A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi bettle,

For my AF in Feb, I had spotting for about 5 days then full force came and lasted for 7 days (which is my usual) ... told my gynae about it but he didn't say anything wrong with it leh

what causes a chemical pregnancy?

babydust, i did have cramps for the past few days lor.. but i thought is normal.

open at 6pm.. but normally i go there at 530pm, is alrdy open. will keep calling lor.. feel so worried.
Katherine, pls read the following


Mine started with brown discharge then it became fresh red, not much but enough to stain half the panty-liner the 1st morning. Subsequently, it got lesser, I am still having it, Called my gynea this morning about it and she said it is due to my hormone changes. I also told her, i felt like throwing up, she was very surprised and told me to monitor and if I am still getting after a few days, to see her again.
Wah gals,i only toking to my colleuge for a while dan suddenly so many posts ah!!catch up until i

hi babydust,mayb u wana go to some beach in malaysia to relax..so places not bad...too bad u cannot do spa/massage...got a nice plc in tanjong pinang for a one day trip also...
Hi dragon gal, thanks for the reminder..hehe..so i start in apr..even if i gt preggy in may,by the time i deliver,already work there for more than 180 days liao rite??

Hi avenie..me there for 5 days only...can't go too long cos need to start new job..anyway, this trip is organised by the co that i m doing part time in...(me doing part time facial n beauty pdts..)so itenary is fixed one...

Hi Penguin,
me die die will come back to this thread one...can't bear to leave u all!!
if i can't access to this thread during office hour, i will surelly do it at home in the nite..dan can join some of the midnite owls in this thread...
i will going to korea on this sun nite..

Hi Sharon,
as per info fr my gynea, the metformin is supposed to help ppl with PCOS to be able to get rid of the xtra insulin and to prevent the cysts in the ovary from getting bigger or something like that leh...r we refering to the same thing?
i have started on metformin, yet to start the clomid..
hi serene...
if u r ok at having a bb,dan give it a try lah....dun be like me...when married for 1st yr,say wana enjoy life as a couple dan started to TTC,now i m in my 4th yr liao,so dan start working hard to TTC...luckily i married young(was 23 then)
juju, i dun know leh.... gynae told me one.. he say metaformin will make one lose weight and when she is not trying for a baby leh
Hi Serene,
if i m not wrong, u will have the urge to go toilet more often when u r preggy cos the uterus is slowly growing to accomodate the bb dan it will be pressing againest the bladder, therefore the capacity of the bladder is smaller dan u will have to go pee pee more oftern...
char, me too tomolo last day... but super busy now cos got to handover to new staff...

jus wen to check the weather forecast n realise that japan is still very cold!!! oh no... i didnt prepare any winter clothing..
can somebody give me advice what to wear...if the temperature range fr 4deg to 15 deg!!!
Hi Avenie
Brownish discharge started 19/3 to 22/3. even though is not much but I am very worry.

My cycle length is 25 to 28days.
What is CD:17-spotting?
What is implantation bleeding? Is it serious? What should I do?

I called Gynae clinic, the staff asked me to monitor for another 1 wk c wether my menses will come or not. If not, ask me to do a urine test.

My Chinese sinsen said is "pai(1) ruan(3) qi(1) bleeding. She prescribed me with some powder medicine.

I don't know what to do now.
U got it wrong. I am not preggie. Just discovered i had chemcial pregnancy yesterday.

did u experience any feel like throwing up feeling or an awful after taste in the monuth after the discovery of the chemical pregnancy?

I am also turning 30 this yr.
U got it wrong. I am not preggie. Just discovered i had chemcial pregnancy yesterday.

did u experience any feel like throwing up feeling or an awful after taste in the monuth after the discovery of the chemical pregnancy?

I am also turning 30 this yr.
hi jadefeet,

Wow you also enjoying life
Most impt is your thermal wear and a good jacket ... not forgetting your scarf and gloves (if you are one who is scared of cold easily).
Hi gracebaby..
Thanks for the articles...me need to spend some time to digest it...(pai seh, cos my chinese all return to teacher liao...hehe!!)
Hi Jadefeet,
better prepare enuf clothes!!dun bring frozen eggs back ah!!

i already hand over '7-7-8-8' already...so very free leh...

hi fragile,
i think ur sinseh is referring to ovulation spotting..u wana try to test with a OPK to see if u r ovulating?
yah that's right,only when the feotus starting to grow bigger,then u will pee pee more often.....


why do u want tos ee the abortion clip???

dun worry,dun get tense up.....since the nurse has told u to monitor for a week first....Meantime,if u experience any pain then u should go and see the doctor immediately....
If u are still worried,then arrange an appt to see the doctor soon.
have u gals try using clearplan fertility monitor kit....I think it's easier and more convinent to use than the normal OPK kit...
Hi hi, you're most welcome

**Babydust & Char**

Hope you can get some idea from those sites.

**************Baby dust to all*************

there is alot of reason that can results in chemical pregnancy,Smetimes the embryo are just weak itself to carry on to the next stage.....Same for a M/C.....The feotus are not healthy to grow or the uterus are too weak,or maybe stress also....
Hi babydust,4gt to ans u..
the trip to tanjong pinang is a shopping,makan cum spa session...
it include lunch n dinner,shopping dan a 4hr spa.to n fro ferry,transport ard tanjiong pinang....per pax is ard 200+(below 250 if i m nt wrong)quite worth it cos a 4hr spa in singapore can easily cost $400+

yah more expensive,but at least u dun have to keep track of ur O everyday,the fertility kit will monitor for u......
juju, so short ? i read that by the time u detect temp is up, too late already to do BD, the egg may have been gone because it takes 1 to 2 days for progesterone to increase the body temp. Sigh....i got my EWCM for 2 days and temp still did not increase. waiting for my DH to arrive tomorrow. hopefully O can be delayed till weekend

can pm me the tanjong pinang contacts also?

once u r used to doing bbt, u shld be able to see the trend. can start BD-ing once ur temp dips (prob most EWCM at this time too) until ur temp remains high. then u start counting ur DPO days. if temp remain high for abt 14 days, u can try testing wif HPT liao.
thks char & babydust...
btw, its CD 30 for me liao n no sound no pict of AF still... jus wondering if it wld be like last month another 49 days cycle!!!
no harm seeing the abortion clip coz u get to learn how cruel & selfish those human being are...to kill their babies & later suffer throughout their life. depend how u c it...it can be a good educate material to those who want to abort their child & know the side effect....the gynae in this clip actually discourage women to abort

ya like what juju said next time can email to others who want to abort. nowadays ppl r more open minded do whatever they like...if not there wouldn't be an abortion thread.
i dun ovulate properly. tis is wat i learn frm the other gals... how long hv u been taking bbt? u shld hv a rough gauge after taking for 3 cycles
peg - sorry.. i have been very busy today... just got some time to eat snake a bit. When I start to have discharge I also tested with faint postitive. gynae verify with their testkit and take blood test. Well I continue to have spotting for the rest of the 9 days until last day everything seems to "flush out". I feel super terrible during that 9days as I have all the pregnancy symptom lor.. including feeling like vomitting when eat to full.

The hcg level dip after 3 days for my case.
Just got some spare time to come up here to read a bit... but OMG!!!!!!!!!! u gals are really moving too fast leh...
panting... panting.. cannot catch up ah!! Help..

So summary to make it short.. what am I missing out ah? Me missed this cycle of TTC leh.. so sad.. think I will focus on the next one liao..

my last period was dated 4 March.. so think it will be in abt another 2-3 weeks time le hor?
if u have regular AF cycle, just minus 14 or 16 from your cycle days, & start BD-ing abt 2-3 days before...
e.g. 28 days cycle, estimated O ard day 14, start BD from day 12 until day 20
r u under pressure? according to scientific proof if a person under stress their body will release some hormones tt can affect O. tt is y some couples married for many years still no child stress play a part lor even though they hv done preconception check up & everything is fine.

what is ur CD like? if CD28 AF due 31/3, CD29 1/4, CD30 2/4, CD31 3/4 & so on.....


it's not a website,it's a fertility nmonitor kit....Can buy from pharmacy.....


I understand how u feel,i too had a M/C last year when I was 12th week pregnant.....


Smetimes abortion for certain ppl are inevitable,for instance in my case,My feotus died inside the womb already....And,I have to do a operation to suck it out.....It's very gross,cruel and sad thing.....
