font color="0000ff">Thanks, MrsTan!</font>
Heehee... save me the trouble of converting to word document. by the way, like to check with all you gals, is your hubby taking any vits?

<font color="0000ff">To all gals,</font>
Just a note, do not get too stressed out with all these temping/charting/observing your cm. The more you are obsessed with it, and if it doesn't happen regardlesss of how well you timed your BD, you will end up feeling down-right disappointed.
So, please relax and enjoy yourself with your hubby.
A lof of ladies conceived when they kind of 'bo chap'.
But if after trying for at least 6 months, still no news, then do consult a gynae.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 24 Jun 04
tuffy .......... CD 06
stupid ......... CD 13
funny .......... CD 14
classy ......... CD 16
ENJ ............ CD 16
ribena ......... CD 17
jamci .......... CD 17
joice .......... CD 18
KC ............. CD 19
oreo ........... CD 20
mrstan ......... CD 25
catepillar ..... CD 26
lbs ............ CD 29
wennia ......... CD 31
maya ........... CD 32
jara ........... CD 32
lilac .......... CD 34
dawn ........... CD 38
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
Please click here for common terms used</font>

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
Hi ladies,
am new in this thread... seems that you ladies have alot of knowledge in this.
would like to seek consult from you all. i'm a newly-web and know nothing about the conceive thing at all... can someone teach me how to monitor and get myself preggie? thanks!
hi oreo...
my flow stopped last night liao......then wif a little brownish spotting tis morning but now stopped too.....so should i continue to be in CD16 or ???? Felt so stressed wif all tis charting, monitoring of cm.....***sigh*** when i had my no.1.....it oso came so naturally without doing all of the above!!!!! i think maybe me only fated to have 1 only....
hello Gebbera!

welcome to our thread! if u have the time, do go thru all the previous postings, its a lot of reading to do, but am sure it will help u in understanding conception and pregnancy.
As for how to get yourself pregnant, to put it in simplest terms, u need to have sex with ur husband and he has to ejaculate inside you. I really dont know how much you know or not know abt conception... so not sure how much to tell you also....
<font color="0000ff">classy</font>
It really does sound strange.. but it could be mid-cycle spotting leh. Try BDing tonite and/or tomorrow.
Oreo &amp; Mrs Tan,
Thank you for sharing the tips.
Do you ladies have this type of feeling/mood? In suspense and puzzling whether your AF coming this mth(waiting time + suspense = lousy mood) and on the other hand, praying in the heart that AF dont come.. dont come.
This is kind of torture and stress! Aiya...having bb is not as easy as ABC.

Of course i know exactly what u are talkin about. I am going thru this torturous period right NOW! today is my CD 25, so i have 3 more days of never-ending wait. and i am indeed hating this feeling, cos i have been moody lately and emotional too. WIshing AF dont come, but yet have a feeling that it will.
sigh.... stress stress....
Hi gals,
have been reading this thread for quite some time already, decided to post my first msg today. I'm also TTC for abt 6 mths already and I can really relate to the feelings that some of u are experiencing.
I just started the temp charting this cycle and I have also consulted a Chinese doc. She send my hubby for checkup and discovered that he have low quality sperm (only 3% good). So now me and my hubby is taking chinese medicine very week. And I have to go to see the doc every week too.
Now I'm in CD27 and quite anxious cos don't know if AF will visit me this month a not. At the same time, I keep telling myself to relax and not to think too much abt it. Very mixed feelings...

Mrs Tan and KC,
I'm also having the exact feelings right now!
hi Rugrats,

welcome...am glad that u join us here in this thread. It can get quite reassuring posting msgs and reading what our other ttc friends are going thru. Cos support and encouragement is so impt for us girls. Do drop in frequently...

you're in CD 27? oh geez...u must be soooooo anxious. i can imagine the wait u are going thru. i am just 2 days behind u. its so tormenting hor??
But feelings aside, wat is meant to be, will be. there is really little we can do. Its good that u and hubby have seen a doc and taking chinese med. At least u find out the prob early and work towards improving. Dont worry so much ok? is ur AF very punctual kind? will it come like on CD 28 on the dot one?
Hi mrstan,
thanks for replying my post. i'm not sure how to go into monitoring my own body on the symptoms to look out for. Did saw lbs postings above.... but still very blur....
1.what is luteaul phase (days after ovulation)?
2.how do i know if i'm ovulating or not?
3.must i take my temperature every morning?
4.does that mean i'll conceive if i BD when my body temperature is low?
pls enlighten me. thank you... =)
<font color="0000ff">gebbera</font>

To answer you briefly,

1. Luteal Phase or LP for short is counted from the day after you have ovulated until your next AF comes. Say you ovulated on CD14, then on CD15, it's considered DPO1.

2. There are symptoms which comes with ovulation. Some may experience cramps, or mid-cycle spotting, but mostly you should observe your cm. See my thread I posted on how to check for cervical fluid earlier on.
The most fertile would be EWCM, however, some may not get EWCM at all, only watery or creamy cm.. these are also considered fertile.
If you have any of this , must BD!!

3. Taking temperature will not tell you when you will ovulate, it only tells you when you have ovulated. By temping over a couple of cycles, you'll be able to see your cycle pattern. In this way, you'll be able to tell if you're ovulating on a regular basis and also able to tell what your LP is. LP stays more or less the same each cycle ranging from about 10-14 days.
If you decide to temp, remember to do it around the same time before getting out of bed, if not it might not be accurate.

4. During your peak fertile day, your temp will drop to a low before rising again. Most ppl will try to BD close to O as it is believed that chances of conceiving a boy is higher. However, you should BD days before leading up to 1-2 days after O in order for the sperms to catch the eggs.
Hi oreo
Have you started your clomid course already?

Now, I am really "Qi Shang Ba Xia"...very worry for hubby's test results..
stupid, i want to go and buy the Bai Feng Huan... it is quite cheap at 32 dollars...i am finishing mine liow...left 2 bottles liow.
harlow Ladies

its my 1st posting here, though ive posted alot on other threads. i got married last yr Aug 31st, n left TTC to chance. But this month on, i think i must be more 'ONZ' *heheh* thats why by joining this thread i hope to learn more through yr sharing. I think what some ladies posted here are very informative. Ive learnt so much here.
Im at CD 25 today. on a 28 day cycle. wait, maybe could be 29 cycle too :p Ive not seen a gynae yet, but hubby and I decided to give ourselves a yr of trying b4 looking up a gynae

do check this cutie out

