A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi posh,

the fact that we can get preg shows we can one.
Just that our egg may not be the most healthiest egg to get fertilised, so bo bian one lor...

so you trying this month liao?
Hi penguin,

OIC.... thot can monitor together... nevemind...
i extract it from their contact page:

Lifestream Group (Pte) Ltd
Chinatown Point (Office Block) #08-07,
133 New Bridge Road, Singapore 059413
Enquiry Hotline(65)-65357333

think you can call them to order and arrange for collection.
Yuki can help me to update my next AF should due around 13/6/06 if still in cycle length of 30-35 (I take 33 as my average CL)

How to count DPO? I hope to fill up my question marks on Yuki's table...

i got two dogs. one jack russell adopted from spca. another terrier mix from a pet forum.

agree that having pet is a lifetime commitment,just like having babies.

that's the point i trying to drive at my hubby. How to be sure when is ovulation!!! Hence the reason need to read and understand everything here that I reading.

Now I tempted to get from my supplier on Ovulation test stick ($1.50) per stick. Cos I got from him pregnancy test stick at $1. So to track my ovulation first.

can u put mi also in the list?

My cycle as 31. Last mense was 16th April. So the next AF shld be around 16th May. Will let u know when O when I get the ovulation kit from my supplier.

juju- congrats!!! Got a faint line still +ve mah!!! *hugz* My fren's hub see her HPT... tot faint line not counted, ask her to throw away ze stick & retest! kekkek... so funnie!! Rem u said u went to CARE paragon, can share ur experience & what treatments u went thru for the success!!
U see a faint line on OPK? keep testing, wish U get a dark dark line soon. Ask u huh, when u test OPK, how do u test it? In a cup? I tested mine and usually the portion where we see the test and control line, has reddish patch on the stick due to the urine travelled upwards...do u see that as well? I wonder my OPK stick is in good condition or not? hee hee, try to think of all reasons to deceive myself..ha ha.
penguin - as my AF super irregular, i started testing frm day 11 (KS mah) then used up EIGHT sticks still no +ve result.. gave up... then i noticed some EWCM on CD21 so rushed to test just to cfm whether what i see is really EWCM and really positive!! so i think for us who are very irregular, maybe we need to observe our CM to help us..

4 more hours till hb touch down! yay!
thanks. will wait to re-test till i see a darker line then confirm the news.

din do much at CARE. jus took progesterone (duphaston) to hurry my AF to appear, did blood test & realise i have psuedo PCOS, supposed to start clomid (when next AF comes) & also do a V-scan (also when next AF comes)... if the re-test result is good, then i dun hv to take clomid & do v-scan liao
Hi gals,

I have been having this cramps at the left side of the tummy and crampy feeling like PMS since CD18(The cramps go on and off)..Not very sure why as there is supposed to be a symptom of AF(PMS) but I am still at CD20 and my cycle is 32-35 days.....I BD on alternate days from CD10 and after BD got that cramps on and off....I really wonder what is happening to me

Anyone able to advise on this situation?
hoonie - if read previous archives.. seems like alot of pregnant women experience that symptom.. =)maybe the womb expanding preparing for a possible pregnancy..
Hi caitlyn,

I happened to read something from the net "Once conception occurs, the fertilized egg usually takes about four to five days to travel down the tube from the ovary to the uterus." I usually O on CD16 and if really preggy,I am unlikely to experience these symptoms so early...Anyway,I dismissed the possibility of pregnancy coz last month i also experience this and my AF still came leh!! I am suspecting that there is something wrong with my womb leh

Preggy ladies here,
With regard to the breast swelling,how many days after conception do you experience this? Will your nipple turn dark? My breast also get that swelling on and off like AF coming...but it is too early to experience PMS mah...**I am confused.**
Hi Ryes

me started this TTC this month already, be patient once your 2nd AF comes, we can cheer each other on ya!!

Hi Penguine
Thnx for the contact, you are so helpful. appreciate it. Cheer up ya, new cycle means new hope for you!!!!

Hi caitlyn
HAPPY BD-ing tonight!!! JIA YOU!! JIA YOU!!!!

Hi hoonie
check this out, copied it from the web,

O day - sore boobs (never got sore boobs till after 7dpo before)
2dpo - AF cramps so bad, I woke up and ran to the bathroom, then realized it was too early
3dpo and onward - AF cramps off and on; hard time sleeping (I thought it was because I was sore, but kept having trouble even when I got home)
4dpo and onward - little cm

11dpo - very little spotting (I thought it was AF on her way)
12dpo - no cm; still extremely sore boobs (usually the soreness would fade as AF got closer)
13dpo - BFP on a CBE Digital and CVS brand!! Horrible AF cramps. Would have been convinced AF was coming had I not tested. (Beta = 61)
14dpo - AF due this day - was a no show!
Hi hoonie (mshoon)

For my case, my boobs swell and it was obviously very swollen and very very sore. Whenever the bus does up the hump, wah, damn pain xia, but I brush it aside as I put on weight.

Then just out of curiousity, bought the test kit and it was positive. So to me, sore breast was a big symptom. And I was feeling very very emotionally unstable, abit abit only cry and get upset. I get very tired easily also, sleep 8 hours also like not enough.
i did a test at home last nite & jus now bcos i rch home late last nite. both r -ve. so i guess it was a false alarm.

thanks for ur kind wishes, but it was not meant to be.
hi juju
dun be dissappointed, as long as AF not here still got chance. maybe HCG too low cun detect yet?? how many DPO are you already?? my previous one DPO19 very faint +ve, DPO20 then can see.
hi juju
have u seen your gynae yet? cos a faint line is normal in early pregnancy. and if u tested later in the day, when the hcg hormone is less concentrated in urine (compared to first urine in the morning), it may not be picked up by the hpt. don't give up hope yet! test again tomorrow morning once u wake up? pray to hear good news from you again!

gals, i have not been able to log in regularly to yak, but when i do, i always feel comforted by the supportive atmosphere

just want to share that i tested positive 2 days ago. went to test 2 more times using different brands, just to be sure. i still can't quite believe it- waiting to see the gynae next monday. hopefully blood test can confirm

i really thought i had zero chances of falling pregnant- my menses are terribly erratic; didn't even come for more than 6 months! this has just simply been a miracle.

i sincerely wish everyone here on this thread God's blessings. continue to push on- may all our hopes and dreams of being mothers be fulfilled one day!
Hi juju,
Guess no matter what we say it wont help ur disappointment. But cheer up! See so many of us are still trying

Hi minidach,
Congrats! You are really our motivation ya! Just curious were you under any medication or any form to keep track for the last 6 mths?
thanks hoonie
i started having cramps abt 2 weeks ago. also was wondering why they came so early. also had tender breasts, but didn't dare hope too much, cos i really had not ovulated for ages. when is your AF due? go test that day and let's keep our finger crossed!!!

hi zenn
i actually took clomid for the first time last mth. just saw it as a more 'natural' way to try to regulate my menses cos they didn't come for so long and had to be induced each time. otherwise i didn't do much. just always hoping for EWCM but was always disappointed till last mth ;)
minidach, congrats!! n thanks for sharing. so lucky ya - one cycle of clomid n bingo liao!! hopefully we will ve more good news
Hi minidah,

I am only having cramps leh...I dun feel breast tenderness or swollen as mentioned but breast just a bit pain at the sides,at first I thought it is coz of my bra too tight,but when I take out my bra at home.Still a bit pain....Dun think I can be preggy lah,coz last month also like that,but AF still report leh...
hi hoonie
everyone's symptoms are different. some may be pregnant, and not even have any symptoms till later. on the other hand, some symptoms are simply related to pms.

so don't lose hope, and try not to read too much and guess with symptoms, or u will get very stressed. we'll just wait patiently for AF to report, and if it doesn't, fish out your HPT!
congrats minidach!!!


pls help me update today as O on 10/05/06 (CD17), today is DPO2.

managed to BD last nite! guess it's time to let my hubby rest.
hoonie,i experience the left tummy pain like AF cramp thing on and off usually after few days of BD, but up till today I still kenna my AF.. I went to KK to check for this left tummy pain thing and had an U/S scan revealed 4 small fibrods inside. We lady's womb tends to be a good place for fibrod's growth, juz like mozzies can grow anywhere as long as got water to lay egg, hmmm...

Perhaps juz happen that your left tube is releasing egg? U know what, my last O, I don't get the left tummy pain but instead on the right tummy pain. I suppose the egg release from my right tube bah???

Anyone know whether is it true that our egg will release alternatively fm left in one month and right on the next month?

posh, I found out that the Lifestream cordyceps can be bought from NTUC Unity. Posh, the thing is I duno how to count my O, worst I dun even know when I O, so I wun know when to start telling Yuki my DPO1... Anyway I'd standby my OPK this month, really gonna to catch the egg this month! "Ning ke sha chuo, bu ke fang guo!!!" Hope I will O this month coz I got irregular AF...

blueblue, when you buy the OPK, it should be seal tightly in a package and you only open it when you are ready to use. When you buy, did you open up all or what? Don;t think it's lousy as long as the package is unopen and expiry date is not over lah. Your urine wun deceive you, maybe you didn;t follow instruction is it? Noti girl har... Anyway if yours is stick type, you have to collect urine in a clean plastic or glass container, dip the stick in for 3-5s and take it out. Do not dip longer than 5secs. Place it on a flat surface where it will not suck the urine away and observe for 5 minutes. (see? I got read instruction, haha..)

<font color="ff0000">C O N G R A T S!!!</font>
Oh icic..Thanks penguin for clearing my doubts..Hmm...will fibrod affect chances of conceiving?? I guess if this cramps persist in the next few months,then I mic need to go and do an scan...Kinda worried...
congrats minidach..

sharon do u usualy have this symtoms before ur AF?For my case,I ususally experience sore breast and sensitive nipples after my O


try not to think too much of all these symtoms okie....just do a HPT if u have missed ur AF when it is supposed to be dued....
i feel that reading too much of theses preggie symtoms adds on to the stress level that we already have....So lets try and take it easy....
