A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

DPO = days past ovulation

DPO12 = 12 days past ovulation

hi yuki, let's keep our fingers crossed... its the dreaded 2WW again..sigh.

This time rd my BBT increase is very gradual...on my O day it was 35.94 then yesterday went up to 36.29 then tdy 36.36. I hope I really did Oed lor...

kermit...pimple on nose??? hmm.....ok! I will be checking my nose everyday from now on...hoping to see a big pimple..kekekeke :p
Hi ladies,

happen to chance upon this thread. may i join in too??? me ttc #1 too, had a miscarriage earlier this year, hoping for a miracle soon!! Congrats to Fizz, Kermit, MSNqueen, Bloom & Juju!!!!! Hope babydust will land on me soon too!!!
Hi ladies,

happen to chance upon this thread. may i join in too??? me ttc #1 too, had a miscarriage earlier this year, hoping for a miracle soon!! Congrats to Fizz, Kermit, MSNqueen, Bloom & Juju!!!!! Hope babydust will land on me soon too!!!
posh, been ttc-ing since Oct last year ... think the other gals has got much more advice than I do cos I seldom got the chance to come in and yak one hehe
i see...... this thread seems to be super fast looking at the amount of achives, no time to go through yet....... hope we get some luck with baby piggy!!! Me jus started to TTC again.
icebaby - no leh.. my MIL never take care of me lah. i got to take care of myself. Sigh! me not so hao ming.

Babydust - long time no 'see'... where have you been
piggy, yuki, tami & posh,
thanks for ur well wishes!

btw, jus fyi. i started having pimples since cd30 plus, fell sick since cd40 till now (flu, cough & fever), saw doc on cd41 & told her i not preggie, tested on cd44 (saw super faint line). will update again after i had re-tested
hi 5! but i hv to stop my med, cos i called up my GP. gotta rush home & see her tonite & see wat med i can take. hope she can cfrm for me also
hehe my GP asked me whether I'm preggy when I saw her for my illness then told her I dun know then she prescribe med for me that is safe should I conceive ... aiyoh I really hope AF dun come visit me leh
hmm... no kaki acccording to Yuki's chart, Stella and bettle, will join both of u as kakies liao.. Stella how many days your LMP last?
Hee..... juju & babydust
you two make me hopeful leh..... i never have breakouts one, last 2 days start to have one on my cheek!!! so pain!!! i in my DPO 6 now. lets see if i fall sick!!!
posh - i think juju has the higher chance as she has a faint line liao ... i haven't even tested ... just hoping that AF dun come on Sat, then Sun can test liao.
babydust & posh,
dun worry. wat will come will come. if baby dun come (i'm referring to myself too), it means the womb is not healthy enuff.
dat's how i try to convince myself every time AF comes
Hi Babydust

Dun lose hopes so fast... still got chances... pimples can be due to lots of factors... Juz keep praying...

Hi Posh

Welcome to the TTC family... sorrie to hear abt yr loss... hopefully, we all get preggy soon...
Hi yuki

thnx you, hope everyone of us can graduate!!!! nowsdays i dun see much mucus....sigh.... have to depend on BBT & OPK...... was thinking of trying preseed next round if no strike....... anyone tried it??? I saw it over the net, dunno if will work not leh.
caitlyn, I also not sure my cycle length liao. So irregular... I remember blueblue, stella and sharon have same problem as me since their LMP. I really lost count.

Is there any way or any tool to use that I can find out when I will O (estimate)if I can provide my past few month AF's CD01?? Coz i am starting to use OPK soon due to my irregular AF, I wish to catch the eggs leh.

char and stella, I don't keep pet anymore coz i can't bear the pain of separation, it's very heart-broken.

yuki, you like makota cat also ah? Very cute right? I keep some of the pictures but so limited, cannot find much on the internet leh?
sigh...my hubby thinks I am MAD reading up so much information on TTC. I keep trying to let him understand that situation is different from last time where my cycle was pretty fixed 28 days.

Now sometimes can be 30 days - 34 days sometimes. But average out is 31 days.

Plus also I think my fault, I want to try the method where we have BD before ovulation to have a daughter. Haiz...

**Sorry just need to vent


sorry for ur loss, but to think in a positive way, it shows that u have no problem conceiving, unlike me , so uncertain.


Yah the pain of separation when the pets pass on is unbearable. I have to be mentally prepared cos i adopted a 10yr old dog last yr, can see that age has taken a toil on her.

I just remembered that I wanted to ask u. U mention that got other gyne ard SK and Punggol. (Don't recommend Dr Chen - I don't like her). Can you let me know who else around that area that delivers at TMC and Mt A.

Maybe u can PM me?
Sorry aside from the TTC-g topic...

stella, where do you adopt the dog? Anyone want to adopt cat, muz be animal lovers as having a pet is a life time committment, can commit to love the cat and serious in adopting them, then I recommend. Alot of cats have bitter backgrounds, each have their own stories to tell.. volunteers give them love and tenderness and nurse them back to health, waiting for someone who is willing to give them a warm shelter, love and care for them, I dun want to be the one who will wreak their future forever if i intro to the wrong person... Kindly PM me..

icebaby, i think I 30 to 34days but how to be sure??

piggy, I think my AF will not be 4th June. As i was unsure so Yuki update as 4th June follow last month. I CD01 yesterday (10/5/06), probaby next AF should due 13/6/06 bah?
Hi Ryes

mine arrived at 7weeks, finished my 2nd AF & now start factory again. Gynae gave me green lite 2 TTC already. Which AF are you at already?? lets work hard together ok.clipart{kao_wink}
posh regarding the cordyceps, I think you can go to the website I recommend. Last time I had them delivered to me with a voucher, so i duno where to buy if get from outside...
Hi posh,

happy that u have finished ur 2nd AF. I'm still waiting for mine this month then I will ttc once this cycle finish liao. You went back to gynae then he say can one is it?
