A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

i dunno... will see how things go first... i had taken a 6 mths break frm last yr till ard cny... which means we continue to try, but without medical intervention... sadly, things din work out
caitlyn - ya, maybe she's busy... anyway, i will just keep on monitor my BBT... then if AF still din report on CD70, i will test again and/or see doc then...
very sian... my AF also play hide n seek with me... and it's "hiding" for so long...

juju - take good care oh...
dodo - maybe still got chance! =) hugz

juju - continue to persevere and do be disheaterned yah? we will one day be rewarded! =)
thanks juju, jia you oh!!

caitlyn - sigh~ i dun think so... maybe like what yuki said, bcoz im stress over it and it prolongs the cycle loh... i dun have any other symptoms except sore breasts.. but this is one of my pre-AF sign as well loh..
hi jade - dunno also. Normally i don't have so much creamy discharge on undies. This few days more lor, today & even more... at first tot AF come liao but when go toilet check, its the discharge lor. I also took HCG jab like juju, but it has been 14 days liao... was quite confused whether it was pseudo preggie symptoms or not!

juju - btw, i rem ur O date shd be later than mine... why ur gynae says it is AF coming & not implantation bleeding leh? If next cycle, u may not need to do all the bloodtest etc, so may be able to cut down cost by a little!
U can only tell ur bb next time, u know... daddy & mummy spent so much $$ to get u... hee. Don't lose hope, maybe u'll succeed tis round?
hi char- jus read ur posting. Wahh... CD4 already eggies quite big. Did Dr Heng say any reasoning?? So, tis cycle u totally not on clomid? Did clomid somehow regulate ur cycle?
louie.. for me today is CD31 liao, but knowing my AF always like to play hide n seek, i aso not very kancheong to check for preggie or not..
just notice these few days got quite a fair amount of creamy cm esp after hmmhmm or pee on the toilet paper..
as usual boobs& nimples sore n heavy nothing special.. more tired but mayb due to work load..
jade - ur creamy CM sounds like wat I have been experiencing. having crampy feeling here & there this few days too, no sore boobs. The other time boobs v sore, AF still reported anywae. sigh.
I'll wait few more days to test lor to ensure if HPT +ve is definately not fr the HCG jab, but HCG produced by bb
dodo - dun sigh.. maybe still got chance.. wait for dr chua's reply.. if my AF still dun report tmr.. most likely will email her liao.. coz this brownish discharge is more like wat i get at e end of AF.. dunno why just suddenly come like dat.. now no more some more.. so strange.. but i noe a few gals also like dat before.. so will wait a while.. i noe for sure cannot be preggy coz i only BD last week and not before tt..
thanks caitlyn & dodo!
I realised, even if I psycho myself tat i not stressed, actually can be q stressed out abt AF coming one lor. So, maybe shd stop counting! hee
louie - understand wat u mean.. tt time i also like dat.. keep telling myself not stress not stress.. but yet so clear i how many days DPO etc! haha.. guess we'll all still have tt silly voice in our head.. guess it's natural bah!
caitlyn - yep, guess its in us. This mth, my CD 1 started on 1st june, so v easy to count lor. hee
just praying tat i'll bring good news lor. if not successful, i also hope AF come ASAP... then won't delay next cycle mah
Think u shd ask Dr Chua abt ur cycle, if can improve to shorten - u'll have more fertile cycles
Hi Louie,
me not on clomid this cycle....Dr Heng wants to observe the trend for this month before deciding what to do...em...i think the last cycle of clomid didn't regulate my cycle...it made it worst....(50+ cycle days leh....)now hoping for the best since can see the 2 eggs now....(em...i feel like a hen that is waiting to hatch eggs) ;P
char, nice to see u back here. Hope u have settled in ur new place
Guess ur clomid dosage was way too high, tats why create havoc!! Most ladies have 1 mature eggie, u have 2... wish u success!!!
hi louie, i was on 1 tab/day for the last cycle leh...now me and DH are thinking if there are chance to get twins or not..hehe...so greedy hor....
char, tot u were on 3 tabs a day? ha ha... ya, v greedy! *jus kiddin*
hehe... don't think i can cope with 2 babies at 1 shot, so twins are out for me! Even if give birth to twins, i wld still wanna another kid of a different age. hee...
Hi Jolene

I'm not too sure abt u... but I had endo 1/2 yr back and hv removed 2 cysts... my gynae told me to start taking clomid after realising that I didn't ovulate well... but sad to say.... Clomid didn't react too well wif my body... initially was juz drying up my CM... and later on I realised that another cysts hv formed up due to over-stimulation of ovary....

I think depending on how yr body react to Clomid... some who reacts well got preggy after taking... my gynae also hope that I can get preggy earlier, that's y, prescribe me wif clomid.... think if u r taking clomid, it's better to monitor yr body reactions to it more closely... like do more regular scan and if u experience pain, always see yr gynae to check...

Hi Caitlyn

Thks... hhahahah... my hubby has no choice....

If u hv any concerns, then email Dr Chua Yang lor... think when it comes to TTC.... every gals can be paranoid over little thing and she's probably pretty used to it by now... hehehehe...
caitlyn & dodo,
thanks! let's all jia you!

i dunno why she say dat, maybe not to get my hopes too high bah... those tests i did r the bare essentials. i still hv to do them if i do ovulation monitoring, take clomid again. today is my 11dpo... 7 more days to go

if u or ur gynae suspect pcos, can do blood test &/or v-scan on cd02... clomid wun help pcos, metformin is the drug to regulate pcos
but if pcos condition is mild, gynae usu dun give u any drugs cos it's quite negligible.
juju - today ur DPO11, so ur pinky discharge was within DPO 8-12... so still have chance tat it cld be implatation bleeding lah
don't too worry ok!!
juju - me also like u, if have then its the best. if not, jus try again lor
btw, are u born in 1978? if so, then we same year one
Hi bettle bug...
Dr Heng says that if all goes well, eggies should mature within these 5-6 days...so now have to start to use OPK to test.... but if till next cycle also no +ve OPK,means that there is something wrong with my O cycle... keeping my fingers and toes crossed for these few days.....
hi beetlebug,

agree with u. now trying to fix appt with dr heng... but today is my CD20... dunno if she will be able to see if i having PCOS anot if she is to do a vscan.
hi gals,

anyone can help to shed some light?

i tested faint line (quite dark) on LH surge on OPK yesterday. But according to instructions on the box, it is still consider NO LH surge. So i waited for this morning to test again, the faint quite dark line turns to v v faint line. Does it mean I Ovulated yesterday? confused...

Pls advise
juju- hehe... so nice to find someone same age!
today ur DPO 12, AF so fast coming liao?

liz - depending on ze timing tat u used OPK to test, so ur darkest line wld be yesterday. So, likely ur eggie will be released within 24-48hrs from then! Hope U BD yesterday nite, if not... tonight go home early to BD hor!!!
juju - ur gynae specifically told u to test only from DPO 18 onwards?? tot DPO 15 shd be able to test liao? Anywae, the HCG jab effects shd have worn off by DPO 14 rite?

I am new in this forum. And would like some of you to provide me with some advice.

As in todays date, i have miss my period for 6 days whch my period is usually accurate except when the first time I was ttcing (10 months back), i miss my period for 2 weeks. During the first few days that i miss my period, i do have nauseous and some crampy feeling in tummy area. but it stops after 2 to 3 days but the crampy feeling remains and it comes once in a while during the day.

Do you girls think i am preggy? I refine myself from getting a HPT as i am afraid of dissappoiontment again and again after 10 months of trying. And what I am curious is that, we only BD once this month as DH was away on business trip most of the time this month. Are we really that lucky?
zenia, welcome
U shd use the HPT to test... menses (AF) & preggie symptoms cld be quite similar so hard to tell. If BD only once a mth, ur chances are very low... but who knows rite?
yes. I agree that my chances are low. Thats why I'm extreamly relax last month when BD thinking I won't struck so easily. And expect my period to come on the dot but now I have miss for 6 days. I kept thinking that, on each day I miss my period , my chances increases. ha ha..

Think I really need some courage to get myself tested.
zenia, wishing u all the best when u do the testing
Seriously, only by testing then can know lor! Keep guessing, being stressed out it (although u might think u're not) may delay ur AF even longer...
zenia, wishing u all the best when u do the testing
Seriously, only by testing then can know lor! Keep guessing, being stressed out it (although u might think u're not) may delay ur AF even longer...
