A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

Hi Zoe,
Glad to see you here. We normally meet around 3.30pm - 4.30pm. Where do you stay?

Where did you bring Cayden for pneumoccocal jab? How much?

nvm.. still hv concourse
btw, did u order fr the overseas spree?

i used to bring cayden to his PD at Singapore Baby & Child Clinic (Gleneagles branch)... but always super long queue. so now i bring him to Alpha Baby & Child Specialists at Jurong Point (but they shifting to Jurong East this wkend). The jab that cayden had on tue was the last one.. cost $170. U brought Sha for the jab too?
Yes, From Jul thread.

I live in Serangoon Gardens. Which part of TPY are you? Near MRT? Would be nice to live near a train station. Poor D has to bake in the sun when we walk to/from the bus stop. He naps for about 2.5h between 1 and 4pm. Will join in when we're able to. Which PD do you go to? Need to bring D for jabs soon and we haven't visited any docs since we returned to Spore. Would like to find a suitable one near home.
Not near to MRT. Must take bus to Toa Payoh Bus/MRT interchange. Do join us next time.

As my block is walking distance to Toa Payoh Polyclinic, I have been bringing Sha for jabs.
for pneumoccocal jab, i have not brought sha yet. am considering, maybe end of the year. i called KK that day, the nurse said it is alright to take after 2yrs old, but before 5 yrs old, as long as BB is growing well, healthy and strong. This jab is for prevention. but of course, i do agree that it is better to take.
no le...i find it very troublesome ordering from there le. probably ask my sis to get from overseas lo!
Pneumoccocal jab -
i) take before 1 year old: 3 doses
ii) take between 1 and 2 years old: 2 doses
iii) take after 2 years old: 1 dose

Nikki took her first dose of it slightly after her 1 year bd. I thot too long to wait for 1 whole year lah...a bit freaked out after reading all those stories on children who got pneumonia and how they could hv been better off if they had taken the jab.

lin - i hv been seeing this lady pd at Bukit Timah Shopping Centre...her queue time is not too bad...usually we go on Sat mornings, dun have to wait for longer than 1 hour. Best of all, near my place. My pd says this jab quite painful so she applied a cream for half an hour b4 jab...n true enuff, my ger din even flinch when she had the jab...guess it numbs the area. Was it very painful for Cayden..some of my frens' bbs din apply the cream.

Now i'm thinking whether or not and when to let her take the chicken pox and mmr jab. Got 2 more mths to decide cos her next appt is in Sept...hahaha
lin - i think i know which fren u talking abt who appeared in the M&B mag...that's one of my fav parenting mags...yes, the bb ger is very pretty...got angmo features rite?

zoe - the freeplay for My Gym that u talked about...if we only take trial, r we entitled to free play in future?

angi - it's not that my hb is rich enough to retire early..hahah...but cos my hb is older than most of ur hubbies...me too lah, oldest among all the mummies liao...now i heard garfield lagi young...makes me feel so old...hahaha.
In fact, Cheri's hb and my hb are of the same age. If you calculate the age gap, mine is a big difference! So must super duper work hard now....hahahhaha!
that is why i always tell my hb that even a president is not as busy as him.... hee hee!

Tomorrow to Sentosa, 6th July
Meet @ Vivocity Level 3 Food Republic @ 4pm.
1) CG n Sha
2) Cheri n Nikki

just wait till you see the 'deflated spare tyre' of mine.... and it's for bus, not car! hehe.. and my hb asks me to clutch a purse under my arm coz he says i got Auntie Arms! argh!!!
wah, ur hb can bake breads.... you got kou3 fu2 leh... and the 2 of you combined can be competitor to The Soup Spoon! :)

yeah, thanks for the recipes. :)

yeah, i also dun wan to send all the tots wailing! and they may have nightmare too! now my boy will tap his tummy when I ask him "Mummy fat fat where?". hehe...
haha, it's ok lah.. holland still ok, not north pole hor. hehe...

looking forward to meeting you again soon. :)

Thx for the compliment... after giving birth it takes 5x as much effort to look even just half as decent as b4.... sigh.....
tatt definitely much less painful than contractions. consider having one done lah! hehe... i got one recently on my leg, combining my boy's astrology sign wif mine.. but the recovery is no good... after giving birth hormones change and whole body from hair to skin gone case liao! :-(

MyGym at GWC offers unlimited access to their freeplay for 4 months?? Dats good!! I signed up with the Woodlands branch but only equal number of free play as the classes. (ie 8 classes, 8 free play)
Anyway, me and my frens are planning to switch to GWC coz the woodlands branch service sucks now. So maybe we'll see you there! :)
hmm no leh.. the PD nvr apply any cream for Cayden.. think jus the usual alcohol. anyway we were trying v hard to distract him but somehow jus when the PD was abt to inject he turned his head and saw it! luckily he cried for like only 3 secs. as for mmr.. tot tats compulsory at 15mth??
btw yep, think tats my fren
her girl when newborn tat time look even more like eurasian
and hor.. now u remind me.. think im the 2nd oldest then

Pneumoccocal jabs:
mommies, if can try to let ur bbs take the jabs early. cos as i was telling Cheri, Cayden kena pneumonia when he was 8mths... jus days before he was due for the 2nd dose. PD said luckily early detection... else any later wld need to operate. even then the 6 days stay in hospital was no joke lor. was on drip, lotsa medication, physio, suction... esp the suction on twice daily basis... they kept telling me its not really tat painful for him... but hearing his scream and cry for help was really heartwrenching. he kept gagging and they gotta pin him down. i was crying along with him the first time they did it
after tat i told myself no choice gotta stay strong for him. sorry think i better stop... dun mean to scare u guys.. jus tot to share with u my experience

Celest, Cheri,
sorry think will give the sentosa trip a miss cos need to go to inlaws pl tomr. u guys hv fun ya and do share with us the pics!

hahahaaaa... u v kua zhang leh! and JZ so cute... still know to tap ur tummy when u ask him kekekee.
btw... ur hubby sooooo bad!!! if my hubby ever says tat to me think i'll prolly box him! hahahaa.. jus kidding.. im not a violent mommy :p
hehee as the saying goes.. nian2 qing1 jiu4 shi4 ben3 qian2 (direct translation: youth is capital???) =D
yes beth, me damn broke too! SAHM no income... hubby dont earn much haiz....
at least cheri & celest's hubby can afford them a good tai-tai life now wor...

cheri cheri celest celest...
swear i really really wanted to go tml w/u ord.. even went imm daiso to buy sand toys tdy!
only to juz realise, seth's gg baby contest this sun @ imm... better skip e sun & sand to keep him in tip=top condition.. so sorry, if u change plans ggg indoor, i'll go....

i've always like a ring tatoo on my ring finger, but my mcp hubby dont allow...
guess u guys should guessed it ord lor, yes he super mcp sometimes haiz....

sorry lin,
not gg e trial ord, hubby say dont need waste $$$ on classes now, too young, not cheap... hum hum la....

lena lena, wru?
concourse tml? i cant go sun & sand if u read abv msg....

lazy mummy still hvn cook for seth hahhaha.....

i dont know e way to northpole, will get lost in e est! hahhahhaha.....

erm i've been bringing seth to polyclinics for govt jabs so far...
still trying to decide if should bring him for e chix pox & Pneumoccocal vaccine....

i dont have a reg pd for seth, is it ok? e last time he was fever & sick, i went to a lousy pd @ JE haiz....
oooh Seth taking part in baby contest ah?!!!! wat time??? if timing gd (cos sun my niece bday) i'll definitely go show my support!!!

as for the trial no worries... yah maybe can wait til Seth older first

btw which lousy pd at JE har? cos tat time Cayden sick at night so i brought him to this pd at JE (near entertainment ctr) who was soooo v rude and sarcastic lor!
I also no PD btw my bb so far only see polyclinic but once she reach 18mth will stop bring her there see doc if sick(touch wood)cos after 18mth old bb no more special queue no but will bring her back to polyclinic for jab nia.
Btw u also envious both of them huh dun like tat lah anyway we sacrific for ur bb in return to see their growth mah btw u thinking going bak to work anot after seth older?

ya got youth is great but hor see nice thing muz bugdet like tat sianz liao lor btw if ur heart feel young u will also sure look young.
wow thx lin! ard 5pm bah...
semi-finals, not sure how e contest runs...

Best Breast-fed baby contest 2007
e prelimary judging was closed doors @ KKH, only went in less then 10mins ended.. didnt see other babies even kaoz...

think this time help @ imm atrium L2 should be a bigger affair bah...

aiyo still up oso u2?
erm e pd i went is JE st21, not central, lucky didnt go ah oops...
i wanted to go JP's but think such a big clinic sure long queue....
next time i'll go try another pd, yah touch wood....

yes, see his growth, be amaze how God & nature works... but then agn, he's so notti at times till i can die ah... i'm a zero patience lor, whereby i've taken on a life-time big-time responsibilty as a MOTHER! omg, sometimes, while bathing, still dont believe i'm a mother of a monster in e making! hahhahaha....
Of cos not entitled to freeplay if you're only attending the trial lah. ;-p If not how they make money?

Yes, for 4 months. That's one reason I signed up. Huge space for him to work off all that energy of his.
angi angi
today concourse ah? how do you go? i am meeting my gf in the afternoon but the time not fixed as it's all depends on Summer's timing! My sis left for sydney ytday so i've asked her to look out for party stuff for me...will wait and hear from her before i head down le!
Good Morning ladies!!!

Aiyo this thread moved very fast leh..... did not log in for a day and wahhhh i spend quite a while to catch up with the post esp now we have more night owl to join angi ya.

Pneumoccocal jabs:

i do agree to have it done early, was dilly dally for quite a while and each time i dilly dally i would read about babies who got it,sems like god is sending me a signal so i gave it andrea when she was 8 mths. she will be taking her last jab tomorrow. she had reaction to the first jab, broke out into hives, rashes and was having fever too, lucky the second jab was fine. crossed my fingers for tomorrow.


I used to pre-prepared these for andrea meals as well till i read and was told by my PD that its not very nutritious therfore i had switch to preparing her meals daily.

Cooking class:

Cheri, noted about your friday trip will try to do it b4 you go.have to arrange andrea's lesson first.

Dal, dun wori la.... i too have a fat tummyjust that i had hide them under my bluouse, best part is i have terrible stretch mark that has yet to fade away.... gone are my bikini days and tight fitting clothes k .... the sacrifies we women have to go thru for our baby and worst if your hubby dun understand it k... my husband always say my tummy is so flabby ask me to exercise!!!!


My hubby not young too,i am in the midst of thinking to close factory liao..... 1 is enuff to kill me.


Your crocs shoes size is 6/7 if you think its too big, can exchange.
Tomato Puree


Boil the tomatoes fro 2 minutes
peel of the skin, deseed and choppped
saute the mushroom and onion till mushrrom is cooked.
mix in the tomatoes and cook for 3 - 4 minutes.
pour into the blender and blend.(add abit of water if you prefer it to be watery)
on behalf of all e regulars in this thread, if u're reading this, yes u'r part of us...

THANK YOU HEAPS AILEEN!! our mummy cook!! sharing recipes & imparting skills!!!

aileen, ru gonna post recipes when u cre8? hahhaa... we're looking fwd!!

psst: btw, i dumped carrots & 2yellow squash @ 4am in slow cooker, then pork mince meat(unseasoned) this morning, erm aft half day, sweet but doubt seth will like it.. will try to use stock for couscous ltr... 1st try cross my fingers....
Haha, yeah, gone are our days of sexy, slinky or snug fitting attire. Haiz......

1st attempt cooking for seth... dats good!! :)
how?? did seth like it? btw so qiao... i oso tried the yellow squash tdy. i jus steamed it and served as finger food as suggested by Aileen's fren. but hor... cayden din seem to like it leh and when i tried it i find the taste abit bitter... wonder if its bcos i nvr peel the skin

thanks for the link
scary hor.. and i read the faq it says for kids the symptons not tat obvious... tat means even if got infected wont be able to tell so soon

heh can imagine last time u must be damn happening!
oooh... nvm he reject now doesnt mean he wont like it in future. cos when cayden younger he din like avocados at all... but now he can finish one whole avo by himself
think i seldom give him rare fruits except banana & apple kekkeke...

haiz cooking, white flag le....

tdy kinda quiet here...
everybody happening outside but i stuck at home...

seth super notti & irritating, really getting on my nerves...
dont scold or beat oso cannot lor...
Dun worry lah so far my gal also reject all the food i make for her porridge and puree etc so now whenever i puree the food got to add into cereal instead of feeding her directly cos she dun like it at all or maybe she juz not used to it.
hmmm yah i was oso wondering y tdy so quiet...

me too.. oso stuck at home tdy. supposed to go inlaws pl but hubby last min need to work late. anyway cayden oso super cranky tdy... i suspect its bcos he's teething.
btw dun raise white flag first lah... when got mood then try cooking again

umm sorri i've been puree cayden's food... for spinach i jus cut into thin strips and dump into the porridge abt 10-15mins before i off the fire. btw, i jus use the leaves.
sorry type too fast... wat i meant was i've nvr puree cayden's food
after he turned 6mths i jus proceed to give him porridge cooked together with the various veg and fish.
Continue to enocurage Seth. Since he has been eating adult food, it would take a while for him to make the adjustments. Must learn how to control your temper. Actually I used to be an impatient and hot-tempered woman, but after having Sha, I have improved a lot. I always remind myself not to show my frustration in front of her.
Haha, me not happening lah. Got chance to wear must wear coz dunno when no chance liao.... like now lor!

Me stucked at home today too coz jezoir also clingy and cranky due to teething. Haha... Initially wanted to take him to JP coz at home so hot!

Dun surrender on the cooking so soon. Give seth some time to adjust to the new food flavours. Just think that it's for his health and you'll feel more motivated. :)
As for temper, we're only humans but try not to display your anger and fury in front of seth coz babies pick up on our emotions pretty well and they learn from us too. I get displeased wif jezoir so many times coz he's simply too playful (even the bb doctor said so on when she 1st saw him!) and clings to me often, but his behaviour improves when i talk to and explain things to him nicely but firmly. But of coz this will take time too... so it's all back to the P word - patience :)
angi - ya, beating may not really help...i realize that for my ger...we slapped her wrist initially but was so shocked when she started slapping our hand back...n her face has angry expression somemore...waaa now we dun dare slap anymore...think may backfire lor and teach her violence instead...so now will talk to her very firmly or remove her from the spot or take away the offensive object...hahaha

Aileen - thanks for the post on the tomato puree...will try it out...but scared my ger dun like cos she dun like sour things.

re pneu jab,

my ger oso had very bad rash after her 1st jab...very bad nappy rash on bottom and most interestingly, her hands n feet oso became red n swollen...i called pd but she said not a very common symptom to get nappy rash leh...anyway luckily it went off within a day...how old ur hb anyway, aileen?

lin - r u sure u r second oldest? u look very young oso leh...mmr jab is recommended at 15 mths but u can postpone it...yes, it's compulsory but so long as u do it before their enrolment into sch, i remember...can check details further w pd. Reading about how cayden went thru that period of time in hospital is so scary...so glad that he's fine now...it must hv broken ur heart to see him suffer like that...n u feel so helpless rite?
Oh JZ oso cranky due to teething? Really poor thing hor... cos can see cayden is in a lot of discomfort
Btw me too... tot of gg JP jus now but the weather simply too hot even though its like only a 3mins walk. Anyway i go to JP like every other day... to buy abit of grocery, to indulge in my bubble tea cravings, to get away fr the boredom of being cooped up in the house... the list goes on
Hee Nikki is one hot chilli padi! Beating oso doesnt really work on Cayden... cos he'll only laugh and continue doing his naughty act!
Btw, r u using Desitin for Nikki's nappy rash? Heard tat its v effective.
Heh yah lor... think i'm the second oldest.. cos the rest all like '79 or later. Me next yr $30 no change.
Yah felt really helpless then... but glad tat its over and he's once again a healthy lil boy
lin -wow, u stay so near JP ah? next time i wanna go JP, will jio u liao...dal, where do u stay ah? i can't recall liao.

ya...chilli padi indeed..i realized she's the type that 'eat soft dun eat hard' hahahah.

if for normal, i use Drapolene, only if she has nappy rash, then i will apply Desitin till she recovers...yes, it's very good...but i heard Desitin is v strong so if normal, no nappy rash, should use normal barrier cream can liao.

next year then 30 ah? still v far from me leh...hhaaha...anyone in between us ah? hehehe

so wat's for next week's outings...imm outdoor playground?
Hee yah pretty near.. and jus opp my block is the Jurong Medical Centre and Library. Sure sure! Anyone gg JP jus jio me along!
Btw, Angi and Dal oso stay quite near... ie west side.
Hahahaa... Nikki so cute! I like the way she 'cheong' ard the play area at Delta kekekee..

Yeah we oso wan to try the new IMM playground! Hehee think Angi sure onz one... cos so near her pl ;)
lin - have pics but wif Celest..must wait for her to upload.

we n our babies enjoyed today v much...we shopped a little and ate snacks at Vivo first, then took tram to Sentosa, walked mosaic fountain area then lay out mat to let them play with sand then went to fountain area to play with water...then bathed them and finally fed them and had our dinner at Sakae Sushi..sat outside the restaurant facing the sea...Sha even slept amidst the sound of the crashing waves n blowing of the palm leaves. hahaha...why am i describing in detail?...so next time we can hv more babies joining us lor...we really very sincere to jio u all there leh...that's why CG even went to ransack her archives for past Sentosa pics to show u all...hehehe...nvm next time u all join us k? it really wasn't that hot...we wouldn't want our babies to get burnt either...hahah...that's why we always choose to reach sentosa after 5 when sun is abt to set
Ok No problem see you monday


From: ~ Michele ~ [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 06 July 2007 11:31
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: [SPAM] classes


can please arrange a trial for us on monday at 3.30pm? Thanks!

A) My Gym @ Great World - 9 Jul(Mon) @ 3.30pm
1. Michele
2. Cheri
3. Angeline
4. Lin (maysatch)
5. Angi


Hi Mich,
Hv posted in the Jun thread tat Angi won't be joining us. Sorry for the last min notification.

Seeya on Mon!
