A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Poohy,

Your spotting stopped and still sometimes +ve sometimes -ve. Maybe you wanna wait ano 2-3 days for a more firm result?

But if spotting comes back you should see one immed i think.


i would suggets that you proceed with the IVF if that is the only resort coz the egg quality will drop after age of 30. the quality of the egg is very impt

Me coming 27 this year. Managed to retrieve a total of 26 eggs. out of which only 22 can be used. by the third day, we are left with only 8 good embryos. So doc transferred 2 and 6 went into the freezer.

Of coz, i will definitely try again for a 2nd one in time to come. this time round, less complicated, just need to do blood test and ultrasound to determine fertile period and transfer the embryo in accordingly. but then, not all embryos can survived the thawing process.

aiyi, me still got long way to go before delivery and here i am thinking when to go for 2nd baby. think abt my "babies" in the freezer, very heartache lei..
hey guys..

if say i hv irregualr mense.. sometimes once every 2 mths, might be 3 mths or even 4ths..

how to concieve like that
joyful, my hubby called our gynae this morning and he has asked me to go down for a check this evening. fingers crossed. Actually now bleeding stop, its faint positive. Havent had a negative test so far yet.

niv, maybe can use basal temperature to determine your fertile periods... and try to see if you can find any patterns.
hi poohy,

when you say very very very faint positive, how faint is it? as in you dont have to stare hard, can see the "+" or you have to stare very very hard, imagine the "+" is there, then you think you probably can see it? hope you know wat i mean, haha..

today is your 14 DPO?
shuin, yesterday nite one is faint but can see... I got my hubby to see also. And he even get a digital camera to take down..confirm got the faint line. Just this morning one very faint.. more faint than yesterday one. we thought its supposed to get darker as time goes by.. so a bit confused.
Hi Micky, you are really great. The whole process of IVF sounds so painful.

Hi Joyful, congrats! Pls rest well. I've spotting during my 6 wks too & I was told not to walk too much, just lie in bed is the best. Now, I'm already 5mths pregnant. May you have a smooth pregnancy.

Hi Poohy, sounds like you might be pregnant. Why not try testing few days later if menses still not here.
Hi Sue,

Really ah? Only lie in bed?

Which gynae are you with?

so what is the an tai pills your GP has prescribed for you?

Seen my gynae just now, the test result is still faintly positive. Very faint. He was telling me to see him in 1 week, if menses come, it may be chemical pregnancy
Meanwhile gave me some pills (dydrogesterone)... am still spotting

My pills are same as yours. Did he explain what is chemical pregnancy? What test your gynae used? V scan or ad scan or urine test?
hi tuffy,
well the interview is quite a failure. i dun quite like the job environment and working time. well me still struggle at my present job to see how lah, hopefully i can graduate asap and i will not think of changing job again.
actually my AF should come today, as I am alway early by 6 day (24 day cycle). till now still no, but got some cramp alry guess AF should come anytime now. cfm will not graduate this mth cos never work hard enough hahaha.
Good luck to u, hope u can success this mth.

have u BD? have not heard from u for sometime.

how are u feeling after your trip? Thank great care.

your gyn is Dr KH Chan? is he good? my sis colleague had recommend him. we are going for a check up by him in april.

u r in CD27 alry chances are quite high for u.
Good luck to u.
sorry to hear that the interview was not a success. But at least you know you don't like the place - better to know now than to find out later!
I am only at DPO6 today. It's a long way to go... and I am not too optimistic this cycle.
hi tuffy,
ya is true, know early than later. actaully the present job is quite ok, just tat i thought of changing environment b4 i pregnant or else next time no one want me . hahaha
sad to say my AF came last midnight. another failure mth. i'm too lazy to plot the chart maybe will consider now. U have BD on your O day right should have some chance, dun lost heart

hi lilac,
pls update me as CD1 as of today
Thank you
Hi Wendypooh,

based on the chart, I have Oed on CD19. Last BD is CD17. So unless the soldiers managed to survive, it doesn't look that good... But it's ok. will leave it to fate.

i think plotting is a good idea, why don't you start this cycle? do you have a thermometer?
Hi Joyful,
My gynae gave me a jab to strengthen the womb so that the pregnancy can be more stable. My gynae is in Lucky Plaza.
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
Ive only started to BD on friday but my O day is still far far away. Estimated my O day shd be on end of Mar. But dun wish to pressurize myself too much.

Actually im some sort in the same situation as u. Im currently looking for a job and im afraid that no cmpy would want to hire me if they know that im TTCing. BTW, what will u tel the cmpy if they ask u about setting up a family? Tell them the truth or tell them that u have no intention of having bb at the moment?

I will update the CD chart for u. Ya, maybe u can try to chart for this month. Who knows, maybe u will jackpot once u started charting like <font color="0000ff">Angelia</font>.

<font color="0000ff">okeanosmao</font>
Ok, i will update ur CD. May this round be a better one!
thanks lilac, will keep on trying.

i'm oso looking for job but i will not tell them i'm trying. if they ask, i'll tell them not at the time being.
but most company will not give maternity leave during short period of work..then hv to take leave lor..
I have irregualr menses sometimes as long as six months. Any nice gayne to intro?? cause its the main problem for my infertility.


I have the same problem as you.. except my menses needs to be induce before it come. I am seeing Dr CT Yeong in KKH. So far so good. At least I know I did manage to ovulate twice.
gd morning gals,
I've juz test +ve today .. hee
line quite faint.. but can dun squint my eyes to look for the line
wat shd i do nx huh? go the GP to cfm preg? when shd i go huh? 2molo ah?
can't ans any posts today as will not be in the office to read ..

have a nice day ladies
tink will go GP 2nite .. as hubby will not be free to go with me in the morning for these few days ..

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 22 Mar 04
okeanosmao * ... CD 03
wendypooh ...... CD 02
skinnyma ....... CD 06
joice .......... CD 10
funny .......... CD 13
amberlyn ....... CD 14
iloveoreo ...... CD 16
lilac .......... CD 17
maya ........... CD 17
Ms Blur ........ CD 18
Emma ........... CD 19
jigsaw ......... CD 19
Jen ............ CD 19
jojoba ......... CD 20
tuffy .......... CD 26
catepillar ..... CD 28
chihiro ........ CD 30
ribena ......... CD 31
jov ............ CD 32
</font><font color="ff6000">
MIA ==> Pls update ur CD / let us know if u have graduated

aa ............. CD 42
felene ......... CD 43
wizard ......... CD 53
shopper ........ CD 54
hopeful24 ...... CD 70
moonriver ...... CD 73
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Micky .......... 23/10/04
Wendyl ......... 24/10/04
YeeYee ......... ??/10/04
<font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>

Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATONS!!!!</font>

So happy for u!! Wow...... its so nice to hear such gd news on a blue blue Monday morning!!!

U gt to take gd care of urself now!! Hmm.... so.... want to pass some "tips" to us?? Mind posting up ur chart??
Today really blue blue Monday...... cos i make so many mistakes in the previous chart! Hehe.... so sorry.... this shd be the latest one....


<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 22 Mar 04
wendypooh ...... CD 02
okeanosmao * ... CD 03
skinnyma ....... CD 06
joice .......... CD 10
funny .......... CD 13
amberlyn ....... CD 14
iloveoreo ...... CD 16
lilac .......... CD 17
maya ........... CD 17
Ms Blur ........ CD 18
Emma ........... CD 19
jigsaw ......... CD 19
Jen ............ CD 19
jojoba ......... CD 20
tuffy .......... CD 26
catepillar ..... CD 28
ribena ......... CD 31
jov ............ CD 32
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if u have graduated!

aa ............. CD 42
felene ......... CD 43
wizard ......... CD 53
shopper ........ CD 54
hopeful24 ...... CD 70
moonriver ...... CD 73
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Micky .......... 23/10/04
Wendyl ......... 24/10/04
YeeYee ......... ??/10/04
</font><font color="ff6000">
Waiting to Graduate - tested +ive
chihiro ........
<font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>

Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349
hi chihiro,

congrats!! yup yup, nice to read good news on a monday morning.

take good care of yourself, drink more water, don't carry heavy things or do vigorous exercise etc
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>

<font color="aa00aa">lilac</font>
Did u manage to bd over the weekend?
Have you Oed already?

I only managed to do it once.
But i don't think i've Oed yet.. still waiting.
congrats chihiro!!

those of u using the FF, wat does it mean when there's the crosshairs? mine is a dotted red one... this normal? does it mean i O on that day?

<font color="0000ff">Jen</font>
FF has detected tha you have Oed. However, dotted red lines most likely means that some of the data is not entered correctly. Did you key in your CM signs?
Hi chihiro!
That's fantastic news!! so you can really tell your kid that he/she was conceived on a dark and stormy nite!
<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
me same as u. Only bd once on friday nite. N ive not O yet. Normally i O after CD20. But will try to dance frequently.
oreo, thanx... i entered my CM info leh... and also when i BD... dunno why... but i dun have those OPK kit or watever lor... maybe that is needed too?
hi jen,
would you like to put up your chart? we can all put our heads together and see if we can find out the reason. Pls also include the row on CM.
<font color="aa00aa">lilac</font>
Yar lor.. me also bd on friday only.. tried doing last nite.. but he's too tired..
I told my hubby this week must try alternate days.. told him to conserve his energy as much as he can.
This month is the last month to try for a baby for this year else will spill over til next year. Getting 'kan cheong' already!

Btw, any of u used the OPK bought from preggie bliss. I tested it yesterday nite and I forgot to look at it until 1/2 an hour later. I saw a faint but visible line next to the test line.
Do u think the test is still valid considering that i looked at it 3o mins later?

congrats congrats congrats! so nice to hear one more baby coming! take extra care of yourself.

all ladies out there, JIA YOU! sure can make it one day.

me now 9 weeks +, this sat (10 weeks) going for scanning again, let's hope baby is fine and can see more clearly this time round..
Hi chihiro,
Congrats! Take good care of yourself.

Hi gals,
I failed again this month. Really frustrating... I'm not getting pregnant but I'm growing fat!
hi Jen,

Hmm... usually the EWCM comes before and during O. Yours seem to come after. At the same time, the temp rise seems to indicate O. That could be why FF is putting the tentative O date as 17th.

Hi Shuin,
I have the same experience too! Just getting fat and not pregnant.
<font color="0000ff">jen</font>
the horizontal line is ur coverline.
The vertical line indicates the date that u O.
N u having dotted lines means that u have some missing datas or ur data dun tally. And how come u dun have watery CM?
hi all,

can the seniors please enlighten me as i am totally lost on temping...

am i right to say the following:-
1) will our temp drop before and during our AF?
2) so after AF, will the temp raise progressively?
3) a few days before my O, i will normally feel extremely warm..is this normal?
4) so after O, will the temp drop again or will remain high until next AF?
5) how do we detect the actual O date huh?

sorry to be a pain maybe u all have already mentioned these endless times already...
hi ice-jelly,
I speak for myself cos different pple may have diff pattern:

1) My temp is 0.1 to 0.2 higher during my AF. It will drop after that
2) My temp doesn't rise progressively. It remains rather constant until O date
3) I don't feel any difference
4) It will rise and remain high until AF comes again.
5) Based on CM - if stretchy, that indicates fertile CM. Coupled with 3 successive days of rise in temp (usually), you can regard the last day before the rise as the O date.
