is it possible to get pregnant if both couple drink alcohol often?


New Member
Hi, i know it may sound like a silly question but can i check if any mummies here use to drink alcohol frequently. or rather you and your husband often spend time over few glasses of wine but still managed to conceive. Like did not abstain from alcohol or reduce the drinking in order to conceive.
We are in our mid 30s now and TTC. Due to my hubby's nature of work, he may need to drink often or entertain his business clients which we are still trying to work out if this can be reduced.. Am wondering if there is any possibilities of conceiving as we are now TTC.

(note: Not drinking not when pregnant but during TTC period)
Hello, I'm a certified birth doula in Singapore. No question is a silly question, and it's great that you're asking all these questions :) The research on this is a bit mixed. There are some studies that suggest that alcohol consumption during different stage of a woman's menstrual cycle can potentially reduce fertility, and that for men, it can also have some effects. On the other hand, there are also other studies that suggest that moderate alcohol consumption should not have much effect on fertility. I'd highly recommend consulting a healthcare provider of your choice to get any further medical advice if necessary.

All the best, sending lots of good vibes for you to get that BFP! :)
I'm not a healthcare provider but general advice I read/hear is to reduce alcohol intake. I guess your husband can try reducing a bit and if you've been trying for awhile can do a fertility check (incl sperm analysis). Sperm analysis might be able to show if your husband needs to cut back more.
