A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi dodo,

u might have O liao then!

hi beetlebug,
dat's why i thinking whether shld i go for 2nd opionion... haiz...

hi christine,

if i O already, then i think i have miss it this time round coz i din BD for last few days leh... aiya... nvm, will keep monitor my temp then.. if still consistantly high for the next 2 weeks, then it shd be good news right?

I think I'm like you, also underweight. For my case, I think it's because I'm super weight-conscious so I mind putting on weight. I'm now 168cm, 46kg. Think we r in e same boat.. Hehe..

Which doc r u seeing now? Is your weight causing your menses to be irregular too?

So how have u been working on your diet le? I've been trying to take cereals in the morning. Used to only drink milo / milk..
hi sheryl,
u are thin... considering same height as me and 6kg lighter than me... have u been thin all the while? coz i have a fren who lost abt 10kg within 2 months and her menses had been haywire since then...
Mrs Wong,

Thanks for your encouragement. =)

How to PM you huh? Maybe u can send to my email instead? [email protected] Thanks!

Actually both my hubby and I r working on our wt right now. I'm trying to put on while he's trying to lose.. If only there is fat transplant. Haha..

Anyway, don mind you sharing your 'sex tips' with me. No harm learning.. hehe.. Thanks ya..
Penguin & Stella,

Congratulations to u too! Though I'm new here, I can sense the joy being spread around ald.. = p

Take care and enjoy the journey to motherhood!
Hi Dodo,

Yes, but have lost about 2kg for the past 6 months. Menses became irregular since end Feb but all along my menses quite alrt wan leh..
dodo, catilyn - catch more bb dust from the preggie ladies!
Think ur gynae will help if not successful in the next few cycles. Jia you! Don't lose hope ya

peg-gal, good to hear tat u are not upset. Jia you too!!

yuki, glad u are fine! take good care of ur health... then u can start TTC-ing again!
hi sheryl,

i think the rate of u losing weight is fine... think the irregular menses may not due to that... have u consulted gynae on this? mine is irregular all the while... gynae said due to hormonal imbalance (PCOS)...

glad to hear that you now working to put on some weight... jia you!
I am not ttcing anymore. Life can still be meaningful without children, what's more important is to spend quality times with HB. Just have to be mentally prepare when what if everyone, including your siblings, already have their own children, and you are still childless. But I am sure you ladies will have yours very soon.
hi hopeformiracle,

i very agree with u... spending quality n happy time with hubby is the most important... sometimes when i get too emotional over this TTC thing, then will result in conflicts with hubby... i dun wish that to happen, but sometimes just cant control myself... i know he has been very supportive so i need to be strong too.. not to always let him worry...

ur mindset is even stronger! not to easy deal with those pressures from others and particularly difficult to deal wi self-induced pressure... i still wish u good luck no matter which path u choose...

Thank you. My greatest support still come from those ladies that use to ttc together with me. Some graduated and some same like me. And the best rewards, good friends and sisters forever.

Yup seen Dr Khi @ TMC. She said most likely due to my weight as I have history of anorexia.

She's helping me to regulate my weight right now n c if my menses come next month. If not, prob she ll do further checks on me.
sheryl - i'm now seeing dr chua yang..her clinic is at bukit timah.. she has not started helping me w my TTC as she wishes for me to put on wt first.. she advised me to do weights exercise to buuild up mass as well as eat a more balanced diet.. =) trying very hard to but quite diff for me coz i'm very fussy when it comes to food.. also a lazy ass.. i've been skinny frm young and menses irregular from when it started! now just trying to take things easy.. u jia you jia you too! u not fat at all.. very slim so dun be too wt conscious.. coz we'll all balloon when preggies!

for me gynae doesn't advise pregnancy not only coz i'm underweight.. but coz my weight is only 37.7.. she says when preggie will put on ard 12kg at least which is 1/3 of my current weight and body may not be able to take e weight gain resulting in a diff pregnancy..
Hi Stella,

Glad to hear from you here...You can hear the bb's heartbeat...WOw...
*touching moments* Congrats,gong xi gong xi...Now u can rest yr mind already...Take Care and have a smooth 9 months ahead...
Dun overwork k?

Hi hopeformiracle,

I admire you,your courage to face the stress and pressure around you....I wish you all the best

Hehe.. same here, I'm also very picky and health conscious too. But guess for the sake of building up our health and also to be able to build up our bodies for our future bbs.. got to work hard wor and eat a variety of healthy food in moderation lor..

Keep me updated on your progress yea..

Jia you jia you! We shall all persevere on together.. = p
Hi Stella

Congratulations on hearing the bb's heartbeat... must be really excited... hope u hv a smooth 9 mths ahead...

Hi Gals

Yes, will be going to for TCM sometime this week when my hubby has some time. Hopefully, TCM can help clear some rubbish inside my womb and make it a more conducive place for conception...

And, yes, my poor hubby has to wait.... so, these few days he's been trying to go out to meet his friends for drinks... to keep his mind off this matter... hahahaha....

Hi Dodo

Think maybe u worried too much... sometimes too stressful may cause yr cycle to lengthen which is not too healthy... try to free yr mind from TTC... go for a romantic dinner wif yr hubby, shake yr mind off TTC... maybe when u r less worrying... yr cycle will be back to normal... I remembered that Dr Chua said that yr womb is in good shape, rite? so dun worry too much... the last time, my cycle got lengthened when I become stressful towards the 2WW too... if u hv question for her, try to email her again... check the email address and make sure it's correct... so far, I dun hv any problem emailing her...

Do take care

Hi Kermit

I guess gotta be cautioned abt taking clomid... my inner sense have been telling me to stop taking clomid since the effects wasn't good... but guess the thought of it helping me to get pregnant got the better of me... and in the end, bad things happen... I can't blame anyone... coz it's my own decision to take it wif hope that it will help me get pregnant...
hi yuki
i'm new here. i've been diagnosed wif PCOS and prescribed wif clomid. i had already taken 1 pill per day. if not successful to conceive, gynae advised me to increase dosage. Can you share wif me the possible disadvantages of taking higher dose of clomid? thanks in advance!
wonder if u still remember me?
glad to c u back here... hope everything's still well wif u... anyway, jus hope u r healthy & happy now, dat's more important
no leh it was a juju i bought over from. nv

wat does opks stand for anyways?

erm... i used the strips - was supp to start testing on 13th day, but i tested on 12th day anyways - was positive. on 13th day i tested 2ce - both negative. is it possible for the test to show negative but still be fertile?

actually this mth is not a good mth to ttc. cos of world cup. hee!
ValC, once OPK (ovulation prediction kit) shows +ve, start to BD!!!!

OPK test for LH surge in urine. LH surge occurs 24-48 hours before we ovulate. Which means if you test +ve today, most likely you will ovulate within the next 24-48 hours, so must work hard and BD!!

If by calculation you gonna ovulate on CD13, then you should start testing one day before, on CD12. Once +ve, throw everything aside and go find your hubby :p

I agree now World Cup, not very good time to TTC.
hmm... there used to be another juju here... haha
opk = ovulation predictor kit... usually i only sell hpts & opks to close frens, if they need urgently. so far, i haven't sold to anyone in tis forum lately

once u test +ve on opk, u shld start bd liao... once it shows -ve, it means u hv ovulated, so bd-ing wun hv high chance, but still worth a try

dun use WC as exucse wor... make use of the 15 mins break between half-times and, 1 hr breaks between matches
haha wat does 'BD' stand for? watever it is i BDed on the 11th day. i actually tested on 11th day, but being my 1st time using it, i din know how to use it, i dipped it in until the green mark so i cldn't see any result. i din think i wld ovulate then. cos i thought supp to be 13th day mah. then i tested again on 12th day and result positive. but no time cos of world cup and sick baby.

but i felt cramping on 13th day. i read that it cld be 1st sign of pregnancy due to the implantation of fertilised egg onto the uterus. or is it jus cramping from ovulation. well, i'll found out 1 week later wun i? hee hee.
hi jolene,


read dat u're diagnosed with PCOS. wat's the reason? bec u having irregular AF cycles?

oso, why is there a need to increase yr dosage? is it dat u are not responding well to it? did yr gynae do any blood test for u to conf PCOS?

well, share with u, my gynae oso told me dat i having PCOS though my AF is very regular and i never miss any cycles and he put me on clomid straight away. then, he oso wanted me to increase to 3 tablets in my next cycle.

hwever, i'm not comfortable with dat as clomid has got alot of side effects (eg. headaches, hot flushes, prolonged consumption can cause cysts to enlarge or even lead to cancer). hence, i've decided to seek for 2nd opinion.

did yr gynae expl to u why he/she wana increase yr dosage? if u are in doubt, it's best to clarify with yr gynae 1st.
sheryl - keke.. me is picky in e wrong way.. lurve to eat deep fried foods, potatao chips.. dun like to eat veggies! haha.. now slowly trying to develop better eating habits.. irony is i eating mamee as i say this.. must really learn to be more disciplined..

yuki - glad to see that u're still staying strong n positive.. ur hb also sounds very understanding.. =)

hoonie - hi hi!! how're u so far? me very sian coz skl reopens liao..
ryes, i jus started counting from last period only. it was 30days. i'm not sure whether it was regular or not cos i never counted. wat is ewcm?
hi Christine

thanks forthe warm welcome.

i 1st knew i have PCOS wif my 1st gynae via vaginal scan. i thot i've regular AF and this gunae didnt say much abt possible irregular pattern. he prescribed me 1 clomid/day. i then see another gynae who said tat having mense every month doesn't mean its regular. cos my cycle could be 30 days, 32 days or even 33 days. he thinks 1 clomid/day is too lil. if no jackpot this month, i should be taking 2. he even recommended injection. but i have reservation over 2nd gynae advice. well i have 10 days to know if 1 clomid is sufficient for my cond. i really dun wanna take too much pill. that's why i asked yuki. but i appreciate u asking.
hi jolene,

hmm... i think the injection dat yr 2nd gynae is referring to is the HCG jab. it is normally given around CD10 to CD13 once the gynae does a vscan dat the eggie is mature now to induce the ovulation. can i kw who are yr two gynaes are btw?
hi juju,

hey, cld it be implantation spotting anot? which CD are u at now? or maybe pregnancy spotting? now still too early to tell if it is AF anot. dun stress up okie?
Hi Yuki,
Glad to hear u r fine!!do take care!!

I m trying my very best to catch up with the postings...but its really a lot!!
Finally finish moving my house so now can concentrate TTC!! Yipee!
By the way, would like to check to see if any of you have encounter this...
Yesterday was my CD 4 and I went to Dr Heng for a follow up.... but upon scanning, she found there there are already 2 eggs (both ard 15-16mm) at the ovary already... Dr Heng predicte that the eggs should be released in this few days...anybody had their ovulation right after their AF?? Dr Heng also says its kind of odd...but if this cycle got strike,dan that will be good news, if not, will observe to see if the same thing happens the again... All along I thought that O only happens in between the cycle,but seems like for me, the O is right after AF.....

BTW,anybody wana get OPK? I m ordering this afternoon....
char - i actually suspect my O is either during or rite after AF.. coz i had a dip in temp during my AF then i just ignored.. but my AF came ard 14 days after that dip.. so now i thinking if tt's possible.. since it seems possible maybe i was not wrong afterall..
i rather not think of it as implantation spotting... cos i can't test till 18dpo, which will drive me crazy. i left a msg at the clinic for doc to call me alrdy
today only 12 dpo. can't test hpt bcos i had a hcg jab

cld ur AF be mid-cycle spotting? dat's why can see 2 big eggs?
hi caitlyn,
i think it will be good to go for a scan to confirm...cos Dr heng was saying that the most accurate way to confirm is to use BBT ot OPK...maybe u wana use opk for 1 cycle and see how is the results?
I will need to use OPK this few days to determine if O did occur...sounds kind of odd to do OPK when I am still having AF.... I was asking Dr, if AF is still here but OPK is +ve how??!!?? Must BD??...I think DH will be freaked out by all the blood....
char - i also told my hb tt most likely will have to BD during AF... but he also not keen! keke.. my cycle haywire one so very hard to noe when.. think this cycle i will just anyhow whack.. tired or not tired also BD.. but now aving AF.. doubt my hb will want.. but scared if after AF end.. no matter how hard i try also no use.. =(

Hi juju78,
dont think it is mid cycle spotting cos it came in full force...and it was my CD55 of my last cycle...so should be the actual AF...

Hi Jolene,
maybe u wana get a 2nd opnion on the PCOS?cos for my case, SGH dr dignose me w PCOS in April, but when I went to see another Dr this month, the Dr say I don't have PCOS leh...
