A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

don't feel disappoint for it's only 2 mths of TTC. some ladies are really fertile like 2 of my girlfriends who were pregnant the next moment they want a baby! A few got pregnant after 9 months of trying...While I'm still hoping and wishing since they were pregnant with their 1st babies and now they had delivered their 2nd babies!!!!.........there are more anxious ladies out here like the very me... sob..sob...

wish us luck!


same here. mine came n was very very light too. Like wat caitlyn suggested, u can get bbt to keep track. Otherwise, seek your gynae for advice.

My gynae told me to track my AF for another 2 mths before I see her again to c if there's anything wrong. Do u know the cause of your irregular AF?
Hi ladies,

i detected EWCM yesterday night (CD17) and tested +ve using my left over OPK too. hubby and I did BD on CD16 and CD17. however, i did manage to get a large dip in my bbt only this morning (CD18). do you all think i ovulate on CD17 or CD18? and since we BD on CD16 but i wash up after "it" immediatly cos feels uneasy as some of the speamie is flowing out.. do u girls think the speamie will still be able to swim its way up to my eggie? really hope i didn't wash all of them out competly..
hi sherly,

I think not all women will have EWCM. especially for those ladies who are ttcing.. sometimes i myself are not able to detect it for more than 3 months.
yes, back to work today... kinda busy, so managed to keep my mind off some stuff for most of the day

ya, not everyone hv EWCM during ovulation... u wan to be sure can drink pink grapefruit juice

get offline & go BD now, & tmr also... catch all the spermies as much as u can... jia you! good luck!
morning all..

juju - okies lah.. i have complete trust in my hb now.. keke.. i always feel tt marriage is sacred.. if dun trust 100% i wun marry one.. haha.. my hb always say i very 'old antique' when it comes to views on marriage n r/ships.. keke

louie - keke.. by e time hb n i went hm, we both so tired, just KO.. haha.. just went to my parents' plc for dinner.. usu we btoh very sleepy on mon.. haha. i not married 4 yrs.. i married 7 mths only.. but pak tor 4 yrs mah! haha

sheryl - okies lah.. not many of my col noe.. hee
zenia, if u didn't manage to BD yesterday... BD today!! Egg shd be released liao & can last 24 hrs, so don't miss the opportunity ya!

caitlyn - ha ha... jus curious, teachers gen always in class, got time to use computer during the day? hehe
hi louie,

ya.. did BD immediately after reading juju post.. haha.. gotta smack my backside for surfing net last night.. daily routine.. keke.. anyway, BD on CD16, 17 and 18.. very tired oredi.. really still need to BD tonight?
way to go, gal! haha... so i did manage to chase u away ya? do another OPK test tonite, if still +ve, then tonite gotta BD... else tmr nite 1 time can liao la
best of luck ya!
louie - off n on got free period then i come in chit chat lor.. sometimes after one class very tired.. plop down on table then surf a while n prepapre for next lesson.. =)

zenia - wah!! good good! high chance of spermies catching eggie!! hee.. tt time after i gt a +ve on OPK, we BD on tt day, twice e next day n e day after.. then hb n i KO KO KO.. hahaha..
haha.. dun tease me leh..
anyway i use PRESEED this month.. hope it helps to preserve the spermie and wait for my eggie.. haha..

okie, jus collected my OPK from ryes.. will test it tonight.. if tested +ve, think gonna "hai si-ao,hai si-ao,hai si-ao" again..
hi ryes

was kapo-ing here and there and saw that you had a run-in with a certain famous "Mrs" somewhere
...hope you are feeling better already...don't take it too hard...sometimes very young pple are overly zealous and think they know it all...how is your pregnancy so far? how many weeks already?
hey juju and kermit

me much better liao. seems like hormones getting crazy lah. aiyah...

At first upset lah, but now okay liao. Am now 7 weeks...how are u kermit? Now hw many weeks?

juju, hw have u been?
me okie dokie... going to start a 2-wk battle plan tmr nite

been popping in & out some threads & saw the infamous Mrs xxxx whom Kermit was referring to... i was pissed off by her too... kinda smart aleck type
ryes - glad to hear u're okies.. =) u received e mney liao?

juju - can i ask u abt PCOS? do u noe other than blood test on CD02 and e v-scan, any other stuff has to be done to "diagnose" it?? also if PCOS, means high LH levels, means if we use OPK, we can test +ve more than once a mth is it?

glad to know you feeling better liao...don't bother lah! but keep happy happy now..these few weeks quite important

i am now 17 weeks already. how's your appetite so far? can eat bo?


you also huh? me too lor
...what upsetted me was actually how she kept repeating how she struck the FIRST time she tried...she's very blessed lor but maybe because of that she doesn't quite understand the pain and frustration the rest of us face when we TTC for a long time...anyway i thought all the girls here are really very nice and tolerant...that's why sometimes i also kaypo and butt in here now and then...
kermit - agree w u.. think she was a little insensitive to keep emphasizing she struck e first time altho i guess she just wanted to share how we can keep healthy and all.. maybe she was overly enthu..

yeah lor. you waiting to do CD2 blood test huh? all the best wor!


all the best for the 2weeks battle too
i have heard, right after hor, the body is super fertile. i saw 2 friends got pregnant 3 months after.
kermit - yuppers.. waiting to do CD2 blood test.. but e prob is i saw EWCM on fri n tested +ve on OPK.. however i've been having brownish discharge since sun.. this is exactly e same thing tt happened to be 2 weeks ago.. really wonder when my AF will report.. today is CD48 liaoz.. me abit worried abt all these brownish discharge.. also very inconv..
*patpat* so bewildering hor...all these things that can happen to our body...

but hor if you have PCOS, then your LH being always high, you may get +ve on OPK easily i think...not very sure also lah...

i think your brownish discharge is just your hormones lah...you scan and didn't see any cysts or fibroids right?
kermit - got see many many bubbles in e ovaries.. tt's y doc says most likely PCOS.. there was a time i use OPK every day.. i only test +ve once a mth.. this mth is twice.. plus only when i see EWCM then will be +ve.. but agree w u abt e hormones thing.. darned sian lor.. super inconv! haha

hope u all dun mind i post here.. just wanted to say hi to all of u


lots of bb dust for u !

wow u already 17 weeks already. time flies. i am praying for my next checkup. hope everything is fine and i will enter 2nd tri soon..
hey juju, what the 2 weeks battle?? *scratch head leh* did i miss out smthing?

Hey caitlyn, yes got the $. Posted out today liao, sent u an email.

Hey kermit, wah 17 weeks leh, how does it feel? got a tummy not? My appetite is super good and I dun feel good, coz put on alot alot of weight leh. Sob sob. eat and eat, coz hungry.
so far i only did the cd02 blood test & v-scan only... not aware of other methods... but i jus borrowed a book abt pcos frm the library last nite, i go home chk & update here again

kermit & caitlyn,
i guess we can't realli blame her la... 21 is realli an ignorant age for most ppl in this society... most dunno dat they live a good life...

yep... hope so... tis cycle is 100% natural. so see how bah...

dun worry, u r always welcomed to come back & post
thanks for the baby dust

2 wk battle ah... BD lor
i read online to try this natural method, gotta start BD frm cd08 to cd20, or till OPK no +ve lor... so wif my irregular cycle, i estimate at least 2 wks...
all MTB - so sorry to hear about the 'mrs...' posting. She is really KPO. You all are more welcome to join us here, we need more voices!!!

juju - good luck in your ttc!!!
caitlyn - did you take BBT, you might want to send to me your BBT chart. If you have PCOS your temp will goes up and down through out the cycle.
Hi everyone,

Had a busy day, just have time to pop in now.


All e best ya to ur battle.. = ) Me planning to do that too but dono if I have e energy anot.. Hehe..
zenia & caitlyn,

u really got e zeal leh.. think i cant BD continuously.. sure 'tyre punctured' wan.
so much work to do.. by e time i come home, so tired ald. Losing my zeal le.. doubt i can BD every alt day.. *stress* *stress*
just read ur reply, been bz recently. need to take clomid meh? i wasn't given that. that's for what?

caitlyn, we got to work hard together... heehee... use OPK
hi ryes, nice meeting u too.. din know u are preggy.. anyway CONGRATULATIONS ya..

hee hee.. jus tested with the OPK and is -ve.. heng ah.. haha.. will rest today and "hai si-ao" tomorrow.

bettle & sheryl,

pink grapefruit juice is to increase CM
me also dunno got stamina or not, jus try lor...

no la... clomid only prescribed if u hv ovulation problems... if dun need to take clomid, lagi better

yeah!!! tonite can rest, tmr nite chiong... then if can tahan, chiong 1 more nite after 1 nite rest...
good luck
juju - all the best for ur 2 wk battle. I also didn't catch wat u were saying initially until u explained.. hehe...

hi stella/ryes - you're always welcome bk to share wif the rest of us
Kermit v helpful ard here... wah... so fast 17wks already!!
haha... thanks. din wan to make it too obvious... but hoping i can strike naturally so dat hubby can spend his $$$ on his indulgences... feel dat spending $$$ on RE is quite wasteful cos no 100% g'tee...
dun mind my words... i'm being bitchy... lol
juju - me also rather save the $$. Me collecting all the receipts fr seeing gynae, wahhh... it's really a lot leh. My credit card payment always increasing, not fr shopping but seeing doc!! *laff* Tats why hub was not keen on IUI lor... me still in 2ww, getting all the side effects fr HCG jab & the utrogestan, q sian
coz u can't tell whether really preggie or not!
i created a file for ttc stuff... haha... heart will break siah... dat day after chem preg, hubby was asking if i ever tabulate the $$ spent... i told him min $2k liao... he was like, wah! ttc very ex... then i told him when preggie & after birth, lagi ex siah...
try to tahan the side effects la... go shopping or watever, dun coop urself at home... no good for the mental health... "bai ren cheng jin", "tie bang mo cheng zhen"
beetle bug - i've not been taking BBT regularly.. but i think mine does fluctuate quite a bit.. keke.. guess i ren ming lah.. most likely wll need help to be able to conceive liao..

sheryl - tt time was sch hols i think.. haha.. but after tt 3 days in a row.. we really KO for a week! hahaha

juju - jia you jia you!! sure can make it soon!! today my CD49/50 liao.. if based on previous OPK +ve is DPO21 liao.. if based on e recent one only DPO4.. hmmm.. but i guess i have PCOS, so will be no O rite?
once u test +ve on opk, it means got O, but the thing is dunno whether the egg was released or not? when r u seeing gynae again? maybe if ard 7/8dpo, can ask for v-scan to see if got corpus luteam? if hv, means successful O liao

haiz... if can strike without medication is a BIG bonus liao...

oh gals, go watch the French RA movie: How much you love me... very hot siah... last nite went home to ML... very good start to tis mth's ttc
juju- no worries, me taking it easy. trying not to "read" too much into any symptoms! hehe... I did the IUI on 12/7 (last wed), so tat day is considered DPO 1 -since eggie is already released? If so, then me DPO 8, if not then DPO 7 lor

Caitlyn, u saw the hormone specialist & Dr Chua Yang... anything they cld do to help explain ur spotting & to "correct" any hormone unbalance? Err, PCOS may be difficult for eggie to mature but still can O i guess but may not O well? Quite a no. of frens who have irregular periods also became mummies already!!
juju - is it? but i thot OPK just shows LH surge.. which PCOS patients tend to have? hmm.. i also dunno leh.. but not possible to O twice in a mth rite?? now i like got bleeding.. dunno whether it's AF yet.. maybe wait till tmr..

louie - i haven't got my report back frm e hormone specialist yet.. still waiting.. as for dr chua she says most likely in hormonal imbalance.. no plan yet for e next move coz i still waiting to take CD2 test..

caitylyn - wah the report take so long to process, it's a v detailed one? Ok, so you have to wait for full AF flow then u can do the CD 2 test rite... be patient lor! If not preggie, pray tat ur AF will come v soon!!! Then doc can do proper diagnosis & new cycle begins
