(2014) ivf mummies support group


My Kway chap brunch :) shiok!
Ya those underwear and sock and short must use hand wash first ma. Then put in the machine.
I am now at my parent's place already haha.
The pumkin patch and another shop the baby clothing so nice. Haha dh said pay out then buy.
Ok today going to nua at my parent's place. Dolly going shopping at parkway.
Iwantahealthybaby, I like kway chap the kway only yum yum as I don't eat pork.
Circle, working today?
How much is the swimming pool. Is taobao really so much cheaper than amazon.
Btw cheery I have confirmed my post natal massage with mdm sue already. Hmm.. Just wondering what is the standard massage rate now. Mine is 10days for $700 with massage and wrap.
I woke up 7+ then before 9 went market downstairs buy economy beehoon, then awake walk ard the hard till now. He still lazing in bed, I m gg over to my parents place myself first. My mum 炖雪蛤today n See my godson..
Me just received my online goods from jpn.. heheee
Circle will know who I order from, same seller as miffy diaper bag...
Not sure gg parkway or not. Go until Sian... did my laundry wash of the week in morning liao


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Morning morning. Me laze in bed until now. Thought after baby born no chance, now kanna headache. Hahaha!

Dolly gal, hashima is cooling unless cooked with red date or longan. Still can drink la. If u want, can bu with heaty stuff another day.

The kway chap looks so good! And Nopers, me not working today! Wahahah!
I like the melody pink watch. Not a scenario fan but if I chose melody only favourite. I am not a girly girl to begin with.

Yes lynncandy I bought the large size pool supposingly can fit two bb together haven't plus freight is $40plus close to $50 but the accessories that come with it quite a lot, if get from local seller or even qo10 easily $80-90. I ship together with some other clothes so probably freight another $20-$30 but I think still worth Haa.

I am a pork lover I love Kway chap the ingredients pork skin, pork intestine haha shiok!

Later shall see any place for Salad. My tummy pain from sleeping either side. Think really need to source for preggy support pillow. Like the U-shape type but like very big if put on bed maybe dh cannot sleep already. Now I cough or clear throat can feel the side tummy pain strain.

Yesterday I had a dream haha I am breast feeding my baby Kekeke but the baby is my softtoys and really got milk wor. I think I think too much.
Morning morning. Me laze in bed until now. Thought after baby born no chance, now kanna headache. Hahaha!

Dolly gal, hashima is cooling unless cooked with red date or longan. Still can drink la. If u want, can bu with heaty stuff another day.

The kway chap looks so good! And Nopers, me not working today! Wahahah!
No taking hashima often. Tik my first time in 3-4 years.. tik the last I ate was when sil pregnant w my godson . Bot chicken rice as my late lunch w lots of chilli. To tik tat can't take chilli when bf, I abit sianz liao..
Iwantahealthybaby, lol your dream is so cute. Well pregnancy always will have weird dreams.
Tonight my dinner will be curry chicken with the French bread haha. My mum is cooking now.
So sian can't get to rest as I am feeling so awake. Actually I am still very energetic. Tired is only never sleep well or physical work too much.
Actually cold storage the things very ex hor. I got voucher so go there buy things otherwise I will just go ntuc.
Circle, yours is malay lady? How much is your package and what does it include?
Yah, malay lady. $600 for 7 days. I never check what it includes. Came recommended by colleagues and she helped me link up. Heard she is good with engorgement. So bust massage and possibly wrap I think
You are planning just to go for 7 days? Mine will be 10 days but I plan maybe take up 20 days.
Me planning to take 2 weeks. The massage lady says for first time mom, she recommend 2 weeks cos we tend to have blocked ducts. But she very nice. reserved 1 week for me first then say play by ear. If no need, don't waste my money. Heard she also got add - on to make our 'passage' tighter. Hahaha!
20 days??? I think general people do 10days enough I also don't know. I also got my contacts but she is very busy so she say timing must accommodate hers. Mine is per time $60 massage and wrap. Some include massage for bb too think mine don't have. Mine is a Chinese lady. I try to book one Malay lady but fully book.

Dolly I will continue to eat chilli after birth even bf cause my gf ate chilli, mala, curry all this still her bb drink and guess what her baby at young age can eat chilli and curry haha. So i probably will do so too.

Circle I also try to avoid going baby shop now.
Haha I kiasu want to slim down so thinking of 20 days. Iwantahealthtbaby, you need contact let me know I pm you. Mine is given by cheery.
Wow you all really got the lobang. However I am not member of these departmental except tangs.
Sasa also got sell is it genuine?
I just wake up from my short nap.
Ooo fyi u can go people's park swanston buy clarins treatment oil, it's even better than metro 20% off. It's 58.50
posted by one of the mummies in nov fb group then I just got yo know my dh cousin joined clarins n can get 30-40% off as staff purchase..
i know some beauty shops hav clarins body product @less 25%.. 1 of them is peaches @parkway.. but coz it's for pregnancy, tat's y i wanted 2get from è counter directly.. post pregnancy & confinment i will get é body shapin cream in tub n use it during massages...
So fann bb out on national day? It's a bb boy, she natural or csec? Today went shopping at spring maternity and mango and dh bought me some tops :) today eat alot my meal start from brunch Kway chap then tea time eat salad and soup then dinner eat Korean bbq set then snack on fish slice soup then now at ya kun eating toast bread.
Wow, Fann has given birth.
Iwantahealthybaby, good to eat more. I just finished folding my clothes. Tomorrow still got laundry and housework to do.
I am very full too after having curry chicken big big bowl at my mum's place.
Good morning ladies, another new day to start with. I think my emo emotion is here. Got to control is hormone again.
Anyway now eating breakfast and going to church. After that going back to do the pile of housework. Tomorrow on leave but well brought my laptop back and will maybe work from home. Still got 3 days to clear.
Good day everyone...this morning wake up later than my dh Haha which is uncommon. Anyway morning while dh greet Twinnies good morning he feel so much of their movement then say they must be hungry so go and buy breakfast for me. I had 2 pieces roti Prata and prawn noodles for breakfast :) later will do some light cleaning to house before I head out shopping alone cause dh got program.

How is everyone?
Wah buddy, so early you already had prata and prawn noodles. Meaning your dh is really early. I just finished my Starbucks breakfast.
I am not going out today after church maybe later just go downstairs ntuc to see the maternity pads. I bought feminine wash for my confinement.
Sometimes I am just wondering if I have missed out anything. Btw anyone of you packed your hospital bag already.
I only packed some items later maybe look at the items already and try to packed finish. Also will write what is needed to be packed last min e.g like make up and camera. Haha going to bring dslr camera ma chiam like celebrity needs to take good photo.
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Mummies who want save more $ can take this as guidleline for Bb vaccination at polyclinic... gg pd costs more n I heard the queue quite fast at poly clinic for bb


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I m monitoring my glucose weekly cos of my family history to dr so no need go for glucose test.
I heard glucose test to b done wk24-28, u can check w Roland again
okok.. i ask again.. coz i usually go on sat, not sure if this test can b done on sat...

lazy sun, still lyin on sofa.. surfin taobao..
My glucose test very late which I don't know why too and if it's accurate but since date given by June tan I just follow. Maybe she away not sure. Test done in week 31.

I haven't pack my bag will wait till sept early when ceiling fan done and dh fix up cot then pack. Ntuc got maternity pad Kotex brand. I bought them too. I heading to Vivo walk again :)

I also will be sending bb to polyclinic for jab
Hahaa i m surfing qoo since wake up see any good time sales or not. Awaiting for jeju wetwipes time sales to stock up. The last i order was 16-18 for 800 pcs inclusive of delivery, no nedd buy at dept stores n carry back...heheee
If i know how to order from taobao, i will b even more broke so now only stick to qoo n ebay will do
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Dolly I'm sure u can pickup soon on how to shop at daobao haha. It's actually the same how u buy from USA. Just that the agent u using from USA to sin doesn't handle daobao one. Mine do so quite easy I learn USA one china almost same :)

I started my 1st half shopping now resting at long John after lunch. Bought baby clothes again from mother care age range from newborn to 12-18mths consisting of dress, bottoms and romper. I am thinking to get socks or mittens to let bb wear on feet. Some newborn I see wear those hand mittens on legs as well. I scare socks too thick for them. Don't know comfy anot.

Went spring maternity again got a shorts and nursing top (can rest now too) later going see can see nice flats anot. Somehow I think at this stage I am pregnant in everybody eyes already haha. Even wearing big size normal clothings which is still flare people can see I'm pregnant :) well at least stomach growing chances bb growing fat inside too :) next adc scan is on 19aug will check weight of babies again with them.

Vivo really quite a lot babies stuff. Can shop like mad. Ladies stuff also a lot. Zara mango all having sale.
Haha.. yeah vivo is good to shop and got toy r us too.
I just done with some housework.
Iwantahealthybaby, big hole in the pocket already?
Sian more housework to do. Jia you. .
Hahaha ok after long john I proceed to cotton on kids they also got some nice newborn rompers and I got 6 pieces. Noooo really just stop soon. I think their clothes are more than mine now. Really don't know how to control. Girls clothings really so nice. Haha
So far I never go vivo alone as dh as usual guys don't like to shop so only buy what we saw. If I go alone I think my spending more jia lat lol. See those nice baby dress really so tempting.
More damages to come iwantahealthybaby?? Haha toy r us you went already? ? That one also got damages one if step in. Lol.
Oh vivo got marche later maybe you can go and daiso for the decal. Oh man so much shops at vivo I think jia lat.
Dolly can't really see. I also wear like this.
That day I told my colleague I am Preggy she told me don't say out if not yet 3 months. I was like huh?? Then I asked her how many months the max my tummy looks. She said maybe 4.. I told her after Oct I am going for me maternity already the she got a shocked.
I stop already cause I think I walk back car too many times with shopping bags. I bought two dresses from uniqlo and 3 polo tee for my dh. Then went another shop bought two cotton skirts for myself and a pants for dh. Enough damage for the day I just at Vivo for less than 3hrs. By the way Habourfront mothercare renovate already seems bigger more stuffs. Bought create own salad bowl from Vivo basement and some finger food back home to eat. Later dh see my loots think he going to faint.

Dolly u really look great doesn't look preggy yet and you are just few weeks behind me. Lynncandy yr colleague thought u still in 1st trim then I think I quite big alteady haha. Later got chance take pic for u all c.
Iwantahealthybaby, wah you are like me that day shop till drop. How to carry home later when you reach your car park. Lol..
Anyone went shopping also? I am done with my housework dinner maybe cook teochew porridge.
Hahahaha I going to transfer all into a big bag and carry home, less one paper bag is good, lucky bb clothes not heavy. Today loots mostly clothes so weight still ok. If really cannot then later ask dh go carpark take. I'm
Almost home. At traffic light near my place :)

Need to wash clothes again today. Later going to keep dry clothes and start washing again. Like never ending. My bb socks/mittens/bibs haven't wash. Pillow case and mattress cover also haven't wash. Then I keep buying clothes also haven't got chance wash.

My shopping is usually weekdays, wkend hard to go shopping w dh... gg east coast w the 2 monsters now...
I just bo liao went my hse downstairs saloon wash hair.. shiok $16 only w head n shoulder massage.. tik about 45mins....
