A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi ladies,

I'm new here...
I'm thinking of TTC but I've been on Diane35 for nearly 2 years for irregular menses

Heard from some threads that taking Diane35 for a long period will affect the chances of getting preg...I will be going to consult my gyne this week but I'm very worried...
Btw, any ladies taken Diane35?

hi ladies,
i usually post in another thread but read this thread often as i once shared most of the thoughts, concerns and anxiety posted here.
me n hubby ttc for 1yr++. wen each attempt failed, i was upset. worst wen i c frds/colleagues conceive 'easily'. oso did temp charting n monitored ovulation. wen to c gynae n both of us do hav little prob. all the more stressed...
many pple said 'relax' (i know much easier said than done), go holiday etc. i alwy wonder how true. but it works on us!
to cut my story short, it was tat mth tat i 'threw away' my temp chart, wen short break w hubby n i managed to conceive naturally.
i m due next month.
oh yes, 1 pt to share: i hav regular cycle abt 28 days but i do ovulate late, can b day 17 to 18.
to all who are trying hard n those taking a break (but pls dun give up trying), best wishes to all of u
, sure all of u can make it!!
<font color="0000ff">loveluis</font>
I have been on Diane35 for a few months when i was a teenager due to my pimples problem. N my cosuin-in-law who works in a clinic ask me to stop taking cos she says it will affect my chances of getting preg next time. So after taking for 3months, i stopped.

But y dun u try taking Bai Feng Wan for ur irregular menses instead since Diane35 is a contraceptive pill.....
Hi sanrio

thks for sharing your experience with us!And congrats for being a mum-to-be soon!! Must be really excited, hor??

btw, when you said your hubby &amp; you did have slight problem last time, care to share what was that?

As for me, you have prob read my earlier postings..my hubby has poor SA &amp; this hinder our chances to have baby lor...
hi lbs,
tks, me excited plus little scared..
he has varicocele hence quite low % of gd qlty sperms. count is ok. we sought 2 opinions n 'conclude' tat since surgery 'may or not' correct the prob, so din go ahead w surgery. gynae put him on 1 type of high-dose vit A but i cant remb the name. me ovulate but may not hav enough gd qlty eggs. was on clomid n hormone jabs. but took a break for abt 2mths (no medication), i conceive then.
Hi sanrio
Emm..my hubby has similar prob as yours. low % quality but count okay. We will know more after his test results on hormones &amp; ultrasound out later.

btw, did you go thru any test to know if your eggs are of good qlty? I never heard of this before ler. i thought as long as ovulate with eggs is okay liao?
Hi ladies
How are you all feeling??? Had a nice weekend?
Had been very very hot these few days...I think my mood has been very much affected by the weather ler...
Hi Ibs,

tks for the advice, really worried if i'm not on Diane35...then dun know if my menses will come anot

Before i was on Diane35, i had menses maybe 6 times in a year...

Btw where can i buy Bai Feng Wan?
hi lbs,
he did the ultrasound too. cant remb exactly, tink is 'stage 2' varicocele. surgery cld b an option but since count is ok, gynae said try other methods 1st. i did blood tests n ultrasound, yes probably cant tell whether egg gd qlty? but since his count ok, gynae said i cld try hormone treatments to enhance the chance of conception.
i had 2 frds who conceived but pregnancy terminated (no heartbt). both told me gynae said cld b egg defective or old. how their gynae derived the conclusion abt egg qlty??
Hi loveluis
I think you got the wrong person..Lilac is the one replied to you..hehehee...I have never tried Diane35 before,though..

Hi sanrio
ok...i am keeping my fingers &amp; toes cross..hopefully no surgery is required!!
<font color="0000ff">loveluis</font>
wow... ur menses is really very irregular leh....
Did u take the whole 30pills monthly or only a few per month? Cos last time(b4 married) when my menses late for abt 2months, the doc gave me 3pills and my menses will come.

BFW can be bought at any medical hall but what most of us take are from Eu Ren Sheng. We usually buy the small pills type.

I thk another route for u is to consult chinese doc instead of taking those western medicine. Maybe u can give it a try?
Hey gals,

Just to share my experiencce at the gynae this morning.
My pap smear came back negative, however didn't expect myself to be on clomid soon

Ok, just to recap, on my last visit, the gynae did a scan and told me that my egg is good (She did some measurements) and i should be ovulating too.
However, my AF came 1 week earlier than expected.
I told my gynae this morning about what happen in my last cycle and that my temp has always been lower than the normal range (which is abt. 36.5 after ovulation, but mine's always below that)
She told me most probably my egg burst prematurely.
This time she took my scan, saw my egg and said it was no good at all.

She told me to forgo this cycle and she will give me some pills to "force" my AF to come and also clomid to take. Also asked me to come back to see her on my CD14.

Anyone took any pills to force AF to come?
How long after taking pills will AF come?

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 21 Jun 04
tuffy .......... CD 03
stupid ......... CD 10
funny .......... CD 11
classy ......... CD 13
ENJ ............ CD 13
ribena ......... CD 14
jamci .......... CD 14
joice .......... CD 15
KC ............. CD 16
oreo ........... CD 17
mrstan ......... CD 22
catepillar ..... CD 23
lbs ............ CD 26
wennia ......... CD 28
maya ........... CD 29
jara ........... CD 29
lilac .......... CD 31
dawn ........... CD 35
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
tubby .......... 28/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
Please click here for common terms used</font>

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
Hi oreo
I a bit blur..what does it mean if papsmear result is negative?

So, Dr Heng did a scan for you again this cycle? How she know is not good egg huhh?

So, is good to have charting then..at least by the temps, it will be one of the indicator to see if ovulation is normal or not lor...

Emm, looks like I got to be more diligent again...
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Negative pap smear means that my pap smear is normal.
Yah, she did a scan for me again, saw the egg and also measure the lining.
She told me that a good egg has a certain diameter and size, the same goes for the lining ... but i forgot what the measurements were.

My charts do look weird and warpy though i did ovulate.
Yeah, i think for us who do get AF on a regular basis, taking temps is good. At least we know our temps and O pattern.
I read somewhere on the net that pre-O temps ranges from 36.1-36.4 while post-O temps ranges from 36.5 - 37.6.

are u prescribed with medroxyprogesterone/provera to induce AF ? I took it... and AF will normally arrive abt 3-7 days after last pill. Mine usually take 4-5 days.
hahaa..icic...very misleading ler...megative is good in this case...

emm..i dont know whether she did the lining measurements for me last time or not..but i guess shld be alrite since she didnt say anything...

okie, i will stick back to charting then....cannot be lazy liao..

You dun worry too much yea? At least, you manage to find out the problem sooner...
<font color="0000ff">poohy</font>
This is the 1st time that i'm gonna be on pills.. so am a little nervous.
Not sure what pills she gave me.. haven't taken a closer look at it yet but was told to take from tomorrow onwards and the clomid the 2nd day of my AF.
Can the pills be bought off the counter? or it is only can be bought when prescribed?

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
yeah.. got to be diligent in charting. It really helps a lot. btw, you going back to see her again?
hi all ladies,

i'm back after 3 week of MIA. really tired and stress out with work. my colleague finally back today. so today i came back to clear soem stuff then tom will take mc to rest really exhausted and my MS is getting worse.
btw i tot of switching gyane to KKH cos yest heard soem gd comment from friend still considering.

lbs, oreo
read but both your case. not to worry just follow doc instrcution and both of you should be back in action again.
at the momment relax and take great care to build up body.
Hi oreo
nope..now concentrate with hubby's condition first. Dr Heng has referred us to an urologist.
See how's his condition, maybe after some treatment, &amp; we are back into action ..I shall see her again...

Hi wendypooh
welcome back!!
Yea, read in other threads that you are thinking to switch gynae liao...have you done more research on this gynae from KKH?
Hi Lilac,

i took the mthly pills, i tried the 3 pills but the doctor wont prescribe to me after i took from him 3 consecutive months

Oic, eu ren sheng...

I see that everybody is charting their temp, can u teach me how its done?

Dear lbs,

thank for welcome me back really missed all of u here.
yes i tot of changing gyane as Dr Chan charges are getting higher and higher and hubby is currently not working really can spend so much on this.
yest just heard from 2 friend tat they seeing 1 gynae in KKH and isvery good and he see paitent in Chnagi Hosital so dun need to travel so far.
they only knew i pregnant so quickly tell me luciky still not too late to change

i am not sure whether the pills can be brought off the shell... so far its always my gynae who prescribed it for me.
Hi all

Need some advice here. My AF is late for about 5 days and I took the test on my own. I manage to see one very very faint line. (Those not possible to see with one glance) I compare it with a new test kit that not tested before and did not see any faint line on the new one.
I don't know whether I'm consider pregnant or not.

Worse still, I'm feeling this menses cramp feeling the whole day. I'm really confused and lost now. Don't know whether should wait for AF to come or go to a doctor but I'm afraid it could a false alarm.

Can anyone help..thks
hi...I am back from my hols..

chickensoup, i am not sure the brand of test kit u r using... but usually...a faint line will means u r preggy...maybe too early stage so the test could not pick up enough HCG....that is why the line was faint
maybe test a few mornings later..

some preggy symptoms are similar to AF symptoms...so u can fill the cramps too...any other symptoms u feels?

congrats, i tink u might be preggy! will be praying for you.
<font color="0000ff">loveluis</font>
u can visit this web www.fertilityfriend.com to get an account for charting.

For taking temp, u have gt to take ur oral temp at the same time every morning b4 u get out of ur bed. And also at the same environment(aircon or non-aircon room)

We also observe our CM so as to know when is our fertile days. U can send me an email and i will teach u what i have learnt.
Morning ladies,

sorry...havent been posting actively lately. But i have been reading what u girls are discussing all this while, just not much mood to write anything. Maybe just going thru a bit of a low mood, thats all. Especially when its my CD 23 today and another 5 days of waiting before i know if AF comes. I have a strong feeling that it will come again, sigh...
Anyway, u girls keep it going and all the best.
Hi oreo n Ibs,
dun worry too much ok? till now after cancelling e appt with Dr Heng, I have not reschedule another 1 yet.. think have to do it fast liao.. see how lazy I am

Hi chickensoup,
I think most likely u are pregnant.. as wat dawn advised, maybe u can wait a few days more to retest again.. keeping my finger cross for u!

Hi Mrs tan,
dun be so dissapointed.. no AF means there's still chance.. Cheer up ok.. LEt's jia u together!
Hi Dawn and Joice,

I went to a GP today and the test was negative. I don't know whether is this the real 'verdict'. Doc said might be too early to test, and don't encourage blood test coz it could be too early again to test anything. I'm in CD34 now and AF still not here. Been feeling the abdomenon pain (the feeling of doing 'big biz').
Was told to go back to see doc after one week if AF still not here. Maybe I'll test again 3 days later.

The test kit I used is the cheap type 'Watson' brand. Dunno accurate or not. Just now I used up the last stick, again I saw the faint line ..sigh..dunno wats going on.

Thanks for all your advice. If really +, will share all possible symptoms. Don't want to confuse you too much with AF symptoms. Keep u girls update.

The watson brand test kit is good enuff. My friend tested both her pregancy with that. If you have faint +, you must want to retest again. Very happy for you
Hi oreo,

kindly delete me from the 'Graduates' list... i've lost my lil' angel... til now, i am still grieving veri badly...

to the rest of the ladies,
good luck to your TTC attempts.. remember, if it's meant to be urs, it will be.. jus remember dat Heaven is preparing a perfect bb for u.. jus hv to wait patiently...
Hello Tubby,

I really feel sorry for you. Dont be too sad, ok? Cry it out if you feel it is better for you. Talk to your closed one (yr hubby or mum). Most important thing now is to have plenty of rest and take very good care of yourself.
hi tubby
I am really sorry to hear abt your loss.
Take care &amp; pls 'bu' yourself thoroughly, yea?

Do drop by as &amp; when you feel like to 'talk'...

Jia You!!
hi tubby,

I am very sorry to hear that. What happened?
If u willing to talk, do let us know...
we are all here for u. take care.
Hi tomatoes,

My own test shows faint (2 watsons sticks) but doc's showed negative. Dunno which one to take. So got to wait for AF or test a few days later. But, right now, not pinning too much hope.

Hi tubby,

Sorry to learn about it. Please take care. God bless every child who is given or taken away.
HI tubby,
sorry to hear tat.. Pls take care of yourself. Feel free to come in to talk to us, we will be here for u..
oh tubby,i am so sad and sorry to hear that.
Please take care of yourself ok? if u need a listening ear,do come in here....the gals here are all very supportive... god bless u.

it depends how sensitive the test strip that the doctor is using lor...if your watson brand is more sensitive then it will pick up the small amt of HCG in early stage of pregnancy. but then, not to have any false alarm, better wait a few more days to do another test. Do you take your temperature? if your temperature remains high ...then, that is another sign of preggie also. hope that helps.
Hi Tubby

Really very sorry to read about your loss. Do take good care of yourself and we will always be here for you.

Watson's brand kit measure very low amount of HCG something like 20-25 ml. It may more sensitive than your doc uses... so keep your fingers crossed
<font color="0000ff">Tubby</font>
sorry to hear that... u gt to take care of urself and "bu" ur health.....
We will always be here for u if u ned someone to talk too.
Good morning ladies!

Its mid-week, so let's all look forward to the end of the week and weekends, shall we??
I was depressed last night, think it must be PMS, cos just felt emotional for no particular reason. It's the worse time of the month for me, cos am at CD 24 today.
<font color="aa00aa">chickensoup,</font>
read the instructions on the box/packaging/leaflet to see what it says if u see 1 faint line.

not sure how the "Watson" brand works, but some test kit have a control band &amp; a test band.

control band is to tell u the kit is working fine.
test band is to tell whether u've preggie or not.

good luck

<font color="aa00aa">tubby,</font>
have a good rest. might be good to go for a short holiday?

and REMEMBER, we are all here for you
hi angelia,

i've heard some say watsons brand is good and some say not. and some prefer clear blue...so which is better? i know that the latter is more ex lah.
sorry and sad to hear dat.....be strong okie!!! we are all here providing u our listening ears...take good care.

hi ladies,
morning to all of u....me oso dun know wat happen to my cycle....i think haywire liao...i'm suppose to be in CD 13 yesterday but dun understand how come my AF came visiting me!!! ***sigh*** and today there's still some flow but wondering whether does this consider as my AF and should i reset my CD to CD1 or ??? really confused but i will try to monitor these few days and see how's the flow.......
Mrs Tan,
Dont feel so moody lah.. u just back from holiday not long, rite? Emotion is also a sign for striking the jackpot. I remembered one of my girlfriend has very bad temper(never seen b4 as she used to be cheerful) during her 1st month of conceive. Later then we discovered she is actually pregnant. Hormone change, lor. Good luck to u.
hi all,
good morning ! Just came back from fr a short trip fr a neighbouring country....Just finished up with the reading....Having some doubt...I was feeling wet on Monday , which is CD 10, and thought that I might be O soon, but think it is too early, cos shld be CD 14, and could be at early stage.....and might continue to be wet for at least 3 days...But surprisingly, I became dry last nite.....wonder if my O has completed....Can't feel the O cramp , just slight pain at abdomain...Or this month, me not O??

dun be too upset...I m sure god will bless u with another one soon.. I have a fren who lost her baby after 4 month of preg...And after taking a good rest of a month, she was preg after within 2 cycle....Now, her baby boy is 2 yrs old...So pls , take good care of yourself...Do drop by if u hear listening ears...

hi lbs and Oreo,
dun worry...things will turn out well....at least u guys know where the problems lie. i m sure after consultation fr doc, will see ur little angels soon..

chicken soups,
I think "watson" brand with 2 windows work better, at least the control band tells u if u did the test correctly or not.....If ur test brand show "-", it may means u r preg....I have tried that brand b4, and the instruction has stated very clearly.

hi Mrs tan,
I can fully understand how u feel and what u r going thr.....Try to relax.. Even though it's easier said than done, but try to occupy ur mind with other things...I dun think PMS is that early.....try not to think that much....as long as AF not here, chances still there...Cross my fingers for u...
