A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi joice
I hvent really decide which gynae to see. Do you have the phone number for that gynae at Eastern specialist?

I have a package from KKH. The list of screenings available are:

1) Breast Examination
2) Ultrasound of Pelvis (detail
3) Urine Analysis
4) Pap Smear
5) Physical Examination
6) Body Weight & Height
7) BMI
8) Blood Pressure
9) Pelvic Examination

But I think 1 - 4 are the most important for women lar.

Phoohy, wennia,joice
Thks for all yr advice & concern. Actually, I intend to buy test kit & test on 26/4 (tat's the 14days which i miss my menses). Tink test done on 14dys mayb more accurate. As mentioned by u gals mayb i hv low HCG. I'm oso eager to noe whether i'm preggie a not? Sigh...Jus hv 2 wait for another 3days.

Phoohy, Thks for telling me wat's HCG. U gals r all expat man.
Hi Ibs,
Eastern Specialist Centre (Bedok Branch)
210 Upper Changi Road
Tel : 6441 1600 Fax : 6441 1089
Dr Heng Tung Lan

Hi wennia,
may i kw the reason why mus drink coffee first b4 BD??
<font color="0000ff">Oranges</font>
hehe.... u really sounds like u are preggie! BTW, do u know when u ovulate?? now its either u are preggie or u have very late ovulation lor.

HcG is only produced when u are preggie. So maybe u would like to get a home preg kit to test since u are already so many days late.
<font color="0000ff">tuffy</font>
haha.... me din thgt of bringing all my charts during the chkup. But do u thk the doc will entertain me??

BTW, ive stop taking my temp for this cycle liao cos i would like to fully concentrate on finding job first. Haha.... im even lost on which CD im in now...

<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
my appt is this coming week lor. Me duno her charges leh..... Me very sotong hor.... cos i din chk the price and i go and make appt liao.... Hahaha.....
hi lilac,
tink u should bring your chart along to let the gyane to check. maybe from there he can see your pattern and can determine your cycle.dun worry most gynae is friendly if not u can decide to change to the other one hahah.
oh tis mth u stop charting who know then u will kanna jackpot. remember to BD on O day even though u never chart, maybe ard that period okie
as for the charges, the other time i oso never check first time is ok lah
hi lilac

u also stop charting this cycle?

me too...

want to take it easy this cycle...temp charting can be really stressful sometimes...
Hi lilac
I really dunno when i ovulate?? btw, hw to calculate hehe... i'm really curious &amp; interested to noe. Can u teach me?
Yup, yesterday bought test kit will try later &amp; c whether i bingo a not?
U take care.
hi lilac,

like wendypooh said, no harm bringing your charts along. The gyane would be interested to know what's your usual cycles like. Do let us know how the consultation went yah? Am thinking I should pay a visit to the gynae at some point in time too.

I failed again this month. My M came on DPO11. Much much earlier than expected. Wonder if it's cos of gastric flu or because I took EPO. Anyways, guess just have to try again. I woke up this morning and thought - hey, maybe it's not such a bad thing not having a kid cos at least there's more time for me and my H. So either way, it's a blessing.

could you update me as CD02 as of today pls? Thanks!
hi to all,

sorry mia for a while ..
me like wennia &amp; yannie, in early 30..
have been TVVHTC but now decided to relax leow ..

yannie, wat r u working as ? my job oso pressurising .. 8-(
Let's all Zai Jie Zai Li!

Sooo depressing... this morning I thought I saw traces of my AF... Think will be here soon. *sob sob*

Well... at least Wendypooh has good news for the month...
Hi lilac,
do let me kw how u find the gynae after ur appt?

Hi Ibs,
So have u confirm which gynae u wan to see? I'm oso trying to search for a gynae for body checkup..
hi all

went MIA last week coz out of the office for some work stuff. lots of msg to go thru and also tons of O/S work to do.

Big congrats to Wendypooh..so envious leh. first try and hit jackpot liow leh..well done!

I really dunno ler.. I am at lost to see which gynae. My hubby suggested I go KK.

Anyone has any recommendation for good gynae in KK?
Think I'm going to see Dr Yvonne Chan at TMC. Still prefer lady gynae leh...
hello ladies,

like i say, i am quite certain i didn't hit any jackpot this month. Now waiting for AF which is due tomorrow. I will also be planning to see a gynae thereafter. I had been to KK once. The gynae was quite friendly however, other than blood test and pad smear, he didn't suggest a scan which i thot would be necessary. Anyway have not decide which to go to as well.

we are very short handed at my workplace that why is so bad. i am doubling up for two other persons that we are employing. hopefully things will get better.
lilac, phoohy &amp; wennia

Hi lady, u all r right,I'm pregnant.Jus cfm yesterday,so wat shd i do nw? Wat food shd i avoid? Shd i go n c gynae? I'm 33 this yr. Pls help...
<font color="0000ff">oranges</font>
A big congrats to u!! U must stay out from those "liang" stuffs..... Maybe u would like to consult those Mother-To-Be at the other thread.
Gt to take real good care of urself! BTW, how long have u been trying??
congrats oranges..

does anyone know if EPO will delay O? i just started EPO this cycle and seems like my O has been delayed. usually i will go to a certain website for estimated O date and for the past few months, my O has been ealier than the estimated date. but with EPO this cycle, my O supposedly be 24/4 but dun think i O yet coz my temp has not raised..

arghh maybe i will not O this time round. there goes my final hope of having a monkey bb!!


hmm seems quiet today hor..
Wonderful to hear another piece of goods news.
Congratulations Oranges.

I've got even stronger traces of AF now... so depressed I want to eat 100 tubs of ice cream!

Ice-jelly, I think you have 1 last opportunity at having a monkey baby. If you miss your AF in May, you have a chance of delivering before CNY next year. Good luck.
Hi lilac
Hm...I tried for a few mths. MOTHER-TO-BE is under which thread ? Wat's the main topics name?

Hi gals, thks for yr blessin.
hi ice-jelly,
thank for your blessing. u still have chance, hope to hear goods new from u.

hi orange,
congratulation to u. u can join us at "Year End MTB" oso under Pregancies topic. which week are u in now?

hi lilac,
how are u getting on lately?
hi wennia and wendy,

yupe just did some calculation...this will be my last chance liow coz otherwise bb will be due after CNY next yr if i did not catch the boat this cycle...
but alas seems like i have not O yet althou rightfully speaking i should have O over the weekend! so was afraid i may not O this month and thats is liow...

just praying hard my temp will raise so at least there might be a slight chance otherwise it is completely gone case (sorry for my long-windedness) but i do feel vey frustrated lor..


me currently seeing Dr Eunice Chua from TMC. She very gentle and good. me like her. went thru some bad experience last nov. she's very encouraging one.

like wennia, i oso more comfy w lady doc.

Hi Orange,

congratz to you ! so good try a few mths then hit jackpot leow ...
Hi jaz,
how is Dr. Eunice Chua's charges like?

Congrats Orange and Wendypooh ! ..

have been following this thread for about 2 months plus...so feel like know u all oredi...

I also TTC....learning alot from this website...so this month starting to take temp....

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 27 Apr 04
skinnyma ....... CD 03
tuffy .......... CD 04
lbs ............ CD 05
classy ......... CD 11
lilac .......... CD 12
oreo ........... CD 17
funny .......... CD 18
westbb ......... CD 19
joice .......... CD 20
amberlyn ....... CD 22
kissbb ......... CD 22
huggie ......... CD 24
ribena ......... CD 25
maya ........... CD 27
catepillar ... . CD 29
wennia ......... CD 31
jov ............ CD 35
aa ............. CD 45
Ms Blur ........ CD 54
jojoba ......... CD 56
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

felene ......... CD 79
wizard ......... CD 89
shopper ........ CD 90
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 24/12/04

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349</font>
Morning gals!
I'm back.
So many posts to catch up...
If i've left out any of you or your CD is wrong, pls let me know.

<font color="0000ff">classy &amp; kissbb</font>
Welcome to the TTC thread!
hi oreo,
welcome back! This thread is getting more and more quiet. hope everyone is not losing heart. have you O-ed yet?
hi oreo,

thanks for the updates!!! me have some queries....why some of the gals CD is like 40 over or 50 days huh??? wat does dat mean??? pls enlighten me...thank u!!



hi gals,

i will be going for my check up this afternoon and hope everything turns out well.....hope to try again next month......
can anyone help? from my past temp charting, my OD is usually CD14 to 16. This time round, at CD22, my temp is still low and i hv no traces of CM. Is this what u gals were saying abt the possibility of having no ovulation in a mth? starting to wonder...think this mth no chance again...sigh...
hi amberlyn,

it is also possible that you may be O-ing late. Have you been under a lot of stress? But having said that, it is not that uncommon to have anovulatory cycles. Happens to everyone every now and then.
hi amberlyn,

i am also in the same shoes as you. have already past my usual O day and temp still has not risen. so depressing coz for sure cannot bingo liow.
Welcome back Oreo. You've been missed!

I'm very very disappointed to have to say "Oreo, please date me as CD1 today."
ice-jelly, any particular reason why you want a baby monkey so much? you don't like baby rooster?
hi lbs,
haven't quite decided what to do yet. Probably not see gynae yet - worried that by seeing a doctor, I might get more stressed about TTC. yourself?
hi wennia,

sorry for the late reply...

well as i have mentioned before, (this sound really silly to many people) i happen to like Chicken meat the most (dun take other red meat). so if i have a rooster bb, seems like i eating them leh(out of the blue this thought just came to my mind one day)..heeeeee

well after ttc for a few months without success, i guess i will be happy if can get preggie liow.too depressing to fail every month. dun really care of whether monkey or rooster liow lor...but then again, of coz if can bingo this month would be the best coz last chance to have a monkey bb.
hi tuffy
me too..actually I am worried i might get too stress up after seeing the gynae..worst still if the gynae said I have problem..*TOUCHWOOD*!

But on the other hand, i think it is very important for women to have at least a yearly check up...i never had any before...<sigh>

My friend recommended me to a gynae (near my house)attached to a private clinic..I think she only does the checkups but according to my friend she is really good..

I most probably will go to her for checkup lor...Sometimes I think is also good that now I have more time to get my body ready before BINGO...like I have just started taking folid acid last cycle..etc

Hi icejelly
me too hope to have a monkey baby (out of personal preference lar) but I think the chances might be very slim now..unless get preggie this cycle lor...
anyway, now dun think so much liao..as long as pregnant very happy already..

hi wendypooh
how are you today? Did you see the gynae abt your spotting?

hi dawn,

nvr compare her charges with the rest of the gynae. my GP recommended her to me. But i think her charges shd be comparable with those in TMC.
if u need more info, u gimme ur email add &amp; I tell u more ...

for me, the most impt thing is muz b comfy w the doc.
