(2014) ivf mummies support group

Just finished review w gynae. She has grown from 387g at wk20 to 530g at wk22. wat a jump. But Dr no worry, he say more worry small than big, as Long it's not too big can liao..
I was expecting pictures from detail scan from peh but they gave a cd so gona go home n See it...
I aso weight shoot up, wk18 61kg now 63.6 wk22... wat did I eat..

He aso say my placenta low n hopefully will move up n his opinion is c sect for my case as I have gone thru so many complication n ivf tries. He dun believe in luck to wait for natural birth. Prefer c sect which is more controllable.
So likely mid nov at wk38 bah...
Hi hi..if placenta low..try to walk lesser and slowly it will move up..no worries on that :))
Today is madness for me. Busy busy till now then rushing to kkh hope no jam. Bu the way if my placenta not low but will frequent walking lower the position then? I didn heard doc mention about position of my placenta so I presume is at ok level.

Today the amount I work macham full day like that. Non stop even during lunch since I lunch in.

Oh I think I got 2-3 packets of the loop pads if no adhesive don't think I use too. I thought the loop one cost more than adhesive one. Actually after birth the bleeding really alot ar? I see maternity pad quite short also I prefer like overnight length.
someone posted this in our Jan 15 thread, I just forward it for you girls as a guide. Guess you girls have more or less bought most of the items.

Diaper changing
Cloth diapers, diaper liners & safety pins OR disposable diapers
Baby wipes
Diaper rash cream
Changing mat
Ruyi Oil/Telon Minyak Oil
Baby’s clothing
Tops (Short sleeved front button or ties – 10, few long-sleeved)
Long pants (7 nights per week )
Mittens (10 sets)
Socks/Booties (10 sets)
Cap ( only applicable if cut botak)
Swaddling blanket (3)
Bath thermometer
Baby shampoo
Baby soap
Towel (2-3 pcs)
Sterile cotton balls in cool boiled water (for cleaning eyes) ( a few packs per wks)
Alcohol wipes + cotton bud + antiseptic powder (for cleaning cord)
Baby oil ( not applicable for me cos din use it ...so wasted)
Baby nail clipper
Medela Breast pump
Sterilising equipment
cooler bag
Bottle brush
Bottles (at least 6) + teats + caps (2 small 150 ml size at least), watch out for teats hole sizes please!
Infant formula
Bibs (later for weaning)
Cot – sheets, mattress, protector (2-3 sets in case rainign not dry
waterproof sheet
Braun digital Thermometer
Gripe water
Going out
Diaper bag – thermos flask, changing mat
Baby carrier/pram
Car seat
for mummy
Nursing tops/ pyjamas /gowns (incl for hospital stay)
Nursing bra (6-7)
Breast pads
Nipple cream
Maternity / normal pads
Today is madness for me. Busy busy till now then rushing to kkh hope no jam. Bu the way if my placenta not low but will frequent walking lower the position then? I didn heard doc mention about position of my placenta so I presume is at ok level.

Today the amount I work macham full day like that. Non stop even during lunch since I lunch in.

Oh I think I got 2-3 packets of the loop pads if no adhesive don't think I use too. I thought the loop one cost more than adhesive one. Actually after birth the bleeding really alot ar? I see maternity pad quite short also I prefer like overnight length.

I think it also depends how "clean" your gynae has done for you post partum and also depends on individual? My lochia after my first born (c sect) was like normal menses flow leh, when my gynae came to visit me the next day, he said he "clean up" nicely for me, so I thought he has removed most of the blood clots? My lochia after MTPT also quite periodic kind, not very heavy but on-off spotting for almost two-three weeks.

But I also heard those with a lot of lochia after c sect too...
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I think it also depends how "clean" your gynae has done for you post partum and also depends on individual? My lochia after my first born (c sect) was like normal menses flow leh, when my gynae came to visit me the next day, he said he "clean up" nicely for me, so I thought he has removed most of the blood clots? My lochia after MTPT also quite periodic kind, not very heavy but on-off spotting for almost two-three weeks.

But I also heard those with a lot of lochia after c sect too...

Thanks for yr info so I can say it all depends on how the gynae skills hehe hope mine not a lot.
OK nothing to do w bb... just shopping lobang saw on asos....
Ted Baker bags which u can't get this price is sg


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Iwantahealthybaby, Good that the pressure still ok. Well I still believe there is miracle so just got to keep praying on the healing.
Mine got the white spot but I never go got further check. Doc say it will heal as it grow.
Dolly, you love bag hehe. Is this for the mummy or baby bag?
Today I cook teochew porridge again.
Mine thermometer is infrared one so that no need to disturb beanie when take the reading. I got it from baby kingdom.
Iwantahealthybaby, just see how things go. Don't think too much.
Dolly after dinner my sugar is 11.3 jia lat leh.
Yup I consolidated all My delivery to comgateway together w my Carter's n ebay items.. mine is 250 after include all the shipping.
Yes Dolly about 1.5hrs after meal. I think I cannot even take sweet drink, notice after sweet drink reading like this.
Wah you all branded mama.. But the bag is nice.
I am not using this kind of bag but those sport backpack as I lazy to carry the bag with one shoulder and I purposely use backpack so dh can carry haha. Hmm.. unless need to dress nice nice then maybe I should consider one hor..
Iwantahealthybaby, some apps said we are 3rd trimester already. Btw when will be your next review? Mine will be on 28 Aug. Oct got 2 holidays so good for us, lesser working days.
At least got close review. My review will be 3 weeks once but I think next month onwards maybe will even be closer.
Lol mcm backpack. Great choice.
I think my beanie scare of heat. Just now when I wad cooking then beanie keep on moving. Don't know is it too hot from the flame lol.
Sian tomorrow back to work already. Holiday fly so fast...
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2 weeks ago, i hardly feel anythg..

this past weekend, i feel fetus doin somersaults...

when i go back 2work 2day, i hardly feel anythg... so random...
Mcm backpack u can check out those outlet item from qoo...
I won't buy mcm from boutique, too ex in sg n too many cheong ones selling on qoo..
I saw this from an outlet too


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My mum still feels my bb is a boy I say halo harmony blood test on the dna cfm gal lah... cos of my dressing she feels I Dun look preggy enough... faintz
I feeling like a penguin liao
i feel è hard part as well... usually on right side n @night of when i m restin.. there r ocasional thumps.. but i can't catch è moment 2feel w/my hands usually...

tues, long week ahead...
Just join in wa group w nov mummies, more active in wa than in fb n smh.. high tea meet up next wed.. can't imagine a group of 30 preggy mummy having high tea together...
Lynncandy, 3rd trimester starts on 28 weeks. Actually the change to tiredness becomes gradual over the weeks ..my legs are becoming tired carrying all the extra weight n very swollen now
Joy soon u won't be able to miss beanie movement. Practically now everyday I can feel beanies move and see them do the kallang roar lol. Yesterday during scan the doc was telling his nurse the babies can hear us now as we talk. Probably twin b moving inside during scan. But during scan I can feel stomach moving as well.

Joie when does your leg swollen starts? So far mine not really yet hope it doesn't start. Will suddenly enter trim 3 have major changes? Like leg swollen, tummy suddenly up 2 size overnight etc? Next mon will be start of my week 28.

Haha dolly your mum still cannot believe u carrying princess.

Circle busy with work? Waiting for your review with tcm on the confinement menu. I also cannot decide already which to go. Now chilli padi menu seems ok too haha.

My bf for today is vegetarian noodles

Still lazing at home reading wa msgs from nov mummies...
My dh so glad to See my pregnant look, he said more like it... I m liked... siao ah
Morning ladies! Today me and kitkats got appt at kkh. Kitkats excited a not??? Can see beanie again! Hahaha!

I passed the menu to my tcm doc. But the chilli padi one all in English. So I must translate for her then pass to her.

But between natal essentials and rich food, she says natal essentials is better. Herbs more suitable for us. But she rather I change the mei cai. Cos got preservatives so better to eat fresh ingredients like vegs.
My legs get swollen maybe after 30 to 32 weeks gradually ... you can press the skin and see the indentation marks .. also my arms are very swollen so the fingers feel a little numb in the morning when I wake up..
I have a tendency to get water retention but nurse still insist that I have to drink more water to flush out toxins.
I think all dh gets excited when the tummy grows and when the tummy reacts to them. haha. my dh also more and more excited compare to initial before preg stage. i always feel he like not ready to be a dad. feel that its cause i want then he accomodate my wish but now see how he talk to beanies everynight and morning before he go works i can feel his participation. yesterday he even trick beanies that he is leaving the bedroom he want to see whether they start bouncing around in my tummy cause he talk to them they dont want to react haha. i am going to miss this experience for sure thou i also hope to see and feel beanies in my arms soon.

so dolly going for high tea with the nov mummies? thats nice. i havent join any mummies group yet i know some friends of mine after birth will have this gathering with all the mth mummies at one of their house or gather together. but i think for me hard to bring two twinnies along if hubbs not joining.
i see circle, so chilli padi u must wait translate already then let her see again. hehehe. the only bad abt natal is almost weekly same. i think chilli padi they rotate alternate weeks so not as sick if keep seeing same food.

today aptm is adc or see doc only. happy seeing beanie :)

lynncandy busy at work?

ya dolly good to hear from experience as well. but guess u dont lack much too since you also take care of your godson since young.
So lazy to drive out lunch. I'm still full from breAkfast but want to go get fruits. But lazy. Maybe later 1.30pm see how. I been measuring my tummy width for 1week plus think no increase keep remaining at 39inch wonder is it normal. One min don't want it grow so fast cause means very fat but next min hope the two babies growing well inside getting fatter day by day.
Today appt is the routine tps. I still haven decide between mount a and kkh leh. Really 一脚搭两船 man!

Iwantahealthybaby, it is good to see hubby more involved. My beanie still not very reactive. Hubby also don't really dare to touch tummy. Occasionally I can feel some movement from outside but not all the time. She also doesn't move much. And doesn't react to me talking to her.

Even when I do the baby plus every morn and night, also not much reaction. Some mommies says their beanie become more active during the session. Mine just sleeps right thru the lesson. Hahahaj!
i jus cancelled my aptm this sat... initially i wanted 2go.. but hubz ask go for?? n é waitin tim on sat is terrible...

tak ur time 2decide.. i miss his gentle words smtimes..
Today very on time. 215 appt, now all done already and having lunch at Délifrance. Next appt is 5 weeks. Doing glucose test.

Doc says beanie growing ok. But I was surprised to see my edd on scan pic as 3 dec. He says ignore it wor... thinking whether beanie is growing a not. Cos I not really putting on weight. Not that I mind la... but worried for beanie only.
Ya circle I got same worry as u. Waist doesn't seems to increase but weight increase abit so worry that beanies not growing well inside. Bug of cause I seriously don't mind if I remain as small size as possible but bb grow and grow. Is that even possible?? Mmm.

When you enter week 26 probably fail u can feel beanie move.

How is kitkats review with doc today? Manage to bump into circle? Hee. You two always same aptm date.
Hello everyone. What a super busy day at work for me. Once I reach office busy until ot. Today never really bother about beanie movement as too busy. Now just come back talk to her she is like sleeping. Paranoid again. . Yesterday is the most amazing things for dh. Dh called beanie and say everytime can't feel her from outside so guess what beanie gives a real hard kick and dh hand move. He got so surprised by beanie. Hehe..
Today managed to sneak to my salon for hair treatment. Not too sure if beanie likes it a not but she kept kicking thru the whole session, esp when hair dryer sound is present. Hahaha!

Hopefully with hair treatment, my hair can look nice and maintain until delivery man.
Circle, my beanie will kick also when using hair dryer. Don't know is the sound or the heat lol. I am enduring to after birth then go do my hair. Now really no idea what style I want haha.
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Hahaha! I didn't perm or rebond. Just hair treatment. Did a scalp treatment to control the oil and normal treatment to maintain the hair quality.

I think it is the sound. Cos the lady was blowing other people hair and beanie was kicking away. Hahaha!
My appt ok. Saw circle of coz n have a mini chat. :)

Going for breast feeding course 5 weeks later, circle u going too?
My appt ok. Saw circle of coz n have a mini chat. :)

Going for breast feeding course 5 weeks later, circle u going too?
Nay... hubby very anti - courses leh. That time get married, don't want to attend marriage prep class.

Now don't want to pay money for neo - natal class. Heng my mom gonna stay with me until Feb. So will have help.

Got a neighbour and a very close buddy who are super bf advocates. So can seek help anytime.

And maybe if deliver at Mt a, they also super pro - bf. So hopefully enough to get me thru la.

And good to see kitkats too! Hahaha! did you managed to ask dr tan about baby weight? I asked at the end and he just mumbled like 19cm so about 800grams. But doesn't seem right, cos according to baby centre, beanie should be about 600+ at 25w.

And if my scan pic says I am 23 weeks only, then my beanie should be even smaller.
Nay... hubby very anti - courses leh. That time get married, don't want to attend marriage prep class.

Now don't want to pay money for neo - natal class. Heng my mom gonna stay with me until Feb. So will have help.

Got a neighbour and a very close buddy who are super bf advocates. So can seek help anytime.

And maybe if deliver at Mt a, they also super pro - bf. So hopefully enough to get me thru la.

And good to see kitkats too! Hahaha! did you managed to ask dr tan about baby weight? I asked at the end and he just mumbled like 19cm so about 800grams. But doesn't seem right, cos according to baby centre, beanie should be about 600+ at 25w.

And if my scan pic says I am 23 weeks only, then my beanie should be even smaller.
Yes I ask him about my beanie weight. He said 1.1kg
Woohoo! Not bad! Then maybe mine really 800grams. Hahaha!

Then I feel a bit more assured now. Hahaha!

But weird leh. Then baby centre charts says 600 grams plus for 25 weeks. Hahaha!

Whao kitkats yr bb is 1.1kg already. Gosh my still below 1kg now I also don't know how much weight they put on already. But confirm at your week back then mine is not that heavy :( where is the breast feeding course held? Actually I'm interested but don't know where. I wonder if after delivery kkh got any expert to really guide us through anot..

I am quite happy with my poo movements now. Not as constipated and hard as previously. Now the feel come I can go and don't need sit like more than 15mins, the feeling is just so shiok!

Actually the bb weight they estimate through the length of bb right?
