(2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

Hello mummies and mummies to be,

I am 14 weeks now and EDD around mid July 2015.
I am thinking to change my current gynae Dr Regina from GynaeMD in clementi as her charges are quite ex.
May I know any mummy experience Dr Chen Lin Han from Yishun?
Many thanks. :)
I decided tonight i will not talk to him anymore. Actually appt hard to say cos the wait can be quite long esp if doc goes off to delivery. But i am upset cos i already told him n yet he din do anythg abt it and still end up as if my fault it is not in his calendar.
My hubby is in the same category. Forever his meetings are more impt than my gynae appt. I told him I will really go ahead without him if he doesn't come. Usually I'll give in bcoz his schedule is really packed & hardly even has time for lunch. Don't take it too hard, sometimes the hubby works very hard to be the main breadwinner, it's ok to give in once or twice. Hope he can work out something before ur appt.
im so hungry at 4am. took 3 hotdog fun now and a cup of milo. I realise tend to gag/ vomit when tummy is empty like 7am and 6pm.. think hv to standby some good to fill the tummy.. I realised eating some biscuits and 2 cup of milo is not help. what's some healthy food to take for tea break? cant imagine I munch down 3 hot dog buns or other buns each for am and pm breaks.

into my 7th week.. do u feel like insomnia? always go toilet twice a night like 2am and 5am and after that cant sleep..

ah my hubby is also not there for his first scan. just started his job for a few mths and din wan to take leave although I know he has. funni fellow. aiya bochap just go on my own then go home to sleep..
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So I'm not the only one who is awake after hunger pangs.... Yes can't sleep too!

im so hungry at 4am. took 3 hotdog fun now and a cup of milo. I realise tend to gag/ vomit when tummy is empty like 7am and 6pm.. think hv to standby some good to fill the tummy.. I realised eating some biscuits and 2 cup of milo is not help. what's some healthy food to take for tea break? cant imagine I munch down 3 hot dog buns or other buns each for am and pm breaks.

into my 7th week.. do u feel like insomnia? always go toilet twice a night like 2am and 5am and after that cant sleep..

ah my hubby is also not there for his first scan. just started his job for a few mths and din wan to take leave although I know he has. funni fellow. aiya bochap just go on my own then go home to sleep..
Duno Issit the tieguanyin I had during lunch or work stress.wakie 3+ from work stress & can't zzz now...
I wan to Pattor with 周公please.....
Me too.... :confused: night sickness since after dinner and it's super bad ... sleep at 10+ and wake up at 12+, vomited air ..... toss around in bed dunno for how long .......

Wake up now and still burping o_O
Hello mummies and mummies to be,

I am 14 weeks now and EDD around mid July 2015.
I am thinking to change my current gynae Dr Regina from GynaeMD in clementi as her charges are quite ex.
May I know any mummy experience Dr Chen Lin Han from Yishun?
Many thanks. :)
U can Google about his reviews, i read somewhere in smh about him before, pretty good reviews.
Toilet break in the middle of night for me is a must.. i usually have 1 to 2 break.. and sometimes almost doze off on the toilet seat.. lol

Guess I'm 1 of the lucky 1.. think I have gain 1kg since the 1st appointment w my gynae.. (11+ weeks liao)

Usually when I just wake up also very hungry, but I ignore it till I get to office... too rush to hv anything..
Toilet break in the middle of night for me is a must.. i usually have 1 to 2 break.. and sometimes almost doze off on the toilet seat.. lol

Guess I'm 1 of the lucky 1.. think I have gain 1kg since the 1st appointment w my gynae.. (11+ weeks liao)

Usually when I just wake up also very hungry, but I ignore it till I get to office... too rush to hv anything..
I can't get too hungry. .... a must have to have food or else feel v uncomfy.
Try to wake up earlier for bfast :)
now 730am. ate 2 hot dog buns (I bot 5 yesterday!) and a box of honey dew. im so afraid of vomitting.. u ladies still go to work as per normal? then eat sweets or sour plums etc..?

really no mood to workk. for this pregnancy feel like lie and sleep at home..
Hello mummies and mummies to be,

I am 14 weeks now and EDD around mid July 2015.
I am thinking to change my current gynae Dr Regina from GynaeMD in clementi as her charges are quite ex.
May I know any mummy experience Dr Chen Lin Han from Yishun?
Many thanks. :)
He is a nice gynae! V fatherly. I went to him during my 1st preg. His stitching skills v gd. I m still gg to him for this 2nd pregnancy. Now he has afternoon clinic at Mt A. Only in yishun in the morning.
now 730am. ate 2 hot dog buns (I bot 5 yesterday!) and a box of honey dew. im so afraid of vomitting.. u ladies still go to work as per normal? then eat sweets or sour plums etc..?

really no mood to workk. for this pregnancy feel like lie and sleep at home..
I didn't today..Hiaz..so stress with work I oli manage to zzz6+am...too zombie n decided not to go in today.not worth to waste my sick leave like that :(
Really must learn to manage stress better.

U hv leave? Can apply few days to rest?? If you have d appetite, just eat :)
Ha..so nice to be welcomed by a joyful smile n happy face from my son.but oppsss..later he realize I am home = he dun need to go.start wailing dun wana go sch!! Till I hv to hide myself.
Are u guys 2+ 3yo kiddo very independent about going sch Le? Mine likes schooling but it's the going part which seems challenging at times.with 2nd 1, how can my hubb manage 2!
Yesterday discussed the maid topic with him again
Don't really want to change date. It is just two more days so i doubt they can give me a nearer date. Dr Han can be so hard to book. I will have to figure out how to make sure the dates stuck into my stupid hubby's calendar.

Chill lax. I usually go on my own cos he's working on Saturdays too. But i always update him what i see on the screen and let him know he missed out a lot. His loss, not mine.
Thks for all the encouragement. For the first kid i went on my own sometimes and totally fine. Just that after the loss last year i have a little phobia to go on my own. He was not with me when the bad news was delivered. So i would really like him to go along. The thing is his mtg is with the rws aquarium to discuss their dinner and dance which in my opinion the clash could have been avoided since they are customer. His working hours are superb and work is relaxed so really no reason not to go with me. Anyway i dun intend to talk to him anymore until he makes himself available for the next scan on friday.

My #1 have not started school yet so dunno how it will turn out but so far no problem getting him to my in laws place so hopefully it can last.

I saw a post one of the mummies drank tieguanyin. If can avoid chinese tea also avoid. Again based on tcm best not to drink chinese tea. Some chinese teas are cooling. I cannot remember which category tieguanyin is in.
i was given 15 days MC by my gynae.. told my boss will work out a work from home scheme, & will go in whenever i can. My boss is quite understanding even though she's a single female. she said this is my first so probably tougher..
Don't you all feel like time is passing so slowly... Can't wait for first tri to be over...

Someone mentioned eating many hotdog buns... Try not to eat too much hotdog / ham etc, I read that the chemical they use for such processed meat is also not good...I guess everything in moderation?
Tuna cannot eat but sardine ok rite?

I also hav being taking cold drinks.. i read tat it actually doesnt matter. So juz take everything in moderation. I hate to take plain water now.

Think someone shared yesterday that her gynae controlled her on tuna? I also not sure.
Yah, think cold drinks is fine, just in moderation. I even take those can green tea drink. I know green tea not so good but sometimes very nausea, that one like soothes me abit.
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If too hungry, my MS will come on full attack. Was so hungry on the way home from work yesterday, MS got really bad. Just thinking, makes me want to puke.
So morning time, usually I brush teeth before eating and will battle with MS again.
I think at our current stage, really need to try and have food in stomach most of the time.

@mrs_tann, if can, try not to eat too much hot dog. It is one of the food not too advisable, think bacteria can grow easily or something. in moderation if possible.

@slchua, hugs. Can understand why you need hubby to be there for support especially you have bad experience before. I too will prefer husband to be there, I keep reminding him to take leave for upcoming appointment. Somemore my gynae's clinic, almost everyone showed up with husbands 1. Alone will feel lonely and cold (her clinic is quite cold).
Don't you all feel like time is passing so slowly... Can't wait for first tri to be over...

Someone mentioned eating many hotdog buns... Try not to eat too much hotdog / ham etc, I read that the chemical they use for such processed meat is also not good...I guess everything in moderation?

I agree.. I cant wait for 1st tri to be over too. Seems so long and appointments also seem so far apart. :(
now 730am. ate 2 hot dog buns (I bot 5 yesterday!) and a box of honey dew. im so afraid of vomitting.. u ladies still go to work as per normal? then eat sweets or sour plums etc..?

really no mood to workk. for this pregnancy feel like lie and sleep at home..

During my 7th week i had really bad hunger pangs in the night.. Similar to u! Then it disappeared.. But now at my 11th week its back and really affected my sleep.. I feel like im eating just to satisfy my tummy and not because i want to. Funny thing after i eat i still feel MS and keep burping. Hormones really do affect us soo much!!
For me im quite blessed i dont hv to work throughout my pregnancy.. But the discomfort in my tummy plus nausea makes it so hard to hv a good rest. I really do admire u wrking mothers..
I always put sour plums in my bag( doesnt seem to help with my nausea though) and bring a plastic bag along in case i feel like puking..
i was given 15 days MC by my gynae.. told my boss will work out a work from home scheme, & will go in whenever i can. My boss is quite understanding even though she's a single female. she said this is my first so probably tougher..
15 days! Sounds serious. Better rest well. Great that your boss is understanding. Take care
If too hungry, my MS will come on full attack. Was so hungry on the way home from work yesterday, MS got really bad. Just thinking, makes me want to puke.
So morning time, usually I brush teeth before eating and will battle with MS again.
I think at our current stage, really need to try and have food in stomach most of the time.

@mrs_tann, if can, try not to eat too much hot dog. It is one of the food not too advisable, think bacteria can grow easily or something. in moderation if possible.

@slchua, hugs. Can understand why you need hubby to be there for support especially you have bad experience before. I too will prefer husband to be there, I keep reminding him to take leave for upcoming appointment. Somemore my gynae's clinic, almost everyone showed up with husbands 1. Alone will feel lonely and cold (her clinic is quite cold).
Thanks for the kind words!

If I recall, hotdogs have high amount of nitrates so not good to eat too much of it. Also many foods with nitrates have high sodium. Actually not pregnant also cannot eat too much.
Haha. Maybe i whatsapp him daily until he set in his calendar.

I set daily reminder on my hubby to get him to read the pregnancy website LOL but think he just ignores or the reminder didn't ring..
We have a monthly calendar stuck on the house wall with the appointment dates and his work schedule :) cos my hubby v forgetful de
My Oscar results r out within 3 days, recd a text fr KKH. The results r with my gynae.

*not sure why we can't copy n paste text here*

now 730am. ate 2 hot dog buns (I bot 5 yesterday!) and a box of honey dew. im so afraid of vomitting.. u ladies still go to work as per normal? then eat sweets or sour plums etc..?

really no mood to workk. for this pregnancy feel like lie and sleep at home..

Y u never get a few varieties of buns? :D
I like buns too, can eat a few at one go.
I didn't today..Hiaz..so stress with work I oli manage to zzz6+am...too zombie n decided not to go in today.not worth to waste my sick leave like that :(
Really must learn to manage stress better.

U hv leave? Can apply few days to rest?? If you have d appetite, just eat :)

Ur ms is really very serious so far mine is nausea, burp air but never vomit anything but is enough to make me very miserable so i can imagine how 辛苦 u r moreover your workload is very heavy right.
Take a good rest at home. U intending to get a maid?
Wow 3 hotdog buns! That is a lot.

I can't really eat now, I will feel
Hungry, but once the food enter my mouth I will feel full and nausea!

Charmsss, u have a nice understanding boss.

My MS wasn't that bad for my 1st and 2nd preg!

Slchua, hugs! My 2nd preg also din go well. So am praying hard that this round will smooth sailing!
Hi Mummy of 3, how do u feel abt having no.3? Is it unplanned?

hmm i always wanted 3 but hb wanted 2. so we told ourselves we will only try 6 months if God wants to give us den its a blessing.. haha. End up 2nd time strike liao

but i confirm stopping at 3... MS is horrible this round
It's v tiring to bake in big batches, maybe just do enough to satisfy the carve. I feel like baking banana cake too but feel so lazy nowadays :D

If you don't feel comfy in travelling, better to tell your boss in advance so he can arrange somebody else.

Baby is the first priority, job we can find again but bb there's only 1. Take care :)

yup will bake a lil every week ba. but in feb since got 3 weeks b4 cny.
Everyone in the office is shocked but they kind of half guessed it.

My gynae is very kiasu kind.. he asked us not to do a lot of things just to play safe.

15 days! Sounds serious. Better rest well. Great that your boss is understanding. Take care
Hi i am a first time mum currently in my first trimester
and i am wondering if we(preggies) are able to take
1. Mayo/tartare sauce
2. truffle fries
3. banana
4. coconut (ie coconut ice cream)
5. Assam laksa
6. Chai poh ( on chwee kueh)
7. lobster


all ok except banana (mil ask me dun eat)

i think if u have appetite den eat but in moderation pls...

wish i have cravings and appetite. cannot swallow anything
i think so too! I am only worried that by the time i go back it's still first tri... then still feeling bad. :(

Wow 3 hotdog buns! That is a lot.

I can't really eat now, I will feel
Hungry, but once the food enter my mouth I will feel full and nausea!

Charmsss, u have a nice understanding boss.

My MS wasn't that bad for my 1st and 2nd preg!

Slchua, hugs! My 2nd preg also din go well. So am praying hard that this round will smooth sailing!
Hello I'm first time mummy EDD 4-Aug:) Can add me to the Facebook group?
Am coming week 11 base in LMP & still battling MS...sigh...cough slightly harder and sometimes it will trigger the vomiting..and the smell of bath soap just makes MS worse!:confused: How do u ladies cope?

pls give me your fb email add so i can add u into the group
Share your sentiments. My office is male dominated too! The problem i feel is it makes them blind to the challenges of being a mother. Most of them have wives who either work part time or stay at home so it is easy for them to have meetings after work. But i have to rush like mad to rearrange my logistics.
We have office handphones so they also kind of expect you to be able to stay connected outside of work but I try not to respond after work to set some standards unless it is very urgent.

Same here. Just yesterday, they scheduled a meeting at 6pm and asked if I could join in, I declined stating that I need to go for dinner then one of them offer his bread that he bought during lunch to me.
My ms is usually at night time so now I try to eat earlier..so that I won't be too bloated before bed and I need warm soupy food for dinner. I appreciate my colleagues for offering the Bread, but bread for dinner jus won't cut it for me now. Dunno how to make them understand.
i cant eat porridge. eat 2 to 3 mouth will vomit out.. tried a few times so i stopped porridge

I realised maybe mee sua works abit for me. Not sure if you want to try that. But I know the feeling of food aversion. :(
Everything looks so unappetising to me now when I used to love food.
Same here. Just yesterday, they scheduled a meeting at 6pm and asked if I could join in, I declined stating that I need to go for dinner then one of them offer his bread that he bought during lunch to me.
My ms is usually at night time so now I try to eat earlier..so that I won't be too bloated before bed and I need warm soupy food for dinner. I appreciate my colleagues for offering the Bread, but bread for dinner jus won't cut it for me now. Dunno how to make them understand.

Understand how you feel. Somemore bread from lunch till 6pm, don't know how much bacteria on the bread liao. Not being paranoid, just that pregnant ladies, just need to be more careful of bacteria/food poisoning. Freshness of food is important.
Somemore if no appetite for bread, means no. Like your body is craving for warm things, then need to get it satisfied.
Actually, I now honestly feel that only those been through MS, can truly know how it feels and will be able to empathise. It is indescribable.
I don't used to understand just how bad MS is when people complained about it, now I finally know.
Same here. Just yesterday, they scheduled a meeting at 6pm and asked if I could join in, I declined stating that I need to go for dinner then one of them offer his bread that he bought during lunch to me.
My ms is usually at night time so now I try to eat earlier..so that I won't be too bloated before bed and I need warm soupy food for dinner. I appreciate my colleagues for offering the Bread, but bread for dinner jus won't cut it for me now. Dunno how to make them understand.
It is a "he" who offered u bread so dun think can make them understand. Guys anything can fill stomach ok already....i already run out of ideas what to eat as snacks in between meals. I like warm food but not convenient to have warm stuff all the time so sometimes just eat granola bars but getting so sick of it already. Last time used to have a ya kun at my office and i will eat the french toast but well no more...
It is a "he" who offered u bread so dun think can make them understand. Guys anything can fill stomach ok already....i already run out of ideas what to eat as snacks in between meals. I like warm food but not convenient to have warm stuff all the time so sometimes just eat granola bars but getting so sick of it already. Last time used to have a ya kun at my office and i will eat the french toast but well no more...

Yah, I was thinking of the 'he' too! Sometimes my husband also asked me, what do you want to eat? I tell him, I really don't know, I don't see it, I don't know if I will puke or not. I cannot visualise. I may think I want to eat but when it is placed in front of me, I just want to gag.
And I ran out of things to eat too, until I don't want eat then hungry and nausea... Haiz. Totally feel like eat nothing.
Same here. Just yesterday, they scheduled a meeting at 6pm and asked if I could join in, I declined stating that I need to go for dinner then one of them offer his bread that he bought during lunch to me.
My ms is usually at night time so now I try to eat earlier..so that I won't be too bloated before bed and I need warm soupy food for dinner. I appreciate my colleagues for offering the Bread, but bread for dinner jus won't cut it for me now. Dunno how to make them understand.

My comfort food is a bowl of hot soupy chicken macaroni with lettuce with plenty of chilli padi.
Yah, I was thinking of the 'he' too! Sometimes my husband also asked me, what do you want to eat? I tell him, I really don't know, I don't see it, I don't know if I will puke or not. I cannot visualise. I may think I want to eat but when it is placed in front of me, I just want to gag.
And I ran out of things to eat too, until I don't want eat then hungry and nausea... Haiz. Totally feel like eat nothing.

Totally feel you!
Sometimes feel so lousy then will get frustrated at them why they so insensitive keep asking what I wanna eat when I'm feeling so awful LOL

Totally feel you!
Sometimes feel so lousy then will get frustrated at them why they so insensitive keep asking what I wanna eat when I'm feeling so awful LOL

Yaya, *high 5!
Although sometimes also feel bad because I think they are trying to accommodate to our eating preference, just that at this stage, really hard la.
Actually I feel even more troublesome with colleagues nowadays because they still don't know I am pregnant (think totally no suspect, even talk about menses with me. LOL) so sometimes I have to go to places where I may not have much to eat. So maybe it is still better to be at a place with husband, at least they can give in to us.
