A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?


Thanks for all the compliments but i am not really that good in cooking, just a bit here and there la.

Think i should chnage my nick liao.... if not everyone think i am a old woman heheh not very pretty myself but defintely a young Mrs Chng. ;op

C u gals later.

Oh that means gonna play abit at delta first before heading to GWC then go back to delta at 4.30 again? so if im not joining u gals to groceries shpg, what time meeting u gals and bbs?
hmmm i dun think we'll be gg back to delta after gwc grocery shopping right?? so u can actually meet us at delta at 3pm

thanks mommy angi and mommy celest

tummy not pain liao jus still abit queasy... but think can make it to tdy's outing!
thanks, so plan changed to 3pm delta play instead. in this case i will see what time i finish at concourse, if too rush might give it a miss.
was calculating thought original plan at 4.30 will be fine but if 3pm and im going to concourse tday will not make it lor...again also depends what time summer wakes up cos just now she slept only at 11+...
want to meet u gals le...but sis will not be around much following weeks...
nvm if can u try to make it k
actually tat time i only spent abt an hr at concourse there. btw i find tat some of the tidbits there not v 'fresh'... eg the mini mentols some of the foil packaging not properly wrapped thus the candy at the tip were left exposed... but then again it cld be the same everywhere

me now trying to make my boy nap... else later cannot wake up in time!
We will arrive Delta at 3pm for the kids to have kids for 1 to 1.5 hours, then we will head to GCW for shopping and supermarket.
We will arrive Delta at 3pm for the kids to have fun for 1 to 1.5 hours, then we will head to GCW for shopping and supermarket. Will not go back to Delta anymore.
Since Summer's birthday is end of the month, take your time. Plan and write down what you want to buy, then get them all at one time, if not you may have to make a few trips.
Since Summer's birthday is end of the month, take your time. Plan and write down what you want to buy, then get them all at one time, if not you may have to make a few trips.
Last min arrangement to IMM yesterday late afternoon. Went to take a look at the IMM Waterplay playground.... impressive... it looks very similar to the one at Science Centre.

CG - think the kidzloft discount is only valid for one time use during the birthday month so lena, think carefully first...ahahha...roll out ur list...but actually hor, not that much to buy lah.

maysatch - some cab drivers dunno Delta Sports Complex but if you tell them Delta Swimming Complex, they will know. Then u just walk short distance in from the pool.

michele - when u coming back? we will probably have some outings the following weeks too.

Angi - if we wanna meet on regular basis, can we have some outings for outdoor?...dun always playground lah...important to expose our kids to outdoors too.

btw, CG & I went to the IMM outdoor water play area & playground yesterday...last min arrangement cos nowhere to go...wow so fun...but our babies not attired to play so din let them indulge in the water. We can arrange one outing there together...so fun...they have water points there so we can shower/rinse them after their play.
aiyo! come imm nvr jio me! so sad....

aiya, playground on wed try to make it regular?
we paid for esp delta muz finish w/in 3mths b4 expiry mah...

there's always other days where we can go outdoor... but this fri, still no swim for seth, so doubt i can join u....

we can like share e loot, since only can use once for their bday...
1st use seth's privi, then next round got more stuff to buy agn then use summer's? good right...
i've ord got a couple of stuff i wanna buy...

quote: July2006
KIDZLOFT, their reply:
Thank you for your enquiry.First Birthday Special is for BABY ONE YEAR'S OLD celebration special promotion.
Kidzloft celebrate with you.Enjoy the generous 50% discount off all our house brands (Safety1st, IM Toy, Goldbug, Lollipop,iplay),not to promotion prices,nor clearance items,nor vendor brands.
1)present child birth certificate.(Photcopy accepted)
2)valid only during birthday month,at one time purchase...
3)other terms and condition apply.
Kidzloft reserves the right to refuse 50% discount for purchases deemed too many for personal use.You are most welcome to our warehouse outlet.We are at Blk 6 No.154 Tagore Lane.(Off Upper Thomson road)Do note we are open Mon - Sat 11am - 5pm.Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays..Do call 63336002 for further enquiry
angi - really last last minute one...we tok tok on phone dunno where to go, vivo? imm? parkway? then finally decided imm n leave immed liao...hahaha...next time we go tog k? seth will enjoy for sure
angi, angi...sentosa not swimming, how can our babies swim in the sea? so dirty and too dangerous for them lah...anyway, it's ok, join us when u r ready

aileen - thanks for letting us tag along for your weekly grocery trip...hope we din embarrass u too much with our questions...hahah...but we really dunno mah...teacher always says dunno must ask :p

I am ok with u gals asking question,infact i had a great time.... looking forward to meet up for cooking session next week ya.

Ok ladies some meal for u to cook for your precious from our grocery shopping today.

Chicken Bolognese

olive oil
small onion, peeled and chopped
carrots, peeled and chopped
minced chicken or beef
tomatao puree


1) heat the oil and onion and saute for 3mins
2) add carrots and continue
3) tip in chicken and saute for 3 mins
4) add in tomato puree, cover with a lid for 10mins.
5) off the fire


6) cook pasta according to instructions on the packet.
5) when pasta are done, mix in PART 1.
6) serve warm.
Mashed potato and carrot with broccoli and cheese

potatoes, peeled and chopped
carrots, peeled and chopped
broccoli, cut into florets
2 tbsp milk
unsalted butter

1) put potatoes and carrots into a saucepan, cover with boiling water and cook for 20 mins or untill tender.

2) add in broccoli after 10mins (broccoli cook fast and do not add them in at the begining with the potatoes and carrots as it will overcook the florets as well as loose its orginal nutrition.)

3)Drain the potatos and carrots and mash together with the broccoli,milk, butter and cheese.

4)serve warm.
Hi Angi, May, Cheri, CG, Lena, Garfield & Mrs Chng,

Great meeting all of you and your little darlings today. We had fun. See you all again soon!
Yes, kidzloft discount is only valid for one time use during the birthday month.

Mrs Chng.... hee hee! Maybe can consider to change your nickname to Miss Chng. Thank you for the recipes and guide us along at the supermarket.

Angi and other mummies
Sentosa is really fun. Besides sandplay to let them explore the "touch" senses, waterplay is another good activity for them too. Outdoor activity includes zoo, botanic gardens, goat farm, fish farm.... we can also add in to our weekly agenda :)
Chessy mushrrom with tomatoes and pasta

unsalted butter
a tiny bit of garlic
sliced button mushrooms
tomatoes, skinned, deseeded and chopped


1)cook tHe pasta according to instructions on packet but do not add salt in it.


1)Melt butter in a saucepan and saute the garlic for about 30 sec.

2)add in sliced mushrooms and saute for 3 mins

3)add in tomatoes, covered and cook till mushy (around 3 to 4 mins)

4) add in cheese

5) add in part 1

6) serve warm
Do join us next time too. Though Kenise is only 7mths old, she is very sociable. She keeps smiling and drooling her salivia. Nice to shop with you just now.
k la... ladies happy experiment k... let me know if u gals need anymore help.

Angi tryto cook for Seth, u wont believe that i dun cook b4 i had Andrea. I learnt how to cook for Andrea and i only cook for her hehehe.

It's a sense of accomplishment ya

CG, and all mummies i've met today,

All of you are so slim!!! Now i better work harder to shed off the extra pounds. So i have to see you all again coz all of you will be my motivating force! Haha...
cheri, this sat!!
cant wait to join u all...

mrs chng.. ya lor, change nick!!
cooking lessons when me in town ok...
btw, my crocs 4/5 or 6/7?
Great to see u all but hor i dun really remember who is who maybe a few more time meet up then i shall remember all of ur name.
Btw had a great day todae.
Hi mommies!
nice meeting all of u today
it was great fun for both my boy and myself!

hahahaa u're so funny! pls... u dun hv tat many extra pounds to shed! im sure running abt after ur boy is enuff to help u stay trim and fit

thanks for the recipes
though din really get the chance to talk to u tdy, hope like wat Cheri said.. can tou shi fr u next wk!

nice chatting with u
and gonna say it again... ur little xiao bu dian is really cute!

keke my hubby said ur boy really v huggable!

Celest, Cheri,
hee if i dun need to report to inlaws this fri.. then i may join u guys k

u wont believe wat im doing now... i jus boiled a huge pot of veggie stock and am now waiting for it to cool before bagging and freezing it! crazy hor... at this ungodly hr!
Really pei fu u leh at tis hr u have to wait till it cool first by tat time u muz be totally tired liao since todae we been out and have fun.
hehee forgot to add... must be influenced by my hubby lah! cos he's baking bread now!

yah garfield, u're right... my eyes half-closed liao... regretted abit... shld hv done it tomr instead -_-"
ooh i managed to buy the TOP's multi-grain rice tat u recommended fr the GWC organic shop
they oso selling at the same price.. $5.50. prolly gonna let my boy try it tomr... hope he likes it

angi, did u buy oso?
ello ladies...

great 2 cya all tdy! yes lets do it often hahha... do come back regulary for activities ya...

seth ate mee sua last nite, so didnt cook.. will try 2 get up tml morny to cook his lunch hahhaa... hope i dont screw up that it hahhaha...
thx agn for posting e recipes got copyright? hahahha....

think seth likes ur hubby coz like rhys his daddy very huggable too?

no i didnt buy e rice yet, i forgot i bought couscous, will try tml....

u cook e soup, split le hahhaha...

i take it u didnt incl me as slim hor, coz i'm not hahhahha better not go swimming to scare off e tots hahhaha....
btw, sorry heaps, tua u go half holland aft i switch off drifted off, wont happened agn sorry...

i'll try make it fri la...
i dread e cleaning upp & e sun & muz bring alot of barang le... ahhhaha..

unbelieveably young mummy! & to think u want 5kids wow! nvm u'll slowly know us better....
if i got time i make a name match face first? hahhaha....

hmmm cheri & mich, where u gg sat? kpoing hahahha...

ok here r e pix! pardon e lousy shots by angi...
have yet 2 filter, dont mind la huh, some blur but cute oso le....

dal, garfield
nice meeting you gals ytday! Sorry that didn't go groceries with you all, must have missed lots of fun time!

Mrs Chng/Ms Chng
wah, u r good...hee!

Thanks i will look into that thread or get my sis to buy if taking too long to order together with them.
no worries. actually just extra clothings, a few pieces of nappy cloth (it is more aborbant as compared to bath towel) and bath foam to bring to sandplay and waterplay at Sentosa. For swimming, bring along arm float and swim gear.
if seth still refuses to eat, maybe you can try the method to eat together with him. praise n encourage him will help too.

these few weeks i have been preparing soup stock for sha too. pre-prepared stock is very convenient when comes to cooking noodles for her. of course, the porridge will be more tasty too. she likes it. how to prepare your veg stock? next time must boil it in the day instead.

yes, it sometimes takes quite a long time. for Jshoppers the delivery to spore is less than one week.

soak the rice before cooking, then it won' take too long to cook. hope cayden likes it.
U and ur hubby really on leh at nite do cooking.

I dun want 5 kids unless i suay lah all r gal but i hope for boy the next 1 then can close factory liao.
CG - is pre-prepared and frozen stock less nutritious? Why is it more tasty? Is it cos if u prepare stock on the spot each time, may not cook for so long issit?

waaa garfield & angi - 5 kids? hahahah...pei fu pei fu, me will stop at Nikki...hb wants to retire early hahaha

lena - did u manage to get the bd stuff at Bugis? Fruitful trip?

dal - u r oso a pretty mummy...no need to lose weight lah...i noticed our thread more & more mummies with tattoos leh...cool! hhhaha i could nvr muster the courage to bear with the pain...is it less painful than contractions during birth? hahaha

Mich - u r coming back on Sat...is our trial for My Gym on Monday at Great World City confirmed then? Angi, Lin (maysatch) and I r going too. Need to pay first? Do join us when we go Aileen's place next week...

Aileen, u were saying Fri best issit? I'm going Genting that day...can change to before Friday or not? Dun wanna miss the cooking demo leh...hhahahah...thanks for the recipes, printed them out n will slowly try.
Pre-prepared soup stock is for convenience. It is more tasty as I use it as a base soup, definitely I will also add other ingredients on the spot each time. I don't freeze the stock.
About tattoo, is 90% less painful than labour contractions. I did mine when I was 18.

Garfield and Angi
Wow! Plan to have 5 kids? Not for me. Max is 2 kids. Hb plans to retire in a few years time.
wow u ultimate leh... 4am plus still posting! hehee can can... next time i boil more then pass u a bag or two. btw thanks for the pix

ooh hows ur bday decor shopping?? manage to get any gd buy at bugis? i've nvr been there.. so if gd then maybe can check it out next time

yep agree tat pre-prepared stock is really v convenient
but hor... ytd i tot i boiled a really huge pot of stock but after taking out all the veggie i found tat the stock can only last for 2 days usage. btw wat kind of stock did u prepare for sha? for me, ytd i tried the recipe fr my fren's baby food blog (http://littlegastronomy.blogspot.com/ ... hope she dun mind i help her broadcast hehe) plus i last min dump in a few other veg ... so all in all i used parsnip, carrots, sweet potato, leek, plus celery, apple, daikon and onion!
ooh and thanks for the tip on cooking the rice

hehee no choice... we're boring pple with a baby.. so can only indulge in our hobby (or rather my hubby's hobby) late at night! btw... i din know u wan 5 kids!!!!!

hmm im not sure abt how less nutritious frozen stock is as compared to freshly made ones. but like wat celest said it is really much more convenient cos usually for the stock it will take abt 2 hrs to boil
aiyo, i meant Garfield! if she nvr strike, but heres wishing u good luck boy next hit!

not angi! angi stoped @ 1!!!!! no more!!! hell no!!!! not that hubby rich can afford to retire so soon like urs but its i dont wanna go thru e child rearing process AGN!!!! its more painful body & mind & soul then contractions.... i dont mind being preggy... but its seriously love & hate... seth is cute & melts me but i dont think i cant take another 1 aft all......

next mon myGym trial how much?

ltr wanna go imm shopping anybody?
wow lin, ur gf damn cool le! super mummy! her girl muz be well fed!

come to think of it, will seth grow up unhealthy if i dont feed him properly, as if he dont eat porridge/instant cereal & eat my adult food?
haiz i'm so screwd up mummy......
Took me awhile to join this thread. Been busy.... Will try to join outings when we're free. Bb takes a long nap in the afternoon so can only make it for outings in the morning or later in the day.

My Gym
We attended a trial at GWC this morning. It's $35 but if you sign up, this fee is waived. We were intending to sign up anyway so this free lesson is cool. You get unlimited access to their freeplay sessions for 4 months which is what I like about it.
yep yep she is a v capable mommy!! she only gives her girl the best! ooh and speaking of her girl... tat one is a little beauty!!! my caycay bio-ing her for a long time alr hahahaaa! btw both mommy & baby were on the cover of last mth mother & baby magazine

hmmm nah u're not a screwed up mom lah... but if can try not to give seth adult food at this stage. u dun hv to prepare fanciful meals... jus simple porridge with veg and maybe fish/meat can alr.. of cos minus all the seasoning. if he's not taking them now doesnt mean he wont like it in future... i guess we jus hv to be patient and keep trying

btw i dun mind gg imm later... but i gotta monitor my boy for a while.. cos he took his pneumoccocal jab on tue and i tot he's abit warm to the touch jus now but when i took his temp only 36.5 leh.. anyway he's napping now.

cheri, maysatch
ytday drove down there n waited for 20mins at the outdoor carpark still didn't managed to get lot so fed out left the place as Summer was getting cranky...so "no-fruit" trip!!!

Just now went out to do some work and went to Plaza Sin,Spotlight..."no-fruit" trip again!
