A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi yukie,

dun be sad... things will work out fine for u one... believe in yourself.. ok?

hi gers,

anyone has good gynae to recommend? today is my CD40 and just tested negative on HPT ... no just waiting for AF to come.. really disappointed in myself.. think i need to go for a checkup liao.. my sis-in-law got pregnant 2 mths after her wedding... and her sis strike the firsay day of wedding.. as for me... 7 months liao, still no news... :-(

Y, don't compare with other pple, it will only stress you out!
Your turn will come when the time is right

Actually gynaes recommend that after 6 month of active ttc and still no result, both husband and wife should go for check up.

I'm seeing Dr Woo Bit Hwa at Northern Hop (Punggol Plaza). The place is very quiet, I have never had to wait for my turn to see him
And he is very nice and friendly

As a nutritionist, my advice would be to exercise and eat well. Have a healthy lifestyle cos a healthy body is a better body to concieve and sustain a pregnancy.

For guys, exercise also matters cos it speeds up the blood circulation. When free, massage the bolas with a cold palm (hold ice for a while then massage, then hold ice again - not put ice directly ar...)...do it before BD
This method was taught by my experienced cousins who have 4 kids each, worked for me too

Vitamins/supplement wise, it depends on your diet. Eat more fruits and vege and fatty fish. for ladies, start on folic acid and calcium, can give multivits a miss unless you are underweight. For guys, multivits with Zinc is very good for the soldiers

when one supps, remember to increase your water intake.

dun be too sad.... as wat the gals say, maybe u will strike this cycle. btw, pls help me update the chart, O is on 11/06/06, expected AF will be 29/06/06. now i am planning my bangkok trip so i will forget all abt 2WW.


think it's common to have cysts now. i also have cysts but mine are very very small, i think it's ard 5mm to 8mm, so my gynae say never mind. dun need to remove the cysts, he say the cysts will disappear once i got preggie.
peg/sharon, I hv fibroids too, about 4 pcs, it's around 5 to 8mm in size and my gynae said not necessary to remove.

Dun why this womb, instead of growing baby, grow so many rubbish inside for what?

Mrs Wong, I took folic acid everyday, drink milk everyday, OPK +ve but still no news! What is lacking actually? Luck? Ot is it because I am fat? I am overweight liao. I weight 57kg with height 1.5m... My parents not tall, my height inherited bah, but my weight, sigh... should be my own cause to it.. Already restricted on my food intake liao, sometimes hungry till i want to die, but still fat that's why I thought I have cycts so I went to see gynae, found 4 small fibroids instead, shouldn't be the reason why I fat. Exercise after AF and stop after we BD coz scare sekali strike. Any advise?
hi yuki, hope you are feeling better today.

Penguin, my AF reported yesterday. sigh.

ladies, me n HB planning to go for check-up after AF cycle. Pls recommend good gynea for full-body check up including SA n whatever necessary. We also plan to TCM...any good ones to recommend?

We figure we want to work smart not hard anymore.

i was seeing the TCM at bukit timah shopping centre Dr Du. she would only see patients for 2 cycles of 3 months each. we got preggie at the second month of the second cycle. if you need the contacts, email me at [email protected]

dr du is tied up with Dr fong at gleneagles. she is one TCM doc who believe in "zhong xi he bi" so first appt, she will pack you off to Dr fong to scan to see if you are ok and pack hbs off to SA. then she will know how to treat.

one thing though, she gets her own medicine from beijing so she goes off to china every now and then. also she puts placenta into her medicine. if you believe in chinese medicine, then you will know how "bu" placenta is to women.

also her medicine is not cheap and you must brew them every other day. and it's VERY bitter! hehe...guess i have given you the low-down of consulting her...but she has been widely reported in the newspapers in helping many infertile couples get preggie. i will email you her contacts later.
hi louie,

ya. TC also known as dermoid cyst. mine is beign.

My gynae did check for me everything - ovary / womb during the operation when he remove the TC.

Will ask him about the V scan.

How did you know about your TC through scan?
yuki, Hope u are feeling better gal. I can't imagine how sad u are right now, but I hope u'll be strong ok! U wanna try my gynae for a 2nd opinion? or ask dr chua yang to help u proactively to conceive? Since u on clomid, doing IUI cld be a good possible solution?

Y(gen)/elizabeth, I am seeing Dr Eunice Chua @ TMC. She's very nice & patient, helpful in recommending types of checks to do to help u conceive. usu have to wait quite long to see her thou' but i am thankful tat she is good, she specialises in infertility. She is a believer too
If u live in the east, Dr Heng seems like a good choice. Fizz, MSN_Queen all successful under her... think their cases quite clear cut, all have good eggs!

Mrs wong - if not underweight, don't need to take multi-vits? Fat means have enough nutrients in body ah?

peg gal, think no harm taking zinc. Zinc is not just for men with low SA lah. U can check out wif GNC
kermit-do i still need to see a separate gynea then if Dr Du will send couple to Dr Fong for scan and SA?

Yeah, i heard abt placenta..in taiwan they sell it too..

The waiting time must be long since Dr Du is so popular and well known. How early do we have to make appointment in advance?

i guess no need. unless you have a preferred gynae, then after seeing that gynae, you bring the report for her to see. like that also can.

just call her first and see if she can slot you in. be prepared for some waiting too. sometimes you go at your appointment time, she may still be with her patients, because she packs the medicine there and there and give it to you, so that takes a bit of time. and emailed you the contacts already!

louie gal

sooo sorry! i was on leave yesterday to go to the gynae and i forgot to bring my OPK to the office again. don't worry about the payment, let me get it sent out to you first..hehe
May, good to hear tat it is beign. But, how come still damage ur ovary leh? Mine was on right side, abt orange size... tats why doc also did open surgery for me to keep ovary intact. my right ovary seems to be doing fine & producing eggs
Doc did u/s for me (not v scan) coz' i was not married then. V scan can go in to see mah, so better lor
Can scan egg follicle too!!

Here's Dr Heng's contacts. Lady doctor

Eastern Specialist Centre Blk 210 New Upper Changi Rd #01-699 (Opp Bedok MRT)
Tel: 64411600/4414276

penguin - can see how frustrated u are! Have to take things easy lor, when we get so stressed up abt BBT, OPK, CM... it makes things worse lor. My gynae said we gals usu will set "target" to get preggie by XXX mth, our ovary function will be messed up! so, relax ok
although I know easier said than done...
how come these few days very quiet. I didn't come in for a while already, but still can easily follow this thread.. hmm...??

hope you are feeling better? Must be strong ok... *sayang, sayang*
Dr Heng's info from the TTC gals, not personally seen her. 1st consult - $80, repeat consult $45, scan $50

This is my gyane's contacts, for u to consider if u stay in the North.
Dr Eunice Chua

TLC GYNAECOLOGY PRACTICE 339, Thomson Road, #03-05, Thomson Medical Centre Tel: 6254 2878
1st consult - About $80-100, repeat - $50, scan $40
from the pic & my gynae - the cyst is attach to the left ovary and they don't want to risk breaking the cyst as they afraid the liquid inside will pollute my womb especially if is cancer. So they remove the whole cyst from the tube. Mine is about 10cmx8cmx9cm - So big

Oic the dr. heng i am seeing is a guy it seem nobody use him here.

TCM typically takes longer time to see results cos the medicine is used to "tiao" the body to produce better quality eggs etc.

but for Dr Du, for my hbs' morphology problems, he was also taking western medicine, for us, she told us it's only a maximum of 2 cycles of treatment. her one cycle is three months.

Like to check if Dr Du is the one who treats your HB? My HB has poor SA.
He is taking provironium and TCM (from EYS - Dr Xia). Thinking of switching to Dr Du. Dr Xia's med is quite ex too but convenient since its in sachet form.

Not sure if its overdose of medicine for my HB since he is taking multivit as well.
hi newbride

yeah..dr du was the one who treated my hbs' morphology problems. be prepared though as dr du's medicine needs to brew one. and gotta do every other day. needs 3 hrs to boil everytime and the whole house will smell like a medicine hall. but guess everything for the bb lor...

how have you been? has the spotting stopped? when do you go back for another scan? take care too k?


*hugs* must be sooo sad now. be strong! and tell yourself whatever it takes, you will have your baby...take all these as obstacles you need to conquer and face them bravely! JIA YOU!

Thanks for the info. Boiling the med is indeed a minus point. May I ask if your HB SA improve after 2 cycles? Or the med will show effect within 1 cycle? I think my HB will be v resistant to brewing and drinking the med.
the thing is according to dr du's instructions, we have to BD like 12 hours interval after OPK is positive, that was a bit taxing for hbs initially, after eating the medicine for a while, that became a breeze, its like his libido just skyrocketed, another proof that he's responding well to the medicine. and yes, the news itself was the best test yet!

how long have you been eating dr xia's medicine. think she is also very experienced and well known in the TCM field. did you notice any improvement?
Hi kermit,

Congrats!!!! How many wks liao? I am fine except very tired easily n feel nuasea sometimes. Ya spotting have stopped. Next scan this thur. Cant wait me
Hi Kermit

Nice to hear that you and your HB's efforts have paid off

For my HB, he didn't respond to western med, hence gynae increase his dosage for another month. Went to Dr Xia. Been on her med for 3 weeks. My HB also eating royal jelly and multivit.

For me, v scan didnt show anything. Hence, gynae suggest lap.

Sigh. Its really everything for a baby
hehe zenn

am now 12 weeks already! good to hear spotting has stopped.

in the meantime, don't walk too much. don't carry heavy things and don't squat.

should be good news if vscan showed nothing abnormal right? how come suggest lap?

give the TCM a bit more time, 3 weeks is a very short time...if there is one thing that TTC taught me...it's patience!

another thing, do a complete change in your diet and lifestyle. things we did, we completely stopped eating chicken and duck (unless you pay double for an organic chicken), hbs stopped sleeping late and goes to bed at 11pm everynight. he also started exercising. exercising is important as blood circulation helps in good semen production.
hehe...my EDD is late decemeber, i will prolly have a christmas bb...

i was lucky not to have bad MS...no vomitting, just feeling loss of appetite and pukey only. what about you?

Congrats! 12 weeks oredi

Gynae suggest lap too see if there are any problems since its been almost a year without success.

Yah. Know sperms need a long time to regenerate.

Really? Stop eating chicken? Hmm..my HB is a chicken lover. Might be difficult for him. I love KFC too :p

Exercise? There seems to be controversy on jogging. Gynae say jogging not good for HB. But TCM say exercise including jogging is good. Contradicting views.

hehe zenn

i found out in april lah
hopefully your no MS would continue like mine..my appetite is slowly returning and i am already starting to imagine myself pigging out at buffets already..can't wait!
Hello everyone ..

Welcome if newcomers, if any ..

Not feeling well just came in to the office half day ...

Currently, not much for me .. just waitin for "O" to try out ...

yeah. if you go and see dr du, she will nag and nag about the chickens. she said, the chicken to make them grow so fast are injected with a lot of hormones and when we consume them, it interferes with our hormones. so the two of us really completely stopped eating chickens that period we were on the TCM.

if gynae say jogging is not good, then do other types of exercise lor, as long as there is some kind of exercise, should be good, incidentally, my hbs did a lot swimming, that was his favourite exercise

Thanks a lot for the information. Will try to cut down on chickens.

Yah. Swimming is the best form of exercise. Just that my HB and I can't drag ourselves to the pool

Still deciding whether to go for lap.....


Thanks for the warm welcome! I am a newcomer (in terms of posting)...Been reading through the threads faithfully the last few months..got a lot of useful tips...
haven't been posting messages till today.......
Hi newbride,

Hope to see you around more often ..
Yes, it definitely a good place to share our advice & comments .. Also, a place that we can learn much too .. ..
Hi Ladies

Jus an update...I wen for my gynae appt yest...the gynae scanned my bb fm bum up...wif the legs opened wide...n we saw the lil birdie very clearly...confirmed tat I wil b hvg a bb boy...guess I really struck the jackpot on my O day...

To all my frens who hv given their endless support during my TTC days...I wld like to say a BIG thanx to all of u...n I m glad tat I hv made a number of gd frens here...

Bbdust to All...
afternoon ladies,
dun know why my mood was so bad, especially during lunch time, dun even know exactly what trigger it. In the end dun even feel like eating lunch, so bought a pc of cedele cake and eat it on my own, dun even want to share with anyone, so greedy hor. But now feeling better...

oh dear, my hubby loves chicken and will eat chicken at least once a day....must go and tell him to cut down his chicken intake...
