A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

ya lor..hakida..i think this way is much more easier to learn than to read books..cos all r live examples and everybody have their share to contribute...
huh, you work there? which clinic

Oh we only went there once.. last year... don't think will go again.. unless shopping ... hee hee

today to active so many discussion. I read until blur...
hi hakida...
me also irregular menses..now a lttle better...
but really very 'ai wan',wasted the 3 yrs waiting for something to happen...
Chey....I tot u still go there for follow up consultation....

yah lor,I only log in at night....

U take ur time to read lah....
not necessary irreguler=PCOS...need to go scan dan can see one...

me not much hair on my hand leh...only got a small moustache on my upper lip..like dat isit one of the symptom too??
char - wasted 3 years, wat you meant?

rachel - no lah... don't anyhow relate.... you need to have other symptom to know. One of the way to find out is via U/scan if i am not mistaken.

hayashi - hee....
hi hakida..last time my cycle ranges from 60-90 days..(ma chim like my customer's payment terms...hehe...)now is ard 30-40 days...slowly still improving..
So far.. I didn't did blood test for the following leh...

(1) CD2: estrogen, LH and FSH hormone
(2) CD25: progestrone Hormone

read from this morning thread... is it very crucial?
twinkle: i hv had O & AF problems since young. nvr bothered to go for chkups till last yr when we nvr bfp after half yr of trying...
recently jus plucked up the courage to go for tests & consultations, after being greatly disappointed by my previous gynae... lol

dino: emailed the abortion clip to u liao. it's a link...

blueblue: the OPKs are on the way to u. i actually attn-ed the envelope to ur nick "blueblue" cos i dun hv ur real name... lol
hope i din give any of ur family members surprises!!!

i also have abit of moustache on my upper lip....Do u know in ancient times,this is considered very pretty....
emm...hakida...waist small but breast very big leh...y all my symptom all the other way round one??

hi bettlebug...cos my scan in 2003 already shows that i have PCOS,but the dr nv tell me...till last thur when i went for the appt dan i noe...

yah 60 to 90 days is really too long already..U should have noticed smething is wrong earlier...

bettle bug,

I not sure abt the bld test thing....U want to check wif ur DR.
hmmm that one i don't know... I also put on weight a lot this few months.. that is why the TCM thought I am lor. But my cycle always regular...

rachel - my friend is preggie despite her irregular cycle.. no worries... most important you must be healthy..

char - your cycle improve a lot, what medication did you take.
hi juju...
mayb ur aunty n mine aunty r related hor...hehe..
actually v sian one...cos when its supposed to come but nv come, i always hopeful that i m preggy, dan will go watson buy HPT(last time dun noe website so cheap!!) n test..dan always end up with a BFN....to think back...we had contributed to the economy with the purchases of the HPT and OPK!!
hmmm that one i don't know... I also put on weight a lot this few months.. that is why the TCM thought I am lor. But my cycle always regular...

rachel - my friend is preggie despite her irregular cycle.. no worries... most important you must be healthy..

char - your cycle improve a lot, what medication did you take.
hi hakida..i did went to my GP,but he just say some ppl cycle longer...after coming into the thread..me not so gong to be bluff by the dr liao... :p
hi bettlebug,
i started taking palace wine,recommanded by my god sis, dan slowly i see the improvement..it is a kind of tonic wine..
Bettlebug, i also putting on weight leh!!! don seem to be able to reduce, now i weigh 50kg! i look fat cos i not very tall, depressing!
Wonder if i got PCOS? But i got regular menses. My next visit to Lisa, hope nothing wrong.
Do u visit Lisa on weekdays or weekends? Did she cover u with MC if u go on weekday?
ya... like i said, i jus started seeing gynae to keep in under control... now inducing af to come, then will do blood test, followed by O monitoring

actually some ppl DO have longer cycles... but max is 30 plus days, not as long as ours...

wad palace wine?From where??
u gals should boil some chicken soup with DOM or Yomeshui to eat...
Now,then i realised that my menses are actully very normal,except got 1 mth that I am stressed up than delay the cycle by 10 days....
twinkle (litter_star) - can you send me the abortion clip, my email is [email protected]

char - you gynae really really terrible.. hmmm I also quite angry with mine when she didn't tell my i have retrovert uterus
luckily it is not harmful.

\b(babydust} - do you still need the TCM address?
hi koori,

No lah, just a minor day surgery
in fact I'm well already but since he give more days, take loh hehe

Why are you scared you will have lap? Do you have PCOS as well?
good nitezz gals... gotta go change my chinchilla cage..dan go 'pom pom' dan zzz... liao...tomolo is my last day of work..so must keep good record...cannot be late...hehe!!
Babydust, gynae told me there's a black patch on my left side uterus, so i scared, duno wats that. She say need to do more tests and surgery if the patch is still there during the next checkup.
babydust - my TCM is the same as summersnow. looks like she give you the address already.

koori - don't worry so much. if lisa didn't say anything. should be fine. hmmm did she do a scan of your ovari.
oops juju,

sorie,forgot that u are seeing gyn now....

actually normal menstrual cycle can last up to 35 days also..
