A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


(As of 15 May)

Waiting to Ovulate

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 6</TD><TD> 30 May</TD><TD> 13 June</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 9</TD><TD> cd 15</TD><TD> 5 June</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella</TD><TD> 9</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggy_ng</TD><TD> 10</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 13 June</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD> 12</TD><TD> 17 May</TD><TD> 27-28</TD><TD> 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 13</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD> 15</TD><TD> 17-19 May</TD><TD> 2 June</TD><TD> 30</td></tr></table>


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gladys bride</TD><TD> 18</TD><TD> 2 dpo</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Char</TD><TD> 20</TD><TD> 8-10 May</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 24</TD><TD> 6 dpo</TD><TD> 23 May</TD><TD> 28 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 27</TD><TD> 6 dpo</TD><TD> 24 May</TD><TD> 34 - 36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> 14 dpo</TD><TD> 15 May</TD><TD> 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Icebaby</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16 May</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 9 12 May </TD><TD> 22 May</TD><TD> 31-34</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD> 26</TD><TD> 8 May</TD><TD> 20 May</TD><TD> 32-35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 26</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 24-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD> 31</TD><TD> 6 dpo</TD><TD> 16-18 May</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasnie</TD><TD> 38</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 36-40</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby26</TD><TD> Any good news? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> Any good news? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Roslyn</TD><TD> Any good news?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zenn</TD><TD> Any good news? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paperplane</TD><TD> Any good news?</td></tr></table>

Juju (Pending further confirmation)

sorry didn't log on until today.
Mine was like egg white type. So I guess I Oed on the 13th May.

My menses suppose to due either yesterday or today. But I tested with the kit, it's a BFN. *Sigh* I think my cycle this menses this month might be late since I Oed late?!?


Actually was hoping a dog baby. Cos mi horse. Dog and horse get along very well. But had a hard time convincing my hubby to try for a 3rd! So only had this month to try. Guess if lucky, have to settle with piggy.


Dun worry. With the support in this group, I will sure u can achieve it!

i noticed that everytime after BD.. the next day sure a lot of CM discharge out le.. is't normal huh?? all the sperm "pumped" in, all wasted?? it's always with "protein" smell ones.. i think is the sperm liquid loh..

me actually got +ve last saturday, but still BD yesterday nigth.. and today, i notice that a lof of CM discharge le, very watery kind.. and actually this happen to me everytime after BD.
pls remove my name. i had posted dat further hpt tests are all -ve

no point wasting money. i'll start med to induce af today. 4 -ve hpts (3 different brands) is good enuff liao
Thanks Yuki for updating the chart

Hi juju,

Please do not be dishearted...have faith...we will get the real BFP one day!
We have worked hard in our "exams"...

Dun stress yourself ok...Watever it is,dog and pig babies are all babies...I also somehow like you,plan properly so that my baby EDD will not hit my course,but in the end got more stress...If I were to be preggy now,will sure affect my course,but I guess there is a way to work it out somehow...Just relax and when it is time to see the BFP...we will!!!
Q. We are trying for pregnancy. After intercourse, is there a certain amount of time I should stay in bed? Is there a specific position we should try? Should I do anything while cleaning myself after intercourse?
-Anonymous, Australia

A. To maximize the sperm-meet-egg probability you can try the following formula:

1. Ask your partner to abstain from masturbation. All of the sperm must be saved for you.
2. Pinpoint your days of ovulation (you can buy an over-the-counter test for greater accuracy) and have sex every day you are ovulating.
3. Make sure you have attended to all of your nightly rituals (brushing teeth, the final pee, etc.) before getting into bed.
4. Have sex in the missionary position, with ankles behind the ears (if possible) during ejaculation for maximum penetration.
5. After your partner dismounts, remain still and position a pillow under your tush to elevate your pelvis. Put a small towel or washcloth between your legs to catch any dripping fluids.
6. Go to sleep and don't get out of bed until morning.

I found this from www.franklypregnant.com

For me, cos my last paper is based on assignment. So it doesn't affect me much. Cos I am confident I will graduate by then...unless i fail my finance paper next semester. *Sigh

C lah...i suppose to do my assignment now..but logging on to chit chat. HAHA
Good Morning ladies!!!

Hi penguin,
is your cycle always between 33 to 37 days??? if i were you, i would try OPK CD16 onwards, provided my temp already starts to drop if not waste OPK, very expensive. temp no drop yet dun test, waste $$. so far i use BBT as a gauge then use OPK, quite accurate, couple with mucus. but if you have lobang for cheap OPKs and not taking BBT or checking mucus, then i would agree with hayashi to start at CD14. good luck trying this cycle!!!
Thanks for the info gladys bride..The website looks interesting!

Jia You! icebaby...My case is different from you lor...I am on a sponsered course..full time..
That's why have to try not to affect it...
Morning ladies,

AF was supposed to be due on 13 May but I started spotting yesterday (14 May) (abit then stop) then today also got a bit ... I'm a bit worried as I shouldn't be getting spotting again since I had my lap 2 months back.

I wanna seek another gynae's opinion but tried to call and make appt with Dr Heng @ Bedok but she's full till 29 May - I can't wait till then!

Anyone has got any recommendations for me re gynae? Want to see one this evening.

hi ladies...

Wow... more graduates!!! Congrats to Minidach as well
Juju - let us know after ur gynae check ya!!

Me today CD 26 - BBT ultra eractic
, dun even know whether I am in 2ww phase... Just hope AF will come soon lah, then can start on clomid.
Hi yuki...seems like u can transfer me back to the waiting to O liao...till noe still no real dark line of +ve on OPK leh... haiz... was ur O delayed when u took clomid??cos my normal cycle is 30-40 days leh... so dun noe will it be delayed or not leh...
babydust - do they allow walk-in? You just say u aer worried abt bleeding lor! Btw, why did u do lap... can share the outcome etc.? There cld be a possibilty tat I may need to do lap also. Thanks
louie, not sure leh but the nurse not very friendly over the phone ... maybe Fizz can help with this - Fizz!!! Does Dr Heng do walk-in?

I did lap cos I had PCOS and my ovaries (both side) was swollen till 5cm (usual 3cm). Supposed to help you clear your cysts and increase your chances of preggie ...

Which gynae are you seeing now?
babydust, guess sometimes they are too busy? plus, now like a lot of pple seeing Dr heng also lor... aft so many success rates!

Me currently see Dr E Chua fr TMC (previous seeing at KKH)... also have to wait v long for her! So far, both my appts have to wait for her to do at least 1 to 2 deliveries!! My right ovary looks stuck to my uterus lor... so if with clomid still doesn't work then Dr Chua wants to see if everything is "ok" inside. I had previous op to remove cyst b4... tats why she suggest lap since HSG may not be the best way to do a full check since it only checks for blocked tubes.
louie - I see .. so clomid doesn't work for you? I prefer something in the East or am contemplating whether to try and see Dr Joan Thong at Raffles Hospital... aiyoh how how? I dun want to drag this any longer
babydust, haven't started on clomid yet- next cycle, but the lap is a possibility if medication don't work for me. anywae my tis cycle so haywire, dun even know if got O... so just waiting for AF to report lor.

Char- u shd get a 2nd opinion fr pte gynae lor. Think ur dosage of clomid v high leh... SGH never monitor for u also... think its not quite advisable!
louie - I see ...

char - how many tablets are you taking for clomid? I took 2 every day (for 5 days) for my previous 3 cycles but I got a friend who took 3 tablets and got preggy ... but my gynae told me 2 is the max. that's why i wanna seek a 2nd opinion.
babydust, better to stick wif 1 gynae lor... coz' the scan results etc. all wif 1 doc. If u see others, they also can't really comment on ur situation... they u waste more $$ also. Plus, 1st consult usu v ex. Try to walk in... don't think they shd chase u away rite?
louie - I do not have many scans with my current gynae so should be alright ... I hope to just hear a 2nd opinion cos I hear diff stories from my friends who are on clomid too.
babydust ok, coz' u also did lap wif Dr Heng mah... can speak wif another gynae lor... think diff gynae have different practices, guess no 1 right or wrong. But more importantly, they can montior ur condition... rather than giving u medication w/o monitoring during the cycle. Char's gynae giving her clomid 1st cycle- 1 tab each day for 5 days. 2nd cycle just double &amp; now taking 3 tab! Anywae, clomid supposed to help one ovulate... but it may not be suitable to everyone.

i am taking clomid now, this is the 2nd cycle. my gynae gave me 3 cycles of clomid cos i got irregular menses. btw, i only took 1 tab each day for CD2 to CD5.


u are right. clomid may not be suitable for everyone. normally gynae will give only 1 cycle for u to try. for me, i took blood test when i took 1st cycle of clomid and my gynae says i did ovulate well so i continue for 2 more cycles. hope i dun need to take clomid for the 3rd cycle.
louie - Dr Heng wasn't the one who did my lap

Wah, so 3 tab like my friend!!! but I heard those who took clomid and like Sharon, gynae will do blood test to see whether got ovulate or not but mine never leh ... I just take only. I thought that was quite weird already cos how does he know that 2 tabs for me works and he started me off with 2 tabs from the beginning.

So looking at it, I think I better seek a 2nd opinion rather than just taking 2 tabs every month without knowing whether am I ovulating or not... am I right to think this way?
Hi Juju

So sorrie... I haven't gone thr' the previous msg... I hope everything is fine with you? Do take care... juz try again next Mon, okie?

Hi Char

I think Gladys bride meant yr hubby's ear... if yr ear... then probably even yoga also abit difficult to achieve... hahahaha...

The first time I took Clomid, it actually shorten my cycle to 28 days... but this 2 cycles have been 30 - 31 days... which is my usual cycle... my gynae actually told me that by right, it shld shortened yr cycle to 28 days.... but seems like it only works for the 1st cycle but after nvr liao leh... think this cycle is also going to be 30 days or never for 9 mths for mi... heheheheh... praying hard for the latter of course...

Hi babydust, char &amp; louie

For mi, the 1st 2 cycles, I was taking only 1 tablet... but the 3rd cycles 2 tablets. My 1st cycle, my body response well based on progesterone but my 2nd one didn't that's y, my gynae increase my dosage... think u can increase up to 4... but shld be incremental... not one short... normally will start with 1 first... if doesn't work then increase to 2... that's y, need to take blood test to confirm...
babydust... oh, so u not seeing Dr Heng yet ah. Sorry, confusion!! I tot u mean taking 2 tab of clomid too little. U wanna start on 3 tab! hee... Normally, start wif 1 tab one leh. Yes, impt to either do a blood test or V scan b4 O to see if got big egg!
Tat will be a good gauge whether clomid works lor...

sharon, if ur gynae monitors for u then its ok. Yep yep, hope u don't have to take clomid for 3rd cycle once u get BFP!!!
zenn, caitlyn, i thok CM = fertile, EWCM = high fertile?

so envious of those who have 28 days zun zun cycle length can BD around cd14. Me quite long cycle length, looking at Yuki's chart, still a long way before we seriously start on BD.

Yestday I told my DH that I am going to seriously rape him end of the month, instead of seeing him "turn up" he said to me "chey still so far away, by then I forget", pengz...

hayashi, I went to those sites which provide "ovalution calendar", how reliable is those site? I use it as a guide, they said that i should O around 29 May, wah so long, If I start to test 1st stick OPK, I think I will end up like caitlyn ...
penguin - me oso super envious of those 28 day cycle.. i dun think CM = fertile.. must see wat type.. but EWCM = fertile and hayashi says if abundant EWCM = high fertile!

why not u ask ur gynae to take a blood test for u? to see if u ovulate after taking clmoid? cos i think some ppl may not ovulate even after taking clomid. and i think it is not advisable to increase dosage of clomid without any monitoring from your gynae.
Sharon, louie and yuki

I asked my current gynae (2 months back) before about taking the blood test but he said "No Need" and that 2 tabs will be just fine ... that's why I want to seek 2nd opinion cos I agree with you that I need to know whether I'm ovulating even though I'm taking clomid. I dun wanna try and try and then realised that I'm not ovulating at all.

Imagine I already took 3 cycles and I think max one person can take is for 6 cycles and then have to rest for a period ... I dun wanna waste the next 3 cycles
Hi Penguin

Hahahha.... my cycle also abt 30 days most of the time... very sian one lor... especially towards the end... when AF dun come on CD 28, 29... then u very kan cheong liao... dunno if it's because u r preggy... then suai suai CD 30 come liao...

eerrr... wat do u meant by seeing him "turn up"

So far, I also dun have much luck wif OPK... so, juz continue to BD lor... dun wanna miss any chance...

Hi Caitlyn

CM may not be fertile... EWCM means u r fertile... and if accompany wif +ve OPK &amp; low BBT... that means u r VERY FERTILE lor....

I O last tuesday... but during then not much of visible CM... but when I BD wif my hubby... not very dry... so, maybe CM is hidden inside... but these few days... lots of CM... think shld be the effects of Clomid
Hi Babydust

How come yr gynae ask u to take Clomid in the first place? Was there any tests done? If no test, then how he knows u r not ovulating?

Normally start with one... if doesn't respond well... then increase to 2 mah... how come he so sure that 2 is the right dosage for u? I also took 3 cycles liao... got 3 more to go... but dunno if I wanna continue taking if this mth still no good news..... still deciding...
hi yuki,

Cos I have been having irregular menses since young and based on me not getting preggy after 3 months of marriage, he asked me to start on clomid ... after 2 cycles, then he proposed I do my lap, then one month after, I started on my 3rd cycle ... all these while, I never take any test before ... that's what is worrying me ... and I asked him before as I heard from my friend (who started from 1 to 3 tabs and got preggy) that got to do blood test one then my gynae said no need, 2 is good enough. That's what I'm worrying now.

another thing, have you send your DH for SA test...gotta check that his side is ok too...if you don't want to waste your clomid cycles...

lucky in a way sponsored. Can save some money. Heehee
Mine haiz...delayed in finishing the course. Started in yr 2001 till now haven't grad. LOL
hi kermit,

not yet ... going to do so
But would like to ask for 2nd opinion on test to check whether the clomid is helping me to ovulate or not ... exactly!!! I dun wanna waste my clomid cycles
Hi Babydust

Eeerr... I'm amaze... u went for yr lap... the keyholes surgery without going thr' any tests or scans? I understand from earlier mail that u went for lap because of PCOS... but as wat I understand, PCOS normally pple dun go for lap because the cysts are too small to be removed...

As for having irregular menses, u may need to take Clomid but dun think yr gynae shld juz ask u to take 2 without testing.. perhaps, 1 to regular yr menses and if still doesn't work then increase mah...
actually babydust,

ur gyn should at least done some progesterone test on u to check if u have ovulated or not then prescibe the clomid wad...
Hi all

I have been following this thread. Really happy to find this thread as it contains a lot of informative info from all of you.

I have been trying to TTC for a year...been very down after seeing the gynae. Went for scan but nothing detected. Hence, gynae suggest lap. Still undecided about going for it as I read about the side-effects. My hubby got poor quality sperms. The gynae gave him Provironum which he took for 2 weeks. Have not gone for SA to test the effect of the med on him. However, the med have negative effects on liver. Thinking of going for TCM for his problems.

Read in one of the threads that your HB benefitted from TCM for sperms problems. Do you mind sharing the contacts?

Anyway, thanks again for all your postings..as you guys provided a lot of information and support..

hi yuki,

I had a scan done in 2001 and that was when I was diagnosed with PCOS and based on that, he proposed the lap after I didn't get preggy after my 2nd cycle of clomid ... I trusted him and didn't know that I have to go through any scans/tests ... he said my lap went very well. And when he first prescribe clomid, he told me is to help me to ovulate.

No he did not ...


More or less the same timing did i did my BBT.


Ya lor.. and now if i take temp say 1-2 hrs earlier in the morn,... i experience a drop in temp... also now i dun feel any HOT and i am experiencing some light discharge yesterday.

Any idea can continue to BD again after expected O day? I think i might not be O.
