A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

dear caitlyn,

Thanks for the encourage girl! Let's hope all of us here get BIG FAT POSITIVE this month!

U're into mj also? expert level? Maybe we people here can form a MJ club? haha

hi phy, joan,

i believe all of us here can understand the dissappointment each of us go thru in hoping to achieve the same one goal.

i kw too well wat's the roller coaster feelings like, how cold my hands were when i abt to do a preg test when my AF's late, how dissappointed i was when it's neg. hw i prayed so hard dat my BBT will stay high aft DPO 14. how badly my mood is affected when my BBT drops.

of how i sad i'm when i see my frens, cousins preg so fast aft they are married, until i feel dat i can die if i dun get preg soon. of how i wish i can dig a hole to hide when my insensitive relatives asked me why i still not preggie by now until i feel like slaughtering all of them... kekeke...

i guess all of us here can apprehend what all of us went thru, so the gd news is, we have each other here for encouragement & support! so, lets dun give up k? remember, we have each other here!

*hugz!* (sorrie, i cannot find my nice hug icon now to use...
phy - keke.. me not expert lah.. beginner level only! hahaha..

christine - yup yup.. understand how u feel.. *hugz u back* i can kinda understand how u feel abt the remarks made by ur previous gynae.. when i went to take my blood test, the doc i went to told me "ur progesterone level very low, even lower than that of a menopausal woman... if after 1 yr of trying u still dun conceive, u can go to the infertility unit of KK to get help" i really felt darned bad after tt visit.. no hope shown at all lor..
kermit, thanks for ur encouragement!
Yes, have to believe & stay positive in God. He is the giver of life ultimately

phy - ok, will PM u after lunch. Stomach growling liao... heehee. A fren's fren under Dr E Chua successfully gave birth to baby after going thru SO-IUI. I am quite resistent to doing lap lor, cost $$.... my hub not keen on IUI coz of costs, he doesn't believe in spending too much $$ on trying for bb. Ultimately, its God's timing! So, gald tt he agreed to do IUI tis cycle...
hi juju,

DH not around these few away these few days.. (away on business trip) will only be back this sat.. hopefully jus in time for my O..

Mind sharing your gynae actual name :- Dr Heng from which hospital?

I do not know but this is my personal opinion :- Some gynaes just want to be frank and trueful in their diagnosis - saying that IVF is the only option coz sperm count and quality low, and woman got this problem - so no hope leow, only IVF is an option - It does sound hurt and dampen the morale but if it is the truth, then we just have to come to terms with it....Other gynaes give an optimistic outlook, encouraging, maybe they know that the condition is no good but encouraging so that the couple feel better but in the end, still no good news......

I say all these, reason being I have seen various sorts of gynaes - the reassuring type but may not be able to diagnose what's the problem ( keep saying no problem but no results) and the relistic and frank type - cold but wants to give the best solution. IVF is expensive leh - and money goes to the doctor but success is not guaranteed -- there is no protection on the patient in singapore.

Just sharing my frustrations - I am just disillusioned by doctors and gynae - so we all must stay healthy otherwise, very terrok as it is difficult to restore one health when it is spoilt - no doctors can solve everything...

Just my two cents' worth!!!

i agree that the docs and gynaes can only do so much...it's still our health afterall (what we eat, our lifestyle etc) and the mindset is also very important. which is why i asked the question to you earlier on, have you thought about TCM? TCM goes back thousand of years and seek to return the body into its natural balance through the use of herbs. may be one alternative before going down the expensive roller coaster ride of a IVF cycle...

Which TCM is good for fertility?

Though I do believe in TCM, I am not sure which good TCM is available. Depending on one's body, one cannot just take herbs, just because some other people says that it is good right....everyone is different.......it really depends on one body's response to these herbs...herbs are also medicine in a way right? I was afraid that if one goes to the wrong TCM, may eat the wrong medicine and can get all your system heywire.....that will be worst than not taking TCM at all......


How do you know if Dr Heng is a fertility specialist? Who recommend to you?

Thank you.

then you need to do your research. based on anecdotes, based on that TCM doc's track record, his training, based on recommendations...i guess these are some of the ways we can try to ascertain...

and i don't quite agree about eating the wrong herbs, although specific herbs do target specific conditons, but the main purpose of the herbs is to restore the body back to its original balance, which means it does not solve symptoms but try to solve the root problem.

if you are going to a properly trained TCM, there is no reason why your system will be worst than before...
hi joan,

i did not say dat dr heng is a fertility specialist, she is juz my gynae, dat's all! i did not look for any fertility specialist in the 1st place to go to. heehee... i no idea dat dr fong is a fertility specialist too! hope this clarify

as for TCM, i agree with kermit.
So, which TCM do you gals recommend to see?

Heard that Xia Rong from EYS is good but she has left for China.

Are you gals also seeing TCM?

Sorry, I am not familiar with TCM, just getting more information.....anyone can help?


i was with the TCM doc Dr Du at bukit timah shopping centre before i got preggie. some girls here are also seeing a Dr Jin (not very sure tho
) i think at fortune centre, some are seeing the TCM docs at tong ji...

so you have quite a selection actually
hi joan,

a few gals (me included) are seeing dr jin @ fortune centre. her medication is in pills form, so be prepared dat u'll have more than 10 pills in all kinds of shapes and sizes to swallow. not to mention syrup too.

personally, i find her gd as i find dat i dun fall sick so easily aft taking her med. she said i verie weak in my body so on top of med for my womb, she oso gave me med to "tiao" my body. this is wat i like abt chinese med.

but i stopped for the past 2 mths cos i seeing dr fong at dat time and was taking clomid. cos my hubby & parents dun like the idea of me having "zhong xi he ping" med (taking clomid plus the TCM med). they scared later i "zou huo lu muo"! hahaha...
Hi everybody...

I need some advises. My menses came on 7 july and last for only 4 days. my cycle for this mth is very short, only 21 days. (Usually my menses is irregular).i also have PCOS but a mild ones. Can i know when is the best time for me to check my ovulation using OPK? (in fact dis morning i did the test and it's shows negative).

My BBT also went haywire and i don't seem to have any CM to observe even though i tried drinking grapefruit juice everyday.
Can anybody advise me on the timing to use my OPK?

My BBT are as below:

CD1 (7 July) 37.50 (having high fever)
CD2 (8 July) 37.40 (having high fever)
CD3 (9 July) 37.20 (having high fever)
CD4 (10 July)36.60 ( menses stop ,only spotting)
CD5 (11 July)36.13 (menses cleared)
CD6 (12 July) 36.27
CD7 (13 July) 36.33
Hi all,

I also would like to seek for some advice. I have just taken Daphaston to induce my menses to come. Finally my AF has come few days ago but come like no come leh. Is that normal?


Wonder if u r familiar with Daphaston? Remembered u mentioned it to me b4. Taken liao but menses come like no come leh. Dono if I shd ask my gynae if there is anything wrong with me.
duphaston huh... af shld come 3-7 days after u finish the course. if by 10th day haven't come, then do another hpt bah...
btw, duphaston is safe in case u r preggie
Hi Phy,

Hehe.. I also have the same mindset. Planning to be full time mother once we have babies. Now oso cant quit yet.

We r all her to support each other yea.. So not to give up easily hor.. Perseverance yields success.. My sec sch motto.. = p

Come ald leh but very very little, come like no come wo.. Not the usual I used to have so wondering if it's normal.

First menses stopped for few mths, now induced to come but come like no come. So a bit worried, hope nothing's wrong with me.

It's very light wan.. How does spotting look like?

Saw very very slight bleeding on 11/7. So i dono shd consider 12 or 11. today cleared ald. So what shd i call it?

Never had such problems b4 I was TTC. Really hope I'm alrt..
hi ladies,

Haha, my friend's wife just given birth today! I went to visit new born and proud parents.. well, to deal with pain is to be right at the centre of it! I survived even the usual questions of when my turn is next! I was the earliest among them to be married but they all overtook me to be parents!

Then DH very good, bought my favourite chocolate and icecream for me! haha

Christellite, ya lor, now can't quit so making the best out of it

Life continues. Pamper yourself, eat well, live well, laugh, joke, count blessings etc etc
it could either mean ur lining was thin or it may be implantation bleeding. i'm not sure. sounds like u only have spotting and light bleeding, so i assume only 2 days of "af"? i wld suggest u call up ur gynae & chk. ur gynae may suggest a review or something
dun worry

Thanks for the advice. Will prob call her up tml.

Pardon me for my ignorance. What's the implication of thin lining? What's implantation bleeding?
By the way, anybody can comment on the saying that coffee is bad for TTC? I'm a coffee drinker and can't kick start a day without a cuppa...

Read somewhere in net that one should totally cut coffee consumption to increase chances to conceive.

Also, I wonder if I should continue to take folic acid? No sign of pregancy so wonder if it is any point in taking it..

zenia - please use fertilityfriend to key in your bbt, then post the chart online. it is quite difficult for me to analyse base one figure.

Since your predict O day is around cd17 - 18, now is still too early to know. The current bbt still looks quite ok to me. you might want to use OPK as a help to detect O.

Rule of thumb : to detect O you will get a dip 1 day before O then the temp will raise up to certain temp then stay for more than 10 days. The temp that stay should be higher than any of your temp before O. the moment the temp stay at a value would means your O is over.
joan - have your HB do any SA analysis before, and is the result good? if he haven't then he should go and do lor. Well if his result no good then only you consider IUI or IVF. otherwise if both you and your hb is fine, you should be able to conceive naturally lor.

To me, IVF is too invasive to our body and emotionally it is very stressful too.
phy - i am also a coffee drinker. Can't wake up without it every morning. however i have cut down the intake, control myself to take max of 2 cup only per day. You should continue taking folic acid lor, furthermore it is a type of vit-b and it has no harm to you.
busy busy busy,
thanks, because I don't want to deprive myself one or two cuppa a day! Coffee gets me going!

Ok, will continue to take folic then...
implantation bleeding is slight bleeding which occurs when the egg is implanted into the uterus lining. thin lining will result in unsuccessful implantation of the egg.

it's advised to take folic acid 3 mths before conception. so since u r ttc-ing actively, u shld take folic acid every day. if u dun hv, can buy frm NTUC pharmacy, 100 tablets @ less than $3. coffee try to cut down gradually, dun drink is the best, if must drink, maybe half cup or even decaf?
juju - lining thin will cause bledding one ah? Yesterday nite slept better, still wake up q early... my boss commented tat I looked "stoned" yest
. Btw, all these Pseudo- preggie symptoms caused by the HCG jab or by utrogestan?

busy busy bettle - how are u? Are u still seeing TCM physician?
hi caitlyn
mine at e last blood test on cd 2 was FSH - 7.4, LH- 15.9...
according to my gynae, e normal ratio shd b 1:1, but mine seen like 1:2
so is no good and even if i preggie, m/c chances oso very hi...

today is my cd16, on cd12, my gynae did v-scan & confirmed my dominant follicle was 21mm
then he did hcg jab for me & telling me the eggie will pop out within 36hrs
my opk test shown +ve on cd13 & cd14
my monitor oso shown peak on dis 2 days as well
but my temp not increse stil range at 36.6
anyway, will go back see him next wk
based on ur blood test results, i think u hv pcos. why dun u ask ur gynae to do a v-scan on the next cd02 for u to double chk?
did u bd on cd12-14? the continue on alt days?
r u seeing ur gynae again on 7 or 8dpo? if yes, can request v-scan or progesterone blood test to confirm whether u had ovulated successfully
lining thin will cause very light af, which looks like slight bleeding.
as far as i'm aware, psuedo preggie symptoms caused by both hcg jab & utrogestan.
synergy - even if u may have PCOS, but if you have a dominant eggie & HCG to properly release it, then u still have ur chances of being preggie rite? Why cld increase chances of miscarriage leh, Can share?

BBT will increase slowly one, if u have 3 increases in temp post O, charts like fertility fren will recognise it as Ovulated
Don't worry too much ya!!
hi all..

had to take a blood test this morning.. coz need to fast before e blood test.. e endocrinologist was very friendly n positive.. but i told him not to get my hopes too high.. hahah.. basically he just fd out abt my family history and all.. must wait 2 weeks to see him again.. for review of results.. the next 2 weeks are gonna be loooooonggg.. haha
hi caityln, glad tat ur consultation went well & u're so positive! like the sunshine here!!
Hope they'll come up wif a proper diagnosis & u'll get preggie soon!!! *hugz*

louie - keke.. must be positive if not e road ahead will be very tough.. keke.. i do break down once in awhile.. but cry liao then over liao.. helps tt my hb is like my 'la la dui'! haha
