A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

if u hv a gynae in kkh, it's cheaper... if dun hv & dun wan to spend too much, jus get polyclinic to write ref letter for u to go kkh, see subsidised gynae & req to do HSG... i think it's much cheaper than pte clinics... i did mine as a pte patient in kkh & paid $135

ya, heard caitlyn seeing RE to do hormone test... can chk wif her for the contacts bah... but maybe call up to double chk the services before making apt to see doc bah
juju- guess clomid works differently for everyone. since clomid kind of reg my cycle & do q a lot of scans also, so didn't bother to use OPK for this 2 cycles. No BBT also - gynae says can be quite stressful wor! hehe... as long got O, anytime also nevermind liao!! Ur 2 wk proj - sure will "hit" O one lah!
But juju, ur hub's SA ok?

marble, usu gynaes may not want to u spend so much money on tests for nothing, unless u try & try for long time yet no bb... then usu they will suggest to do HSG or even lap. anywae, if u r keen to get urself checked also good lah. Any prob know earlier
Yeah, sounds like Dr Charles Lim is an RE. Anyway, will see him next week, then see how.

louie, juju,
Yeah lor, don't care whatever position. I also can sleep in any position now. Haha.. Anything for ttc.
Actually there was once I even fell asleep while at doggie position! Too tired.. Haha!
ok just called radlink. they cannot do HSG w/o referal. hmm..gotta find other ways. maybe go back to my KKH gynae..but i hate the waiting in KKH..
ya... dat's why i stopped bbt for so long liao. hubby's SA is 4%, gynae did say it's low but normal aka good enuff... so, we'll jus try lor... i told hubby if still dun strike, aug/sept he gotta do another SA liao
& he ok me wor

how long had u been ttc-ing? if less than 1 yr, usu gynaes discourage doing any tests... unless u strongly insist on doing tests...

sleep in doggie position ah... i haven try before... but do u noe we alrdy master this technique as a kid??? i often see kids sleeping in such position but wif the butt at a lower level la...
marble, if ur gynae still refuse to do HSG... explain to him tat u wanna get all things checked. Me used to be under KKH... but service not personalised. Like just ask me to take clomid without monitoring... & aft 2 cycles jus do a progesterone blood test on DPO 7. Jia lat man!!!

juju - u in same boots as me. Hub's SA also around there. When he did SA test @ KKH previously, still got 6% leh. So, decided to start him on zinc (GNC), but IUI they'll usu test the quality of sperm etc... now down to 4% leh. V weird hor!!! Anywae, gynae also said 4% is alright still can make it lah
She says nowadays... practically no man can make it to WHO std anymore.

juju/whee - ha ha... I don't think I can sleep in doggie position! Face feel so squashed. kekkeke Me ultra not flexible so happy to jus lift my butt up!
I have been taking BBT. My TCM physician asks me to. I don't feel stress about it. But start to wonder if it is giving me stress without me knowing? Hmm.. Anyway, decided to start taking now (i.e. after AF has finished) and will stop after BBT has gone up (i.e. after O). Maybe will be less stress this way.. shorter period of taking BBT.

I was too tired. That's why fell asleep while in that position. Of course, still sleep in normal after I woke up lah. Hehe..
Yeah, although I cannot remember, I think my hubby SA test results also around same as your hubbies'. Yeah, my gynaes also say nowadays results around that range.

I am glad my hubby also don't mind doing another SA test. In fact, he initiated to my TCM physician. But she says no need to do another test yet. Heng ah.. If he minds, I got more headache.
so ur gynae is at kkh... my prev one also... i forced her to let us do HSG & SA... else she die also dun wan to propose... hahaha... then hor, ask me to wait & see her 6 mths later... i nvr turned up for dat appt

actually hubby took a SA at kkh, but nvr show motility result, so had to do one at care... then got to noe is 4%... well, ppl had strike wif 1% motility, so 4% is ok lor... WHO standard is 14% leh... nowadays still got ppl hit meh? anyway, i think eat zinc-rich vegs & oysters work the best bah... maybe tonite buy oyster omelette home... whahahaha.....

as long as u r not stressed, shld be ok... stress no good... dat's why me gonna enjoy myself tis cycle & see wat happens
juju/whee - think the 4% is the normal form, i.e. only normal shaped sperms can penetrate egg! My hub's army motility abt 50%, a little slow lah. hee... The good thing was aft the "wash" for IUI.. the statistics slightly improved leh. V interesting

Ya lor... the WHO standard was since 1999. outdated liao!!! kekeke

Juju - oyster omelette, yummy! But 2ww, better not eat these stuff rite! Me cooked steak ze other day, think only medium done but I still eat, hope everything is still ok!

marble - CARE is centre for reproductive medicine
Me not stressed with TTC. But don't know if I feel stressed unconsciously or not. But I am definitely getting very stressed with work. Workload piling up. So, thought minimising the BBT period might take some stress away.

Yeah, I also want to enjoy myself this cycle. Just ML.

I am seeing Dr Tan SL at Hougang Teck Chua Medical Hall. Dr Tan is with Thong Chai too.
lucky you... my hubby's 1st SA test was done after 2 mths of persuasion leh... then cos he like to spend on his hobbies, i keep stressing dat SA only $50, my tests go by the hundreds... then he willing to do

usu every 6 mths gotta do new SA test cos dat's when any improvement or deterioration can be better identified/ measured.
I think most hubbies don't like to go through such tests one. So, your hubby is normal.

My 1st gynae suggested the test and my hubby agreed. Very co-operative. Luckily. Hehe.. Anyway, both of us are very keen to have kids. So, he is not reluctant to do such tests. If not hah, I am going to nag until he cannot tahan. Haha..

Aiyo, every 6 months need to do ah? The last test was done last year don't know when. Maybe I will check when I see the new gynae next week. Anyway, we have been on the TCM for half a year (although not very regularly for my hubby), think can test to see have improvement or not.
care also does fertility svcs... i was wif them for my ovuation monitoring & v-scans... u can try calling & ask how much they charge for hsg, their number is 6333 8608

4% is healthy sperm, rite? why u say 50% motility is slow??? i dun understand leh...
i'm not the one eating oyster omelette, it's for hubby... *evil grin*

jus enjoy urself...
it's an ego thing... hubby also keen to hv kids, but he think do SA machiam no ego... like he not man like dat lor... hahaha...
if got problem, then do every 6 mths la... if his SA ok, then maybe only do annually
whee, my hub also like u... did SA v willingly. He didn't know during IUI, they also run a SA test... hee... the funny thingy after taking zinc, the SA worse off leh

juju - yes, 4% is the normal shaped (look like tadpoles) are good healthy ones. His quite a lot of head-piece defect, abnormal shape? My hub's on b4 wash motility only 49%, aft wash became 50%.... still ok lah. supposed to be >50% is normal. Also, density v impt

i quite itchy mouth kind... anything also like to eat. keke... when preggie, must really keep away fr raw food etc.
paul tseng & eunice chua r resident gynaes thr, if i'm not wrong.
embryologist is angela ho.
not sure if they hv a RE.

like dat hor... good la...
preggie can eat raw food, but must be able to confirm it's 100% fresh one... so kinda tough in SG la...

hi val,
long time no see... how r u?
One of my hubby's SA tests during IUI was more than half worse off than previous'. But we BD the night before the IUI. Cos the IUI was last minute decision that day when we see the gynae. Thus, the SA result for that day was bad. Normally for SA test, need 2 days' rest time.

Maybe your scenario also like mine? If that is the case, then maybe not the real results.
whee, oic.... guess army not fully recharged i guess. Saw gynae on CD 12 (she advised us to BD tat nite), then CD 14 come bk for IUI (eggie released liao). Compared to real SA test, have to abstain for 3 days.... so guess higher concentration!

Although still not sure whether zinc helps! My hub now complaining how come I feeding him so much "metal"
, think it's 333% beyond daily requirement!! The TCM i see at Thong Chai jus ask my hub to eat zinc, never even bother to check him although he was there & SA report not wonderful - tats why I was v pissed wif the physician!!! Never saw her again!!!
thanks juju.

was thinking of seeing dr fong yang since he appears so 'hot' in this forum. alternative is 'fong chuan wee'. any comments on these 2?
paiseh... can't comment on them. cos i nvr see them before... maybe the others can give some comments? only heard frm fren dat FY dun realli hv good bedside manners & can be quite blunt at times. haven't heard anything abt FCW yet

i was seeing FCW for a while. he's basically ok. his clinic is always packed. but my personal preference is for a younger and a female gynae
think FCW is like maybe 60 liao? but i think he's very experienced and quite patient also.
hi kermit. u saw FCW becos of Du Xuemei? I vaguely recall reading somewhere u were seeing her..i heard FCW is quite expensive. true?

I see du xuemei and she insist i be followed up by FCW should i get pregnant..
hi ladies,

would like to ask about bbt.. I happen to read from the past posting that if bbt remains high, (eg. 37.70 -37.80)u wll be able to know whether u preggy anot.. however, the highest temp taken before Ovulation (CD8 to CD16) is 36.50. It never reach 37.0.. and my temp for today (CD19) is 36.37.. My temp are always taken in the morning at 8:00am.. So, I would like to ask is, will I be able to know I am preggy by taking bbt since I never hit 37.0 ?
dun worry la... shld be ok liao bah? u & ur DH work so hard alrdy...

bbt wise, after O bbt shld be higher than pre-O. if u got a 3rd phase which dip ard 8-12dpo then rise higher = triphasic bbt... usu mean strike bah... best is bbt remain high for at least 18 days
whee - you should continue taking BBT even after your Ovulation. Cos it will be helpful to monitor whether you O well. your temp should remain high for more than 10 days till AF then consider O well. Otherwise.... it may consider anovulation cycle ( egg not mature or release out)
juju - hello thought you start working liao. hee hee :D

Ask you hah... do you experience sore breast during your medication of protesgerone pill last cycle. I start to have mild sore breast the day after I got BFP on OPK on sunday. Very strange lor.... I suspect it could be due to the medication i am taking now from my TCM. She added more BU for me as she said my BBT still not good enough
zenia - juju is right... continue to take your temp tomorrow, if it goes back high again then you ignore today one. MOst important must have high temp (best is 37.0) for more than 10 days... if preggie it will continue till.......
ya, started & finished work liao loh...
yes, i had sore & firmer breasts during dat time... but most symptoms disappeared 1-2 days before chem preg
wow.. ytday was a chatty day.. me had to bring students out so cldn't log in.. now back in school less than 12 hrs after i left.. keke.. yawnz..

anyway, read the postings ytday.. i not seeing an RE.. wat does tt stand for btw? me seeing an endocrinologist, someone who focuses on hormones issues.. his clinic focuses on diabetes, thyroid and hormones i think.. keke.. gynae referred me there coz she wants to noe if i have any issues with wt gain..
Hi all,

Can i check with u all? What's e diff b/w BBT n our body temp?

If your BBT is high, will u feel warmer than usual?


U reached school so early?
sheryl - yup.. reached super early coz of hb! keke.. i think BBT is e "real" body temp not affected by all e stuff we do like walking ard all tt rite? sorry i also not tt sure..

gals, sorry to ask but i'm having quite heavy brownish discharge.. but yet not really blood.. still not considered AF is it? sorry, but i'm really really really lost.. coz i need to do e CD02 test but with such bleeding i oso dunno when is my AF liao..
Sorry caitlyn, cannot help u cos i'm quite lost when it comes to this as well. Is this e 1st time u having heavy brown discharge? Y don u call up ur gynae n ask?
BBT is body temp at rest... body temp is the normal range which will fluctuate from the time u wake up till u go to bed... usu a higher bbt will not make u feel extra warm, unless it's very high like fever

i wld suggest u give ur gynae a call to enquire abt tis brown discharge... do a scan or something... i dun think tis is considered AF yet cos usu brown discharge is classified as old blood
i emailed me gynae liao.. today her clinic only opens at 2:30.. so i guess my reply will also come in e aftn..

juju - like tt darned sianz lor.. twice this mth liao.. but this time is really quite heavy.. got a tinge of red here n there..
juju - i did a scan.. only saw tt i have like alot of bubbles in both my ovaries.. tt's y mst likely hv PCOS.. she said my uterus shape n size is normal.. and lining is good.. tt's y i very puzzled by all these unexplained bleeding.. now dying to noe my blood test results!!! hahaha

ya hor... seems ok leh... maybe ur hormones playing games bah... no choice but to wait for the blood test then
stay happy
