(2014) ivf mummies support group

Hehee my fav beehoon again, no more hainanese porkchop rice at hans...


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Circle totally understand the pain. Got once my legs btw v there also bruise like walking brush against each legs and resulted in that lucky lasted a week only. I keep applying aloe Vera and the thing is I don't remember my leg keep brushing while walking so don't know why got it. Lucky now is ok.

My lunch
Oh ya circle I think natal might allow us to change some menu. When I told my dad abt the Mei Cai he also say Siao haha he say Mei Cai very cooling wait feng! Haha he say change the dish.
Oh man is that marche??? Ya my thighs become wider so when walk also rub against each other. That was like last month thing but I apply lotion or try to wear pants more often to prevent that.
Dolly nice mee hoon soup again.
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It's hor fun style bee hoon. At tsb clinic now, feel like eating fries later but when I tik of my weight aiyo, better avoid..
Dolly you can really take chilli padi..I can't take spicy now as I got heartburn. So I ask medicine from my doc yesterday. Sian tonight got to go and buy the point finger machine to measure. My finger will have a lot of marks.. point till give birth then can stop using.
Yesterday supper was KFC snackers which include fries and 3 piece roasted drumsticks and ice milo. After that went mac eat hot fudge sundae. Haha come home still drink a cup of milk before sleep. Weight gain!!!

Nope bud not marche. At a new small cafe near my workplace haha.
Iwantahealthybaby , no leh haven't finish buying. Just bought bedding set n waterproof sheet for beanie. Still looking around for mattress for bb cot.
Was at tsb clinic n saw a wholesales shop opp. Bot bb face n bath towels, the lady ask me want buy nb clothes I said I need do inventory check first n aso bring my payer along on sunday.. hehee
Tsb said the most I See her another 3 times can rest n prepare for birth liao... can't wait man...
My tea break at ah kun people's park....


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Lynncandy, did Dr tell u how to monitor ur glucose level? Due to my family history I m alrdy on monitoring since day 1. But I dun do daily, I will pick 2-3 days in a week to monitor 2 weekdays 1 weekend cos dr say wkend we tender to indulge...
Test before meal then 2 hrs again after meal...
The test machine is not ex it's the test strips Tats ex. Jb sells half the price we buy in sg. But those machine tat dun need test code for the strips..

There is an avent sale going on at expo ladies. For those who haven't get can go shop.

Kitkats happy shopping :) I probably will get maternity pads next round. Heard it's better to get maternity pads as usual pads for menses think not thick enough to withstand the flow after birth.
What a tired day. I Jusy knock off. Walk a lot and don't know how ismy beanie.
Dolly, yes doc also ask me to get the cheap machine to Monitor only once a week but 6 times a day before and after meal until birth. So got to poke finger pain ma. I have no time to get the machine today. Will get it tomorrow then.
So quiet tonight? ?
So mei cai really no good la. No wonder my mom so against it. I know salted veg no good. It reverses all your tcm benefits.

Kitkats, my friends always recommend baby safe. Dunno why but can be quite expensive.
Hi to all mummies here.. would like to ask which hospital u guys went to do IVF... im trying for bb...went for a test before, gyane said that my fallopian tube was block.. so i need to do IVF.. so was considering.. can i get some advice from here?

Thank you!!
Hi, I did ivf at kkh. Think the usual places are kkh, nus and sgh. For private, think sf loh is quite popular. Think got a sister who did at sincere also.

What advice are you looking at for ivf? I did both long and short cycles. Happen to be one of the suay ones who kanna ohss where ovaries are overly stimulated.

You can read from the beginning to understand the process and the diff between long and short cycles.

i had din at hans lik 8.30.. so hungry.. went 2collect my phn which was sent 4repair.. then din then return rented mat dress... finally on way hm...
my dinner...

btw i can eat alone in restaurants too.. ding tai feng, ramen, crystal jade... haha... eatin é right food more impt 4me...


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Anyone experience Braxton Hicks? Can share what's it like?
These few days had some tightness at tummy in the evening but didn't really feel like it's the baby doing his somersaults.
Tomorrow thur only Seriously slow week. Today got a aunty say me stomach doesn't look big for twins inside. she then ask me before preg Isit very slim. Now I worry maybe my tummy really small for two babies inside. She even say since I chose csec don't care just eat more eat and eat and eat haha.
Hi, I did ivf at kkh. Think the usual places are kkh, nus and sgh. For private, think sf loh is quite popular. Think got a sister who did at sincere also.

What advice are you looking at for ivf? I did both long and short cycles. Happen to be one of the suay ones who kanna ohss where ovaries are overly stimulated.

You can read from the beginning to understand the process and the diff between long and short cycles.


Hi circle circle,

Thanks for ur info.. actually nw i have a few problems. 1st is doc say i have pocss ( nt ssure wat the shortform) but tat make my menses irregular. 2) my last mense was end of may.. and it didnt stop for 1month plus.. though its nt heavy type.. 3) my both follicle tube is block so doc adv me to do ivf if i want to have bb or to do another checkup to see its really block anot.. cos sometime mayb too gancheong dwn fallopian tube contract.. for more accurate is there will do a minor op which can cost up to 6 to 10k. so i planning to go gov hospital so can subsidize if i need to do anyth.. so i was given kkh or nuh..
Hi circle circle,

Thanks for ur info.. actually nw i have a few problems. 1st is doc say i have pocss ( nt ssure wat the shortform) but tat make my menses irregular. 2) my last mense was end of may.. and it didnt stop for 1month plus.. though its nt heavy type.. 3) my both follicle tube is block so doc adv me to do ivf if i want to have bb or to do another checkup to see its really block anot.. cos sometime mayb too gancheong dwn fallopian tube contract.. for more accurate is there will do a minor op which can cost up to 6 to 10k. so i planning to go gov hospital so can subsidize if i need to do anyth.. so i was given kkh or nuh..
Hmmmm, I have pcos too. Menses irregular like 2-7 months interval. Flow very light like 3-4 days when it comes.

Ttc for 5 years and no results. Used countless ovulation strips but never able to know when is ovulation.

so even if u clear ur tubes, will still face problem with conceiving. Having said that, there are people who still succeed naturally. Some really exercise and keep to healthy lifestyle and diet eg low sugar, gluten free or/and low carbo.

Another thing to note is people with pcos produce a lot of eggs during ivf. Good cos confirm got eggs but egg quality varies. My 1st cycle, 23 eggs but only 1 passable embryo.

Becos our ovaries produce so many eggs, we also have high chance of getting ohss. Which is over stimulation of the ovaries. The side effects are very uncomfortable. not the kind in terrible pain. But very uncomfortable where u can't sleep well, can't eat well and there is nothing u can do about it. You just got to hang in there for like 1-2 weeks for it to wear off. In rare cases, could be serious and get hospitalised. But that is quite rare.

U can read my blog to know more about ohss. And mine is considered mild ohss :) and to me, that is almost my limit.
Today when I log in to see preg all on my mobile the countdown left 13 weeks. For a moment I thought the app go haywire lol then I count again ya 13 weeks is about 3mths. Hear 3mths like very long hear 13 weeks like so fast. I am week 27 this week if the edd take the one gynae push forward if stick to original then I'm week 26.

Today breakfast
I was browsing through the concern about mei cai as confinement food... actually there are quite a few types of mei cai... We, Hakkas, like to use the black kind to cook with lean pork and this dish is usually eat during confinement, this practice also been passed down through many generations... of course its not a daily affair, maybe once a week kinda of thing...
thanks ecym for the clarification on the mei cai then maybe natal essentials one is using the black kind so still suitable. anyway when i ask my dad about the 1st 2 weeks no chicken on menu he say actually can eat chicken just that the male or female one i think. he told me must use female cannot use male but the thing is confinement caterer or outside usually they use frozen chicken mainly male i think. something like that. so he say best avoid if not sure what sex chicken they use lol.

dolly nov we got long holiday liao lol.....maternity starts by then.
Hahaa I m counting down to complete watever tenders coming in sept n oct.. so tat even it's award during my ml it's still clock under me...
thanks ecym for the clarification on the mei cai then maybe natal essentials one is using the black kind so still suitable. anyway when i ask my dad about the 1st 2 weeks no chicken on menu he say actually can eat chicken just that the male or female one i think. he told me must use female cannot use male but the thing is confinement caterer or outside usually they use frozen chicken mainly male i think. something like that. so he say best avoid if not sure what sex chicken they use lol.

dolly nov we got long holiday liao lol.....maternity starts by then.

you can still to opt out the mei cai and chicken with the caterer, i m sure they can find substitute items easily... I also going to opt out pork liver when I order from the confinement caterer...
which confinement caterer you looking at? i finally like went through the menu in details and realise every week same dish lol. oh no i think i grow tired soon...so worried will eat till sick...
Morning morning! My morning just flew past so quickly.

Bb_hc, thanks for reading my blog. More of my grumbling and documentation of my journey. Hahaha!

Ecym, good to hear about the mei cai part. I will only see my tcm doc next week so update u all again la. Hahaha!

What is for lunch everyone?
I had pork bibimbap for lunch. Very very full now haha. Tonight going to date dh out dinner at bugis. Will go walk and wait for him there. Thinking of getting a slip on from pazzion but ex so shall see any cheaper alternative.
Hello everyone, a busy morning for me. I had fishball mee pok dry for lunch. Now like having gastric sian.
Just pack bean curb back for tea break later. I think the pregnancy always hungry symptom has come. It seems like i am getting hungry after eating even after eating.
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Had bfast this morning so end up lunch didn't eat yet. Only had a hot milo... maybe later then take late lunch bah....
Hello everyone, a busy morning for me. I had fishball mee pok dry for lunch. Now like having gastric sian.
Just pack bean curb back for tea break later. I think the pregnancy always hungry symptom has come. It seems like i am getting hungry after eating even after eating.

Eat more now cos 3rd trimester it is much easier to get reflux ... especially have to cut down during dinner so there is space and time to digest dinner properly
i hope i belong to the group all symptoms dont have even at 3rd trim. but now i am starting to worry about the size of my bump. still doesnt look like im carrying twins. caught in want it grow bigger yet scare grow too big lol. i wonder when will have a significant jump again to my waist line...

i still dont feel hungry but will still eat every meal. i heard that bb start to eat your food 2 hrs later so whatever you take now they start eating 2 hrs later lol.
Iwantahealthybaby, by eating durian will shot up your tummy. Give it a try lol. My beanie manages to gain a bit after durian.
Hahaa my teppanyaki late lunch at wisma foodcourt... can skip.dinner liao... heheee


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actually i dont hate durians nor love but i find after preg i really no mood eat durian especially that time eat once and vomit dont know somehow got phobia. and maybe cause i havent do the glucose test yet so scare durian too sweet. hahaha

counting down to leave office. now free abit going toilet after that will continue to compare confinement caterer menu.

i google also mei cai really a confinement food wor. hahaha so if i really order from natal essential i dont think i will change. actually does malays do confinement? i am wondering what they eat during the 1 month then. they all look good too after that...any of you all know?
which confinement caterer you looking at? i finally like went through the menu in details and realise every week same dish lol. oh no i think i grow tired soon...so worried will eat till sick...

I think I will go for chilli padi , their menu looks good... I nvr tried confinement catering before... I had CL for my first born but this round I will do away with CL and just order confinement food, my DH will also take leave to care for the newborn for the first month...
i google also mei cai really a confinement food wor. hahaha so if i really order from natal essential i dont think i will change. actually does malays do confinement? i am wondering what they eat during the 1 month then. they all look good too after that...any of you all know?

Yes Malay has confinement too... i think theirs longer at 40 days... think they also use a lot of some spices that we seldom use in chinese cooking...
so nice ecym. i also tempted to ask dh to take leave for a month. he have lots of leave to clear but dont know can one whole month absent from work anot...if not hope he can make do with 2 weeks. my mum will take 2 weeks leave also to stay with me...1st two weeks i am well taken care off then the last two weeks hahaha maybe alone at home with 2 babies...god bless.

chilli padi looks expensive the menu thought want to save abit hehe but i going to explore also.
Hmmm.. I am just so into durian but well that day shall be the last time eating it during pregnancy.
Ya I find Malay ladies look good after the first month. I think I am going to become a extremely bom bom soon. Just don't know why I am feeling very hungry even after eating. Faint*
I can't wait to go home too as I am very tired from the 12 hours of working yesterday.
Circle, your blog looks good and you can really write very good blog.
What shall I eat for dinner??

so nice ecym. i also tempted to ask dh to take leave for a month. he have lots of leave to clear but dont know can one whole month absent from work anot...if not hope he can make do with 2 weeks. my mum will take 2 weeks leave also to stay with me...1st two weeks i am well taken care off then the last two weeks hahaha maybe alone at home with 2 babies...god bless.

chilli padi looks expensive the menu thought want to save abit hehe but i going to explore also.

Ask your DH to sound his boss out first... 1st two weeks if you have help from you mum, ask him to take leave from 2 or 3rd weeks onwards... if his boss dun allow, work out something like every alternate day off...

I was also looking at thomson baby catering...that one even more ex... so i choose something in between...
