A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

alamak... i kena ketok liao! i actually bought 100 balls for $16.95 fr kiddy palace and i tot i had a pretty gd deal cos toysrus selling at $34.95 (though later i realised their balls r bigger). anyway, i started off with 200 balls... but upon reaching home realised tat 200 balls cldn't even fill half the base of the pool... so in the end hubby and i went back and bought another 600 balls! so tats 800 in total and even then can only manage to fill half the pool! hehe okie enuff of balls talk

oh yep yep.. its definitely an invitation
... jus tat i paiseh... so last min invite keke
I also bought the balls @ Toysrus for $34.95 as their balls are bigger, and the colours are nicer. I bought those cheaper ones but after a few times of cleaning, the colours started to fade.

Wow, maysatch... you must have spend a lot for the balls....
oh the colours will fade? then may be more worth it to invest in the toysrus ones hor... oh well alr bought

celest, actually we din intend to buy so many... but it was really pathetic lor... so no choice ended up buying more
wow expensive balls wor...

mine kinda smaller i think... but play pen is 3/5 filled & he's overwhelmed, not comfy 2 play in it...
nvm he wont play very long time i suppose...

how u wash e balls btw huh?

so u all gg 2 caycay's bday?

psst: TRASNFORMERS fantastic!!! i'll buy e dvd!!
hmm i guess we can dump all the balls in a big container, fill it w water, add in a bit of dettol and then rinse??

oh.. but im nvr a fan of transformers... u mean its really tat nice??

for decor we only hv balloons, a few mylars and 1 banner... quite plain actually. below is the breakdown:
buffet - $360
cake - $170
jelly - $36
ball pit - $170
party favor - $80
decor (balloons + banner) - $100 (sil paid for them though)
hey hv u brought ur boy to the new outdoor play area at imm L2 or L3 (can't rem)... heard fr other mommies tat its quite fun... they hv water fountain (or watever u call tat) for babies & toddlers... think quite interesting
Hello ladies.....

Woah this forum moved very fast ah.... all the outings.

Cheri, Angi, Celest, how have u gals been doing? havent met since last week. Very biz with Andrea's party. Wan to meet up next week for groceries shopping?

Angi u sleep so late ya...... i am xhausted by 11pm liao and u can still 'tong' spo long after taking care of seth for the whole day. Woah !!!
CG, Sentosa on Friday? Hee...yah my hb oso asked me this morning why recently like nvr go Sentosa or Botanic Gdn anymore...tell him no lah, we hv too many places to rotate liao so sometimes indoor, sometimes outdoor lor. the following week, we go Botanic Gardens cafe side k?

Aileen - which day for groceries shopping u prefer? I just put down first k? We fill in the date as we talk.

Venue: Delta Alantis gym
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 4.30pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki

Venue: Sentosa Siloso Beach
(meet at Vivo city 3rd level outside Food Republic Food court)
Date: 6 July 2007 - Fri
Time: 4.30pm
Agenda: Sandplay, Water fountain play & Dinner for those interested
What to bring: sunblock for kids, extra change of clothes, things for bathing child (optional)
1) cheri & nikki

Venue: Groceries Shopping (where exactly ah?)
Date: ??? July 2007
Time: ???
Agenda: Following Aileen around as she shops...hahah...
1) cheri & nikki
maysatchel - nikki doesn't like balls so even if my house has a ball pit, think she'll be ignoring it...ahahha...save $ for me oso...btw, my pd did say that if your kid has sensitive skin, dun use dettol to wash toys cos may be too strong...my ger had major rash breakout when i used it to wash her abc mats the other time...that's how i knew about it. But if you have been using it all these while n your child is fine, think should be ok.

thanks for the invite to cayden's bd...no problem abt it being last minute as we got to know u not too long ago only mah...but too bad, i've a party and a wedding dinner to attend in the evening so need to let nikki rest at home in the day...or else she'll be showing her 'true' colours at the wedding dinner...hahah all my relatives always say she very 'guai' so we must help her bao chi xing xiang...hahahaha

dinno there's a new water playing area in imm now...where exactly is it? so near my place, will bring her there in future.
Cheri, 1st time bringing Nikki to wedding dinner? Nowadays wedding dinner always starts late and ends late too. Maybe u can consider bringing your laptop to play her favourite VCD. Many times I bring Sha to wedding dinners, 1st hour ok.... but after that, she gets bored.

Venue: Delta Atlantis gym
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 4.30pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki

Venue: Sentosa Siloso Beach
(meet at Vivo city 3rd level outside Food Republic Food court)
Date: 6 July 2007 - Fri
Time: 4.30pm
Agenda: Sandplay, Water fountain play & Dinner for those interested
What to bring: sunblock for kids, extra change of clothes, things for bathing child (optional)
1) cheri & nikki
2) CG n Sha

Venue: Groceries Shopping (where exactly ah?)
Date: ??? July 2007
Time: ??? (maybe hv to arrange late, if we want to buy meats)
Agenda: Following Aileen around as she shops...hahah...
1) cheri & nikki
I ever brought my ger to wedding dinner once when she was just 3 months...got really cranky after 9pm.

Venue: Delta Atlantis gym
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 4.30pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki
4) lena & summer

Venue: Sentosa Siloso Beach
(meet at Vivo city 3rd level outside Food Republic Food court)
Date: 6 July 2007 - Fri
Time: 4.30pm
Agenda: Sandplay, Water fountain play & Dinner for those interested
What to bring: sunblock for kids, extra change of clothes, things for bathing child (optional)
1) cheri & nikki
2) CG n Sha

Venue: Groceries Shopping (where exactly ah?)
Date: ??? July 2007
Time: ??? (maybe hv to arrange late, if we want to buy meats)
Agenda: Following Aileen around as she shops...hahah...
1) cheri & nikki
ello ladies...

yes i'm a nite owl & i enjoy it esp when hubby not ard, provided seth's zzz soundly, i can surf all i want, do my stuff & reading up...
i only zzz 4-6hrs a day really, which explains my panda eyes, esp when seth's dont zzz alot either hahahaha call that hereditary....

tdy, hubby called agn in e aft noon... seems 2 me like spot cek me lor... we had a row agn...
like y i everyday go out! oh pls, time drags esp e evenings & i dread staying home w/my over-concern naggy mil... then he's not spore, i'm a not a homey, wtd w/a hyper-active baby? as if scared i over-expose, over-tire seth! wtf! urrrgh!!!
oops sorry if i shocked u here... but guess its ok la huh hahhah.... thx for listening/reading rather....

erm may, was @ imm tdy, but didnt know wheres e playgroud le... we can go together next week?

Venue: IMM - water playgroud
Date: 2 July 2007 - Mon
Time: 4.30pm (play-by-ear)
Agenda: Play & Shopping & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth

Venue: Delta Atlantis gym
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 4.30pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki
4) lena & summer

Venue: Sentosa Siloso Beach
(meet at Vivo city 3rd level outside Food Republic Food court)
Date: 6 July 2007 - Fri
Time: 4.30pm
Agenda: Sandplay, Water fountain play & Dinner for those interested
What to bring: sunblock for kids, extra change of clothes, things for bathing child (optional)
1) cheri & nikki
2) CG n Sha
3) angi & seth (thou we dread e heat hahhaha)

Venue: Groceries Shopping (where exactly ah?)
Date: ??? July 2007
Time: ??? (maybe hv to arrange late, if we want to buy meats)
Agenda: Following Aileen around as she shops...hahah...
1) cheri & nikki
2) angi & seth (thou i donno how 2 cook)

so looking fwd 2 e july bash on sun lena....

aaaallllright! fun-filled week ahead! =)
thx CG, nice work!

wow swimming oso can take pix! hahaha nice!

looking fwd to be able to go w/u soon...

hubby finally revealed e main reason on y re insist i cant bring seth 2 swim....
= i careless!

oya, wedding dnr (my sil's), brought seth when he was 4mths, he zzz thru almost 2hrs in e sling... woke up by my bil when gg home... phew i could eat! hahhahaa....
oops sorri.. din know dettol will cause rash breakout to some. luckily u pointed it out cos my boy oso has sensitive skin. personally i hvnt tried washing w dettol but my sis has been doing it so tot it's ok.

no worries abt not being able to make it to my boy's party

yep yep the open playground is at imm L3 next to long beach seafood restaurant

ooh tats a gd idea hor... bring laptop to entertain the lil ones during wedding dinner!

and thanks for the pics!

hey dun get too upset k... ur hubby prolly jus being concerned. and no worries abt shocking us lah... jus vent it out here.. we'll definitely lend our listening ears

and sure abt the imm date... some more so near our pl kekee

july mommies,
hv fun at the july bash!

hehe getting quite excited abt my boy's party tomr.. or rather shld be tdy! hopefully everything will turn out okie!
okie better go zzzz liao... else tomr panda eyes

Venue: IMM - water playgroud
Date: 2 July 2007 - Mon
Time: 4.30pm (play-by-ear)
Agenda: Play & Shopping & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden (provided im not too lazy keke)

Venue: Delta Atlantis gym
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 4.30pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki
4) lena & summer

Venue: Sentosa Siloso Beach
(meet at Vivo city 3rd level outside Food Republic Food court)
Date: 6 July 2007 - Fri
Time: 4.30pm
Agenda: Sandplay, Water fountain play & Dinner for those interested
What to bring: sunblock for kids, extra change of clothes, things for bathing child (optional)
1) cheri & nikki
2) CG n Sha
3) angi & seth (thou we dread e heat hahhaha)

Venue: Groceries Shopping (where exactly ah?)
Date: ??? July 2007
Time: ??? (maybe hv to arrange late, if we want to buy meats)
Agenda: Following Aileen around as she shops...hahah...
1) cheri & nikki
2) angi & seth (thou i donno how 2 cook)
3) lin & cayden (how abt jelita cold storage??)

lin, gd luck for e party!

sorry doubt i can go out tml, kinda grounded haiz... thx 4 e invite really...
For the collage pics, I used Picasa.
Regarding swimming, if your hb don't allow, he must have his reasons, right? :)
I was quite naughty that I brought Sha for a swim wo informing my hb. But my main objective is to let her not to develop fear in the pool in their later stage. Normally babies develop fear at 9mths old n above. Secondly, is to let her have fun in the water, and for me to chit-chat with other mummies.... hee hee!

Happy Birthday to Cayden!
Time really flies, right?
exactly! but he simply stubborn! no time 2 bring him still insist wait for him... by then seth would have devp e water fear ord haiz...
CG - thanks for the sugg to bring laptop but dun think so lah...will probably just leave early if she really cannot take it...anyway my parents r there, they will probably bring her around to 'show off' to the relatives...hahhaa...first grandchild is like that

Angi - actually our hbs oso quite poor thing lah, they hv no choice but to b busy at work but who wouldn't want to spend time with their kids...hence they hope that they can be a part of the interesting 'first times' or else always listen to us describe oso sian rite? My hb oso like that one that's why for swimming, zoo etc., we will bring her together as a family. U careless? I lagi worse, i can't swim at all...so that's why i dun dare take her for lessons at Marsden...cos pool quite deep...scared if i slip, accidents may happen. Just try to be more careful lor...go baby pool perhaps?
yes he wanna spent time w/seth but, he wont spend alot of time w/him lor, babysit awhile then run ord.. haiz...
family outings? like not many....
Hi angi
I'm staying in Bishan. Where's Delta Alantis gym?? Town area??
Most of u gals stay near each other huh so lucky got company!!

I notice u gals prefer to meet after 4.30pm. Abit late for me leh cos my hubby normally picks me up around 5-6pm.
Dor Ric Mien
Im staying near u and i go bishan like every other day
Delta Atlantis Gym is walking distance from red hill mrt. Yes, most of them staying far away from me...i mean us...
Maybe we can meet for kopi near by us sometimes. I usually like to meet around 2.30-3pm cos my ger is awake at that time. but most of the time mommies meeting time is around 4-4.30pm...
Dor Ric Mien
You are so nearby to me. I stay at Toa Payoh. Maybe one day, we can arrange to meet Lena and the rest of mummies at Junction 8 or AMK Hub. Are you a SAHM?

Actually many of our mummies don't stay nearby to one another. Some stay at Jurong, Woodlands...
Hi Lena
U stay near me?? That's great we can meet for kopi when we r super bored at home...Hehehe.
Redhill mrt?? Wah that's far but if u gals can meet abit earlier I'm okie to join in cos 4.30 abit too late leh go there while hubby come liao ..Hahaha
I normally go out around 2.30-3pm too but that is around the time my son sleeps becos he's more manageable outside. Cos he wakes late at 10am cos his mummy sleeps in too.....hehehe
Yap I'm a SAHM too. I'm normally free weekdays unless I'm so bored I'm shopping in orchard again...hahaha
I'm also 1 of those who surf the net when my bb is sleeping...keke

Those who have msn add me K.
[email protected]
Natasha's 1st birthday celebration, she enjoyed so much, kept laughing and clapping her hands when we sang birthday song to her.... luckily all these moments was recorded in video.

30 June 2007 @ Delta Playgym

Dor Ric Mien
Had added you. How old is your bb? There are a lot of activities for bb, like sandplay, swimming and etc. Next time do join us.
hi mummies

wow..it's really Murphy's law at work; usually nikki naps only half an hour for her afternoon nap but yesterday, she napped from 4.15 to 6.40 pm and that's cos we went in to wake her up...hahaha she seems to know that she has a busy nite ahead! Make us have to rush like mad to get her ready leh...anyway, she was ok during the wedding dinner...just that the dimming of the lights and loud music during the walk-in of the wedding couple scared her a little...we stayed till 10.40 pm...so proud of her hahaha...

angi & lena...now our bd parties over oredi...it's ur turn soon...we sit back, relax and watch...hahaha. Remember to hv fun enjoying the preparation and of course the big day itself
hi ladies!

Dor Ric Mien,
perhaps u can join us @ forum e next rd... in town more centralised for all...

erm, seth will usually w/u ard 9-10am, bath ard noon, lunch then nap... so i'll go out aft he w/u... factor in travelling, i can only make it ard 4pm....
so somehow, i've set 4pm onwrds, but if u wanna meet earlier, can suggest, if they can make it earlier, i'm sure they'll b happy 2 have u & bb join us all...

J8 like nothing much le, it was my aft sch spot long long time ago............ =)

how was ur party?
show us ur pix le... =)
tml imm still on?

sha's so pretty & sweet!

seems like we better start planning & doing for e bash! hahhaha...

hmmm, nobody wanna go seth's party?

Venue: IMM - water playgroud
Date: 2 July 2007 - Mon
Time: 4.30pm (play-by-ear)
Agenda: Play & Shopping & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden (provided im not too lazy keke)

Venue: Delta Atlantis gym
Date: 4 July 2007 - Wed
Time: 4.30pm onwards
Agenda: Merry & Makan! =)
1) angi & seth
2) lin & cayden
3) cheri & nikki
4) lena & summer

Venue: Sentosa Siloso Beach
(meet at Vivo city 3rd level outside Food Republic Food court)
Date: 6 July 2007 - Fri
Time: 4.30pm
Agenda: Sandplay, Water fountain play & Dinner for those interested
What to bring: sunblock for kids, extra change of clothes, things for bathing child (optional)
1) cheri & nikki
2) CG n Sha

Venue: Groceries Shopping (where exactly ah?)
Date: ??? July 2007
Time: ??? (maybe hv to arrange late, if we want to buy meats)
Agenda: Following Aileen around as she shops...hahah...
1) cheri & nikki
2) angi & seth (thou i donno how 2 cook)
3) lin & cayden (how abt jelita cold storage??)

sorry cheri & celest, gotta cxl sand for seth...
no swim yet...... u guys enjoy!

alright, am heading out 2 july's bday bash @ great world, but seth's zzz!
shasha looked so pretty on her bday
and tats a really nice collage! i actually wanted to do one but my hubby said no need :p

hey sorry may need to accompany my sis tomr to go shop for a strawberry shortcake figurine for my niece's bday cake... party is this coming sun and the baker is chasing her for the figurine! we postpone the imm date to another day can?

Seth's party:
rsvp for 3 pax (cayden, me & hubby)!.. ooh alright if we bring our helper along??
btw seth look so cool on the invitation card! keke..

Dor Ric Mien,
hv added u

hee bet it was a huge relief tat nikki was so well-behaved during the dinner! i can't imagine bringing my boy to wedding dinners... cos he's so active nowadays!

hi mommies!
hehe my boy's 1st bday party finally over! think the party was quite a success... jus a cosy bunch of close frens and family
however was rather disappointed with the cake... it was v nice taste-wise jus tat the colouring abit off. ooh but the jelly turned out really really nice!! like it alot!!!

anyway, here r the pics

(sorri think must copy and paste the link)
Ya we better start cracking some "noodles"
I go bishan pretty often lo, nothing much but always meet friends there for kopi cos near mah!
maysatch - wow the venue for cayden's birthday party is huge? condo function room or ur house? looks like a really great party...cayden must hv enjoyed himself so much

DRM - yah, we usually arrange to meet abt 4...think reason is cos for outdoor meetups, would be too hot if before 4 pm, forum playground opens at 4.30 pm for afternoon. maybe for grocery shopping etc, we can arrange slightly earlier.

angi - no lah, sentosa no swimming one. just sandplay and then let the kids sit around the water fountain area to play with water cos we have to clean them up anyway after sand play. not swimming definitely.
Aileen & lena:
THANK YOU! *muacks*

seth alone w/mummy, then saw all e couple couple w/tots, so envious & tingle of sadness daddy MIA in china...

luckily there's Aileen & Lena, who made me comfy & cheerful & playful hahahhaa...

OMG! juz fd out, hubby prob will b away in dubai on seth's actual bday but will ard for lunar bday, wt*.............

its ok happy shopping....
cya wed...

i bought a 1st bday candle & tbl cvr & bday banner, its unisex, u wanna share?
u saw lin's party favours? got box & toys le... i thot give snacks bag can ord... now muz find toys from concourse le, dont go oso cannot liao... hahahha... when u free tml wanna go?

hi all mummies,
i'm also a SAHM, and residing in JW. my boy is a june bb. :)

think i've seen your nick in the june thread. :)

wow, this thread is really happening! :)

will join in as many outings wif all of you as possible ... if i'm not physically tired and mentally knocked out by my boy! hehe..
