A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

juju - yah lor.. now playing waiting game.. notti hormones!! haha.. super sleepy today.. lessons gonna start soon.. hopefully i'll not be too 'blur' in class! haha

juju - hee.. cannot tahan anymore and called my endocrinologist clinic to ask whether my blood test result out.. now waiting for nurse to check n return my call.. hahaha
u so cute... wat time is ur class? got enuff buffer to wait for the nurse to call?
1 thing to note: dun anyhow assume the blood test result ok... jus note briefly good or not, then wait for gynae to interpret for u ya
juju - my lessons starting at 945.. so now just waiting n waiting.. i think i roughly noe tt my LH will be much higher than my FSH coz i had a +ve on OPK tt day.. keke.. now i just curious abt my prgesterone level.. and insulin.. keke.. i will take it tt results are nt good unless otherwise told! haha
zenia, today is ur CD19... if u haven't O yet then ur BBT won't be high (ur avg temp of 36.5 is ok), & ur BBT today is 36.37 - it's a dip in temp, so u gonna O soon?? The high BBT is referring to post-O & if it remains high & AF not here then likely one is preggie. Hope u are not confused

caitlyn - so ur red flow stopped, more like brown discharge again? better be patient & wait for Dr Chua Yang's reply....

bettlebug - Bu more for BBT tot will likely make body feel warm, how come will cause breast ache?? Mmmzz.. u can ask ur TCM, q weird. Btw, why ur BBT not good enuf leh, in the 35 or low 36 range?
Thanks for the advice.
I have been taking for the past few months and BBT has been high after ovulation. So, I assumed ovulation is okay for me. And I thought I want to stopped taking BBT after ovulated for this cycle to see if I will be less stressed and higher chance of preggie or not. Just testing out.

Anyone know whether sex after or near supposedly implantation date is harmful or not recommended?

I mean since sex will bring about orgasm and spasm of the womb, will it expel baby especially if the blasto-something is floating around and waiting to implant then kanna wash out by the orgasm spasm?

I abit worried and regret ML last nite. Today is supposedly my 8DPO and i wonder if had conceived already, will baby have been prevented from implanting after last nite's ML.

This is our 5th cycle trying. Quite depressing by now.

Anyone can enlighten me will be good. Thanks!!!
Hi all,

Juz want to find out how's every1 doing? Did every1 work hard?

I have not been able to come in recently as my coll had officially resigned. Given us only 2 week notice and I hv to take over everything within these 2 weeks. I am so stres and bz everyday and taking a break now coz very tired coz last night got farewell party..

Juz alittle updatez on me..
I am currently in my 9th week. Everything is well and had since went for my first scan liao. I have so call "evening sickness", doesn;t feel well when come to evening, but I seems to be alright in the morning. Getting "fatter" due to bloating and can see a little tummy coming out.

Have not check out earlier achive post, I will do soon once I get the time. I really hope that every1 of you grad soon!!

Take care ya..
hi sus sus

don't worry! when the fertilised egg travel down the fallopian tube, it should implant if it was meant to implant. I BD like everyday from DPO 8 to DPO11 (as i was on holiday mah) and still got a BFP on DPO15
jus wait for the results & let gynae interpret, ya? dun "hu si luan siang"

if the "bu" is to build up hormone levels, then may show preggie symptoms, cos may increase prog levels

sometimes not all women will ovulate every cycle...
last nite i skimmed thru a book which said for pcos women, 1 mth can fertile & the other mth not... very weird... need to read more

usu it shld not affect... but if u r worried, maybe u can chk wif ur gynae
Oh.. I thought if I continue taking TCM, then should be quite consistent.. Hmm.. Anyway, I am just going to try for this cycle and see how.

I don't know I have pcos or not. My previous gynaes did not mention. Will ask the next gynae about pcos next week.
received my blood test results via fax.. looks quite bad.. anyone noes how to interpret roughly if i were to put up my results here?
i gtta wait ONE WEEK before my appt w my dr lehz.. i put up here k.. pls tell me wat u gals think.. but i quite sure it's not very good..

FSH: 7.1
LH: 24.1
E: 113 (think this is one tt is really really low also)
Prog: 2.83
Oh, needs around 1 week shipment time. If you need it now, can check if anyone can sell to you first. Cos I have none already. In fact, I just purchased from online yesterday. I will received my order only next week.
penguin - glad to hear frm u.. hopefully ur evening sickness will go away soon.. =) do take care of urself.. =)

juju - abt e PCOS thingy i think i roughly noe why can some mths fertile some mths not.. coz tt time according to dr chua, she says maybe have problems ovulating so some mths e egg is not released successfully tt's y we see so many "cysts" in e ovaries.. those are e matured eggs tt failed to be released or maybe egies tt failed to mature well.. i guess tt's y some mths fertile n some mths not? coz some mths we do ovulate successfully?
kermit - i did already CD44 liao.. i dunno whether i DPO or O liao.. haha.. but i testd +ve on OPK on e day i took e test..
kermit - went to e link.. think my results sld be indicative of some probs lah.. they dun all fall into e same "category".. based on e norms in e lab test.. some fall under follicular phase, some under mid-cycle peak.. =( but nvm, i shall not be discouraged! jia you jia you! haha
jus try & see how bah

ur FSH & LH levels look quite pcos... E not bad... prog is pretty good since u tested O on dat day, cos prog only climbs up after O

yup! u r quite right abt the O-ing part... machiam PC which sometimes kee siao hang, then sometimes work so well

go see gynae for better interpretation is the best choice!

u can also PM Ryes or Hoonie
if u buying smaller quantities
I had my IUI on 6th of July
And today morning I tried to test for pregnancy using clear blue that i got in guardian.
But it turned out to be negative.
I am so depressed. Is it too early to test or should I use any other early pregnancy test kit please advice
juju, caitlyn and all, i miss all of you here. Didn;t see blueblue around aso.. No news of yuki too..??

didn;t have the time to look back previous achive.
try again on 18dpo... if still -ve, another 7 days later
good luck!

keke... we miss u too
ain't seen blueblue & yuki for a long time too
Hello All! Thanks!

Ok, i see. Ya hor, shouldnt be a prob hor? Else should be able to find such "refrain" advises readily on net hor?

I feel better now. Aiya, i must be paranoid. Or maybe all that stress is getting on. Even when hubby fetch me and go over humps on the road, i jump at him. Hehe ...

Haiz ... So good all of you got things to share and explore. I still counting down ... to next wed to know if 'bingo?'

Waiting for the unusual from today onwards. Hmmm ...

actually clear blue is a very good brand for testing early pregnancy...one of the better ones actually..

so if clear blue can't get anything, the possibility could be the HCG in your urine is still not high enough...and the only way is to wait and hope that the HCG level will go up.
Oh no but is there chances that..it may turn out to be negative also
But is true that am trying too early to test.
So much disappointing it is.

2day is my CD20.. so tinkin to purchase nw..thks
n my CD is from 24-34.. irregular.but recently 29days .n isiz troublesum to use OPK if irregular..
hi penguine!! Good to know tat u are well, but try not to get too stressed out at work. 1st trimester, must really take care ya

caitlyn, when did u take the bloodtest for ur hormones on CD 2 or mid-cycle? Coz the readings will be different!

kermit - me keep getting tummy cramps this few days, since DPO 4 onwards till now. So sian!

Anitha - most accurate is to do a blood test... u'll need to wait at least DPO14 before you should test
juju - e E is not bad meh? i saw from e list in e lab results.. sld be ard 200 like tt.. mine is out of ref range one.. i agree my LH n FSH look very PCOS.. keke.. but i wondering if e fact tt i tested +ve on OPK contributed to this coz on usu days i dun test +ve on OPKs.. hmm.. this is called zi qi qi ren! hahaha

louie - i took on CD44.. i think for me is mid nearing end cycle bah..

anitha -*hugz* dun be too disappointed.. stay positive and test a few days later?
pinky - send u a Private msg on the OPK.

DPO is days past Ovulation. Since U did ur IUI on 6 July, today shd be ur DPO 14... maybe u shd re-test a few days later
All the best

tummy cramps are good signs! fingers crossed yeah!


TTC is all about waiting! wait to ovulate, then 2 weeks wait...then 9 months wait
in the meantime, try to take your mind off by doing other things...
caitlyn, since ur cycle not v regular... how to pinpoint when exactly which phase u are in to accurately interprete the results? Think shd leave it to the doc. my report is for my CD2 blood test results so LH shd be lower than FSH. But for mid/late cycle.... shd be different? I cld bring my test results to office tomorrow to share

juju- PCOS still can get preggie, but guess chances lowered coz period is irregular since may not O properly each mth. However, know 2 ladies with cycles as long as 60days get preggie & gave birth liao! So, still can one
I feel so lucky to have found a forum like this
Otherwise I can never discuss all this with my mother or mother in law.
And I feel so bad that I keep disappointing my hubby. I am so thankful to everyone of you for supporting me.
kermit, i seriously hope it's a good sign. Seems like everyday got cramps leh (since 4 days aft my IUI)... keep waking up early also. but HCG jab & utrogestan shdn't give side effects of cramps leh.

Anitha - you're most welcome here. All of us are learning together. Even those who graduate liao still come in to give advice
don't blame urself, not getting preggie cld be due to ALL SORTS OF REASONS ok!
louie - haha.. e ironic thing is doc also will ask me which phase i'm in lor!! hahaha.. so i just guess based on OPK lor.. keke.. okie okie.. look fwd to noeing ur CD2 blood test results so i noe wat i sld look out for also.. helping u keep fingers crossed that the cramps are a good sign of bb coming!!

anitha - yup. agree w louie.. all of us learning tog.. n most of us here can understand the feelings of depression when we see a big fat negative on our preg tests so better able to empathise too.. dun give up and press on ya? hugz
yeah... all the qns posted to me had been answered... all of us had become gurus in TTC
louie, i noe pcos can get preggie, me lor... too bad dat it ended way too early

did u & ur hubby go for pre-conception chk ups? mind asking u & ur hubby's age? usu timeframe is 1-2 yrs, so dun need to kan chiong yet

Hi Gals

I'm still on leave... so, not on PC very often... so kinda blur when looking thr' all the msg... dunno where to start also... hehehehe... quite a few new comers... and graduates... happy to know that...

Juz some updates... I'm recovering well from the op, except that my wounds now are very very very itchy... and I can't help scratching... oops... got abit of scars liao... trying my best to stop but the itch sometimes gets very bad... at least, I dun feel dizzy all the time now... only on and off... still on 3 dosage of iron tablets.. I think I will take till my dizziness totally go away before I reduce my dosage...

Have gone for the review session with Dr Chua Yang... she was telling me that my chance of conceiving naturally is very low coz not only I only have 1 ovary left... but my right tube is also slightly blocked... so, even if I'm pregnant, the chance of an etopic pregnancy is very high...

Rather sad to hear that... but mi and my hubby has discussed abt it... he doesn't want me to go thr' all these risks of taking pills to stimulate my ovulation... or taking all those blood tests... so, we are giving IVF a miss... we sill continue to try to conceive naturally till the age of 35... and if by then still unable to conceive naturally... we will try for adoption...

If adoption also fails... then we will juz be contented wif our little baby... my doggie... heheheh...

So, in the meantime, still trying hard... hopefully, the TCM will help me in recovery... and finally conception... today is my CD 30 already... no sight of AF yet... but my BBT has dropped today... so, AF shld be reporting tmr... this mth nvr try very hard coz of the surgery and the wounds... hopefully, next mth can have some time to try...

Penguine, do take care of yourself and yr bb... and do pop by often to update yr status of pregnancy, okie.... hopefully, yr "evening sickness" goes away faster... and dun work too hard even though yr colleague has resigned... yr health is more important...

Hi Caitlyn

When is yr blood test results ready for collection? hope all is well with u...
