A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi wendypooh

yeap..i eat lots of veg but not daily ler..but I have started eating the folid acid supplement.

I dunno ler..I think just eating one supplement shld be ok lor..I wont be considering other supplements yet.

The reason why I started taking folid acid supplement is because I am not sure if my folid acid level is enuff & I hope I can get preggie this cycle..if I wait & wait, scared later not enuff folid acid in my body & will harm baby in case I get preggie lor.

<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
hehe..... i did rape my hubby yst....

Wat abt u??

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
refer to the above pic hor..... the left side is white in colour rite? u dip the small portion inside and it will absorb ur urine rite. Then the middle white part will changed and ur results will be shown(the two red thick lines on the left of the green portion).

That time i send them and they reply me very fast leh.....
hi lilac

yeap, just got their reply...said that they will expediate my order..as I indicate I cannot wait liao..maybe ovulating soon..hahaaaaa

icic, so the middle part will change colour? to greenish colour? earlier you were saying your result shows the control band become darker &amp; test band very light...this meaning not ovulate yet har?

paisei..question again..

hahaaha yest night when watching tv i warn him tat i going to rape him.
whose know i fall asleep fast then kanna "rape" by him. tonight will rest then tom going to rape him again hahah cos tink gpoing to o alry.
my temp increase by 0.2, is it normal?
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
u so funny, go and tell people u O soon....... hahaha.....

The middle part not change colour but will have results shown after it is being "wetted". The green colour is mainly for u to hold lor.
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
Hahaha in the end its u kenna rape!

Well....after u have O, ur temp will increase by ard 0.5deg. U continue to monitor ur temp hor.

bo bian...I kan cheong mah..

hahaaa..come to think abt it, the sales person must be laughing at his end liao..heheeheee

emm..<scratch>, then what is control band/test band?
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
control band indicates to u that test kit/strip is working fine and also serve as a guide for u to compare with the test result

test band will indicate your test result after u immerse the test kit/strip into your urine

this TTCing thing really requires lots of knowledge..

I think after a while we all can be a pregnancy counsellor..hahaaaa

haha ya lor tom will going to be him turn kanna rape by him
but i have not O leh then increase by 0.2

thank this cycle i tryingn very hard hope got some reward

sorry to ask you again..
if the dark line shows under the control band(green portion), does it indicate got ouvlation isit?

Cos mine only showing ONE dark line at the test band (nearer to the dip part).. does this indicate no Ovulation ?
<font color="0000ff">elle</font>
i also not very sure leh.... but <font color="0000ff">chihiro</font> said that control band is to show that ur test strip is working fine.

U said u have a dark line at the test band. What abt the control band? For my case, i have dark line at control band but faint line at test band. If the colours of the 2 bands are abt the same colour tone, that means u Oing in 8-36hrs time.
<font color="ff6000">elle</font>
the green portion is for your to hold, not the control band.
The control band is the red line nearer to the green portion

Test band is slightly further away from the green portion

there shd always be control band appearing on the test kits/strips

if u scroll up this page, you can see a sample pix of the test band telling u its a postive test on the OPK
hi chihiro

how are you feeling now?? any Morning Sickness?
Must eat &amp; rest well,yea?

Hope I can join u soon...

have you decided which gynae to go?
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
so far not much of MS yet...
a bit giddyness at times and feeling tired
appetite as usual ...

as for which gynae, tink likely will go to the same gynae as angelia ...

JIA YOU every one !!!
<font color="ff6000">lbs, tuffy</font>
he is Dr Adrian from Thomson Women's Clinic
main reason is his clinic nearby my pl
no need to travel a lot for appt
can go my mum's place for dinner liao then go and see him and after tt i can head home if i go for appt at night on wkdays

also he offer rahter cheap package lor
1st experience with him quite ok

guess these are the majoy reasons for us bah ..
havnt sign the package yet ... though its like 70% confirm will be him lah .. got till tis sat to decide coz i will be seeing him again this sat
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
the clinic i go to is at CCK central

as for the package details .. can't realli rem off hand now ... let me chk tonite ok ..
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
mayb they hv a clinic in TMC .. i din bring anything related to TWC out ... so i can't realli say where else hv .. the nx pl i know is SK hv oso
Hi ladies,

Guess all of you are busy BD-ing now
Just an update, I decided to see another gynae today to seek a 2nd opinion on my condition but most importantly my mid-cycle spottings. Yes... it came back, just when I thought BFW pills work for me but it didnt do the trick this month.

He didnt think I have PCOS from my previous blood test results and today's vaginal scan didnt reveal a "string of pearls" in my ovaries. In fact, we saw a dominant follicle but sad to say it didnt really look normal cos' it wasnt a nice round shape. Has anyone done a follicle scanning? Hopeful, if you read this, how does yours look like?

The gynae is puzzled with my mid-cycle spottings but he took a vaginal swap from me to test if I'm having any infection. Oh... good news for late Ovulaters, he said it shouldnt be a problem to get pregnant with late O. So good luck to you gals who are late O-ers
hi girls,

i have a silly question to ask.....

i cant seem to detect my O other than an increase in temp coz cannot detect CM.

does this mean that it is pointless to bd once there is an increase in temp?


my gynae always does a follicle scan for me. mine looks nice and round. but she said u wun noe abt the quality juz by looking. and there are 3 follicles for me this cycle. but only 1 will ovulate becos the size is growing. the other 2 too small, so wun ovulate. uterus lining is ok, quite nice. but she gave me pills to support the lining. this is to ensure lining is good then can support the egg. and i am definitely ovulating late. today is my CD17 but not O yet. so tmr morning i will take injection if still no O. btw, if this mth fail, then i will take clomid. Doc says this helps to produce more eggs so more chance. but she said multiple pregnancies is very slim. so i guess u can try if u wan la...think no harm. anyway like i said, if nvr succeed this mth, then i do AI (aka IUI) next mth.


u mentioned that provironum can improve sperm quality ? my hubby has poor % of sperms of normal forms and gynae gave him zinc and other supplements to improve but not provironum...so how much has your hubby sperms improve ? i can check with gynae in my next visit. thanks

err...I am also not sure wat is the degree of improvement. I just know that 1st sperm analysis, gynae say the chances of conception is v low especially when I am PCOS case that hardly ovulate. Then after taking the pills for 1 month, he went back to sperm analysis for 2 subsequent months, and all came back as normal and good. I din really remember wat the gynae said abt the shapes forms,etc :p Once he say normal, I happy liao.

Besides that, he also try to wear boxer. Hmm maybe its better to clarify with your gynae since they know best
hi ladies,

haiz, my mission fail again this month. Hopeful24, can i know which gyna you go to please? I am seriously considering to go for a check up again. The last one i did one year back didn't include a scan test as such not such if any of my tubes are blocked.
Hi hopeful,

Agree that you cant tell the egg quality by just looking but cos mine didnt have a nice round shape, he's not too optimistic with that. Yup, I'll probably take clomid next cycle. Will try to surf the net for more info on the drug. Good luck to you!
Hi ladies,

This is my first time here and was glad to have found this forum. Same as some of you here, I was trying very hard to conceive too.. however till now still unsuccessful. My hubby has done semen analysis test and it show a bit of problem and is now on chinese medicine. However I will like to do a scanning for myself too. May I know what does this scan called? And where to go for this test? Thank you very much..

At the same time, I'm using a type of ovulation monitor (clearplan) which will tell you when you're going to ovulate and when your peaks days are.. find tat its is quite accurate. My friend got pregnant after using it for the 2nd month.
<font color="0000ff">lilac</font>
how are things on your side? u are terribly quiet today.. have you O-ed yet?
i am feeling down today..

yesterday, I told my hubby that next week, we need to be prepared for the battle again..

Then, he suddenly tell me that he starts to feel a bit stress abt this whole TTCing thing..though he loves to have baby too..

Especially, during the fertile period, we are supposed to be more 'active' but he said he feel 'tired' recently.

Well, my hubby doesnt work longs hrs but he is taking part time courses &amp; I cant blame him because it is near his semester exam now...

We both do not wish to pend off the whole plan but worry the stress level will affect everything...not sure how I can help him to d-stress..

Will getting some Chinese pu pin' helps?
well i understand ur suition. btw how old r u all?
maybe u can try getting soem bird nest for him i use to buy from Eu ren sen, quite good.
i oso worried tat my hubby is stress by me, cos last time i hate to BD but now very stress by TTC so this mth i keep tell him to BD haha
Hi wendypooh

I am 28 this year &amp; my hubby is 32.

Well, he loves baby but he said why not let it to fate lor...like the first 3 months of our marriage (but we didnt strike!)

I dunno how to say, is not that he disapproves of me taking temp daily, taking supplements, using O-kit etc...but he doesnt like the idea of being 'cautious' when the time is near to start BD-ing..maybe, i shld really just rape him when is time...

Will bird nest helps in d-stressing?

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 31 Mar 04
catepillar ..... CD 02
tuffy .......... CD 03
lbs ............ CD 07
jov ............ CD 08
wendypooh ...... CD 11
okeanosmao * ... CD 12
skinnyma ....... CD 15
aa ............. CD 18
joice .......... CD 19
funny .......... CD 22
amberlyn ....... CD 23
iloveoreo ...... CD 25
lilac .......... CD 26
maya ........... CD 26
Ms Blur ........ CD 27
Emma ........... CD 28
jigsaw ......... CD 28
Jen ............ CD 28
jojoba ......... CD 29
ribena ......... CD 40
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if u have graduated!

felene ......... CD 52
wizard ......... CD 62
shopper ........ CD 63
moonriver ...... CD 82
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Micky .......... 23/10/04
Wendyl ......... 24/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ ??/11/04
<font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
hehe.... cos im on leave for this morning and so i very quiet. I oso duno i O already or not leh. Yst i din use my O strip to test. This morning my temp increase by 0.2deg liao and tonite i will continue to dance. Hopefully i able to catch my egg.

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
since ur hubby disapprove u to take temp everyday and be so conscious abt TTCing, maybe u dun take temp at the moment. But u can still observe ur CM and when its time, u just rape ur hubby. But as for folic acid, u still ned to eat cos its for the benefit of the bb.
<font color="aa00aa">lilac</font>
So, lilac, have you O already?
I think this time i'm gonna have a long cycle.. as my temp. is still low... FF has not detected my O day yet.
hi lilac

no, my husband does not disapprove of me doing all the 'preparations'..but he just feel uncomfortable to be 'cautious' - make sure to BD during certain period of time.....

I guess, i will just resort to seduce or rape him when time is near..
<font color="aa00aa">lbs,</font>
will getting him take "bu pin" make him more stressful?? guess juz hv to relax &amp; make him do nothing lor.

then hor, maybe u "gei gei" go along wif him, but u still monitor ur CM, and when it's time u O, dun tell him u ovulating, but acts horny &amp; seduce him in bed lor.. maybe that'll be less stressful on ur hubby.. but hor, u hv to bear the stress urself..

yeap..thats what I plan to do also...next week, there is a holiday - Gd Fri, we already plan for a short break...he usually feels more relax when out from Spore....If I happen to ovulate arnd that time..then 'Tian Zu Wo Ye!'..

I am thinking to buy 'bu pin' to help him relax &amp; not feeling so tired lor.. He said he feel tired easily recently...so even I seduce him later, he wont be in the mood...
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
yalor, maybe do what as <font color="0000ff">angelia</font> say. U still monitor ur CM but discreetly lor. When ur fertile time comes, just act horny and rape ur hubby.

<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
no no... we not superman and woman lah.... so din BD everyday. Just alternate days lor. So we BD on Monday liao so tonite will BD again.
Hi everyone,
I just started taking evening primrose oil too. I am thinking of taking from M to O date. Cos I remember someone said that it's not good to take it after O. Does anyone else take EPO here? Is what I am doing correct?
Hi Shuin,

I will too find out more about clomid. Will be seeing my gynae next month.

Hi Tuffy,

I just started taking EPO. Also heard from the thread that to take from AF to O. After O dun take, can't remember why. But I notice that after taking EPO, my CM is very obvious and more wet than before. How about you ?

Hi funny,
I only started two days ago and I am still having my M. So can't tell if it helps with CM yet. I hope it helps for me too!
