A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi gals,

You all really can talk ya. I read until blur...

Seems like chemical pregnancy is getting v common? How did some of you gals found out you r chemical pregnancy?
Hi Galz...

Wow...I really cant keep up wif yr postins liao...

To the new gals...

Sorri if I still cant figure out whoz who...

A vehicle knocked into my car yesterday...so I was really busy jugglin btw my work n settlin the claims today...haizzz...gotta work late again tonite...1 more day to wkend...

Anyway...wat abt the abortion clip...can I c it too...
You are right that chemical pregnancy is very common..cos some ppl duno they are actually pregnant..they just simply tot that their AF came late only..Like my case..I tested BFP 5 days after I missed my AF..then another 5 days later, I had a m/c...so if I did not did the test..I won't know that I was pregnant
zhuzhu Err so whats the diff btw chemical pregnancy n miscarridged? Confused... Heard that some m/c can b passed out thro AF? Is this consider as chemical pregnancy?
hi babydust,

u hospitalzn leave ? then better have a good rest and feel free to chit chat in this thread.. there are many wonderous suggestion here about TTCing...


okok..u miss me, doggy pig..kekeke...

I received a morning call from my auntie today. she told me last month very busy with her own buisness and no time to pay me a visit...anyway she had just bought a round trip ticket and plan to stay with me for 5-7 days, i just need to provide her accomdation and 3 meals on whisper toast bread..kekeke...
eh..paperplane..u very chim leh!!i was still wondering y ur aunty only eat toast bread...was about to suggest that u bring her to Ya kun ....
Hi paperplane and char,

Nice to see somebody at this hrs.

paperplane ya you really chim leh. I was thinking wat auntie called u.... haha

so ur AF came already ? have u finished the clomid and try BDing on ur fertile period for this cycle ?

ladies, jie jie, mummy... i am scatching my head..

Today is my CD1, but i dunno shd i take clomid for this cycle..if yes then probably fertile period shd be 5-11 April.

But my hb will only be back 26 mar and fly off 5 april leh.. coming back again in end of april to stay for temporary 6 mths......

Very difficult to estimate leh...and I dun wan to waste my eggies.. kekeke.. since he is not around...

*scratch head*..should i take clomid or not for this cycle ??
hi paperplane
mayb u wanna leave the clomid for nxt cyce?dun waste lor..cos i think clomid can only take foe max 6 cycle at a time ..so if u sure DH not ard,no point taking lor..
just a thought from me...
hi zenn..
me usually not online in the nite..but this afternoon chat until so shiok liao..so see got anybody ard to continue...hehe...
Hi paperplane,

My gynae told me to start clomid on CD 2 and fertile period should be CD12-20. Agreed wif what char said as it defeat the purpose of taking clomid this mth.
char and zenn,

okok..my auntie dun like yakun bread lah.. queue is very long and the bread toast is very dry..kekeke.. i have try giving her other types of bread but she show her discontentment by vomitting blood all over the bread..she insist only whisper toast..bobian..
Sorry gals...have been very busy at work and no time to surf the net.

How are you? Our cycle is very close..wonder if we can strike this time and graduate together..but I am not hardworking this month...was sick for few days during O period..kinda of disappointed. But it's alright la..will wait for the next one la. I tried twice during O period. Now, I feel that my nipples are sore leh..wonder if it's a symptom....hope the soldier really met up with the princess now...

Anyone tested positive preg during their third wk? Is that possible? Just asking la...

Thanks for the OPK.... Haven received it but thanks anyway.very sweet of u..
hey ladies,
wow..so many posts...read till i blurr liao...cant catch up...
anyway for those who feel like travelling, NATAS fair is here tis weekend...i tink tis time u nid to pay an admission fee of $3....
hi zenn,

this info is for u.

Miscarriage is pregnancy loss that occurs before 20 weeks, before the fetus is able to survive outside the womb. Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester or 12 weeks of pregnancy. As many as 50 percent of all pregnancies may end in miscarriage, because many losses occur before a woman realizes she is pregnant.2

Why do miscarriages occur?
The causes of miscarriage are not thoroughly understood. When a woman has a first-trimester miscarriage, her health care provider often cannot determine the cause. However, most miscarriages occur when a pregnancy is not developing normally. Usually, there is nothing a woman or her provider can do to prevent it.

Among factors known to cause first-trimester miscarriages, the most common is a chromosomal abnormality in the fetus. Chromosomes are the tiny thread-like structures in each cell that carry our genes, which dictate all traits from eye color to the workings of our internal organs. Each person has 23 pairs of chromosomes, or 46 in all, with one chromosome per pair coming from the mother and one from the father. Up to 70 percent of first-trimester miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.3

What are the symptoms of miscarriage?
Vaginal bleeding, sometimes accompanied by menstrual-like cramps or more severe abdominal pain, can be a sign that a miscarriage is about to occur. Its important to remember that many women experience spotting in early pregnancy and most do not miscarry. A woman should contact her health care provider if she experiences any bleeding, even light spotting, in pregnancy. Her health care provider may do an internal examination to see if her cervix is dilated (a sign that a miscarriage is likely), and sometimes an ultrasound examination and blood tests. A woman who miscarries should try to save any tissue in a clean container and bring it to her provider.

What treatment is needed if a woman has a miscarriage?
Most women who have an early miscarriage do not need treatment. The uterus empties itself like a heavy period. However, a doctor may recommend a D&C in certain cases, such as if a woman is bleeding heavily or may have an infection, or if an ultrasound examination shows that there is tissue remaining in the uterus (which can lead to heavy bleeding).

What tests are done following a miscarriage?
Doctors usually do not perform any tests following a first miscarriage that occurs in the first trimester. The cause of these early losses is often unknown, though chromosomal abnormalities are usually suspected. If a woman has a miscarriage in the second trimester or has two or more miscarriages in the first trimester, tests usually are recommended to help determine the cause. These can include:

Blood tests to check for chromosome abnormalities in both parents (called a karyotype), as well as certain hormonal problems and immune system disorders in the mother
Testing for chromosomal abnormalities in tissue from the miscarriage (if tissue is available)
Ultrasound examination of the uterus
Hysteroscopy, viewing the uterus through a special scope inserted through the cervix
Hysterosalpingography, an X-ray of the uterus
Endometrial biopsy, suctioning a small piece of uterine lining to check hormone effects
hi zenn,
i tink till sun lor...usually itz over the weekends....so u haf plan in mind? i dun haf leh...last time used to love travelling but dunno y this yr no plan yet...
What is a chemical pregnancy?

A pregnancy is called a chemical pregnancy if you test positive for pregnancy but start you period a few days later.

Most women discover they are having an early miscarriage if they are charting their fertility signs and are actively trying to become pregnant. Many women can achieve a positive home pregnancy test as early as 10 days post ovulation and some tests can even detect pregnancy much earlier. Because of the sensitivity of some home pregnancy tests - a women who knows exactly when she ovulates can test even before the menstrual period is due.

There are several different reasons why chemical pregnancies occur. Some of the time, the reason may never be discovered. The reasons why these occur are: low progesterone, insufficient uterine lining, genetic problems, immune issues (see www.inciid.org for more information) and possible obstructions in the uterus, such as fibroid tumors (depending on their location). There are a number of tests that can be run to determine why chemical pregnancies occur, though not all of the time a reason will be found.

i think to test for pre-conception,usually it include the LH and progesterone test....And of course the U/S....
Thanks hayashi! Chim ya. Actually if one who have irregular mens might not even noe they ve chemical pregnancy n would thought its m/c rite? Chim chim...
Char, how many metformin dosage u take per day. I have a colleague who took 3 dosages become very nausea and got diahhera, make her very weak.
hi koori..me now taikng 500mg per day..will have to take 1000mg starting from tomorrow for 1 wk, dan increase to 1500mg and have to take it constantly ...i got a little diahhera effect..keep on wana go toilet 'poo poo'
zenn,absolutely correct...Unless,u went for the pregnancy test...Or,in some cases,the woman will experience severe abdominal pain....or exceesive bleeding....
for pre conception,the woman also need to go thru all the other test...For instance,if the woman are immuned to vaccinations like rubella,chickenpox or MMR......
ALOT MORE LAH.....just go to the doctor for check-up...
char, why u take metafolim ? someone earlier talk about metafolin is for those dun wana to hv bb ?

think u shd stop taking it and go see a gynae (walk in).
Thanks hayashi! That day gynae oni mentioned to check abt chickenpox, Hep A&B. Didnt mentioned the rest but I remember its more than that. OK will find out during my next visit.
hi paperplane..
my metformin was given by the Dr from SGH O&G leh..he say i got PCOS and metofrmin is supposed to help those with PCOS to control their insulin level as they are usually insulin resistance..its supposed to help n with the addition of clomid, to give a better chance to get preggy leh...mayb sharon got the wrong med name??i check in the net,it also says the same thing that my Dr say leh...em..
hi zenn...i found out that i had PCOS by accident...i think i had it for a very long time but didnt know abt it...cos i went to SGH for HSG scan( to check if the tubes are block) in 2003,but dr didn't say anything at that time so nv follow up with appt...recently when i went to polyclinic, d dr was asking y so long no bb,dan he referred me to SGH again...then this new dr diagnose me with PCOS using the 2003 scan results dan prescribe me with metofrmin n clomid,without asking me to do the scan again to get a more updated scan photos...jia lat hor...
hi paperplane..
thanks!!cos me also just started taking ,so was also a little kan cheong if it will work,dan dawn intro me to another thread whereby the ladies there also has PCOS,n they r also taking metofrmin n clomid together...dan i fang xin to take...
Thanks hayashi & char! Think I really learn alot lately

Char, huh like that also can? How could the doc didnt inform you when they found out in 2003! How much and issit necessary to do HSG scan?
paperplane...good nite n sweet dreams....

hi zenn...ya lor..v funny hor..i also got a shock of my life when he told me i got PCOS...cos i noticed that he was looking at the old pictures...so i wasted 3 yrs waiting for nothing!!if i noe earlier,probably could have done something to it...haiz...boh pian...mayb fated lor...i can't remember how much was the HSG leh..but he say it is a gd way to see if the fallipion tubes r block r not...
