A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

dear ladies,
thanks to all who showed concern.
to recap wat happened: i had several spottings so was pretty unnerved, plus my blood test results were super bad... thot i was having a m/c... hubby insisted i go a&e, was chked by on-call gynae, she says i was not preg at all... now dunno wan to laugh or cry. but certainly cried my worth earlier before going to a&e...

thanks all again... i hv not decide whether to rest or ttc again... will see how things go, & how my feelings r when the time comes
a bit lost after nt logging in for awhile..

yuki - dr chua was e one who says i have polycystic ovaries.. she says appears to have beased on scan.. ask me to take blood test on CD2 to have a more accurate picture.. coz she says i most likely have hrmonal imbalance which may affect fertility.. but she very encourging and all so i feel very very comfy w her.. will stick to her for e whole ttc process..

louie - hope e IUI process will be a success.. keeping fingers n toes crossed for u..

juju - HUGZ.. dun be too disappointed.. dun give up yah.. we'll all be here for one another..
posh - realised i din reply u.. nah.. dun have to put my name in e table coz my cycle super irregular.. n i not exactly tracking.. keke.. thx anyway! if i start on clomid or sth then i'll keep u in e loop!
i also got a 5 day course. just completed yesterday morning and my af haven't report yet. Nope, my af used to be regular. This is the first time that i missed it after so many years.
hi juju,

*hugs* dun be too sad k? we understand how dissappointed u muz be feeling now. have a gd cry if it will make u feel better. then, lets look forward & try harder again. remember, we are all here for u...

oso, wat happ to yr blood test result? if u dun mind sharing?

hi louie,
woo, today is yr IUI day rite? all the best! hey, how did u tell yr gynae dat u wana do IUI? cos i thinking of doing it for this cycle too. can i juz ring up my gynae and req to do it? hehe...
jesmine - u saw dr chua also rite? i thot she gave u medication to induce af? still not here yet ah? have u got ur test results?
shizuka, your O can be one or two days before your temp increase because some people takes more days before their body reacts to the progesterone produced by the ovary upon release of the egg. Which also means that once you detect a temp shift, your egg has already been released and since the egg can only survive for 24 hours and has an even shorter period during which it is suitable for fertilisation to take place, timing of BD is quite crucial. Some says that the sperm can survive for up to 5 days so BD before O can still make you preg. But this is provided the sperm is of good quality and the cervical mucus is favourable. The stress of BDing can cause less cervical mucus especially the EWCM which is the most nourishing for the sperm. Hope it helps.
juju, can try again, don't give up. We will be here to encourage you.

I have one silly question, if the doc said you are not in fact preg, how can your blood test detect HCG? does not make sense to me.

juju, your first beta HCG was 53 right? i read before that anything >5 is considered positive for pregnancy. how could she said you are in fact not pregnant? i also don't understand...
nvr mind, today cd01 liao... will be thinking whether to take clomid tmr or wait 1 cycle... tmr wake up then see how...
Hi juju,
sorry to hear abt ur case,
but oso great to hear that u r ok now
anyway, pls try to cut down ice-cream & cold indulgences
is not good for ur health especially now....
Hi Stileto

Coz I've thalassemia minor... if I take too much will coz other health problems... but of course, since I juz lost alot of blood during the op... it's okie to take lah...

Hi Caitlyn

Ya, that's the thing I like abt Dr Chua also... she's very reassuring and comforting... think if u take care of yr diet and health.. will still be able to conceive... so, juz keep trying, okie?

Hi juju

Have u seen a gynae for advice? if it's chemical pregnancy... shld also take sometime to "tiao" yr body and not juz leave it, rite? and all the more, shouldn't take cold things... think yr body is weak now... dun make it worst, okie? Do take care of yourself...
Pat,pat...sayang ok!! I accompany you jiayou this cycle ok. Dun give up!! I finally CD1 today!! Whew!!

Be patient, think your AF will report soon.

got cycle buddy liao. I also start clomid tomorrow.
posh, u also cd01? great! good for u... i haven't decide if i wan to start clomid tmr or next cycle.

yuki & synergy, not dat much cold stuff... had 3 spoonfuls of ice cream (the only balance) and 2/3 cup of coke. dunno wat to eat for lunch cos had mc today... now lazing ard

maybe ask hubby buy chicken essence later
I fully understand your feelings now.... when you are ready ok. chichen essence is good or can take black chicken soup?? Bu abit.

heehee...... ice-cream, i also like you, AF come indulge in one good one after that crave for the whole month....... sigh..... sometimes watch hubby eat, lau nua .....
thx... will ask mum to cook chix soup wif chinese wine for me tis wkend too

lucky hubby dun indulge in the food i like, he only like cold drinks... dat i can tahan

go cook lunch liao, now hungry
caitlyn, yah, i saw Dr Chua. Finished the 5 days med but AF still nt here. will wait and see.

called up and check my blood test results. think the malay nurse there v rude. don't like her. she also can't take my blood properly. one side no blood then take the other side but those prev docs that i went to don't have this prob. Anyway, pap smear show some infection so need to collect medication.

Hehe.. same same but not much leh. Good good can track each other n jia you together..

Ask u hor.. Is it compulsory to take clomid if wan to ttc? Seems that many people are taking it..

AF shd come within these few days. Quite fast wan..

U seeng Dr Eunice Chua? Is she good?
I'm seeing her neighbour next door, Dr Caroline Khi, also not bad.. = )
clomid is not compulsory. it's only for women who have ovulation problems. excessive intake can cause ovarian cancer. pls note.
Hello everyone,

Found this thread by chance.......I am new here and have been reading all your joys, apprehension and disappointments.....

TTC is indeed a very trying time for all of us here......

My AF just came today.........Sign!!!

Anyone seeing Dr Paul Tseng or Dr Fong Yang for fertility treatments?

I am getting pretty discouraged each mth.........how to stay positive?
during TTC, one should always try to keep their womb warm. prevent cold food and have lots of good n nutritious food will help in preparing body for the BIG Day.

I am thinking of TTC again, but till i am more comfortable with my girl first.

Everyone of us always get discourage each mth having to see RED, same for me too. I was once sitting at the bowl crying when i see RED. I finally picked up those pieces and moved on and hacked care TTC and got on with life. and miracles happened the very next mth. Now i am a proud mother of 1.

This is to encourage those out here who is TTC. Never make TTC a chore, as the more we desire, the harder we all fall. We should encourage each other and always here for each other. Jia you but in the mean time enjoy love making.
Hi ladies,

Can share on how to remain positive after TTCing for 2 years plus? I had a laparoscopy done in May and was told by Gynae to try naturally for 3 months.. After which she will put me through the 4th round of IUI...

Just got to know that my good friend is pregnant with second child.. We started TTCing together and her first child is already 2 plus...

*sigh* where is the light in this dark tunnel?
juju, dun be disappointed. be strong and we work towards our 'goal' together.

yuki, hope u are feeling better now. u still on MC? so now u 100% on TCM?

caitlyn, urs is only mild PCOS right? mine is very very mild due to hormone inbalance, my gynae say i can get preggie very easy but sad... till now after 3 round of clomid still a zero for me. this cycle is my 4th round of clomid, and OPK shows +ve yst and today, BD yesterday but not today cos hubby went on a 1-day seminar in m'sia.

phyllis, u did lap to remove cysts or wat?

louie, can share abt IUI? how does it go abt?
Hi Belle,

Thanks for ur info!

Hi JuJu,
Most important is to be strong & meanwhile Take care & relax!

Hi Carole,
Besides Dang gui, Please give us some example of 'warm' food to warm our womb.

Hi ladies... thanks for all the well wishes. Yes, IUI done this morn. On MC for the rest of the day....

Sent in sperm collection in bottle (similar to SA test) to clinic at 9am. After tat, I went home & went bk to clinic at 1045am. Saw the spermy in small little vacumm test tube (little but sufficient). Aft which, gynae did V scan for me (v happy, eggie released - left flatten follicle sac) & used some gadget & tube to insert washed spermy directly into uterus. IUI is supposedly as uncomfortable as a pap smear, but it def. took longer than a normal pap smear - not painful, just uncomfortable. My hub came into ze room aft the procedure to accompany me while I had to lie there for 15mins. After that, both of us went to speak to gynae lor. If this cycle not successful, will do the HSG test to check blockage of tubes. Now, me put on progesterone pills + folic acid.

Now, guess its post- O, so body starting to feel warm. Think the HCG jab (to release egg) & the progesterone pills making me feel nauseous & bloated leh. Hope it's normal! Now, only can pray tat everything will be ok

Juju- hey gal, its a new cycle for u! *sayang* don't loose hope ok!! Dunno what ur on-call gynae means, if u had HCG + progesterone in ur blood test - can be not preg? Weird! Anywae, if clomid worked well for u & u had no thinning of uterus lining, no harm trying again
As u know, tis is my 2nd cycle of clomid - had a bigger eggie tis time round. hehe

Jesmine - u seeing Dr Eunice Chua or Dr Chua Yang? Dr Eunice Chua (TMC) is my gynae; a very caring & nice lady. Very proactive in helping pple who are anxious to conceive!!

Koori- sorry, just saw past thread tat u asked abt Dr E Chua. Yes, she is good - very patient & caring. Like a mum - btw, she has 5 kids!!! Amazing hor

Joan/ Phyllis - dunno how to encourage u gals, but we are here to give one another support as Carole has mentioned
Pray that it will be in God's timing tat all of here will be preggie with healthy baby!!
sharon - are u seeing Dr Chua Yang? Sorry, am quite confused coz a no. of ladies here seeing her. Think it may be a better idea for gynae to do V Scan on CD 12 - to see if clomid really helping u (can see big eggie)! Most importantly - gynae will scan to see if ur uterus lining is thinned out by the use of clomid. If so, then clomid is not a good way for helping u conceive - coz eggie cannot implant & tat defeats the purpose!! Also, u may want to get ur tubes checked if got blockage? I rem fizzy got preg tat cycle after she did the HSG tube test
Of coz, her tubes were fine!!

For me, Dr Eunice Chua suspect tat my eggie don't release properely, tats why she gives me HCG jab! My Hub's spermy not v good condition (very very average - although he has finished nearly a whole bottle of zinc, like not much help leh. Maybe he's recovering fr flu, so army not full strength yet
) so maybe tats why Dr E Chua asked me to go for IUI.
Hi Belle,

Oh when u going to c her? I'm very comfortable with her when I went to consult her cos my menses became irregular recently. A cheery doctor who ll take time to clear any queries u have.

Very pleased with their services too. The nurses are friendly and Dr Khi will come out to bring her patients in as well as send them out. Never had such services b4. = )

As for her age, not sure though. Think prob in her late 30s. If I'm not wrong, she just had another child last year.
