A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

congrats penguin!!!

dun worry stella, take good care of yourself k... everythg will be fine...

hi ladies,

i have some doubts here and appreciate if any of u could advise me on this:

As at today, it is already my CD 63 (since 25.04.06). I never had such a long menses cycle.
But i tested on the pregnancy test kit on 16.06.06, the result shown negative.
These two or three days i have sore breasts as well.

Here are my BBT (in degree celsius) from 07.06.06 till today:

07th: 36.39
08th: 36.39
09th: 36.38
10th: 36.29
11th: 36.18
12th: 36.29
13th: 36.29
14th: 36.39
15th: 36.49
16th: 36.48
17th: 36.38
18th: 36.66
19th: 36.69
20th: 36.69
21th: 36.89
22th: 36.69
23th: 36.27
24th: 36.98
25th: 36.98
26th: 36.86

Really appreciate if any of you could highlight to me what happen to me and what should i do now... puzzled n troubled...
yuki - so glad to see that u're fine!! happy happy.. =) do take care! =)

dodo - sorry.. i dun take BBT so can't help u..

stella - hugz.. dun be too stressed up over e preg.. do take care of urself n all will be fine!!
stoopid.. AF reported today.. w no symptoms watsoever... n i stained my skirt.. shoot lor.. so sian.. wat a way to start skl.. n my last AF was only 3 weeks ago.. =(
Hi Dodo

Looking @ yr BBT, u may hv O'd on CD 17th... so, today is yr 10 dpo... maybe u shld wait for another 4 days bf testing again?

Hi Gals

Mi and my hubby decided not to go for IVF as suggested by Gynae... he prefers to conceive naturally... and this time round he didn't want me to take Clomid or any other medication to stimulate ovulation or watsoever... he didn't want me to risk again... coz this time round why my cysts have grown so fast, one possible explanation given by my gynae was becase of overstimulation of ovary....

We will take it slow and juz hope to get preggy... till I'm 35... then if we still dun hv any bb... we will go for adoption....

On Sat, few of my frens came to visit me... 1 brought their new born bb gal... and another couple brought good news of pregnancy.... really envy them.... but wat to do... juz pray hard that I will be like them soon lor...

Can't start TTC for another mth... coz gynae wanted me to rest for at least 1 mth before continue wif TTC... think she scare we BD too much later the wound split... hahahha.... but my hubby already wanna ML yesterday.... so poor thing.... hehhehe...
hi yuki, glad to know you are well...

rest well..

hi penguin, v v happy for u...take extra care cos the beginning is the delicate stage. am v happy for you...finally you can shout "i am preggie"...thanks for remembering me on the baby dust...i need alotsa of it..
hope i too can join your wagon soon....hee..
hi yuki,
thanks for replying
oh... im really puzzled, thinking to visit dr chua again... but not sure whether am i paranoid or what.. and whether shd i wait further... just now wanted to email her, but cant send it thru... duno what's wrong loh....

gal... dun worry and dun think abt it too much... i believe ur determination will ultimately paid off..
yes, i do agree its better u try it naturally first since the med may put ur ovary at harm... maybe u can consider a short trip on ur next TTC month, for relaxation as well... i wish u GOOD LUCKS!

so glad to hear you are recovering well and how courageous you are in facing this and having a well thought out plan on what you want to do.

sometimes to think about it, this clomid can be a godsend or it may be more dangerous than we know...

actually, you may really want to think about TCM as that is to tiao your body and will not stimulate your ovaries.

take a good rest!
just wondering.. i din have any EWCM and all this rd.. guess i din ovulate this time rd? =( is it possible to ovulate durin menses?
hi bettlebug,

ya, i oso having 2nd thots abt taking 3 clomid tablets. will ask my gynae if i can stick to 2 tablets anot. or else, will juz take 3 tablets for 1 cycle to do IUI, aft dat, will let body take a rest. i dun like to be on medication...

actually thot of going bk to see dr jin agn but hubby says dun mix western and TCM together...
Hi Yuki,
Take care and get well soon. Dun lose heart, sure u'll be able to conceive.

Hi Penguin,
Congratulation. Hope I can have good news soon too.

Next year CNY is on 18/02/07. So, if ur EDD after this day, u've got a piggy year bb.

Hi Posh, Pls update for me, juz got my AF today. 4 days earlier. The cramp is "killing" me.

This mth very strange, not only came so early but during my O, dun see any discharge or egg white type of discharge. Wonder did I O or not. Is it true that even got eggs but does not means will O?
hi mrs wong,

thanks for yr valuable advise! i agree with u, i oso keeping an eye on my diet now. last time, i like to eat junk food alot, will always gulp down a can of soft drink during lunch & munch on potato chips, twisties etc.

but now, i dun go for soft drinks and crackers anymore. instead, i drink milk and fruit juice daily. plus, vit C & E...
hi april,

yup, it's true dat one might not O though can see the eggies. dat's why, sometimes, the eggie might be trapped inside and we will end up with a super big but over mature eggie... u need to have at least 3 elevated temp aft yr predicted O day to confirm O. if u do BBT charting, u shld be able to kw if u've O anot...
hi gals..

i am back from checkup..yipee.. i can see the bb hearbeat. both my hb and i are more relieved.

i dunno y i become more emotional nowadays.. little bit of things feel very uncomfortable. and my hb also, he was also quite stressed up and he did fare up a little, saying that he got endless things to do. I wanted to help but cannot..feel so useless at home. luckily, tomorrow i can go back to work.
so glad that you are recovering well. Must rest well and ask your hubby to take good care of you. Meanwhile, your hubby got to DIY... hee..

anyone using the blue strip hpt? Must it show a line to be BFP? If a pink purplish dot appeared and looked smudged (control line is there), what does it mean? Did i test incorrectly?
stella - congrats! good to noe u can hear bb heartbeat.. =) me missed the boat this time rd again.. only started BDing last week.. as for being emotional i tink it's quite natural.. my pregy fren also says she's more emotional.. do take care.. =)
Hi Christine,

Thanks. But I did not do BBT charting. I did at first but lazy after that. hehe....
Do u think if use OPK will be easier?

Hi Stella,

That's good news. Dun feel useless. Wat's most important is ur health. Dun be too stress too. Must take care. Maybe ur hb nid time to adjust as he feel more things to do cos he want to give u the best. Stay happy.

that is such good news! phew!

normal to be emotional and uncomfy...i spent week 6 to 10 like a zombie...completely in a daze...only week 11 onwards, i started feeling more normal...

its a time of adjustment and hopefully your hubby will come to realise what a mess the hormones are making us preggies feel...

at this delicate stage, don't bother to help with any household chores, house messy messy, let it be...rest is more important!
i remembered you were so worried initially. Glad that you are able to hear your precious bb heartbeat. Must be very heart warming huh? Think i will cry if i hear my bb heartbeat...
hi caitlyn/april/kermit/chloe

thanks!!! yah... my heart was beating so fast when i was waiting in the gynae clinic. all ard me are preggies with big tummies.

my hb now ok liao... maybe he also stressed abt seeing bb heartbeat. haiz, before i preg, i am quite independant cos he do shift work.. can help him run errands and help with housework. now he feels the stress of handling all these nitty gritty things. But i am glad that he made an effort to do things for me lah.

as wat kermit says, i have to turn a blind eye to the mess at home.
hi christine,

im dun really know how to read & interpret the BBT... so does it means the temp will rise after the O? and if fertilisation take place, the temp will remain high till delivery? may i know roughly how high the temp considered high? thanks...
dodo - i think for high or low BBT, it depends on individuals.. ur high may be someone else's low.. =) did u manage to get thru to dr chua? i'm w dr chua too..
dodo - hmmm.. that's strange.. maybe try again later? anyway.. try to be more relaxed.. stress doesn't help us... =) most of e mummies seem to strike when no stress! i most likely din O this rd.. but surprisingly i not so sad this time.. maybe really managed to convince myself not to be stressed liao.. =)
wow... the thread is so hot!!
Been so busy & stressed at wk, no time to log in

Penguin- congrats gal!!! so happy for you. I rem ze other time u had m/c when ur dad was hospitalised. Very glad tat U are preggie again! Must take good care of urself, rest more okok!
thanks for the baby dust!!

stella - good to know tat u can hear bb heart beat liao. Must be a huge relief for u! Don't be stressed & overwork urself ok, bad for u & bb.
caitlyn - ok will try again later... tt's very good, u have finally reached the "jing4 jie4" that you wun be bother by this...
as for me, still very annoyed by my irregular menses... i really wish it will come soon, only then i can start to try again...
dodo - i also have severely irregualr menses.. last cycle was like 40++ days... this time only 23 days.. i still get irritated by it as it means i'll never BD at e rite time!! last week my hb and i were so active! but no use liao.. i still worry abt the fact i dun O but i'll take dr chua's advice to wait till end of yr when i see her again.. guess i'll only be able to have a 2008 bb..
hi caitlyn
Me ok, just v sian at wk. hee hee... still in my 2ww for the moment. Now u seeing Dr Chua Yang, did she advise u on how to improve ur long cycles? Take vitamins or clomid?
caitlyn- me too... my cycle very irregular, sometimes 30+, sometimes 50... but this time round is the longest i ever have... 63 days!
remembered u mentioned u are underweight right... dr chua told me tt i have mild PCOS... im not sure whether i need to lose some weight coz of this, my height 1.68m, weight 52kg... think im not overweight right... dr chua advised me not to take any med now.. just try it naturally for 1 to 2 years time... but in view of my irregular menses, guess i will only have 6 chances a year! and the chances are slimmer if i do not ovulate during these 6 chances! omg....
louie - all e best to u!! may ur 2ww end up to a 9-mth wait for bb to come out! =) my gynae not helping me w TTC at e moment.. she refuses to even talk abt preg plans w me!! hahah.. she wants me to bai bai pang pang first! keke

dodo - dr chua din do any tests for me.. so i dunno anything yet.. u overweight meh? no lah.. just nice ah.. for me, i severely underweight.. when i did e ht/wt thing at her clinic.. i was 1.58, 37.7kg! haha..
hi stella,

CONGRATS! dun worrie abt yr mood swings. u'll be fine. it's natural to feel overwhelmed, delighted, but yet anxious, worried at the same time during yr 1st preg i think. aft all, u are witnessing a miracle... i have a fren who was so touched, so happy and oso anxious at the same time dat i oso dunno if she was crying or laughing (or both at the same time). juz rest well & dun stress yrself out.
caitlyn - u are very thin! u really need to seriously put on ur weight healthily... have regular exercise and more nutritious diet k

14 days cycle really very short... but if it's super long, it's demoralizing as well...
hi april,

yes, u can use OPK too. but according to gynae, OPK may not always be 100% reliable and so i conf it by doing BBT charting too... but if u find BBT charting too stressful, then skip it. no pt stressing yrself out.

hi dodo,
if u do BBT charting, u shld be able to see a clear temp shift aft O. for eg. my avg temp this mth is abt 36.65. but aft O, it rises to abt 36.90 constantly. as for hw high the temp shld be, it depends on individual.
caitlyn, ya... u are way too light! Can fatten up a little! But, my fren ard ur height, 39kg has a boy leh... so, see if u can convince Dr Chua to help u fatten up + improve ur cycle at the same time

dodo, wahhh... so slim! Of coz not overweight lah.. yeah, need to address the irregular cycle, otherwise ur chances will be reduced by 1/2. Tats why, working wif gynae is v impt lor
christine - oic... then i shall take note of it... my temp these few days quite high, ard 36.8+ & 36.9+.. my normal seems to be 36.6+ also... but i doubt i guess the reason for the sudden surge it's bcoz of heatiness.. hubby n me din BD for last 4 to 5 days loh...

louie- yes, chances very slim... but my gynae just asked me to try naturally for the time being... i did mention to her i like to try on medication but she reluctant loh...

caitlyn - me too.. though dr chua advised me to exercise regularly, im still too lazy to do so...
dodo - i think dr chua prefers we try to conceive naturally first.. i guess she feels med n all can wait till really not successful.. n i do prefer tt mtd to immediately starting on meds.. =) yup.. i also can't get my lazy ass off to exercise! keke
Hi gals,
How's everyone?? For me, it is a failed cycle this mth. This time round, although we worked hard, i am not as upset as last mth. Will have to work harder this coming cycle..

Penguin, congrats!! So happpy for you. Have a smooth 9 mths ahead!! Hope can catch some bb dust from u...

Must be very excited to hear your bb's heartbeat.

Good to hear that you are feeling better.
stella - CONGRATULATIONS! I am also very excited for you leh. if possible share with us your bb scan one day. Please do not worry too much, I have heard of people bleed through out their pregnancy. Just be extra careful. :D
yuki - glad to know that you are fine. You might want to consider TCM as an option to tiao your body.

Hee hee, ask your HB to REN for a month first lah... after you recover.. then can have a passionate time. :D I know it is not easy to reject your HB but for the sake of your 'future', must be firm. :p

Anyway, please take care!

hi hopeformiracle,

i know preseverance cannot guarantee success. but i believe our mindset is very crucial, if i were pessimistic towards this issue, i doubt i will ever succeed. hence, whats beyond our control, we can only pray for the best.. but those factors tt we can control, i must do my best for them, which including my mindset as well...

if i really cannot succeed at the end of the day, at least i know i had tried my best... will then consider other options...

so, our mentality is very important...
