A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Good lah...the chances higher. My dad & mum times maybe they raped each other alt day every mth tt is y gave birth to 7 children. haha...
hi hayashi,
ok noted... actually wonder can i just walk-in to Thomson Medical Hospital since my office very near...

no.. just cramps on n off... my discharge stopped yesterday.. now only very slight brown colour discharge...

im too tense up to do a HPT in office...
dodo - y u tense up to do HPT? it'd be good to just do first.. i heard dr ang always must wait very long.. do take care..

jo - hahaha.. my hb say only lah.. sometimes i really no mood n very tired one..

just to let u know that I O late by almost 10 days for my last cycle..Naturally,my AF is delayed too....But,my AF still come 2 weeks after my O...

first and foremost,did u have a late O...
thanks hayashi

my AF always irregular loh... as at today was CD41.. last round cycle was 31 days...

any of u visited dr chua yang? one of my colleague recommend to me...
Peg76 - Not yet .. later will check out in orchard ..

Dodo - Hmm, dunno how gd is Dr Lawrence Ang .. but think his got quite gd comments in other thread ... u may want to refer to the thread? Cheer up ..

Hayashi - Yes, I am .. just now went to lunch so it was off .. now logged in .. U in msn??? hee hee ..
Mysterious looking cat ur SIL got...spying on you iszit...

Dun tense! Test with HPT 1st den after work go to your gynae liadat u dun hv to go Hospital liao...
Hi Jo

Well... not so much increase... but at least I see abit of creamy CM on and off... didn't see EWCM yet... this week will be my BD week.... supposingly O on this Sat... so... hopefully, by then got EWCM lor...

Since alot of them recommended grapefruit juice... shld be good... think it's cheap considering other alternatives like preseed or flaxseed oil... think grapefruit juice is the cheapest already..
hi yuki,
tt's good
... i just called her clinic, her nurse said can go try ard 3pm..

hi jo,
ok.. think dr chua will ask me to do the test at clinic... sigh~ i must pray hard tt everythg is fine...
Caitlyn, thanks!
Errmmm... maybe u cld check wif gynae? Gynae always say OPK, BBT are all INDICATORS of O lor, but doesn't mean 100% accurate one. But dont be discouraged ya, always better to check wif doc
The little gal's comment v farnie! ha ha...

kermit, can buy over ur OPK. me running low in supply liao! hee! How are u gal?

stella, penguin - when to start drinking grapefruit juice ah?? nearer O or AF come must start liao?
Hi Dodo

Great... at least, set yr mine at ease... who knows like Katherine.... after brown discharge... then come the good news...

You only gotten the brown discharge yesterday, rite? But if the brown discharge is yr implantation bleeding... would u be able to get a +ve so fast?

But nevertheless.. better to check lah... at least get some advise from Dr Chua... Yr AF was late anyway...

Do let us know when u r back...

Hi Sihui

Grapefruit juice helps to increase CM...
better make it fast as I only saw one tube there. Where is your office, my office also very near there. Grapefruit juice helps to produce more EWCM.
Hi Jo

Hahahaha... ya lor... coz mi & my 3 doggie playing at the garden... so she's looking out at us... unhappy... coz my SIL dun let her outta the house...

my 1st gynae was lawrence ang from sun plaza. the clinic is too small and cramp.... waiting time is long even though got make appointment. during my 1st visit, he didn't bother to scan and see wat;s the problem cos i got irregular menses. i need to ask him to scan for me then he scan.... never ask me to do pap smear even i told him i never do before. after 1 visit i decided not to go to him anyway cos i feel that he is not so interested to treat ttc-ers like me.
can help me to move to 2ww, i have stop BD liao. Thanks thanks.. * MAUCK *

nick: penguin8
O date: 30 May (6 DPO)
AF expect: 13 June
CL: 30-32

i have completely no sympton, sigh..
Sharon - Oh .. din noe that he is that bad ... sometime, really have to experience personally .. Like me been to Dr Fong Yang but do not like it at all .. what ovaries has PCOS then clear cyst 1.4 x 1.5cm .. din ask me to follow up check ... ask me to try for a yr or so ... if dun ve then consult medical help ...

It gd to hear other ppl's experience in order for us to choose the gynae we want .. most imptly we have to feel comfortable with the gynae ..
okie dokie louie

i have like 20 left...can't quite remember how much i paid liao. how much per OPK huh?

i am doing fine. 11 weeks liao. finally over the weekend, went to buy some maternity pants liao. it's like some milestones like that..hehe..time as usual is passing vvvvvvvvery slowly..appetite is finally getting better too...thank God!

how are you doing too? chins up girl! your turn coming soon!
Hi Sihui

I also dun dare to take too much... normally, take abt 3/4 mug... after meal... so far, it has not cause me any gastric pain... shld try to take a little if u do not have much CM...

Surprisingly... when I went toilet juz now... saw abit of EWCM leh... I hope I didn't O so early this cycle... my BBT is pretty high @ 36.32 still... so shouldn't hv O... maybe it's juz the effect of Grapefruit juice..

Hi Dodo

Looks like it's better to go to Dr Chua Yang hor... Dr Lawrence Ang like wat Sharon has experienced... also no good...
yuki, lovely cat.
actually i love cat more, err.. hope u doggy lovers dun arbish me ok..

Eliz, our timing around the same really?? Hahha, yeah let's cheong and grad together!!

by the way I hv got a pix of my bro Jian Gou to share in my PC now(pardon for my bro's feet), hehe..
Ur the other 2 dogs also the same breed as boy boy? Den u hv to prepare your barang barang oledi!

Dun worry!
shall wait for you good news.

U can check it out at Scott Isetan basement pharmacy.
peg - when shd start taking grapefruit juice?

kermit, ok i'll email u
Glad u are doing well... u're going into 2 trimester soon, v fast hor!! Me started clomid tis round, ya lor... just have to trust God in His perfect timing!
Allow me small request:

Adopting a pet is a lifetime committment. Anyone interested to adopt pitiful cat (every cat has a story) please let me know. Looking for those who are really serious adopting them and to give them love and hugs, ok..

i bought preseed from isetan scotts basement pharmacy. they place it at the cashier there.


yup, my 1st gynae din bother to follow up. only gave me some medicine to induce my menses. din bother to ask me to do any scanning or any blood test. at least this current gynae is more caring so will stick to this gynae.
thanks jo...v helpful
i heard so much abt preseed...gotta try it if this mth dont strike

penguin, i hope we both can graduate this month...think we study very hard liao..hee....

when do u intend to test? i intend to test next week if i can hold out till then....
Hi Penguin

Actually, I preferred Cats too... but my hubby hates cats... so no choice lor... can only adopt doggie...

Hi Jo

The other 2 is the same breed... but they belong to my in-laws... so not so bad... anyway... wat barang barang do I hv to prepare?
hi sharon, i heard there's 6 application in a box...usually ppl use all for 1 mth...quite expensive...sigh...no choice..getting desparate liao...yestday my mom ask me if i should go see chinese doc...
Juz talk abt CM so zhun coming...u go home can BD liao lor...jus in case....

I love cats...almost bring stray kittens to my PS. In the end scared the dogs will fight with them so nv....the Jian Guo enjoying licking ur bro's feet...wahaha...

TTC is a milestome for me...sekali u all gave birth liao I am still trap here...
Touch wood, touch wood! Hopefully soon can conceive.
yes peg, jia you!!! Ur egg will be released within 24-36hrs

ladies, when to start drinking grapefruit juice ah??? Having AF, still can drink rite?
Here another pic of my doggie taken on his bday .. with his bday cake ... hee hee ..

Sharon - Ya .. a gd gynae is impt & comfortable .. will get 2nd opinion

just wondering whether my opkgot problems or not...yesterday i itchy hand go and test, still got two dark lines ..today my day 30 liao leh.

after work faster go home n BD!


yup, there are 6 applications in a box. but last mth i only use 3 applications cos i bought at the last min when OPK shows +ve.


i also drank the grapefruit juice after my AF. everyday after work when i reach hm i drink 3/4 cup with ice cos it's very sour


could u be preggie? cos i think someone here also tested HPT and OPK positive and it's confirmed that she is preggie right?
hi peg, sharon - thanks, will start drinking after AF finish. Today, CD 5 - tomrrow last dose of clomid also
Didn't even dare take my multi-vitamins... not sure whether will "clash". Just being KS

yuki, sihui, penguin - me also animal lover. Have 2 dogs (mummy & son) + 1 hamster. Will post pics of them when I get home!
My hamster v farnie one, will stay v still & let me pet his head...like dog! ha ha
Hi Stella

Ya lor... I remembered OPK if preggy also will get +ve results leh... hv u tried HPT?

Hahhaha... sihui, yr doggie so xi fu leh... still got birthday cake some more...
