(2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

My comfort food is a bowl of hot soupy chicken macaroni with lettuce with plenty of chilli padi.

Sounds not bad, maybe I can try it soon. Hehe.

I think a big problem for me now is when I take carbo, my mouth will have this v sweet taste, so revolting. Like I can literally taste the sweetness of every inch of carbo I am consuming... :( Really hate that feeling. I want to eat meat, I crave for it but then when I am put to it, I may not want eat, or even gag. Headache over food.

I realised maybe mee sua works abit for me. Not sure if you want to try that. But I know the feeling of food aversion. :(
Everything looks so unappetising to me now when I used to love food.
I think it is the after taste in the mouth after we eat. Dislike it. Lately i also crave for warm food like porridge, kway teow soup... tummy feels more comfy taking such food.

I used to take quite a lot of mac coz drive through v easy. Now i eat i will puke. Bye bye macdonalds... haha!
Thks for all the encouragement. For the first kid i went on my own sometimes and totally fine. Just that after the loss last year i have a little phobia to go on my own. He was not with me when the bad news was delivered. So i would really like him to go along. The thing is his mtg is with the rws aquarium to discuss their dinner and dance which in my opinion the clash could have been avoided since they are customer. His working hours are superb and work is relaxed so really no reason not to go with me. Anyway i dun intend to talk to him anymore until he makes himself available for the next scan on friday.

My #1 have not started school yet so dunno how it will turn out but so far no problem getting him to my in laws place so hopefully it can last.

I saw a post one of the mummies drank tieguanyin. If can avoid chinese tea also avoid. Again based on tcm best not to drink chinese tea. Some chinese teas are cooling. I cannot remember which category tieguanyin is in.
Haha..get to my aunt aka nanny house, no problem.i am ever a tea lover.aiyoh this colleague keep push n push boh bian, took.thx for the highlight, will avoid future :)
Understand how you feel. Somemore bread from lunch till 6pm, don't know how much bacteria on the bread liao. Not being paranoid, just that pregnant ladies, just need to be more careful of bacteria/food poisoning. Freshness of food is important.
Somemore if no appetite for bread, means no. Like your body is craving for warm things, then need to get it satisfied.
Actually, I now honestly feel that only those been through MS, can truly know how it feels and will be able to empathise. It is indescribable.
I don't used to understand just how bad MS is when people complained about it, now I finally know.
Yes yes agree..my last preg...ms starts week 4 n I have bad insomnia.my colleague say I very kua zhang.got so early meh?? In my heart I was thinking, smooth & easy for you doesn't mean others get it as easily
Think someone shared yesterday that her gynae controlled her on tuna? I also not sure.
Yah, think cold drinks is fine, just in moderation. I even take those can green tea drink. I know green tea not so good but sometimes very nausea, that one like soothes me abit.

Yeah, my gynae retrict on my tuna intake, he asked me to self cook if really wanna eat instead of those instant one. But i did took 1 pc of tuna sushi before he said no. Haha. But i did read up though, i think maybe there's don't know what high mercury in that? My house got policewoman-my mum so she watched closely on my cold drinks intake so I can only secretly take it when I'm out. hehehe.

I think it is the after taste in the mouth after we eat. Dislike it. Lately i also crave for warm food like porridge, kway teow soup... tummy feels more comfy taking such food.
I used to take quite a lot of mac coz drive through v easy. Now i eat i will puke. Bye bye macdonalds... haha!

I seriously hate the after taste in the mouth too. Really don't know how to get rid of it, its just super tasteless and metallic taste & its after every meal now that I will feel it. Even drink water to eat sweet also cannot get rid of it. Super irritating.

Don't you all feel like time is passing so slowly... Can't wait for first tri to be over...
Someone mentioned eating many hotdog buns... Try not to eat too much hotdog / ham etc, I read that the chemical they use for such processed meat is also not good...I guess everything in moderation?

Yes, I can't wait for 1st trimester to be over soon. Esp the waiting time btw each appointment seems so long. :/
For mummies who r not comfy in canned tuna or sardine, try the homemade salmon.

Season the salmon fillet with sea salt, bake it in oven for 220° for 20 mins then shred and remove bones if any. U can pan fried with cherry tomatoes and mushroom with pasta or add in your sandwiches. :)

The taste is as good as canned tuna.
Sounds not bad, maybe I can try it soon. Hehe.

I think a big problem for me now is when I take carbo, my mouth will have this v sweet taste, so revolting. Like I can literally taste the sweetness of every inch of carbo I am consuming... :( Really hate that feeling. I want to eat meat, I crave for it but then when I am put to it, I may not want eat, or even gag. Headache over food.

At least u taste sweetness, mine is bitter taste like a chunk of garlic under my tongue :(

Maybe u take more soup and veggie but lesser carbo. .. at least u feel full ...
I think it is the after taste in the mouth after we eat. Dislike it. Lately i also crave for warm food like porridge, kway teow soup... tummy feels more comfy taking such food.
I used to take quite a lot of mac coz drive through v easy. Now i eat i will puke. Bye bye macdonalds... haha!
Yes, it is the aftertaste... Haiz... So miserable.
Some mummies mention they crave instant noodle, just take ba! Sometimes I want take but when I see it, I want to vomit, don't know why. So far, taken about once/twice.

At least u taste sweetness, mine is bitter taste like a chunk of garlic under my tongue :(

Maybe u take more soup and veggie but lesser carbo. .. at least u feel full ...

I also cant really take veggie... Very cham.. especially those dark green kind. Feels disgusted but those like cabbage kind, can.
I feel I really liberate myself and just take whatever I can, even though maybe cooling. During ttc-ing time, some of the cooling veggie, I also try to avoid. But now boh bian, cant swallow certain things.
Then fish is really no no for me so like I don't think I can drink fish soup. That day went out to eat with in laws, they order sliced fish. I take one piece, my whole face look like I eaten bittergourd. The fishy smell, gosh... disgusting. LOL.

Bitter after taste sounds bad. :( but sweet also very horrible. Haiz... I wonder if I will ever get my taste bud back.. haha.
Yes yes agree..my last preg...ms starts week 4 n I have bad insomnia.my colleague say I very kua zhang.got so early meh?? In my heart I was thinking, smooth & easy for you doesn't mean others get it as easily

Yah, I feel that those people won't understand 1. Mine started at about 5+ week.
From now on, even if people start telling me they feel MS right after they tested positive, I also will sympathise with them. it is really a feeling that nobody can understand but we, the people who are suffering. And it can make people depressed. When I was 1+ to 2 weeks into it, I was kind of depressed because I feel that no one around me understands. Now I feel much better after I decided that I just accept that it is here for awhile and just try to find things I can eat.

Some people quite showoff 1, when they have smooth pregnancy. Haiz... why be so hard on fellow women? We also don't want MS de.
Yeah, my gynae retrict on my tuna intake, he asked me to self cook if really wanna eat instead of those instant one. But i did took 1 pc of tuna sushi before he said no. Haha. But i did read up though, i think maybe there's don't know what high mercury in that? My house got policewoman-my mum so she watched closely on my cold drinks intake so I can only secretly take it when I'm out. hehehe.

I seriously hate the after taste in the mouth too. Really don't know how to get rid of it, its just super tasteless and metallic taste & its after every meal now that I will feel it. Even drink water to eat sweet also cannot get rid of it. Super irritating.

Yes, I can't wait for 1st trimester to be over soon. Esp the waiting time btw each appointment seems so long. :/

In a way, also good to have a policewoman watching over you. :) I guess we just try our best not to take forbidden food/drinks if we are not comfy. Really cannot stand it anymore then take abit abit. Everything in moderation and will be fine.

Actually really very worrying during first trimester, don't know what will happen at each scan. Really hope everything will be fine.
For mummies who r not comfy in canned tuna or sardine, try the homemade salmon.
Season the salmon fillet with sea salt, bake it in oven for 220° for 20 mins then shred and remove bones if any. U can pan fried with cherry tomatoes and mushroom with pasta or add in your sandwiches. :)
The taste is as good as canned tuna.

Sounds yummy! Thanks @sane , gonna try that. :p

In a way, also good to have a policewoman watching over you. :) I guess we just try our best not to take forbidden food/drinks if we are not comfy. Really cannot stand it anymore then take abit abit. Everything in moderation and will be fine.
Actually really very worrying during first trimester, don't know what will happen at each scan. Really hope everything will be fine.

Yeah, too many this cannot that cannot and its really depressing sometimes. But I guess everything in moderation should be fine. Sometimes its really hard to stay positive when there's so many test to go through at different stages and things to be worry about. But I'm sure with all the supports we will embark to 2nd trim smoothly! :D
we are all not alone here. I swear my MS started 3rd weeks+, went to see a GP and he said i was having stomach flu. And my husband keep saying i am imagining things. And sometimes being nausea isn't enough, you have to actually vomit to show them how bad MS is.

Sometimes I really want to cook mysrlf a decent healthy meal.. but still staying at my in law place.. which is is bad condition that I can't cook there.. Every dinner time is headache.. coz the little one only let me eat healthy food...

I just heard from my the other fren. His wife just delivered yest.. told me.. that wife didn't hv ms for 1st 3 mths. . But after that.. Ms starts and also feeling dizzy.. omg.. so scary..
Btw do u any of u mummies have worries cause like now for me i worry on n off abt whether baby is growing well( now i cant feel baby movements cause only in the 11th week), am i low risk for down syndrome etc..n my worries stop when i go to the gynae again.. When i see baby on the ultrasound.. Im like always counting down to the appt which seems so far away.. Haix.
Sounds yummy! Thanks @sane , gonna try that. :p
Yeah, too many this cannot that cannot and its really depressing sometimes. But I guess everything in moderation should be fine. Sometimes its really hard to stay positive when there's so many test to go through at different stages and things to be worry about. But I'm sure with all the supports we will embark to 2nd trim smoothly! :D
Yah, there are too many things to worry and then too many scary stories out there...

we are all not alone here. I swear my MS started 3rd weeks+, went to see a GP and he said i was having stomach flu. And my husband keep saying i am imagining things. And sometimes being nausea isn't enough, you have to actually vomit to show them how bad MS is.


They never been through it, they won't know de. Think only when we vomit, then they know how bad it is.
I consider my husband to be very supportive and understanding liao but sometimes when my hormones go haywire, I also will complain that he just won't understand.
Only we the ones puking, truly understand. Hugs.
Btw do u any of u mummies have worries cause like now for me i worry on n off abt whether baby is growing well( now i cant feel baby movements cause only in the 11th week), am i low risk for down syndrome etc..n my worries stop when i go to the gynae again.. When i see baby on the ultrasound.. Im like always counting down to the appt which seems so far away.. Haix.

I worried non stop too... I keep wondering if my baby is still growing inside and given that I am not eating healthily (due to MS), I worried more. Sometimes I am very afraid that what if I go to gynae and I receive bad news, I don't what I will do and how to break to both set of parents. I waited for this baby for awhile, so I really hope everything will be fine. I really envy those people who already pop liao, don't need to worry. Sometimes cough/sneeze too hard, also worry will disturb the little one inside or not. Sigh
ya me.. I ate the hotdog buns.. ok noted not to eat then. feel v hungry now. soya bean drink mr bean with pearls ok? mr bean the kuay with red bean paste or cheese ok?
I worried non stop too... I keep wondering if my baby is still growing inside and given that I am not eating healthily (due to MS), I worried more. Sometimes I am very afraid that what if I go to gynae and I receive bad news, I don't what I will do and how to break to both set of parents. I waited for this baby for awhile, so I really hope everything will be fine. I really envy those people who already pop liao, don't need to worry. Sometimes cough/sneeze too hard, also worry will disturb the little one inside or not. Sigh

Ya!! I dunno how to stop worrying! Just cant wait for the baby to grow much bigger and the bump become more obvious.. Now i cant really see much of a bump.. Hopefully by then when everything becomes bigger i will stop worrying.. :p
Lets just pray our babies will be strong n healthy!!
Hi All. Am not really new to this tread. Been reading all comments here since im 5weeks+. This is my #1 but 2nd pregnancy and was not sure whether to join in here or not as kinda pangtang cos did not have a smooth one earlier. Am in my 9th week now and am enjoying reading all messages here too. So finally built up my courage to join in with u ladies here. =D
@Mummyof3jays Can you add mi to FB grp too? My email ID is [email protected]. Thank you. ^^
Btw do u any of u mummies have worries cause like now for me i worry on n off abt whether baby is growing well( now i cant feel baby movements cause only in the 11th week), am i low risk for down syndrome etc..n my worries stop when i go to the gynae again.. When i see baby on the ultrasound.. Im like always counting down to the appt which seems so far away.. Haix.

I have been worrying nonstop too & will countdown to the next appointment. Haha. I guess we are all not alone. When will your next appt be @Sarahyyp? Will you be doing oscar/harmony scan on your next visit?

ya me.. I ate the hotdog buns.. ok noted not to eat then. feel v hungry now. soya bean drink mr bean with pearls ok? mr bean the kuay with red bean paste or cheese ok?

I guess soya bean milk should be fine but try not to drink it daily? I have a friend who drank it almost daily and she's having very bad gout now but not sure if its the caused of it but just take everything in moderation.
ya me.. I ate the hotdog buns.. ok noted. feel v hungry now. soya bean drink mr bean with pearls ok?
I think should be alright, the soya bean drink. :)

Ya!! I dunno how to stop worrying! Just cant wait for the baby to grow much bigger and the bump become more obvious.. Now i cant really see much of a bump.. Hopefully by then when everything becomes bigger i will stop worrying.. :p
Lets just pray our babies will be strong n healthy!!

Me too. And I very scare people bump into me, kids bump into me. Then I scare I fall down etc. Hahaha.. Anything imaginable becomes a hazard.
I think until I give birth then I will feel it is more real. Now still feels very surreal.
Hi All. Am not really new to this tread. Been reading all comments here since im 5weeks+. This is my #1 but 2nd pregnancy and was not sure whether to join in here or not as kinda pangtang cos did not have a smooth one earlier. Am in my 9th week now and am enjoying reading all messages here too. So finally built up my courage to join in with u ladies here. =D
@Mummyof3jays Can you add mi to FB grp too? My email ID is [email protected]. Thank you. ^^

Welcome. :)
understand the pantang part.. I still don't dare to join FB group even... think I have to wait till after 1st tri then can let down my guard abit.
Welcome. :)
understand the pantang part.. I still don't dare to join FB group even... think I have to wait till after 1st tri then can let down my guard abit.

Actually mi too still reluctant abt it. But thinking am in my 9th week nw gng to 10 so shouldddddd be ok. lol.. *fingercross*
Yes, it is the aftertaste... Haiz... So miserable.
Some mummies mention they crave instant noodle, just take ba! Sometimes I want take but when I see it, I want to vomit, don't know why. So far, taken about once/twice.

I also cant really take veggie... Very cham.. especially those dark green kind. Feels disgusted but those like cabbage kind, can.
I feel I really liberate myself and just take whatever I can, even though maybe cooling. During ttc-ing time, some of the cooling veggie, I also try to avoid. But now boh bian, cant swallow certain things.
Then fish is really no no for me so like I don't think I can drink fish soup. That day went out to eat with in laws, they order sliced fish. I take one piece, my whole face look like I eaten bittergourd. The fishy smell, gosh... disgusting. LOL.

Bitter after taste sounds bad. :( but sweet also very horrible. Haiz... I wonder if I will ever get my taste bud back.. haha.

I never realised I can't take salad so i ate a whole bowl of fav romaine lettuce caesar all by myself :confused:

Other than that, I luv kailan and best of all, baby kailan. I tried to avoid cabbage because quite "寒"

Maybe if u really can't take fish, take fish oil supplement.
Otherwise take small quantity to fill your tummy will do and hopefully appetite will resume soon. :)

Sounds yummy! Thanks @sane , gonna try that. :p

Yeah, too many this cannot that cannot and its really depressing sometimes. But I guess everything in moderation should be fine. Sometimes its really hard to stay positive when there's so many test to go through at different stages and things to be worry about. But I'm sure with all the supports we will embark to 2nd trim smoothly! :D

If u carve for mayo, just add cheese and toast it like cheese melt sandwich :)

There are many healthy choices, olive oil with baby potatoe, cherry tomatoes, mushroom, button mushrooms. Add some sea salt and pepper. That will be a healthy meal. I used to eat that everyday.

we are all not alone here. I swear my MS started 3rd weeks+, went to see a GP and he said i was having stomach flu. And my husband keep saying i am imagining things. And sometimes being nausea isn't enough, you have to actually vomit to show them how bad MS is.


When my MS first strike me, I was mc and lay on bed for 1 week, the head like bursting and I felt so nausea and unwell like dying soon. :(

Btw do u any of u mummies have worries cause like now for me i worry on n off abt whether baby is growing well( now i cant feel baby movements cause only in the 11th week), am i low risk for down syndrome etc..n my worries stop when i go to the gynae again.. When i see baby on the ultrasound.. Im like always counting down to the appt which seems so far away.. Haix.

I count down week by week :). What we can do for baby now is to stay happy and positive.

Keep the negative thoughts out of your head. I am fighting negative thoughts daily too so I have to keep think of things to do and if my ms get better, I will go for swim.

Swimming makes me feel happy and relax.
Have your mummies started on materna milk intake? Was wondering if we can start now or best to wait till 2nd trim. :rolleyes:
I think now can start liao. My Gynae nurses gave me a lot of sample packets from different brands to try out hehe, save money.

I mix with milo to make it nicer to drink. So all brands taste the same
Sometimes I really want to cook mysrlf a decent healthy meal.. but still staying at my in law place.. which is is bad condition that I can't cook there.. Every dinner time is headache.. coz the little one only let me eat healthy food...

I just heard from my the other fren. His wife just delivered yest.. told me.. that wife didn't hv ms for 1st 3 mths. . But after that.. Ms starts and also feeling dizzy.. omg.. so scary..

Do they have oven? Or get a mini toaster. U can toast fish, seafood, baby potatoes, carrot, tomatoes, add some pepper and sea salt, wrap maize with butter and toast. Do seafood baked rice, spag. Toast some bread with egg and u get french toast.
Basically I toast everything and is oil free and easy to wash up. Fast and much better than eating outside constantly

Or else do a simple soup stew and dump everything inside. :D
I never realised I can't take salad so i ate a whole bowl of fav romaine lettuce caesar all by myself :confused:

Other than that, I luv kailan and best of all, baby kailan. I tried to avoid cabbage because quite "寒"

Maybe if u really can't take fish, take fish oil supplement.
Otherwise take small quantity to fill your tummy will do and hopefully appetite will resume soon. :)

If u carve for mayo, just add cheese and toast it like cheese melt sandwich :)

There are many healthy choices, olive oil with baby potatoe, cherry tomatoes, mushroom, button mushrooms. Add some sea salt and pepper. That will be a healthy meal. I used to eat that everyday.

When my MS first strike me, I was mc and lay on bed for 1 week, the head like bursting and I felt so nausea and unwell like dying soon. :(

I count down week by week :). What we can do for baby now is to stay happy and positive.

Keep the negative thoughts out of your head. I am fighting negative thoughts daily too so I have to keep think of things to do and if my ms get better, I will go for swim.

Swimming makes me feel happy and relax.

Okie, will try to avoid cabbage too.
I was previously taking fish oil but the EPA exceed the amount for pregnant women so I stopped.
Okie, will try to avoid cabbage too.
I was previously taking fish oil but the EPA exceed the amount for pregnant women so I stopped.

Dunno y .. I dislike cabbage now. :(
Urs prescribe by your gynae? I am taking neurogains but will probably stop soon since I m taking fish regularly.
I think now can start liao. My Gynae nurses gave me a lot of sample packets from different brands to try out hehe, save money.
I mix with milo to make it nicer to drink. So all brands taste the same

Ok, maybe I'll kop some samples from the clinic also. But I tried the vanilla flavor and i hate the taste, its so thick & taste weird. Maybe I'll add milo the next time too since i preferred chocolate flavor.

Do they have oven? Or get a mini toaster. U can toast fish, seafood, baby potatoes, carrot, tomatoes, add some pepper and sea salt, wrap maize with butter and toast. Do seafood baked rice, spag. Toast some bread with egg and u get french toast.
Basically I toast everything and is oil free and easy to wash up. Fast and much better than eating outside constantly
Or else do a simple soup stew and dump everything inside. :D

@sane you sound like a great cook man. Lol. I feel hungry by reading your instructions to cook baked rice! :p
Hee hee i also do baked rice too! Torally agree with sane. Oil free and easy to clean up. If I make chicken essence I will use chicken fillet and the chicken fillet is usually used for chicken baked rice. Add some broccoli as broccoli is one of the best veg to consume!
I am a super worrier too! I actually went for counselling in the early weeks as I kept thinking back to the last mc and how all the events are u folding in a similar manner. It is not healthy for sure and hubby does not really understand why I am behaving in this manner. But I guess we are all normal to worry!
I highly recommend nestle nan haha. I cannot stand those with thick vanilla taste. And nestle nan can drink cold which in third tri is such a welcome. The milk powder doesn't need hot water to make into milk.
Hi mummies, I m 7w+ preggie with my #2, EDD in late Aug. Last Sunday, I started to have light spotting, then followed by brown discharge & blood clots, then this morning after I had a 'hard' time 'pushing out' my poopoo in the toilet, I started to experience red discharge.

I went to KKH A&E last Sunday and was prescribed with Duphaston. I m very worried.
Have any mummies experienced such thing before? My pregnancy with my #1 was perfectly fine.
Hee hee i also do baked rice too! Torally agree with sane. Oil free and easy to clean up. If I make chicken essence I will use chicken fillet and the chicken fillet is usually used for chicken baked rice. Add some broccoli as broccoli is one of the best veg to consume!
I am a super worrier too! I actually went for counselling in the early weeks as I kept thinking back to the last mc and how all the events are u folding in a similar manner. It is not healthy for sure and hubby does not really understand why I am behaving in this manner. But I guess we are all normal to worry!
I highly recommend nestle nan haha. I cannot stand those with thick vanilla taste. And nestle nan can drink cold which in third tri is such a welcome. The milk powder doesn't need hot water to make into milk.

Really envy your can eat baked rice and stuff. Now I cant even cook, I cant prepare meals, will gag.
My husband keep asking me to eat broccoli too, the other day I tried... yucks, want to puke out. Save me! lol.

Understand how you feel, given your previous experience. I will be worry sick too. Sometimes men don't understand de, only we ladies understand. :)

I bought S26 and regretted.. so far only drank twice. :(
Last appointment, my gynae tell me to start on milk intake.. If not net mth I go and see her she will hv to give me calcium tablets which I try to avoid.. Scare of constipation.....
And she wants me to wait till I'm on my 12 week before starting on the multi vitamins and fish oils.. which is this coming sat, not sure why.. and I forgot whether did she ask me to stop the folic acid or continue till I finish... maybe I shld call them and chk it out...
Hi mummies, I m 7w+ preggie with my #2, EDD in late Aug. Last Sunday, I started to have light spotting, then followed by brown discharge & blood clots, then this morning after I had a 'hard' time 'pushing out' my poopoo in the toilet, I started to experience red discharge.

I went to KKH A&E last Sunday and was prescribed with Duphaston. I m very worried.
Have any mummies experienced such thing before? My pregnancy with my #1 was perfectly fine.

Duphaston helps to support the pregnancy thus rem to take as per advised.
Try to rest more, lie down.
The red discharge from pooing, is it blood from piles? Try prune juice to help with your bowel, heard some people said it works.
Do they have oven? Or get a mini toaster. U can toast fish, seafood, baby potatoes, carrot, tomatoes, add some pepper and sea salt, wrap maize with butter and toast. Do seafood baked rice, spag. Toast some bread with egg and u get french toast.
Basically I toast everything and is oil free and easy to wash up. Fast and much better than eating outside constantly

Or else do a simple soup stew and dump everything inside. :D

If I'm going to cook I need to get all kitchen wares. . Like knife, chopping board etc.. which I feel is a waste of $$ since I plan to move bk to my mum place nearing the end of pregnancy. ..
Last appointment, my gynae tell me to start on milk intake.. If not net mth I go and see her she will hv to give me calcium tablets which I try to avoid.. Scare of constipation.....
And she wants me to wait till I'm on my 12 week before starting on the multi vitamins and fish oils.. which is this coming sat, not sure why.. and I forgot whether did she ask me to stop the folic acid or continue till I finish... maybe I shld call them and chk it out...
I very scared of constipation too!!! Had piles last time and had to stop my calcium tablets. But I drink milk so it is still ok.
I have a breadmaker at home so now i add my maternal milk into it when i make bread. Extra boost!
Maybe you can add flaxseed meal to your drink or food too. Flaxseed meal has omega 3 and it is a source of dietary fibre. But if loose stools cannot eat flaxseed meal. It will worsen the loose stools.
This preg i am determined not to get piles again. Worst experience of my life.
Really envy your can eat baked rice and stuff. Now I cant even cook, I cant prepare meals, will gag.
My husband keep asking me to eat broccoli too, the other day I tried... yucks, want to puke out. Save me! lol.

Understand how you feel, given your previous experience. I will be worry sick too. Sometimes men don't understand de, only we ladies understand. :)

I bought S26 and regretted.. so far only drank twice. :(
Jia you. You will get better soon. Then you will eat so much that you will be amazed at your appetite.
Hi mummies, I m 7w+ preggie with my #2, EDD in late Aug. Last Sunday, I started to have light spotting, then followed by brown discharge & blood clots, then this morning after I had a 'hard' time 'pushing out' my poopoo in the toilet, I started to experience red discharge.

I went to KKH A&E last Sunday and was prescribed with Duphaston. I m very worried.
Have any mummies experienced such thing before? My pregnancy with my #1 was perfectly fine.
No experience before but continue to take your hormone pills and rest more. I was also prescribed hormone pills at kkh. Every pregnancy is different so hard to compare with #1.
Take care.
I have been worrying nonstop too & will countdown to the next appointment. Haha. I guess we are all not alone. When will your next appt be @Sarahyyp? Will you be doing oscar/harmony scan on your next visit?
My next appt is nxt week (12th week scan) :p im not so sure abt the oscar term is it like a full fetal scan? Cause im doing one on my next visit plus blood works..
I wanted to hold myself back from joining this thread too.

My first preg will fine, 2nd preg baby did not develop. So this is my 3rd preg!

Ladies lets Jia you and try to look on the positive side!

Strawberrymilkshake, pls rest well and avoid carrying heavy stuff and walking around too much!

Slchua, reading ur post make me salivate.

I too can't cook now! Will gag and vomit, dun have the strength. And it doesn't help that my mil is temporary staying at my place.

I wanted to hold myself back from joining this thread too.

My first preg will fine, 2nd preg baby did not develop. So this is my 3rd preg!

Ladies lets Jia you and try to look on the positive side!

Strawberrymilkshake, pls rest well and avoid carrying heavy stuff and walking around too much!

Slchua, reading ur post make me salivate.

I too can't cook now! Will gag and vomit, dun have the strength. And it doesn't help that my mil is temporary staying at my place.
Can your mil cook for u since she is staying with u?
