A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Good morning girls...

today is my CD 26, temp taken this morn was 36.64, so i guess this month no hope liao, cos got quite a bit of a drop in temp...oh well...just try again next month i guess.

Thanks Oreo for answering Gebbera with her queries.

Gebbera, hope it helps.

Hi girls,

My AF comes on CD 36 after a stomach pain and it comes with blotches dark red. sigh..this is by far the longest cycle days I have. Maybe it's just emotional stress that delays it. Anyway I'll try again. Thanks for the help.
Hi Oreo,
Thanks for enlightment... i understand better now.
Have never record my cycle before, thus dun know what's my cycle is like. Will start temping tomorrow. I'll continue to read up this thread while monitoring my temperature. Like what Seiko had said this thread is very informative. And have learnt alot from you gals too....
Will be back to seek advise if need help.
Meanwhile, I wish all TTC gals will succeed. That day will be here soon. Cheers...
Hi gals,
I have been reading this thread lately & decided to post my 1st posting aft reading the sharing of mix feeling from Mrs Tan, KC, Seiko & Rugrats. Married since last Oct but just TTC for 2 mths (including this mth) cos always have the thinking that it is easy to conceive until now then understand that it is not wat I think!

Now I'm in CD26 and quite moody cos don't know if AF will visit me this month or not and having the feeling that it will come soon.. "sign". Well, keep telling myself & hubby to relax and not to think too much, if AF come then try again next mth loh! It is always easy to say but actual fact it is not easy to relax.
hi Laugh,

welcome to our thread! yeah...u are so rite abt conceiving not being easy. But there are those who conceive as soon as they stop protection of any sort. they are the lucky ones lor.

you are also in CD 26 today? me too you know? mine's a 28 day cycle so AF should come this Sun. Like i said b4, most likely it will come, cos my temp dropped from 36.85 to 36.64 today. sigh...so i am not pinning any hopes liao. i know precisely how that feels like. its easy to say, ya lets try again next month and the month after and the month after...but the stress just piles on more and more. Of cos not to mention, age catches up too.

Anyway, are u charting ur temp?
hi Mrs Tan,
yeah.. today is my CD26 & also usually 28 day cycle, so like u, AF should be coming ard this sun. Do u mean when ur temp dropped, thats means AF is coming?

BTW, what should b the right way to count, understand that some started to count as CD1 once AF visit but I read fm magazine, they said always start as CD0?

No, I have not start charting my temp, does it help or just monitoring the "O" period is enough?
woh so many newcomers ah! Welcome welcome..

Have been too busy to log in..

Hi mrs tan & laugh,
so now left 2 days more n can test since AF always very 'zun'... keeping my finger cross for u gals..

Hi oreo n Ibs,
how r u gals??
Hi All
Been rather busy this morning to log in..dun have time to even eat snake...
How's everybody..& welcome all the newcomers!

Hi joice
I am okay, expecting AF to come within this one or two days liao.

What abt you? In action liao?
HI Mrs Tan & Laugh

thanks for the welcome
im at Cd26 today too! so qiao *hehe*

im true blue singaporean *heheeh* i only started measuring my temp this morning n its 36.98C. is it a muz 2 measure only in the morn? cos last 3 days, i measure in the afternoon n my temp was ard 37.3-37.5. my breasts started to swell 2 days ago, stomach got wind already. Looks like this mth again Suey already *sigh*

but Tomorrow Will Be Better
ming tian hui geng hao
<font color="0000ff">lbs, joice</font>
I'm ok. I'm still on norethisterone pills till Monday.. then after that, got to wait for AF to come before i start my clomid course.
Today, I'm feeling a bit off...
coz' early this morning was watching the eurocup quarter finals match between Portugal and England.
<font color="0000ff">seiko</font>
It's better to measure in the morn' just before you get out of bed as this temp. is the closest to your body temp. before you indulge in any activity.
Hi oreo
me a bit off 2day too...but not because of the euro fever..I think more likely because of the weather lor...
hi Laugh,

yeah..once u see a dip in temp as it nears ur AF date, then chances are, AF is coming lor. but there are exceptions though. cos some girls see dip but they conceived in the end. but for me, its a sure indication lah.

Yes once AF comes, means u gotta set it back to CD 01 as it is considered as ur 1st day of AF. means eg if ur AF comes today, then today will be CD 01 lor. hey if u want to add ur name to our list, do inform Oreo and she will add u in.

Well, charting ur temp daily helps to monitor and trace ur cycle every month so u will be able to tell when u ovulate or whether u are indeed ovulating. Of cos, dont forget, equally impt is to check ur CM (cervical mucus) daily to see if its stretchy and egglike (this means u are O-ting so time to BD liao) So, in a way, both charting and checking CM is impt in increasing ur chances of conception lor. Cos, there are some girls who have fluctuating temps and they get confused when they are O-ting. So they rely on checking their discharge lor. Btw u may want to see the Word file containing CM information above, done up by Oreo to understand better.

hi Joice,

haha..u dam funny. i like ur pom pom girls...hehe
Hi Gals, been busy, yet to catch up. My AF for last mth was 24 May. Then yday, seems that AF came, got some stain... But then after the stain till now, no sign of AF leh. What happened huh? This is the first time like this leh. I'm puzzled!!
hi Seiko,

hehe i see...cos thot u got jap blood or somethg.
anyway, i like ur bubbly and optimistic spirit. we all need this during this trying period.
oh yes, u know wat, its more advisable and accurate to take ur temp just once a day, every morning before u get out of bed, and i mean, even b4 u get up to brush teeth, wee wee, or kiss hubby. (i was just kidding abt the kissing hubby bit, that one of cos can lah, haha) cos any slight movement we make will affect our temp u see. and its best to just take once can liao lah, girl. u will only confuse urself if itchy backside and take more than once, cos u will tend to compare and wonder which one u shld record.
Btw, 37.5 deg as u were saying, is quite high leh...if it remains like that, then u got good chance! but then again, u said u measured in the afternoon rite? hmm....
hi Jara,

harro...spotting is it? could it be?
are u particularly stressed out this month? thats why AF gone hay-wire.
Hi Mrs Tan,

Ya, this thread has indeed been an encouragement for me.

I'm in CD28 today and I usually have a 30 days cycle. So if temp drop tomorrow, means that AF going to come already? My temp this morning was 36.9C. And this month I didn't experience any swelling of breast or cramp, which was the usual sign before my AF come. So really crossing my fingers now. But can I test on the first day that I miss my AF?
Thks Joice, hopefully AF will not visit us (includes Mrs Tan, Seiko, Rugrats &amp; KC)during wkend.

Mrs Tan, if once AF come means CD01 then now I should be in CD27 liao cos usually I started fm CD0. Thks for inviting to join u gals in the list, mayb wait till next cycle.

Thks to u &amp; Oreo on the CM information, in fact have already read it yesterday.
hello Rugrats,

well...thats what i understand so far lah, dip means AF coming. but then 36.9 is quite high also leh. i heard that pregnancy symptoms are very similar to that of PMS, so its hard to tell.
as for whether can test on 1st day, that one i not too sure...but if u can wait a few more days, that'll be better lah, cos too early test sometimes the PTK cannot pick up the pregnancy hormone (cant rem the chim name for this)
hi Mrs Tan

aiyo..me also ler...when i see a dip before my AF due...usually meaning it's on its way liao..How I wish for once, it will be exception...
hi jara
For me, if I see a temp dip a day/two before my AF due, usually it means, AF on its way liao.

Emm, I dont recall experienced similar as yours ler. Do you know which DPO you are in now?
It can be implantation spotting ler...I think this can happen anytime between DPO 7 to DPO10 (plus minus a day/two)
Hi Jara
DPO is days past ovulation. This phase is also call the luteul phase...where also many will refer to the stressful 2WW!!!

Ovulation can be delayed but luteaul phase usually is abt the same. I think most people have arnd 10 - 14 days(plus minus a day or two)...For me, I have DPO of 12 or 13 before my next AF visits.

Emm...do you know which CD you have ovulated? Or perhaps what is your usual CD? Then, we may be able to roughly work out which DPO you are in now..
Should today be updated as CD2 or CD33?
Err.. I din note which CD I O leh. My usual CD is around 28 to 32 days, if I remember correctly. Is that helpful?
Woh so many of u on e 2WW list... Jia U Jia U... Hope to hear gd news over the weekend

Hi Ibs,
me not active tis mth lah.. cos of e euro fever.. hubby watching soccer while I was ZzzZzzzz...

Hi oreo,
u still can tahan coming to work after watching the match ah?? think it ended quite late right? cos of the overtime n penalty..
Hi Jara
i think you shld continue to count as CD33 until your AF arrives (hopefully not!!!). I wont count a single day spotting as AF ler..

Err, actually we cant really know your DPO(DPO can range from arnd 10 to 14 days) if we didnt really know when you have ovulated. The best is still by monitoring your temp to see when you ovulated for the month.
<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
Yah lor.. hubby and i were watching together, but end up he dozed off even before the 1st half of the match finish!
I stayed awake by drinking oolong tea. The match stretched so long.. slept at 6am, woke up at 9.
He woke up late for work heehee ... but for me.. i came in to office in the early afternoon.
So now, starting to see stars already...

tonite still got the other match later in the early morning! And i have to work on Sat.
Die lah.. think must go back and sleep first.

<font color="0000ff">to all gals</font>
I see a lot of newcomers, Welcome! Welcome!
Hi Oreo
thanks for the info. . wow, i din know that charting is so dif and leh cheir, guess nothing comes ez. *hehe*

Hi Mrs Tan
u know what? besides sharing the same CD day, our hubby's surname oso the same leh! so qiao hor? :p yalor, me the super kan chiong type, tested also in the afternoon, but ive been sick for past 10 days, so maybe i running a fever too. But hor, my breats really v painful n stomach so much wind now. So confirm no hope this mth ( based on past experiences ). but hor, never say die *heheh*
Hi seiko,
we may not have chat b4 but saw in you in the Santiago thread b4 cos i was oso a santiago bride..
Welcome here.. i like ur spirit, ya nvr say die. as long as AF is not here, the chances are always there.. Gd luck!
Hi oreo,
u r oso a soccer fan ah?? me too leh but i seldom watch tis euro cup cos telecast very late (or shall i say too early?) actually I wanted to watch the match tis morning but too tired so ended up sleeping.. which team u support??

sorry gals, sidetrack a bit hor..
<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
yah..sorry gals sidetrack hor ... think we all belong to the minority who watch soccer.
I don't have any favorite team, just enjoy watching the guys sweating out and running after a ball. Though i would say i'm more inclined towards England (i doubt they would win anyway) as i studied there before and that's where i started getting interested in soccer.
I remember the last world cup, i actually took leave to watch the matches in the afternoon. crazy, huh? But it comes once every 4 years!

<font color="0000ff">seiko</font>
No prob. We are all here to learn. I also used to think that it's that easy to conceive but not anymore. I'm learning to relax and enjoy.
hi Seiko,

really ahh?? so u also a Mrs Tan lah...heehee..so qiao hor? actually for u, painful breasts and wind are also symptoms of PMS as well as pregnancy wor...but u know ur body best lah.
well, u better take care since just fell sick, drink lots water and rest more ya?

hi Joice,

eh wanna ask u, how u put those cute icons in ur msg one ah? this one u just posted dam cute ok?
hi mrs tan,
i saved those cute cute pics i like in a my documents folder so if i wan to attach pic.. i jus click below stated 'upload attachment'.. from there u browse thru the folder where ur pics were saved.. click on the one u want n click 'upload' to attach ur pic and its done... Try it!
hi newcomers,
Welcome to this thread!!! I am sure we can learn and encourage each other!!!

Mrs tan,
Y give up now??? Unless u not active this month , then dun give up. 36.64C ??Above ur coverline? If not, chances still there...So jia you , jia you...;-)

Oreo, joice,
me too!!!Soccer fan. At first, my favourite is Germany...But now, no more hope for them...So support France...If this month, didn't bingo, not surprise, cos of euro fever. Sleep late and too tired to "make baby"....From CD10 till now, only BD on Monday, cos in Malaysia mah...heehee...:)

hi Jara,
could urs be implantation spotting? Mayb u can c a doc abt this, or get a preg kit and test it.Mayb u will feel better , as at least u did something to find out what's wrong..

the "bai feng yuan" cheap , rite? can keep till 2005. That's y i get 2 boxes, which can last a yr...

Finally, to all ladies in 2WW, all the best , and may all of u win the battle....
hi Stupid,

where have u been man? thot u MIA liao...hehe
no lah, cos i know my body mah, if temp dip so much, then confirm bo chance liao. er..what u meant was, if it is still above coverline then got chance rite? and not the other way round?
well, my coverline is 36.59, so almost touching it liao. cannot make it lah, i tell u...
thanks for encouragement though, i'll work hard and rape hubby more hiong next month! *evil laughter*
hi stupid/orea,
stupid, u are oso a soccer fan too.. actually i support England but too bad they r out now.. my hubby fancy brazil.. He said most of their players 'bao ya' very cute. When tis euro cup just started, he was asking me whether brazil is playing. I was like 'huh'.. i told him tis is EURO cup n not world cup.. brazil is not an euro country..I asked him to go bck n re-study his geograpghy *faint*
hi mrs tan,
not MIA lah....Y? U miss me huh???(hee...)
so busy recently, that i only manage to find time to log in now...
Yap. As long as u are still above coverline, then mean u got have chance. Your temp this morning still 0.05 diff mah....

oh ya, watched CNA few days ago, and it announced that the preg prog for wong lilin has been postphone to 3rd july.(hope i didn't get the date wrong). So gals, if u r interested, remember to watch...
haha....i will learn more from u and rape my hubby till he "dry up" next month...
haha.....mayb u can remind ur hubby to watch Brazil 2 yrs later for the world cup...:)

my hubby too!! he supportted brazil like crazy 2 yrs ago....That time , my fav was Jap. U know lai, support the Asia mah....
U support England cos of Beckham???But this time round, he didn't perform well leh....

sori gals, a little side tracks..:-(
hi Stupid,

aiyoh...u so not shy... hehe..no lah, like long time never see u on the thread mah.

oh really ah? the program kena postponed ah? hmm...wonder why hor?

wah piang, u more hiong than me, must do until hubby dry up ah? wait he peng san then u know. haha.

yeah yeah..Stupid &amp; Joice, u 2 going on and on abt socer...never mind, at least take ur minds off for a while also good lah
mrs tan,
ya lor....if i shy, then difficult to chat with u guys lai...
this month, let my hubby off, cos both busy with soccer. But next month, hee...hee...won't let him off. I think he more happy than me, cos he "BEG" me to squeeze him dry...haha...

I thought I came in yesterday???Not long what...Mayb today a lot of newcomers and thread running fast...That's a gd sign, cos at least can share
Hi mrs tan,
hehehehe feel paiseh lah.. but true oso, can take our minds off from TTC for a while..

Hi stupid,
i dun like beckham lah, cannot stand him n his wife, Victoria (sorry if anyone is his supporter).. Im a die hard liverpool fan...

Ok time for me to go off... Gals enjoy ur weekend. Hope to hear gd news over e weekend..
yups me too! going off liao.
TTCians, enjoy ur wkend, make lotsa love to ur hubby, dont give chance. take care and till Monday...muaks!
yap. me too!!!!cannot stand Beckham and Vic.....(sori too 2 his supporters).Cos, he dun look like a player, rather a model on stage...can't stand him...

me too, got to go now. So to those on 28 days cycle (mrs tan, Seiko, Rugrats &amp; KC). Hope to hear gd news from u guys over the wkend...
Morning gals!!

<font color="0000ff">hey, joice</font>
Yeah, me three!! also cannot stand Victoria Beckham.
I saw her perform during the recent World Idol Finals. Cannot make it lah!
My hubby also a liverpool fan!

okie dokie.. Have a nice weekend!
And lots of babydust to you all!!!

Hi gals

Out of curiousity, since my AF shld be due yesterday/today (DPO12/DPO13), I just tested with my first urine this morning with the tst kit bought from PreggieBliss...to my shock I can see the second faint line!! It is rather faint but definitely visible...is it possible?? We just got to know abt hubby's test ultrasound result yesterday &amp; doc diagnosed he has varicocele...

I am having mixture of feeling now...I am scared this is too good to be true....havent tell hubby yet..dun want to give him a false hope..he has been very badly affected since we knew abt his condition.

Maybe, if AF doesnt come tomorrow, I will test again with ClearBlue...not sure how accurate is the PreggieBliss test kit...

Pls pray for me that I am really pregnant...

Thks all..shall keep you updated...
