A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

No, I am not on clomid. I am just monitoring my CM for my O. Think I may want to start with BBT next month. My brown discharge seems to have stopped.

Having a terrible headache now. Lagi cannot work now.

Let's all work harder next month!!

Hi Sharon

I can totally understand how you felt... but juz take care... and be happy that you are getting a new Handphone... to add to your collection... hehehehe...

And, it's

Hi Peg76

U took Grapejuice and u get EWCM even when u r Clomid? That's more assuring for mi... coz ever since, I took Clomid, I nvr see my EWCM liao... so sad...

i dun wan to read any articles abt ttc. looking forward to 6pm then can go home.


brown discharge no more? my panty liner also got no brown discharge, now drinking sour prune juice, think this is cooling to make my AF faster come


ya, going to buy nokia 6280 to cheer myself up and look forward to my mahjong day tmr
I am not on clomid. I just took the grapefruit juice to have more EWCM.

Me not shopping for the time being, just spent about $200 at the robinson sale last week.

I got two stupid questions to ask. Does it mean that if have EWCM, means there is ovulation? If no ovulation, does AF still reports?
Hi Sharon

Ya lor.. pamper yrself first... otherwise, next time when bb come out liao... everything also bb comes first... hehehhe...

Enjoy yr shopping...

Hi Peg

Ya, after I post out my msg... then realised that u hv replied that u r not on Clomid... but doesn't matter... I'll still try out Grapefruit juice... hopefully got better CM lor...

As for yr question... if u have EWCM... doesn't mean u definitely have O'd and even when there's no ovulation, AF will still report...

i got a friend whose menses are very regular (28 days cycle every month), also got EWCM but after she try for 1 yr still no results, she went to a gynae and found out that she does not ovulate.

i jus went to the toilet. funny thing is, the brown discharge disappear! nothing when i wipe also....
Gals, just to share that blood test on CD21-3 not 100% accurate cos I did mine on CD22 and progesterone level was low. Gynae told me I did not O but I think I actually O on CD23/24. My sis ever told me for those who have 6 wks cycle usually O on 3wk...
peg n yuki,

let's work harder next mth. my brown discharge disappear already.


that time when u 1st have brown discharge is it only a little then MIA? is it a side effect of clomid?

yippe! 5.30pm already! 30mins more then can go home!
Hi sharon,

very strange, my brown discharge also seems to hv stopped. sigh... i hope tt if AF wans to come, then hurry up and come. Don't play hide and seek with me...
Hi Sharon

I'm not too sure if that's effect of Clomid but previously when I had 2 big cysts, I had the brown discharge too and after my sugery, there's no more brown discharge... it reappears after the 2nd cycle of Clomid...

Hmmmm... could it be Clomid???

I'm also off @ 6.00 pm... watching Davinci Code tonite wif a group of colleagues.... looking forward to it...
Hi Tami & Sharon

This cycle, my brown discharge also MIA for 12 hrs... then come back again... then after that can see abit of red...

Not to discourage u... but at least dun pin yr hopes too high....

Of course, some may also have brown discharge as implantation bleeding too and that normally last for a day... I think...

me too... like u, brown discharge MIA liao. if AF wan to come then faster come, at least i can get my hubby faster do SA then plan for the next battle


i know wat u mean. actually i dun pin high hopes lah, jus a bit disappointed lor cos we did study hard but in the end we failed.

Long time no chat leh...

I wil b cin my gynae oni in 2.5 wks' time...seems like ages to me...I m very paranoid tho...tinkin of checkin out the home fetal doppler...but wonderin if it is safe...anyway...I cant fit into my "fitted" workin pants tis wk liao...I tink I nid to ramage to find some of my older pants which I wore b4 I lost wt...
Have a nice weekend ladies...

Go go shopping...It is the Great Singapore sales!!!

Never lost hope...Try again next cycle


Dun think so much ok...Have a nice weekend! Take care...

i remember i gain 2kg during the first trimster,and when i am in wk 10,i already can't fit into my jeans...got jammed at the hips there.
Till now,i think my hips still hasn't slim down yet.
You should stop wearing jeans now,try buying bigger size pants or just wear dressess...

No need to buy the doppler machine lah....Try to relax abit now....u may like to join those ante-natal swimming lessons though...


january BB or feb BB??

when u gals mentioned the brown discharge,is it just a few drops of staining on ur panty or only after u pee and u wipe with tissue then u saw it??

My tummy looks rounded...but my wt is stable...I can still fit into my jeans...cos it hangs at the waist...n I can still use a belt on it...do u mean tat the hips wil expand at such an early stage...

I tink tat I wil wait til I clear my next checkup b4 resumin my swimmin...my gynae gave me some anti-biotics for strep-b baterial which I m still hesitant to take...

i am not sure if the hip will have expanded so early,but till now,i still can't fit into my old jeans...

why do u need to take anti-biotics?

I did a swap as I tot I might hv an infection due to the color of my discharge...the resultz showed tat I din hv any infection...but therez a presence of the strep-b bacteria...which can oso b found in healthy v...but which may b dangerous to the bb oni durin del...
ohh....wad antibiotics is that??I check with my boss if its safe for preggie woman...Is it necceesary for u to take them?or u can just leave it alone?
wad is the advise of dr heng?

My gynae gave me Zinnat...I tink I wil hv to take them sooner or later...but I tink I wil oni take them 1 wk b4 my appt wif her...so tat I wil finish the course the day b4 I c her...strep-b is not serious at tis stage...oni durin del...

I saw yr postin in tat disgustin pix thread in SB...yeeeeeeeeeks...
did u see the video??
i believe the photo is the fake one lor..but the video which has no connection to the photo is real...
during my student days,i was ever attachment to one of the govt hospital...this female patient has CA breast(I forgot which stage).So she was admitted for a washout of her breast..Why?Because it was infested with maggots..REALLY SMALL,TINY AND ALOT!!!Like those in the video..

Zinnat,is quite a strong anti-biotic..Let me ask my gf who works in the O&G clinic if it's neccessary to take them

I really feel creeps jus by lookin at the pix...I dun dare to c the video...I tink u r very brave...yr med trainin most prob toughen u up in tis aspect...

Oh...I din noe tat Zinnat is a strong anti-biotic...I read tat the prescriber shld b aware if u r preg...but therez no known harmful effect on preg...hey...thx in adv for checkin tis out for me...

u better dun see the video,BB will get a shock...
my nursing career has made me imunned to this sort of things...But,i still get goosebumps when i look at the photo...the video is not too bad...
Errr...I tink u can...but u better put an exclusion warnin for possible side effects...hee...

The pix actually looks superimposed...but still...it gifs me creeps...regretted lookin at it a bit...
hey gals, i got the results from doc on the SA test. Say everything normal expect Teratozoospermia is low - 38, but the nurse never tell me wats the normal range, anyone knows wat is this and the normal range?
Hi Ladies,

I am TTC too. May i join in the chat?

Just started ttc last month. No result, have to work harder this month.

hv a nice weekend!
AF came today... sad but expected lah. so i went shopping to cheer myself up and bought myself a pair of sandles from mphosis and hubby bought nokia 6280 for me. i know he is also disappointed that never strike this cycle.... but wat to do... haiz...

teratozoospermia means the shape of the sperm count is abnormal....I know the normal forms should be more than 14%...Why is ur hubby -38??

what is his sperm count level?If he has high sperm count,then u dun have to worry too much even though the sperm head is abnormal...

Didn't your gyn explain to you the results?
