A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Hayashi,

You suggested cooking chicken soup with DOM or Yomeishui ... how about just drinking DOM/Yomeishui on it's own? Is that good enough?

no probs... it can get confusing chatting wif so many ppl...

i drink DOM mixed wif water at nite. my gynae recommend not more than 1 tablespoon of DOM mixed in a cup of warm water
babydust, peg - I just send you invitation to join the yahoo group, I will also update info there.

koori - oh ya, you mention to me.. don't worry so much ya. lisa suspect that is cyst?

babydust - I am going to visit her again this sat :D her medicine seems to be quite effective on me. hmm what happen to you, why HL ?
babydust - next checkup most likely next Fri, cos its few days before ovulating can also check if egg is there or not?
Because,I dun dare to drink DOM and Yomeishui,so must boil with some chicken lor.....

Drinking that alone is enough.

oh! must mix with warm water ah ... is it cos too "bu"?

really? i'm still contemplating whether to go for TCM or not
HL cos I went for my lapascropic surgery (keyhole) last Thu to remove many small cysts which I have ... my ovaries were swollen till 5cm each (think normal one is about 3cm wide) ... also checked my tubes, perfectly alright
hayashi - PM me your email address so that I can invite. sorry I don't know how to remove also.just let it be lah.

babydust - ya, me and koori have same gynae. Have been with her since last year Jan. and the TCM i just start. recomended by jadefeet and woof, after my chemical pregnancy last month.
bettlebug, lisa din suspect anything yet cos she need me to go back, see if its still there. She will need to do tests to determine wats that?

if u want to build up ur body system and u have time to spare,then u go and try TMC lor....Did u discuss wif ur hubby and hear his opinion.
My hubby is supportive of whatever I want to do
he said as long as I'm comfortable, just go ahead
was thinking to wait and see whether my AF comes in April before I proceed
babydust - i agree with hayashi lor. maybe you stop TTCing for a few month since you just have your surgery. Go for TCM to bu your body first.

gals, does your HB did SA before?
mix wif water is to dilute the alcohol cos we r ttc-ing; warm water is bcos we shld not take cold drinks as it's not good for the womb
hee.. my hubby do because of the TCM we visited earlier... I was force to see that sinseh. She doubt she is genuine lor.. everyone visited her sure diagnosed with PCOS one. very scary
We have started to TTC again
In fact, gynae asked us not to stop hehe ... my HB might go for SA should my AF comes in April.

in that case,u wait for another month lor...


no,i am not using her....still thinking which gyn to see in MT.E in future.
juju - hi hi first time comunicating with you. :D

hi gals, doest anyone recomend kathrine(kat78) to visit gynae immediately? I suspect she had ... problem...
bettle bug,
nice to "meet" you too!

the katherine who saw fresh red blood? i did post a couple of times asking her to see gynae liao... think she tried to make an appt, but no further updates frm her
tell you all something hor.. my friend do the research already. she said Gleneagles has the best bedding, and well equip delivery room. for Mt E. very expensive and not so nice. As for RH, due to bad experince she gave up.

babyduest, just go to yahoo website, click on the groups at Yahoo services... then click on my group... you should be prompt to login
hi hakida...
i have only one left...used to have 4...but 3 of them mati due to old age.. the one that i have now is ard 8yrs old liao...its a mosaic..

hi bettlebug..my DH just did SA last week..dr say: if we call u means bad news,if we nv call u dan everything is ok...so i hope that i dun hear fr the dr within this wk lor...
I saw Gleneagles ward before cos my sil gave birth there, she said not good leh and parking very expensive hehe ... what bad experience she had at RH?

Let me try
hehehe...everybody going overseas to make bb liao ah....

ya lor..hope kat is fine...cos she is quite worried...dan her sinseh say it might be ovulation spotting,ask her to monitor for a wk to see how...
babydust - do you have any doc in mind at RH? She had bad experience with the gynae lor hmmm.

ovulation spotting... hmmm but how come fresh blood. very weird leh. So far I never had any bleeding or spotting in between my menses. I do had cramps... whenver O is near.
babydust - Joan? hmmm i don't know leh. someone also recomend her to you. ya Dr lee better, me didn't try.

Initially I wanted to try others. then my friend told me Lisa chin's clinic very good - she is well equip with everthing. she had her pregnancy package with her. going to deliver soon... according to her... she only need to go to her clinic to do all the scan/test etc
no one recommended her to me ... just that I read about her in RH's thread.

where is Lisa Chin's clinic? And where she delivers?
