A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi Louie,
Just realised we are seeing the same gynae! I had gone through 3 unsuccessful rounds of IUI. Now trying naturally after a laparoscopy in May..Dr Chua gave me 3 months to try to conceive naturally.. If not then she'll put me on another round of clomid then IUI... wonder if I should just ask for IVF coz my last round of IUI was pretty painful..

Hi Sharon,
The lap was to check if I had any tube blockage or endo.. Turned out I did have mild endo on my left ovary. Now 2 months post Lap... This round thought I was Big Fat Positive (BFP) coz period was late.... AFter 5 days plucked up courage to do a home pregnacny test... Turned out negative and next morning AF came.. *sigh*

I know we all got to try to be positive.. Will be good if the ladies in the forum share about their successful stories, be it naturally, IUI, IVF, after laparoscopy or TCM.... Will really encourage those of us trap in the repeating two-week anxiety.

Just to lament more here.. sometimes I wonder if it is worthwhile to go through all these physical pain and emotional turmoil.. I wonder if motherhood is meant to be for me... Everywhere I turn, I see friends getting pregnant.. and the expected questions from them,"When is your turn?" "Don't wait too long." etc etc..
Hi Phy,

Don b disheartened ya.. Maybe as Carole has suggested, got not to b anxious n enjoy intimate moments w hubby.. Perhaps by not giving ourselves any pressure, things ll just happen yea.. = )
zenia - I am doing BBT at the moment, if you are in doubt maybe you might want to share with us your BBT chart. You can use fertilityfriend.com to key in your bbt then share with us.
juju- i suggest you tiao tiao your body first. althought chemical pregnancy is not consider pregnancy in doc eye. but it does affect our body and hormone. I was affected in FEB so please take care.
phy - i understand how you feel. my situation is not better either. Almost everyone i see nowaday, first thing in their mind would be 'when are you getting a little' 'when is the good news' 'why waiting' 'is there anything wrong?' etc etc. Until I was so fed up and flare at them sometimes.

Frankly there is no 100% sucesss rate in TTC. Most important your relationship with you hb must be firm.

JIA YOU okay :D
christelite - usually gynae would suggest IUI if your HB SA not result not very good. or after you have try for more than 6 months and very anxious to get pregnant. Well the sucess rate is not very high for this method also. But it is an options lor
Hi Christelite,

Thanks ya.. Well, I guess my mood dipped after hearing the good news of my good friend getting pregnant with second child.. and I'm still childless... It is like being stared at face to face by the word "infertile"...

But of coz, after a dip, we all become stronger!
Thanks for your encouragement and like what Carole suggested, relax and enjoy... nobody knows when it is going to happen, but when it does happen, I am sure it will make all the wait and pain seem sweet..

All ladies here who are still TTCing, may all of us get BIG FAT POSITIVE soon!!!
phy, how much did u pay for the lap? my gynae is asking me to try 3 more mths before going for lap, also to see if my tubes are block. cos he did a scan for me and he told me my ovaries, uterus all no problem, hubby's SA is also normal.

louie, nope, my gynae is not dr chua. IUI is something like IVF? how much is it? i am going for a short trip next mth and most probably will be doing lap in sept if these 2 cycles fail.

normally egg will be release in how many hrs when OPK tested positive? i tested OPK positive yesterday and got EWCM. today's OPK also positive.
since u r on progesterone, make sure u continue taking it once u test +ve, best is thru'out the whole 1st tri. dun be like me & forget the progesterone, ya?
and due to hcg jab & prog pills, u will get all the preggie symptoms, so dun think too much into them, else may go crazy like me ;p did E Chua tell u when to test hpt or go back for scan? make sure u r under monitoring, ok?

thx... will be bu-ing myself before i start ttc again. i will kiv clomid to next cycle
Hi Sharon,
My bill was close to $3327.01.. I used 1.7k from medisave, claimed $1194 from medishield and ended up paying $432 cash (which I'm claiming from insurance company)

My case is quite similar as yours..tubes not blocked, ovaries fine, uterus fine when Doc did scans on me.. however, during lap, discovered got mild endo on left ovary.

My hubby has low sperm count thus I think categorise us under mildly infertile...

IUI is a procedure whereby you take clomid and your ovulation is monitored by your doc. On day 12 or 13, when the follicle is big enough, your hubby will send his army of sperms to be "spun and washed" at the lab to get those healthy ones to be inseminated into your uterus via a long gadget called cateral...

I had very tight cervix so the IUIs were quite uncomfortable..third time it hurt quite a bit. Doc said she dilated my cervix during the laparoscopy.. Hope if I had to go throught IUI again, it would not be painful...
egg will release in 12-36hrs once OPK+. but egg may release later/delay than this time frame if under stress (despite OPK+)...read this from some web..

IUI is so ex??!! Initially thought it's only $500 (at most $1000) procedure!!??

this month alone I've heard 4 pregnancy!!! - 2 collegues 2 girlfriends...happy for them but really affect me emotionally...so worried that i might breakdown involuntarily in front of them...it would be embarrassing huh...
Hi juju,

Glad that you are better now. Pls take care. Perhaps you would like to rest 1 cycle b4 taking clomid again?
Louie, care to share how much is the cost for IUI? What is the contact number for Eunice Chua, do i see her to check my follicles first or wat? I pray for your IUI successfully.
yes. i'll be stopping for 1-2 cycles.

thx... spent our money on the treatment & a&e costs... gotta tighten the belts liao... anyway, no leave to take too
juju.. please dun be discourage. Take it as it is jus another hurdle that hubby and u need to go over..
remember to stay strong and think positive ya.. I will always keep u in my prayer..
hugz.. hugz..

hi beete bug, yes.. i do have some questions on bbt.. my temp is getting weird leh.. today is my CD 13 but it suddently went down to 36.15.. wondering what happen.. (My CL = 34 days, expected O = CD17-18)and have been taking my temp around the same time betweent CD7 to CD13... Do u think my bbt is normal?

CD7 = 36.11
CD8 = 36.49
CD9 = 36.50
CD10 = 36.29
CD11 = 36.20
CD12 = 36.48
CD13 = 36.15
hi phy.. ya.. think all of us here really hope to see DOUBLE line in the hpt kit every time (positive).. I do feel disappointed every time i only manage to see 1 line = control line after testing the hpt kit.. which always give me the thought that seeing 2 lines is almost impossible.. but try to keep your mindset positive and our time will be here soon.. keep it going gal..
yuki - yuppers.. glad tt i'm seeing her.. she quite motherly like dat.. hahaha.. tt day dunno wat she was saying.. then she said to me 'good girl'.. kekeke.. i felt like laffing out! hee..

sharon - i dunno whether mine is mild.. coz i got hormonal imbalance plus the ovaries there got alot of black little spots.. n my blood test results done previously was ery low in progesterone (even lower than e menopausal range) and estrogen.. dr says i mustgo back on cd02 to do a blood test..

jesmine - sorry to hear abt ur bad experience w e nurse.. so far, i've had a good exp with them.. very friendly n chatty.. but i haven't gone for blood test yet so i dunno.. after hearing ur exp i abit scared liao.. coz i very scared of needles.. think will cry lor if she not good..
sheryl - i'm seeing an endocrinologist today.. apparently it's a doc that checks out hormone production in our body.. my gynae wants to check out whether i've any hormonal issues tt prevents absorption of nutrition and all tt's y i so skinny.. think they also can check out hormones related to pregnancy bah..
Phy, i understand how u feel. I never ask people whether when they are thinking of having a baby because i know nowadays a lot of people actually face difficulty in conceiving (is it because of the food we eat and stress from working long hours). whether the couple wants to have kid is their problem and not for outsiders to probe. Unless i am a very close friend or my immediate family, else i think it is rude to pose such questions.

I think it is most important to predict the O day from the BBT chart and using the OPK. Try to do one day before you detect the LH surge (easier said than done right, but if u can track yoru BBT and it shows a consistent trend, then u should be able to predict when is ur LH Surge), do the day of LH surge and do another 2 more days after LH surge (because sometimes the egg only be released much later). Once you see your body temp up, the egg has definitely been released but the egg may still be hanging around for the next 12 to 24 hours. Another thing is making sure there is sufficient contact time and surface for the sperm to your cervix. So keeping still and keeping the sperm inside you for 20 mins, try putting your legs up so that the sperm is flowing towards your cervix. Then the rest is up to chance liao.
juju - thx.. hopefully watever problems i have can be solved w/out too many jabs.. if not i think i may not be strong enuff to go thru e procedures.. u say strong too! read e articles u posted.. very informative..

for those with PCOS, can i noe wat's ur ratio of LH:FSH?
juju - mine at e last blood test was FSH - 7.3, LH- 16.9... n E was lower than e normal range.. hmm.. nvm.. i shall wait patiently for CD02..
Wow... u gals sleep really late!! 3am still have pple posting!

phy - oh, u're under Dr E Chua! Are u too stressed abt TTCing? mild PCOS shouldn't really affect u getting preggie, stress may. Did u do any blood test b4 deciding to go for lap? Dr Chua did blood test on CD 2 for me - no PCOS. Next step is HSG test for tubes if IUI not successful tis time round.

How come ur lap bill so high leh, tot its only $1500+? U went for 3 IUIs so far. It must be emotionally quite tramatising for u!! *pat pat* For me, hub's spermy very average, so i guess it's a 50/50 chance! U said ur hub's spermy count low - is tat wat Dr Chua said?? Btw, this morning when I wipe aft pee, there was clear mucus wif some brown streaks. Is it normal??

juju - thanks! Will take the utrogenstan (not sure ze spelling). mine is take 2x a day. Btw, do u have problems sleeping aft taking it? Yesterday nite, like whole nite couldn't sleep properly... dunno wats wrong!!

koori - My IUI cost $380+ . U shd make appt to see Dr Chua on ur day 12. Believe u not on clomid now rite? Better book early coz her appts v full & may have to wait also.

Christelite - Think there is no hard & fast rule on when to go for IUI. Guess for my case, clomid works well.. so Dr E Chua didn't want to waste the eggie lor, so she recommend me to do IUI. My hub's spermy is considered not too good (but Dr Chua says v average, but have chance) so guess IUI may be a better option. Clomid also a little drying on my CM....
usu brown discharge is old blood, if u worried, can call gynae to double chk.
it's utrogestan. remember NOT to stop the dosage, ok? u will get all preggie symptoms incl unable to sleep well. i usu woke up 3-5 times per nite... try to nap whenever u can.
juju- just called clinic up, they say discharge is normal. When wipe, only sometimes have... nt all the time. yes, i will rem to take utrogestan!! I tend to be v forgetful, so asking my hub to remind me! oh.. really got side effect ah, normally I sleep v easily one but yest was terrible.

So, did u take clomid tis mornin?
Take care gal ok!!!
Hi everyone,

Anyone here have any comments for fertility specialist like Dr Fong Yang, Dr Paul Tseng?

I am really at a lost on fertility problems....

JuJu :- Cheer Up!! There is always another mth to try....I have been telling myself that too.....as long as we kept on trying, we can achieve our goal some day........Can I ask abt your experience with CARE at Paragon? Why is the difference between CARE at Paragon and going to see Dr Fong Yang/Dr Paul Tseng directly? Mind telling who is your gynae.....

Hope to hear from you soon
juju - thanks for the link! Pretty useful

Catilyn - good tat u are visiting the endocrinologist (so chim the title) to find out more. Hope everything is ok for u gal
no. we decided to rest tis cycle, but will still bd. no probs abt the links

i prefer not to speak abt CARE. perhaps u wld like to call them & ask abt their svcs @ 63338608. i was not wif any gynae. if u r seeing paul tseng, u can ask him abt CARE, he's one of the supporting gynaes there. E Chua also.
hi joan,

personally, i'm not comfortable with dr fong yang, dat's why i chose to change my gynae. reason being he diagnosed me with PCOS though my AF has been very regular. he oso said i have many tiny cysts in my ovaries. but he did not ask me to do any blood test to conf PCOS at all.

then he put me on clomid pills (3 some more!)though i have no problems in ovulating. when i tried asking him for any side effects of clomid, he juz brush me off and said none (when there's so many side effects, esp when prolong dosage can even cause ovarian cancer).

so i decided to go for a 2nd opinion and guess wat, the gynae said i dun have PCOS at all and there's no need for me to take clomid!!!

but this is juz my personal view. he's my best fren's gynae too and she is verie pleased with him.
hi joan,

may i stress again dat my comments abt dr fong yang is only my own personal view. but i muz say dat he is a verie friendly and nice gynae. juz dat i'm not comfortable with his method of diagnosis. he is still a verie gd gynae and i do kw dat he is very popular.
joan, Dr Paul Tseng & Dr E Chua are partners at TLC Gynaecology Practice (TMC). seen on their cards that they are visiting consultants to CARE - not sure if refering to CARE @ paragon or CARE at SGH, prob SGH.

Anywae, it is very important to go wif a gynae who is very willing to go thru wif u each cycle to monitor ur progress etc. For clomid, u'll need close monitoring, i.e. gynae will perform V scan to see if the egg follicle is of good size + uterus lining is not thinned out. If things don't work, the gynae shd be proactive in helping u to decide ur next step of plan
I am seeing Dr E Chua now
E Chua & P Tseng r visiting consultants to CARE @ Paragon, i asked the recept abt dat before. not sure if they r wif CARE @ SGH or not.

*pat pat* will get more sleepless nights when you are having the pseudo-preggie symptoms...so sick right?...
..last night i woke up 3 times also!
Hi all,

Thanks for all the feedback abt these gynaes........

Hmmmm.....I was seeing Prof Chris Chen this year and did a laproscopy under him......he is very expensive but was very good in his surgical skills......no problem with laproscopy but shortly after that, he proposed IVF as my husband sperm quality is no good........I am very hesitant abt doing IVF as there are too many side effects...........also, I am also stressed out seeing him as I continue to give him negative results.......

I am thinking of having another opinion......

They say endor is not curable but will relapse....wondering anyone knows what are the tests and checkups to see if this is coming back...........Prof Chen advised to have a baby as soon as possible but I am just too afraid to face IVF.........there can be many possibilities of empty promises of a take home baby but high cost to pay....

Gosh!! Dreaming to be mothers is so difficult nowadays...............very tiring and trying process.........I kept on wondering whether there is really light at the end of the tunnel.........

I think that all gynaes are the same....recommend clomid, IUI, IVF what else?

JuJu:- I am also taking a break for this time round and see how lah.......meantime, try to source for more information like gyneas, nutritious food to take, exercise to relax one's mind etc............

Anyone willing to share tips to relax or their gynae's experiences......

Thanks for the feedback anyway. Cheers!
juju - oh ok, thanks for the info.

kermit - at least urs is REAL preggie symptoms mah! Tot 2nd trimester shd be quite easy, but u still hve problems sleeping soundly? Nurse at clinic said shdn't have side effects fr utrogestan, they said don't have. So, the side effects come fr the psudeo preggie symptoms. sigh....

phy - u don't accept pte msgs. errmm.. can pte msg me, can chat offline abt ur IUI experiences. Cheers
louie - thx.. agree e title very chim! haha.. me prepared for e worst liao coz my previous blood test results were very bad.. keke..

yours is going to turn real very soon! Just believe!
think the symptoms are more likely to be from the HCG jab.

actually, even though i am in my second trimester but everyday is still like worried about this about that...a bit of pain...then worried here and there...really must have a trusting heart that God will bring me through. just like the same kind of faith that brought me through my months of TTC.
Dear louie,

I thought Lap fees about the same in every hospital? Well, in the pursuit of a bb, I think $$ becomes quite small an issue.. not that I have tonnes to spare, but because I used my medisave, medishield and private insurance, I didn't have to cough out cash.. But for the 3 IUIs I went through, all cash... Think about the same, about 300 plus or 400 plus.. can't remember the cost... I didn't have any blood test but because I had painful periods, I decided to go ahead to see what's wrong inside me..

Am I too stressed? Hmm, I think my stress is more because of this wild-goose chase...You know, I'm prepared to give up my career to just nurse my own child... Now no reason to quit

It's amazing to see the ladies here encouraging one another to stay positive.. I think your encouragements here are million times better than those patronising remarks by friends.

Well, to share a case of one close friend, she did IVF but the foetus self-abort due to abnormality... Then a year plus later, which is last year July, she went for second time IVF.. When I did my third IUI, she was warded because of threatened miscarriage..I was praying for both her and me then.. because she is such a good person.. Now? She has delivered a healthy son and I am really happy for her.. She even asked me not to give up.. Sad thing is my third IUI also failed..

She is a success story which I hope will cheer us up and give us hope.

Dear Ju Ju,
It must be very painful for you to go through. A good solid cry is beneficial to let out all pent-up emotions... I'm considered a strong person but I've become a baby because of this

Dear Belle,

Thanks for your advice
I have started using my OPK (saliva type) and monitoring my temperature.. strange thing is, I can never find a pattern haha.. some times my period is 30 days, sometimes 35 days...

I hate to take clomid.. gives me hot flushes at night...

Actually I wanted to just go ahead with IVF but Dr. Chua said we're still young (33&32) and still got chances (DH low sperm count)... She asked me to just relax and forget...kind of difficult esp. when you're happily relaxing then someone close declares her pregnancy! Then it is like a bomb again, exploded right in my face.

Last night had a good cry and today? Tell myself that life goes on
Ya, can't pin all my hopes on a thing that I'm not garanteed to have. So? Continue to do the things I like, mahjong lah, tennis lah blah blah blah.. perhaps should start planning to do charity work to occupy extra time?
hi joan,

i guess diff gynaes have their diff methods. for eg, my hubby's soldiers oso not at their top form. so dr fong prescribed him with hormone pills, which he refused to take as there's many side effects. and he quite upset abt the neg remarks given to him by dr fong.

but when i told this to dr heng, the gynae i'm seeing now, she laughed loudly and told me my hubby's soldiers not so sick until need hormone boost, juz buy him some vitamins can liao! heehee... my hubby was delighted in hearing some more positive remarks too. overall, i find dr heng more reassuring and positive, i feel dat i have more hope aft seeing her. hahaha...

so u see, diff gynaes will have diff methods of handling things.

i guess, it all depends if we are comfortable with the gynae anot and abt what he or she says.
phy -*hugz* i'm sure ur turn will be soon.. we'll all continue to work hard.. hee.. me like to play MJ too.. but always diff to find MJ khakis! haha
Hi Louie,

Ok, I've change settings to accept pte msg.. logging off soon but will come back after 1 pm.

Meanwhile, take care


dear caitlyn,

Thanks for the encourage girl! Let hope all of us here get BIG FAT POSITIVE this month!

U're into mj also? expert level? Maybe we people here can form a MJ club? haha
