A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

hi dal,
warm welcome!
do join us here & there...
JW? yeah! can all go imm together soon ahahha...
coming up's wed @ delta gym...

Venue: Delta Atlantis gym
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 4.30pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki
4) lena & summer

Venue: Sentosa Siloso Beach
(meet at Vivo city 3rd level outside Food Republic Food court)
Date: 6 July 2007 - Fri
Time: 4.30pm
Agenda: Sandplay, Water fountain play & Dinner for those interested
What to bring: sunblock for kids, extra change of clothes, things for bathing child (optional)
1) cheri & nikki
2) CG n Sha

Venue: Groceries Shopping @ GreatWorldCity
Date: ??? July 2007
Time: ???
Agenda: Aileen's cooking show...
1) cheri & nikki
2) angi & seth (thou i donno how 2 cook)
3) lin & cayden (how abt jelita cold storage??)

pls edit thx...

not gg on wed?

seth's party cfm 3+1pax! we'll love to cya all! thx for sporting!
tats actually my fil's pl but they dun stay there one. hee yah think cayden enjoyed himself tat day... esp when singing happy birthday song... he was smiling all the way

hey party bags r jus as nice
but cos only abt 10 kids attending cayden's party so tot can give something different. actually got the goodie box fr daiso and paste my own pic on it... cheap & gd! and the toys i got fr concourse... not expensive

thanks for the confirmation... our pleasure to join in seth's bday celebration

july bash:
seth looks like he's hving a ball of a time!!
and the cupcakes look so yummylicious!

ooh gd gd another JW mommy
hee yep i participated in the jun thread for a while but cos the thread moved too fast so had a hard time keeping up and now too shy to rejoin -_-"
yeah ur fil's place looks nice mansion...
i like e stairs esp... good 2 take gp pix...
can we rent it? hhahahhaha...

hmmm not sure how many kids coming yet, keeping my budget low....

seth was a big bully to a few girls there lor... hahhaha always go & snatch their toys...
so pai sei... ltr ppl thot he no home-teach... hahhaha boys will always be boys la huh....
You are welcome, good that we all enjoyed ourselves yesterday!
i might be going to concourse on wed with my sis. you want to come along?
Hello gals....

Angi, u r most welcome. will pass the pixs to u once my hubby upload it.i do hope that Seth had fun with the book.

Ladies a suggestion for groceries shopping do u gals wan to meet up b4 we proceed to Delta or would prefer another day just on groceries shopping...?

Can't attend Seth's bd, got something on that day. Thanks for the invites.

Wow! Cayden's party venue looks so huge. Glad that he enjoyed that day!
wed arent u gg delta?

shopping me anything, anytime but if same day as delta, should go aft delta right?

so sad cant have nikki & sha @ seth's' party...
dal - welcome! do join us soon...would love to meet u and ur boy!

maysatch - wow, such a nice and big place n they dun stay there..hahah..so sayang leh...

aileen - ur suggestion to shop for groceries b4 delta sounds good as Great World and Delta quite near to each other - but will we be carrying too much stuff? N Celeste free or not on Wed? I'm ok with either doing it wed or another day
Cheri and Aileen
For groceries, we can also arrange in the morning. Then go Delta after that. Let me know which day, will make arrangement.
hahahaa seth so cute! actually i rather my boy be abit of a bully than a crybaby... cos aiyo he'll cry at every little thing... not macho at all!

hee yah we as parents r most happy when our bbs enjoyed themselves at their own bday parties

Is wed still ok for groceries and Delta?

Cheri, dun think there i goig to quite a lot to carry as i quite like the idea that celeste suggested that we can share our groceries.

ciao ;p
wow ladies wed super packed ya... yes delta 4.30pm..

i think should go great world aft delta mah, what if e veg & stuff u buy need chiller?

will u guys be gg dnr together?

concourse need half a day to racky la, too rush to go here go there... maybe thurs? we sharing so should go bargain together hor hahhaha....

but then agn if u wanna go wed, then u carry on 1st, i cant cfm, depends on st.seth really but u got ur sis anyway so no worries ya sorry...
seth act rough only la...
he also super soap cry baby...
but he's pretty rough & violent compared to his peers even caycay...
i will see how cos my sis is not around on thursday, she wants to help out in decorations. if wed is too rush then probably next week liao!
oh if grocery is before delta then guess will give it a miss cos these few days my boy napping schedule abit haywire... will nap til 3 plus then still need to feed porridge... v mah fan boy :p

hehee yah lor... my caycay really girl.. even his voice on the high pitch side -_-"

hey saw tat u joining the mygym trial at greatworld next mon ah? maybe i'll join in too
maysatch - ya, i'm joining the mygym trial, come leh...join me oso then i have company hahaha...been wanting to go but never got down to it.

CG & aileen - go groceries in morning before delta will be tough leh...sha wakes up late rite? & nikki naps about 11 am...wat abt if we meet abt 2.30 pm at Great World for shopping then go delta 4.30 pm.
Angi & Cheri,
thx for the warm welcome! will try to see you all at Delta Atlantis Gym. :)

haha, yep, dat thread moves real fast! i also cant catch up. :)
cheri & lin,
i also wanna try e trial! how?

we not that fast la, really compared to e mth thread lagi fast... hahhaha...

what bout tue?
heh yah luckily angi started a fresh new thread

yeah u oso keen on the trial ah... hee okok i'll help u put ur name down k
Yah think join u all at forum better more convinent cos central.
Agree J8 nothing much lah cos I only go for the NUTC brin my son walk also duno walk where. hahaha
But that's the nearest shopping for me bo pian.

Oh I didn't know the playground opens up only so late. No wonder u gals go there at that time. But my son too young to play yet. 9mth now only. Jus smile when he is at the playground nia..hahahha
lena - aileen is mrs chng. some of us met her for the first time in Delta about 2 weeks ago?

DRM - no worries about ur boy being too young, we have quite a number of crawler babies among us too and they hv fun still...we also put them into the ball pit too and let them swim or sink! hahah
Hello mummies,

Agenda for tomorrow 3 July

3pm: Delta.

We will stay around for an hour to an hour an half before we proceed to great world city for more shopping.

Looking forward to see u gals ya.

lena - hahah, ya aileen's the young mrs chng...when we met her at delta, i told her i was half expecting a 'mature' lady...hahaah

aileen - great! c u tmr at 3 pm delta then. Can bring u all to my bro's store outside Cold Storage at Great World. He's selling brown rice milk...blended with different flavours...quite yummy one...
lena - that's rite...we wanna go with aileen to tou shi as she cooks lots of yummy stuff for her daughter mah...we oso thot if we do grocery shopping together, we can split up some of the stuff since we use only a little each time.

Venue: Delta Atlantis gym & Great World City
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 3 pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki
4) lena & summer
5) CG & sha
6) aileen & (sorry, forgot ur dd's name)


Venue: Sentosa Siloso Beach
(meet at Vivo city 3rd level outside Food Republic Food court)
Date: 6 July 2007 - Fri
Time: 4.30pm
Agenda: Sandplay, Water fountain play & Dinner for those interested
What to bring: sunblock for kids, extra change of clothes, things for bathing child (optional)
1) cheri & nikki
2) CG n Sha
Thanks Mrs Chng for posting the tomorrow' update as I just arrived home not long ago.

Btw, Mrs Chng is a pretty and young mummy.

Venue: Delta Atlantis gym & Great World City
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 3 pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki
4) lena & summer
5) CG & sha
6) aileen & andrea


Venue: Sentosa Siloso Beach
(meet at Vivo city 3rd level outside Food Republic Food court)
Date: 6 July 2007 - Fri
Time: 4.30pm
Agenda: Sandplay, Water fountain play & Dinner for those interested
What to bring: sunblock for kids, extra change of clothes, things for bathing child (optional)
1) cheri & nikki
2) CG n Sha
Venue: Delta Atlantis gym & Great World City
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 3 pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki
4) lena & summer
5) CG & sha
6) aileen & andrea
7) garfield & kenise
Venue: Delta Atlantis gym & Great World City
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 3 pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki
4) lena & summer & mary(sister)
5) CG & sha
6) aileen & andrea
7) garfield & kenise
ic, like that i also want le
i will let u know if im going concourse if not then join u gals...why u gals dont meet at GWC straight?
the playgym is at delta sports complex right? if i tell cab uncle he shld know hor

can't wait to see u guys tomr!
i hope to do gym & shopping w/all regular perhaps at least once a week... lets e tots play...
juz keep coming back for line-ups...
we'll all keep bz ya mummys? hahhaha...
okie! will call u tomr to confirm!

sigh.. me hving bad tummyache now... must be the stoopid spicy lala ramen i had ytd
wow wow wee!
its gonna be happening tml!

Venue: Delta Atlantis gym & Great World City
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 3 pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki
4) lena & summer & mary(sister)
5) CG & sha
6) aileen & andrea
7) garfield & kenise

there's caycay to share e pretty flowers! hahhaha no more seth single thorn amonsgt e roses....

aileen & garfield:
ice: +65 9848.0341 ~ angi's

tkc of ur tummy, drink lotsa water!
dont MIA tml wor kkekekeke...

We hope the kids to have some fun at the playground first, before the mummies go and shopping @ GWC. Do let me know if you r going to Kidsloft next week.

There is no trial at Atlantics City @ Delta playground. Walk in rate is $4 per hour. $2 per hour if you sign up as a member which is only $20.00 valid for 3 mths. Groceries shopping is today, 4 July.

Just tell taxi driver - Delta Sports Complex. Hope to see u! Get well fast fast, ok?
