A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

<font color="0000ff">Funny and Tuffy</font>
are there any side effect from EPO? And hor, i heard that when u r preggie, u cant take EPO issit?? Cos im thking of taking EPO but afraid that if i preggie than it will be wasted.

u finally back not use to your MIA haha..
well me going to rape my hubby tonight too, cos FF chart say i fertile liao dun know true but try lor.

i dun really know bird nest is good just buy lor and try no harm. tink my hubby oso same as u he dun like to plan, he say if want just BD anytime dun have to see when if got stamina everynight can BD oso then more chance haha. but lucky for him he very easy going he leave everthing to me. in fact is alway i seduce him cos he scared i very tired cos i spent long travelling hour everday
Hi Lilac,
I think chihiro's EDD is 30 Nov. Just noticed it on another thread.
Hi Ladies,

EPO is to relieve menstrual symptoms, balance hormones as well as to produce more fertile fluid. It's best to stop after O cos I read that EPO can cause uterine contractions which is not good to have if you successfully conceive.

Like some of you, my hubby is also not in a rush to start a family and would gladly leave it natural. I'm the more gan cheong one and after failing each month, the tension builds up.

Has anyone's hubby done a sperm analysis? If so, how did you do it? Collect the semen at home and rush to clinic? Must be given to them within an hour right?
Hi Shuin,
My hubby done his semen analysis test by going to the clinic, the staff will past him a container. He then go to the toilet and "jie jue" by himself lor.. :p If collect at home how can? Later caught in the traffic jam then die liao!

I see Dr Ann Tan at Mt E. She is experienced but can be impatient. for me, its ok, cos i think experience more impt cos i only wan result la...
if u wan to chk n make sure things are ok, then go see a gynae lor...will help cos u nvr know ma...can help destress since got doc to help.


Depends on wat u need, then gynae wil do the scan lor. for a start i think most will do follicle scan to check for follicle growth which leads to maturity of eggs, ovulation, etc....if got prob, then induce via Clomid....etc....long story la... then they probably propose hubby also do test lor...mine is like that....u need to see gynae who will advise...


i take EPO also. gynae prescribe to me. but i take everyday leh... she said ok one..but mine is prescribed by her so i duno if brand matters ? like which can take everyday and which mus stop after O ... .duno. but mine i eat everyday...


My hubby took sperm analysis, that's where we found out he got poor % of normal form sperms... hubby needs to collect the sperm samples into a container....must provide the samples by 1.5hrs after ejaculation. so if u stay far and dun drive, best to do it at the clinic. my hubby did it at fertility centre. they gave him porno mag .... haha..but he said no use....u can also go with your hubby and help him masterbate....up to u lor....and he mus not abstain from sex for more than 7 days....costs us abt $40++. read in the papers today that got new type of sperm analysis at SGH. to test if the quality of sperm can fertilise the egg or not. costs abt $100. the normal test which tells u abt motility, shape, forms is additional $50....at SGH lor...so u chk it out at SGH for more detailed testing...
<font color="aa00aa">tuffy, lilac,</font>
<font color="ff6000">chihiro's</font> EDD not out yet cos still can't see bb yet mah. but i tentatively put 30 Nov at the other thread cos she said gynae mentioned it'll be end Nov
maybe u can put it as that 1st, then later when she confirm her EDD, update again lor
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
Oh i thk i Oing today cos my temp drop from 36.5 to 36.2. So i thk will O today. Later will go and do test. Since i dance yst nite, so i thk tonite i wont be dancing unless my hubby wants cos sometimes he abit more gan cheong than me.

<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
are u thr? Can u help me to post the CD chart up today? Cos im not working today and the file is not with me. Thanks!
Hi Hopeful,

Can I check with you how much did you spend per visit? She charge you for follicle scanning and injection only? or inclusive of consultation as well? What's the breakdown?
hi angelia/lilac,

i've got qs. on the OPK again.. does it mean that as long as got two lines indicate got ovulation?
Jus to clarify the test band is somewhere nearer to the test tip where we dip our urine and the control band is somewhere nearer to the green tip right? The green tip is merely for holding and wont appear any lines one right?

Cos hor.. i've tested last sat, it showed only one line (control band). But yesterday it showed two lines.. but with a very lighter line at the test band. Does it indicate ovulation or very slight ovulation????
hi elle,
I think you need both bands to be of similar intensity before you can regard it as positive OPK. But the test results can indicate that you will be getting the positive OPK soon.

good luck to u. u should continue to Bdance tonight since your hubby got excited. i fail last night never bdance cos very tired never bdance so often so after monday sseeion still have not recover haha. tink i O yest cos they cm is watery. and temp drop tehn today increse by 0.1 alry. so i guess this cycle no chance again.
so eny u on leave today. then rest well and dance tonight okie..

any Bdance on your side

have u "rape" your hubby?
hi wendypooh

not yet..not near my O yet...must ensure he is at full force before i rape him when time is right

What abt you?

Hi lilac
Gd luck to you on this cycle!

btw, ladies, when do you usually check your CM? I notice that my CM changes ler..like this morning before reaching office, I checked is dry, then when reach office (after a while) check is creamy...

Does CM change throughout the whole day or the condition (cold vs hot) we are in? <scratch>
btw, forgot to ask..

lilac, u mentioned your temp dropped 0.3 this morning..is this also a sign before Ovulating?
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
Thank you. Hope i can catch my egg this cycle but i dun dare to put too much hope lor.

<font color="0000ff">Wendypooh</font>
Is ur CM stretchy yst?? Or only watery? So u confirm u O liao? FF haven detect ur O rite?

<font color="0000ff">Elle</font>
the presence of the control band is to tell u that the test strip is working. The test band is ur results. U need to have roughly equal intensity in order to det its positive. But of course, u still ned to continue BD if u are in ur fertile phase! Good luck to u!

<font color="0000ff">ribena</font>
how late is ur AF by now? whats ur usual cycle?

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Ur CM is able to change from dry to creamy within a day. But i dun thk it change throughout the whole day.

Hmm.... i oso duno whether is my temp drop a sign b4 my O. But since last cycle i O CD28 and today is my CD27 and i see this drop in temp, i guess its my O day maybe today or tml. Hope im correct!

Ladies....... im going to be MIA for the whole day again cos im going to my mum's home! Bye....
<font color="aa00aa">elle,</font>
the 2 line sgotta be SAME color then considered positive.. if 1 lighter, either alr missed or coming. since u tested yesterday is negative, prob it's coming soon. maybe u test again tmr &amp; see hor

<font color="0000ff">* all the best *</font>

<font color="aa00aa">tuffy,</font>
i think only hospitals will hv the facility to do sperm analysis...

<font color="aa00aa">jasmine,</font>
i go to Dr Adrian at CCK Central, opp the 24 hr coffeeshop, next to DBS

not sure abt Dr Mary Yang's clinic hours, but Dr Adrian is as follows :
Mon - Sat : 9am - 2pm
Mon, Wed, Thu : 7pm - 9pm
Tel : 6893 1227

think Dr Adrian is with one of the cheapest pre-natal pkg, $550, can sign from 1st visit when u cfm ur pregnancy till delivery.

He delivers at Mt A, Mt E, TMC, Gleneagles.
<font color="0000ff">Hopeful</font>

Read from your earlier post that your hubby must not abstain from sex for more than 7 days prior to the sperm analysis. Does it mean that if swimmers keep for more than 7 days then no good quality already?

Aiyah, like that I this cycle sure no chance liao. We BD on the day before O and on O itself, but before O that day, we didn't BD for more than 7 days
. don't know within 1 day can produce good enuff swimmers or not?
Huhh..sperms cannot be kept more than 7 days?

Is that true? Anyone can confirm this?

All the while, I tried to get hubby to abstain from 'releasing' until nearer to O time because I thought must make sure have enough to swim..the more swimmers, definitely there will be higher chance of good quality...
not true meh?
<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 01 Apr 04
catepillar ..... CD 03
tuffy .......... CD 04
lbs ............ CD 08
jov ............ CD 09
wendypooh ...... CD 12
okeanosmao * ... CD 13
skinnyma ....... CD 16
aa ............. CD 19
joice .......... CD 20
funny .......... CD 23
amberlyn ....... CD 24
iloveoreo ...... CD 26
lilac .......... CD 27
maya ........... CD 27
Ms Blur ........ CD 28
Emma ........... CD 29
jigsaw ......... CD 29
Jen ............ CD 29
jojoba ......... CD 30
ribena ......... CD 41
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

felene ......... CD 53
wizard ......... CD 63
shopper ........ CD 64
moonriver ...... CD 83</font>
</font><font face="courier new"> <font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
wendyl ......... 24/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04

</font></font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349

when my hubby did his sperm analysis, he must make sure that he somehow flush out his sperm 2-3 days before the day of the test. Sperm that are kept too long inside may decrease in quality.. (I think). The sperms amount is regenerate every other day I thought (again).
<font color="ff6000">lilac,tuffy</font>
ya .. my EDD is not cfm yet ..
tentatively its end of Nov lor
until gynae can see something then can determine bah i tink ..

how's everyone?

how many days is ur AF over due oredi ?
did you test?
Hi gals,

my husband and i are thinking of doing a checkup.....we had been ttc for 6mths but no gd news....i came across this forum and decided to ask you gals if anyone had been to this kind of checkup.
How much is it and where can we test it?
i oso not sure whetehr i O alry, cos my CM is watery and temp drop by 0.1 this morning. FF chart say i "fertile"alry so i assume o alry.
dun tink tis cycle got chance.

how r u recently , long time never hear from u.
just to check with u, if CM is watery conisder fertile or CM is stretchy than fertile.

when last night never Bdance too tired
hi blanche

thks for the article, very informative..

Hi wendypooh,
I think you are near your O already ler..pls continue to monitor your CM...in fact, I think u shld start BDing every other day from now ler..

gd luck!

thanks . haha i tink i cannot tahan alry very tiring. tink this is the first time i really try hard. last night i cant be bother alway say want to try to conceive but only BD on weekend oso dun know got o or not. now very careful alry.
my hubby complain say i BD for the seek of BB, lst time neevr see i so serious. he scare hor if i preganant then i dun want BD alry haha
now i finally can understand yr suitation in stressing TTC. think i can only consider this mth as the actual mth tat i trying cos last time never bother so much abt BD, O, 2WW etc. this mth after so much guidance in the thread i become very careful in everything i do.
although i say no chance on this cylce, but deep in really hope mircle can happen really very scare to see "red" on the next cycle.
dun know wat will happen if i fail again. i have married more than 6 mth and still no news relative have started to susupect tat we cant

glad you share my thoughts..hahaaaa..we got married at the same time, right? my MIL &amp; I am sure the relatives are now very gan cheong already...

My hubby told me his mum asked him during the weekend (he was back for the Qing Ming) if i am currently on pills...then she started to nag, nag, this &amp; that lar...ooohh..she used to tell me this &amp; I think she is getting desperate so now target at hubby...no wonder my hubby getting stress up too..

I think when we are seriously TTCing, we become very cautious abt when &amp; what we do...

I too hope 'miracle' happen this cycle..I think the most stress part is the 'waiting' period...scared to see temp dropped, then see red!!

you are going to gynae tomorrow, right? I havent decide which to go ler
hi ladies,

anyone had yeast infection before? can we buy the medicine off the shelve (those cream to be applied one not oral medicines) or must we approach the pharmacist?

Hi wendypooh,
The most fertile CM is egg white cervical mucus. It resembles eggwhite and is very stretchy. For me, I will classify anything stretchy as fertile and anything not stretchy as creamy. I don't really get the eggwhite colour either. usually a bit yellowish so I am also not sure how to classify.

As for O - you should look out for successive rise in temp for about 3 days. When that happens, you have O-ed on the first day or so.
<font color="ff6000">ice jelly</font>
guess u can buy off the shelf bah ... i saw at guardian before
but if you are not sure which type to buy, u can approach their staff to get for u .. tink no need pharmcist bah
thank you for the define on CM. i oso cant get the exact egg white just got the feeling that my viginal area have the wet feeling but have not see the strety stuff yet (sorrry if i sound gross)
my temp doestnot seem to be steady up and down this morning drop by 0.1
really very worried tat i goign crazy alry if i dun strike this mth
i postphone my check up to Monday cos all full.
will keep u update of my check up really worried tat my body got problem.
my cousin same age as me alry got a child 3 year old liao then me still no news gott eh feeling tat they are laughing behind me
since our relation with them no good
hi wendypooh

dont scared yourself lar. Shld have no problem one..

but DONT forget to BD these few days too ler ..
I think I better start my plan soon...since good, fresh sperms are produce evry one/two days...hehehee
hi chihiro,

wonder if u can enlighten me.

as mentioned b4, i cant seem to detect my CM. so based on temping, if i notice my temp has raised already (suppose meaning already O), then it is useless to bd for the rest of the days liow is it huh.

as some has mentioned, with regular AF, it might also mean no egg is released sometimes. then will the temp raise even if no egg is being released?

what does it mean by late O, is it that based on temping, temp has raise but in actual fact, O has not occur? or is it temp did not raise between the usual 14-16 days but maybe in the 20+ days?

sorry to be a pain...

<font color="ff6000">ice jelly</font>
oops .. seems i can't enlighten you a lot in this case.. try to ans lah ...
ladies, pls do correct me if im wrong hor..

if your temp has risen for 3 consecutive days ... usually mean that you have O liao ... likely that you have missed the boat if u did not BD on or before tt

i dunno whether temp will raise if no egg is release ...

late O ah ... i guess hor

instead of your usual O-day e.g. CD18, u O on CD21 this cycle .. tts late O .. and also temp did not raise yet

erm, m i right ?
I have the same thoughts as chihiro too...

there is also pple having early ovulation...

I think when you monitor your temp, when there is a significant rise, shld mean most prob you have ovulated..I have studied some pple charts in FF, seem that not necessary 3 consecutive rise in temp ler...

For my last cycle, FF showed that I might have O on my CD14 when there is a high rise in temp in my CD15...

what abt the rest? Do you have 3 Consecutive rise then FF indicated you've O?

Ooo..this is getting more complex...
your temp not neccessary have to rise for 3 consecutive days ...
e.g. temp 35.9 on CD14
then on CD15, temp may go up to 36.4
and may remain constant for the nx 2days .. like tt FF will determine your O day to be on CD14
thanks chihiro and lbs,

yalor so confusing that why i always need to ask around with so many questions. paiseh have to trouble all of you to answer my questions over and over again.

hope i did catch the boat this time round..now 2WW is also very torturing leh....


if rise by 0.2 then stays constant, do you consider significant rise har?

For e.g
CD10 36.0
CD11 36.1
CD12 36.3
CD13 36.3
