A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

louie - i also dunno leh.. doc says to see him TWO weeks later for e review!! may call up soon to just ask if e blood test results are back lor.. wait until become like giraffe liao!! hahah.. yup.. praying for my AF to come quick quick but as always it's not cooperating!!

r u going back to scan for corpus luteam or do progesterone blood test? will help to see if O successfully
the scan or blood test shld be done on 7 or 8 dpo.

anything is possible... best is to chk... report shld not take so long mah? ttc is all abt waiting... so sianz...
juju - hmmm.. i agree.. it's all abt waiting and waiting.. wait for e eggie so tt can BD at e rite time, after tt wait for 2 weeks, if not successful, wait for AF, wait for eggie.. n on and on.. sianz hor sometimes.. guess for those who are perfectly fine at least not so bad.. sighz.. but cannot allow ourselves to get down! go things come to those who wait!! so we'll get great lovable bbs soon!! gambette!!
caitlyn, don't be too anxious lah... sekali create more havoc in ur cycle? Really think relax quite impt

juju - need to scan for corpus luteam? Tot the day when dod IUI, doc already scan & the egg follicle "flattened" liao, that is not sufficient to see whether egg released/Ovulated? If now taking utrogestan (progesterone), the DPO7 blood test still effective meh? Tot the blood test will test whether progesterone level high? Sure high if taking tab rite?
louie - i also tell myself tt!! but can't get rid of e irritating little voice! keke.. so i come here n bla blah blah blah all out so i can try to stop thiking! hahha
MIA for some time. Very busy with work, on course, on leave. So, only come in today.
Last cycle failed. Please help to update for me: CD 7 today, O date 25/7, AF expected 9/8, Cycle length 26-28. Thanks! Gotta try harder this cycle.

Any good news?
ya lor... bo bian but to wait & wait lor

oh, if u saw flatten follicle, most likely is the corpus luteam liao... i was also taking prog tabs, but my prog level not high, maybe dat's why din work out...

hi whee,
jia you! tmr nite can start BD alt nite till u test +ve on opk, then BD continuous 2-3 nites, then stop 1 nite & BD 1 more time!!! yeah!!!
caityln - its good tat u can jus blah blah here & let ur frustrations out!! kekekek
If u start seeing red liao, can consider CD1 liao... coz' likely u'll see more RED, now only 10.50am mah! hee

Whee - all the best
Yeah, intend to use the strategy that you have mentioned.
Normally I am the one who is stressed when O period and not my hubby. But this cycle, I am just going to rape him and not tell him when my O is.
Hopefully, I will be less stressed this way.

Any ideas how I can seduce my hubby? I am quite woody in this.

I glanced through the past postings. Sorry to hear about your chem preg. But I also admire your optimism. You jia you too!
hi all,

was on mc yest, so no chance to pop in as no internet access at home... was having nausea feeling yest cos down with flu and fever. oh, hw i wish dat the nausea feeling was due to preg instead! kekeke...

now lost track again... kekeke...

nw thinking if i shld try IUI anot for this cycle... anyone kw what's the diff btw SO-IUI and IUI??
christine, hope u have recovered! Don't worry, ur egg cld be still growing & maturing even if u had flu. This cycle I had flu too, but thank God still got big eggie!
SO-IUI have to take hormone pills since the beg of ur cycle to Super Ovulate (produce > 1 egg) to increase chances of preg. It's also more ex...

whee, thanks!
will update u gals whether got good or bad news. But remembering to take ze utrogestan tab like such a chore. hee

juju - i did a search, actually utrogestan is one progesterone pill tat has the least side effects, likely to feel headache or giddiness, which is not my side effect. Weird! So, maybe my side effects mainly fr the HCG jab!
hi louie,

thanks. yup, a bit better now.

hey, can i kw if u did IUI or SO-IUI and hw much u spend on it? oso, does it hurt and hw many days leave yr hubby and u need to take?

so u in yr 2ww now arh? best wishes? u may strike jackport this time round!
Oh, you have to take some utrogestan tab? After the HCG? How long do you have to take this? What is this for hah? To stabilise the pregnancy if successful?

Sorry, so many questions. Cos I have done 3 IUIs last year and taken 2 HCG jabs too. But cannot remember I took any medicine after that. But again, I have bad memory. Maybe I have taken but forgotten.
I understand. I always forget to take folic acid pills too. Just sooo difficult to remember to take pills.
For the sake of baby, must try our best lah.
I have done IUIs before. Each IUI costs around $400 including washing of sperm. Couple of hours is required for the procedure. My gynae gave me 1 day MC. If hubby cannot take leave, go early morning to submit the sperm specimen. Then only you need to stay for the rest of the procedure. This happened for one of my IUIs. Lie for 15-20 mins after washed sperm is inserted, then normal activities after that.

Have not done SO-IUI, so cannot comment. But think this costs much more, around $1-$2k?
christine, SO-IUI much more ex, think ard $1500 region. Normal IUI abt $350-400 (including mediciation - folic, utrogestan). The procedure for IUI is uncomftable, but ok one lah
Hub don't need to take leave at all, he jus need to produce army & u bring to the clinic can liao. Not sure abt SO-IUI thou'

whee - ya, guess if preggie utrogestan supports preg & read tat it is one of the best supplement to support threatened abortion in pregnancies.

juju - although utrogestan helps, but if fertilised eggie not good condition, tats why will have chem preg. *hug hug* so jia you tis cycle & execute ur 2 wk plan! kekkeke
Forgot to add, I didn't find it painful. Similar to pap smear. But gynae told me must have full bladder to do IUI. So, the tahaning part after the IUI is terrible for me. Imagine already full bladder still have to lie down there for another 20 mins. Felt like dashing to the toilet!

Not sure about others' experience lah.
try wearing sexy lingerie... yty went for french RA movie wif hubby, then felt turned on & raped him when we went home... hahaha... how to turn him on depends on wat he like & wat u r comfy wif... now O yet? if not O yet, maybe hv some fun lor...
now optimistic la... was very down last wk... keke... now got battle to fight, cannot focus on the lost war anymore

utrogestan is a kind of progesterone prescribed to take from dpo01 onwards... to prepare body for pregnancy. if strike, usu gotta continue taking till end of 1st tri to ensure good pregnancy

hmm... come to think of it... maybe my chem preg was bcos i forgot to pick up my pills during dat 3 days lapse...

hugz... best is to get well now... today which CD liao? got energy to BD boh? else take a rest for this cycle lor

perhaps bah... i had almost every symptom a preggie could hv during dat 2WW... super sianz lor
thanks... somehow i jus slipped again... keke...
will be going to war tonite... haha... but hubby having customer in town, so i can only send him notti sms to make sure he hurry home asap... hahaha
whee - the nurse jus told me not to go toilet b4 IUI. She didn't say must have full bladder leh. But, wats the logic behind it ah?? *curious*

juju - seriously, don't blame urself... don't think it's the 3 days tat u did not take tab lah. many ladies don't find out they are preggie until much later & may not have taken utrogestan anywae
no la... slip as in slip back into the moody me... hahaha... last nite start engine liao, tonite gonna rev it... whahahahaha... next time must watch more arty RA show... keke
haiz... dun talk abt the past liao la hor... focus on the present & future... yeah!!!
I agree with louie. Don't blame yourself. Like you say, cannot focus on the lost war anymore. Look ahead.

Think will go watch the french RA movie over the weekend. Thanks for the suggestion!

I also don't know leh. Maybe it's because I have a retroverted uterus? *shrug*
Where is the french RA movie showing? Cannot find in GV, shaw, and cathay websites leh. Or maybe my eyes got 'stamp', is it? Haha..
i caught it at Lido last nite... was a pte screening. maybe not shown to public yet
jus keep a lookout la... but dunno u will like or not la...

try doggie style since u got R/U... penetrate deeper = more chance of spermies meet eggie

keke... paiseh... will try to push myself forward faster...
hi louie, whee,

thanks for the info! hmm, shld chk with my gynae, supp to see her on my CD16 (next mon) for a scan. she wana see if i will O naturally anot as i normally O on CD17.

hi juju,
hehehe, not so bad yet, cos there's still quite a few more days to my O day. will onlie "chiong arh" around wkend period. thanks for yr hug!

cannot take leave fr now & next week cos manager going holiday, i supp to cover her.
Thanks! I hope we'll enjoy the show and have a good time after that.

Thanks for the advice. We have been trying with doggie style and some other patterns like lifting butts up, lifting legs up, not wash up after BD, etc. No news yet leh. Have not tried preseed though cos I am not dry. So, not sure if preseed helps. But I am not giving up!

I am currently on TCM. I am also planning to see a gynae who specialises on fertility issue next week. My friend was seeing the same TCM as me and this gynae and she is pregnant now. So, want to go see see if this gynae can help me or provide any valuable advice. I don't mind more tests just to ensure I am fine or what is wrong and work on the problem. But hopefully hopefully not lap. That is my last resort.
whee, was thinking whether if u just pee then will contaminate the procedure? yah, heard RU doggie style will be better. Think fizz has RU but wif doggie style suceed liao!

Christine, u not on clomid or anything? Wif clomid, gynae usu ask patients to go on CD 12 & if eggie not big enuf then have to go bk again for scan!

juju - yeap, jus look forward
Jia you!!!!
juju- wat is the name of the show ah? cannot find...

whee - which gynae are u going to see?
Yeah, not keen to do lap unless last resort. So if tis round not successful, will do ze HSG test to see blockage of tubes lor...
hi louie,

yup, not on clomid, cos i went to another gynae for 2nd opinion and she said i dun have PCOS...

haiz, i find dat i look like a mad woman now cos i permed my hair over the weekend and it's so frizzy now!!! i dun dare to look into the mirror now... i think the stress is causing my hair to be even more frizzy. all the mosturizer and mousse dun seem to work! hahaha... frizzy me!
christine... ha ha. get a better moisturiser & must play wif ur curls? Mmmzz... me never permed my hair, coz' dunno how it wld turn like even thou some ladies look v nice wif curls
Don't stress, don't stress!!

whee, how come u went for 3 IUIs already? recommended by gynae coz hub's sperm count not good or other reasons? can share? :p
hi louie,

hahaha... it all started when i fell in love with my hair stylist hairstyle. so i juz pt to her and said "i wana yr hairstyle"! it was only dat it was done when i remembered the fact dat i dun look gd with permed hair! hahaha... this taught me not to be so "hiao" next time... i dun think it can be save liao... nebermind, got excuse to tell boss now dat i having a bad hair day! kekeke...

hmm, do i need to tell my gynae before hand if i wana do IUI?
O during weekend is good. At least no or less work disturbance!

Must use hair lotion or serum or anything like that for permed hair. I ever permed my hair. Without the lotion, my hair is simply non-manageable!
christine, over the wkend shd be able to save lah!!

IUI - maybe u shd check wif ur doc lor. If ur hub sperm count normal, don't really need IUI lah. But impt, ur hub need to "clear" sperm 1st b4 giving for the IUI procedure. So, if u going to see gynae on CD16, safer to BD on CD14.... so if CD16 can do IUI, at least ze army wld be recharged again! kekeke...
I think not so much on contamination. But because mine is RU, so having full bladder will bring the cervix and uterus straight so that can insert the tube in to the uterus easier. Think something like that.

Yeah, the 3 IUIs are recommended by my 1st gynae. She mentioned it will increase our chances. So, we went for it lor. She is our 1st gynae. We do not know much. So, just follow her advices.

Later on, we went to other gynaes, and from them, we found that my hubby's sperm count is not that good and also that mine is RU.

Maybe she thinks we will be less stressed if we know less? I am still comfortable with her. But my hubby finds that she is not revealing enough information to us. So, we have stopped going to her. Partly also because her clinic is quite packed and sometimes we don't get a seat. So, we get stressed out when seeing her too.
Oops, missed out one of your question.

I will be seeing Dr Charles Lim at Mt E. According to my friend, he is a fertility specialist. He does not do deliveries. So, once you are pregnant and past the 1st trimester, have to look for another gynae. My friend is now with another gynae (cannot remember his name) recommended by Dr Charles Lim.

The past gynaes that I have been to perform deliveries too. So, I thought of going to this gynae since he is focused on fertility issues. Anyway, I will go and see what he says. And see if I am comfortable with him.
whee, thanks for sharing. Think it is the environment tat we live in & the food we eat - too much chemicals & pollution. Create havoc in our bodies... cysts for ladies & bad sperm count for men. Modernisation!!!

Okie, hope u'll have a good experience wif Dr Charles Lim
Update us on any findings ya
best of luck! jia you!
i also perm my hair before... without moisturiser, i look like mad woman also... try loreal or good looks
if u dun like ur permed hair, maybe u wanna straighten it back?

no probs... heard dat if do doggie hor, best is to stay in dat position for the next 15-20 mins to max the gravity effect...

yea... look forward

the name of the show is "how much do you love me"... i posted the link earlier to whee... avai @ cathay & shaw
chamz... i promoting RA show here
Hello Whee,

I think most likely I fail this cycle too. Today is DPO17 and I tested BFN this morning. But my BBT still high & AF not here. I suspect the clomid is lengthening my luteal phase...same thing happened in April.

Hi all,

I am thinking of going for HSG to check my tubes. I know paragon has a clinic called Radlink that does it. But I don't want to go through my gynae. Anyone knows if I can just ask radlink to do my HSG without gynae referal?

Also, anyone wants to recommend me a good reproductive endocrinologist? My current gynae is more a surgical gynae and I'm thinking of switching..
Yeah lor. Our bodies all havoc now. I am trying to eat more healthily. But just difficult. Need lots of determination!

Frankly speaking, I stayed in the doggie position for about 10 mins. Very weird position. I find myself amusing to do such 'stunts'. Haha.. But don't care. As long as have baby can already. Next time will stay longer till 20 mins.
juju - so farnie!!! ha ha... here all adults, so still ok ba

marble - when I took clomid for 1st round, it really regulated my period from 32-34 days to exact 28days. if ur BBT still high, prob still got chance?

whee, ha ha, ya lor... for baby's sake... will tahan any weird position to lift buttocks up etc. Anything goes rie! hehe
Don't give up! As long as AF is not here and your BBT is still high, still have hope!

Not sure about your HSG question. Maybe others can help you.

Can check what is a reproductive endocrinologist? Sorry I am not familiar with other terms other than gynae.

RE specialise in women's hormonal problems and inability to conceive. As oppose to gynae that do deliveries and surgeries.

I read above that you're going to a CharlesLim. He sounds like an RE.

well, dpo17 and still BPN..I can't hope too much lah. Better to give up and not have heartbreak when AF is here.
Juju, in April my luteal phase was 19 days when on clomid. at 1st so happy thot strike liao then when AF came, soooo disappointed. now smarter liao so dun wanna put too much hope..
marble - if AF still don't come, suggest u test again a few days later. Think Caityln also seeing an RE? She is doing some hormone analysis... not sure, maybe can check wif her

Not sure if anyone using Radlink here, why u dun wanna do ur HSG wif gynae?

u can try calling up radlink or care to ask if they can do hsg without referrals... usu it shld not be an issue. u jus pay & pick up the results.
as long as bbt is high & AF not here, dun give up hope... there are some who jus test +ve later... do keep hope but be prepared for otherwise too

i guess we are willing to do anything for the sake of ttc lor... let's jus jia you & dun care wat the position is la hor? now i can even sleep with pillow under my butt till morn time when i wake up for work

at least ur AF was regulated to 28 days... my 1st clomid cycle only O-ed on cd22, so no way to be 28 day cycle lor... aiyah, but i dun wan to care liao la... anytime O also can...
