A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi all,

haiz... i so depressed today! only feel like going home to have a cry...
hi gals,

thanks so much for yr concern!

nothing much actually, juz dat a verie close fren whom i have always trusted and confided in has sudd stop toking to me. totally.

and i dun even have a single idea what went wrong. we were still toking and joking abt him getting married the other day and fr the following day onwards, i cannot even contact him at all, let alone him speaking or contacting me.

haiz... he's juz like an elder brother to me and someone i confide in for yrs (esp before i get to kw my hubby) and my parents kw him too. infact, he was the one who console me when my parents used to quarrel until they wana divorced the last time.

hm, dunno wat to say. juz feel sad dat someone whom i'm so closed with before is avoiding me like plague now. my hubby said dat i muz have "de zui" him with something i said but dun think so.

anyway, thanks for hearing me out, and sorrie dat i "li ti" liao!
such things do happen la... does he hv a gf or wife? maybe she's not comfy? or maybe he happen to be out of the c'try, hp lost, etc...
hi juju,

ya, dat's what i telling myself too. he's not married yet. supp to be next yr, but until now, i have not seen his wife to be at all before... hmm... to think abt it... funnie... anyway, thanks!
hi juju,

hahaha, i super lazie one, supp to scan and upload my AD pics since last yr but have not done it yet. hahaha... and the photo shoot album is so huge and heavy, it's juz collecting dust in my cupboard now.

hey, btw, today is yr CDwat? i think this mth yr CD and mine are quite close.
keke...mine also. i'm jus scanning the loose fotos & choosing which ones nicer... the rest i dun wan to scan ;p btw my AD was more than 2 yrs ago leh... think i lagi lazy

i'm cd03 today liao... still having cramps siah
Hi Caitlyn,

Glad to hear u so positive too.. With all the help that u r seeking, will become a mummy in no time yea.. = )

Not that we can afford too, but planning to stay home to give tuition or conduct language classes when we have children. Hehe.. my ideal plan..
christine - i guess maybe he's wife to be is not happy abt ur r/ship w him? maybe she jealous type?? dun be too upset yah? hugz

juju - keke.. me haven't even develop for my relatives eir pics.. all bugging me for it.. kekeke.. nvr even think of uploading pics..

sheryl - thx.. me now still at e "diagnosis" stage.. keke.. but well.. will wait and see e results how.. u a teacher now?
Just talked to my gynae just now. She said its normal for my menses to be very little. Probably because I still not enough blood, so body trying to conserve. Hope my menses will come normally next month.

Wonder if I shd consider having AF this month?
just went to count.. today me CD44 liao.. help me keep fingers crossed tt AF quick quick come k?? hee.. coz i got to do one more blood test on CD02 then i can have my diagnosis complete!! hahaha.. also can start BD again! haha
sheryl - me too!! u teach kindy/pri/sec/jc?? keke.. me actually hate my job.. sad hor.. my work gets me down more than anything else.. coz i think i not teaching a level tt i enjoy.. wld prefer to teach pri.. but kena stuck teaching sec
hi caitlyn, christelite,

thanks! i dun wana dwell on it anymore. now having my lunch. hehehe...

so both of u are teachers arh? wow! how come teachers still have time to come in to chat? i thot teachers are always verie busie one?
christine - if i dun pop in to chat during free breaks or middle of marking, i'll go crazy! haha.. usu marking or preparing lessons can still pop in to chat.. =)
hi catilyn,

yah man, it's not easie to be teachers nowadays! last time we kwai kwai when teaches scold us, now, the kids tok back at u! i can't be a teacher cos i will wana strangle the kids off when they drive me up the wall... hahaha... dat's why i verie pei fu the teachers nowadays.

they still have to tahan those "bu ziang li" parents like my colleague. still can call up the school principal to complain how come the teacher neber give his daughter's drawing a star (cos her classmate's one got a star) some more! hahaha... if i'm the principal or teacher, i sure pull out all my hair wan! can go crazie!
Hi Christine

I used to have a close male friend too... we used to be "wu shou bu tan" but one day, he juz totally ignored me. When we met in school, he juz pretent that he nvr see me... I also dun understand why... when I asked him, he juz say nothing... even when my mum passed away, he also nvr come for the wake... I was really disappointed too... anyway... he's not my boyfriend or husband... so, juz forget it lor... wat to do...

Dun feel disappointed, okie... maybe really coz his wife dun like him being wif u leh...
hi yuki,

arh, he's not married yet. anyway, i can't be bothered liao, it's something beyond my control, so no pt brooding over it. though my mum may ask why she neber get to hear from him for so long... kekeke...
i think principal also scared of such parents siah...

i'm prob sending e -ves out for someone to scan for me. save the trouble
ryes - just saw.. yup yup still want.. nxt time can email me at [email protected].. keke.. tt one is my hb's email! i hardly check.. think he also din check.. keke.. can sms me if anything.. coz i dun have internet connection at hm yet..

juju - agree agree! keke
Hi Caitlyn,

We quite a few things sama sama hor.. hehe..

I teach sec, in e west but stay in NE area. U leh?

Ya lor, ya lor, totally agree with u. If don take break, sure end up in Buangkok Green. Hehe..

I enjoy interacting w my kids, just don like to work 24h a day, sometimes cannot even rest in sleep. Can still dream about sch.. Sometimes, I envy people who don have to think of work after office hrs.

Your colleague a bit paranoid leh. The school shouldn't entertain her though. Since she so 'enthu', maybe e sch shd ask her to join e parents' gp in e sch.. = p
sheryl - i also teach in the west.. stay i bukit batok.. =) at least u enjoy interacting w the kids.. i dun!! hahaha.. i dun really click w this age grp but i try lor.. hee.. how long have u been teaching? i hoping to apply for special needs officer post once my bond is over next yr..

U going to apply for HQ huh? Me ar.. About 6+ ba.. I ever tot of switching to flexi-adjunct.. Then can go pri n teach.. Maybe less stress too..
sheryl - i dunno whether that is HQ leh.. i read an article abt it on monday... i volunteer before with autistic children as well as at MINDS.. and enjoyed e exp so thot of applying for tt.. another alternative will be e flexi-adjunct thingy!
Ya ya ya.. I have a few frens in that scheme n they r enjoying it so far. Like relief but at least can teach pri n can oso choose sch.. Very tempting u noe.. = p
The two of you turned this thread into a profession chit-chat session. Why? Is being a teacher that bad? I'm sure like all professions, there are ups and downs

Just my two cents.. Don't take offence ladies


Hi JuJu,
I don't think I can cut down on coffee.. I practically grew up with it
Limiting myself to fewer than 2 cups per day though..

As for Folic acid, it is just quite a hassle to me to pop tablets every day.. I'm a total lazy bum
But I'm trying to do so daily.. Hope this month I'll hit the jack pot so need not go through IUI or even IVF later on..
do try to remember. i'm also bad at remembering things,esp popping pills
folic acid help to reduce spinal problems in our babies, so remind urself it's for baby
Haha, irony is that I don't even know if I'm getting one... But on the other hand, better to err on the side of caution.. Don't wish to harm a life that I intend to bring into this world..

BTW, are you feeling better? Sometimes it is hard to be able to snap out of pain/grief immediately...However, the more we dwell in pain/grief, the more painful it becomes...
look on the bright side ya?
i guess i'm better today. din come to tearing when reading things abt babies... but dun hv the courage to visit my online baby journal yet
been on mc & leave alrdy... hope i'm ready to go back to work on monday... else my boss wld prob wanna fire me... lol

was jus telling a gf abt my loss & tears came to my eyes... but lucky can stop the flood
guess dat's a step forward
louie - i am fine, just that very busy at work, guess will continue till end of aug. :| that is why i said I will put ttc on hold at the moment.

Juju - don't hold back, just cry it out if you feel sad. I understand how the feeling. To tell you the truth i was crying almost everyday at home during the one week mc

LOL.. well, work can keep you busy and forget your pain for a while till you're ready to face your own devils. I felt the same the other day but I surrounded myself with good friends/colleagues and got really busy...laughed, joked, went around and talked to people...
Then went to visit friends' newborn somemore and had to answer the usual questions of when I am getting one myself blah blah...Didn't feel pangs of pain at all!

Anyway, don't let mothermood-wannabe become the sole reason of your existence...

Go back to work on monday.. don't wallow in pain ok? The sooner you go back to normal routine, the faster your pain will heal.. I've gone through many cycles of dealing with grief so I am getting better at it each time it happens...

Anyway, if you like to play computer games, Mahjong is a fun one! Entertaining..
