(2014) ivf mummies support group

My mum helped me wash all the beanie's clothing, 4 pillows, 2 bolsters, 2 comforters, protectors, towels and even air the playpens, bouncer and car seat already haha. She even iron the clothing and I have helped to packed all on the drawers already. Lol. We are so kiasu..
Now I left with washing the sterilizers and let it run a few rounds first plus my hospital bag.
My mil just passed me new clothing and I have not washed them too.

Dolly during working days right shopping hehe. If I outdoor sales I probably do that too. Don't waste my weekend. Just went maxwell pack dinner for my parents. The chicken rice there madness long que. I don't fancy chicken rice so not a fan.

Whao lynncandy even car seat also wash? I only vacuum haha. I don't think I will also iron bb clothes, just wash that's it. Haha.

My house messy no extra space for me pack cause drawers all blocked with stuffs for time being. Dh wanted to get another toyogo box but I don't know Isit too much. I got two big one currently.

Wonder how heavy is fann bb. She also put on quite a lot weight for her whole pregnacy
Actually one drawer should be enough. I initially thought so much things sure not enough but after folding the clothes is more than enough unless yours really a lot of clothing. Lol.
Wah I miss the chicken rice at maxwell. So tempted to eat haha.
Hi the rest of the ladies, how is your Sunday? ? Circle, kitkats, faithfullyyours, cheery, sumiko, joy, mschar, bb_hc, mapleleafy and the rest? ?
Dolly, your photo background I could see some baby toys? Lol I also loaded with beanie's things on the floor. Cannot imagine next time now toys to come.
Mine really a lot. Currently mine is those one big toyogo box not drawer type. Previously before wash all clothes occupy like 1 and 1/2 box full. Now wash I fold into my ikea drawer cabinet already. But 2 drawers full already and still some haven't wash and packed. My now empty toyogo box is used to store diapers. When everything fix I will move around and see room can add In toyogo 4-5tier drawers anot. Cause I bought a ikea 4tier push around organiser but haven't fix also, intend to use that for diaper/napkins and some powder or lotion storage so when need can push around easily.

Pray tomorrow check up with cardiac twin b heart no extra pressure. Doc say anytime pressure not right must arrange to csec..gosh every cardiac checkup now is time bomb.
Those toys are passed over from one of his client, I haven't start taking over my godson items yet lor. His infant car seat, high chair, baby cot, bouncer n etc. Wait till last mth then activate over to my hse.. hehee
Actually one drawer should be enough. I initially thought so much things sure not enough but after folding the clothes is more than enough unless yours really a lot of clothing. Lol.
Wah I miss the chicken rice at maxwell. So tempted to eat haha.
Hi the rest of the ladies, how is your Sunday? ? Circle, kitkats, faithfullyyours, cheery, sumiko, joy, mschar, bb_hc, mapleleafy and the rest? ?
Dolly, your photo background I could see some baby toys? Lol I also loaded with beanie's things on the floor. Cannot imagine next time now toys to come.

Packed mt kitchen to make space for confinement food and stock ups. Reorganized the wardrobe for more usable space... it's enough to tire me out. Waiting for korean tofu stew :)
Iwantahealthybaby, huh anything need to csec at this stage? Don't think so ba now they are only week 27. is the doctor experience? I think no worries, beanie B will grow strong. You talk to beanies everyday.
I everyday will sayang and talk to my beanie. Tell beanie she will grow healthy.
I cooked teochew porridge, today eat plain plain will do. Sian got to poke finger tomorrow.
Dolly at one day must Poke 6 times for the test right?
Bud ya no choice cause cardiac doc say must monitor twin b heart flow rate if anytime the extra tissue is affecting blood flow to her heart it's dangerous so must bring her out and by then twin a must follow since cannot one deliver one inside. So I got regular checkup with cardiac doc to check on twin b heart flow. Because doc say inside womb they cannot do anything but if bb out they still can try to do treatment be it operation or anything.
Twin b will be fine. You are a strong mum mum so she will stay strong with you. Don't worry so much just see how things go. Twin b jia you! ! Stay in your mummy's tummy healthily until full term as you are a strong girl.
I will keep you in prayer.
My mil just bought new clothing again. Now is 3 to 6 months faint. So far I have not gotten any clothing for my beanie as all bought by mil.
I still have not go and buy my maternity pad, think tomorrow go and buy since on leave.
Dh just bought a dreamgenii preg pillow for me hope it works. Having bad side position sleeping for days maybe even weeks. Wanted the ushape type but super bulky so chose this instead should smaller at least dh got space to sleep beside me haha.
Iwantahealthybaby, huh anything need to csec at this stage? Don't think so ba now they are only week 27. is the doctor experience? I think no worries, beanie B will grow strong. You talk to beanies everyday.
I everyday will sayang and talk to my beanie. Tell beanie she will grow healthy.
I cooked teochew porridge, today eat plain plain will do. Sian got to poke finger tomorrow.
Dolly at one day must Poke 6 times for the test right?
I poke 7 times if needed... last one is before sleep...
My mum said she as外婆has to buy 1 dozen of bb clothes for my bb. Then I asked u buy her gold lah she said she will buy bracelet if boy then buy anklet wor..
I Dun mind anklet so tat I can hear her movement like my godson, only until recently 3years plus then we took it off. In dept store just look out for the bell sound.. heheee
Buddy, glad you got the pillow hope can help you sleep better. The pillow selling at mothercare cost around $100+ if I never remember wrongly.
Dolly, 7 times a day. .. is once a week the test one right. Oh man.. so many times.. faint must monitor until give birth. .
I prefer anklet too with the ring bell sound haha. My parents also got a set for my Twinnies. They chose anklets over bracelets cause anklets can last longer. I also prefer newborns with anklets looks cuter :)

Tomorrow working already so fast. Although got a ph but really it's like normal weekend :(

Tomorrow school kids having holiday right? They always have a off day in school after national day. Shiok! Teachers also shiok!

Tomorrow got to settle quite a few documents before going checkup. Hope no new jobs for me.
Tomorrow I am taking my off in lieu hehe. So my sian feeling will come tomorrow night. Buddy come to think of it your glucose test really a bit too late leh. Hmm.. Tomorrow maybe you kpo go and check it out since you will be going kkh.
So scare tomorrow my first day to try the poke finger test. Aiyoo. Cannot imagine poke so many times a day.
Today the rest like very quiet??? Busy shop till drop too??
I poke twice a week for 7 times each day.
Dh off to mj overnight again, I m alone again tonight but need go ofc early tmr for full day meeting... Monday blues
Yalor very very late for glucose test. Ok will pop by tps ask the nurse over the counter. But that time call them
Up they say since date given by doc should b fine. But I remember that time doc actually tell me fix a date with counter nurse for glucose test so I also don't know date is who give one. Shall double confirm again.

I dread tomorrow...argh!
Yoyo! Weekend just disappeared. Did nothing this weekend except hide in aircon room. Itch super bad. Whole back all bumps. Not getting any better also.

Itch until I super no mood. Cannot scratch. Lean against sofa also itchy. Can only sit or lie on side.

Iwantahealthybaby, hope your visit tmr will be smooth smooth. Lynncandy, hope your glucose levels stay low all the way too.
housework sun for me.. i kinda really feel é fetus movement totally esp when i lie on sofa or bed.. lik somethg thumpin inside.. or a sharp kick..

had durian @night, yumz..
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Thanks Circle. my tummy rashes is almost same as your back. Totally understand the itchy cannot scratchy feel!! So u still applying cream Everynight from your doc? I use Kodomo powder lotion and i feel it helps abit don't know is recovering that's why not as itchy as before or it really helps. I find it quite convi may get this for bb to use instead baby powder cause baby powder will make the whole room dusty. Small particles sure fly when apply. This powder lotion works the same as the powder just that it's lotion type once dry won't oily also. U can go kiddy palace see see.

Yes weekend just end like that I still cannot believe.

I been going to the loo very very frequently. More than trim 1. And I feel weird at times like suddenly will have some weird movement near the uterus don't know is beanie pressing on it or just their movement and it travel down there. But to feel the movement is happiness. Unexplained happiness :)
Thanks Circle. my tummy rashes is almost same as your back. Totally understand the itchy cannot scratchy feel!! So u still applying cream Everynight from your doc? I use Kodomo powder lotion and i feel it helps abit don't know is recovering that's why not as itchy as before or it really helps. I find it quite convi may get this for bb to use instead baby powder cause baby powder will make the whole room dusty. Small particles sure fly when apply. This powder lotion works the same as the powder just that it's lotion type once dry won't oily also. U can go kiddy palace see see.

Yes weekend just end like that I still cannot believe.

I been going to the loo very very frequently. More than trim 1. And I feel weird at times like suddenly will have some weird movement near the uterus don't know is beanie pressing on it or just their movement and it travel down there. But to feel the movement is happiness. Unexplained happiness :)
Nay.. not applying the cream on my back. Cos it says use sparingly. I think back surface area too big already. I scared to use. I apply the cream on bikini line, armpit and a hole. Those places Seems to be better.

I used baby powder for back but tcm doc says will clot pores. So now I change to tea tree oil and aloe vera. Hopefully it will disappear soon la. If got to last until delivery, think I will faint!!!!

Right now I am sleeping cos of the antihistamine tablet. But by 3 plus I will wake up from itch one. Apply aloe vera and slowly wait to fall asleep.
Good morning ladies, 3 months more to delivery full term. Just can't wait for that day to come.
Haha I am not working but I am the earliest today. Yesterday I kenna heartburn again the acid shoot up to my throat until now like sore throat.
Actually my sugar level is ok one just family history so got to monitor. The poking finger starts today. Cannot imagine.
Iwantahealthybaby, the feeling you have on the bladder I have it too. It is like the bb pressing down then I go toilet like every 20 mins sometimes or even more. For my case is uti as bb press down until bladder the blood flow slow down.
Counting down counting down. We have past so many months in this forum already. Wooh. Jia you. .
Wondering joie give birth already? ?
Later shall go market see got any good food. Today Monday sure many stalls will closed.
U r early lynncandy. Cause prepare sandwich for dh? Ya mon market a lot close and I love hawker breakfast. Me driving thru mac still in midst of queuing today a lot cars Infront of me. Think all holiday still cause school close today. Today I no govt in office I super late 9am and I m still at my house area lol. By time I reach office if no jam should be 9.40am but got a feeling today office not much people. Hopefully boss don't come in before I in haha.

Later going qo10 buy laptop bag. My laptop is here now waiting for IT to set up for me. Wonder will get more stuffs anot if I log in later. Hopefully not. Later if I able sneak out office earlier and reach kkh earlier I might go mothercare see see look look again. I like their clothes for bb cause some comes is set of 2 or 3 so easy for me get don't need headache which for which I tend to get those for 2 one. Diff design yet similar :)

Bb_hc congrats on entering third trim, me and lynncandy a week behind u. Next week then week 28. 28 itself is consider end of trim 2 or start of trim 3?

Yesterday try dreamgenii pillow it's not those super big and fluffy pillow like those u shape but somehow it does work for me. When lay on side less pain felt on side of tummy. Hopefully all the way till preg finish it does wonders. My dh say I should get two to stack make it more fluffy cause I'm heavy by time stomach grow bigger the weight going to flatten the pillow soon haha.

After keying so long msg I am still in que to get my Mcmuffin :(

Today wake up feeling worried again. So worried about twin b heart problem. Because doc cannot confirm the diagnose now we also cannot confirm all is well or all is not well. Only know a fact it's a problem for sure just don't know if it will affect twin b next time when she born. Hopefully it's a small issue where no medication is require. Please continue to bless my babies!
Good luck for your scan later! Today traffic very smooth so it is a good start!

Still feeling super sleepy, poss under the effects of the antihistamine. Will only wear off close to lunch time.
Lynn I haven't given birth yet.. 39 weeks and counting.
Glad baby didn't decide to come out during national day weekend cos I heard hospitals were really packed!
Gynae also just came back from his hols .. so doing check up tomorrow ..
3rd trimester is really testing my lack of sleep... preparing for sleepless nitez. . So enjoy your 2nd trimester
My figure today. Haha the boos seem like fatter than the tummy. Well some people can't really tell I am preggy except i become fat bom bom even 3 months more to delivery. But my leg grow fatter.
I manage to buy the maternity pad just now and I got the stick on one at $6.30 plus tie string one. Btw those tie string pad use what string to tie? Where to find?
Hmm.. Some apps said week 27 is 3rd trimester already leh. So we are 3 trimester ba?
Buddy, at 9am you are still buying mcd to go to work lol no gov?
I am done with my hospital bag and a list of items to remind me to bring last min. I also place 2 bottles of chicken if essence next to the bag so If want to deliver faster drink 2 bottles.
I manage to buy the maternity pad just now and I got the stick on one at $6.30 plus tie string one. Btw those tie string pad use what string to tie? Where to find?.

My take, dun use the tie string pad... its cumbersome and it does not hold in position well so half the time your lochia would have leaked to your panty... buy super long night sanitary pads and stick additional pad on top on one another... i think this method can contain the lochia better than the tie string ones...

I think you can request from the hospital for those strings...
Alamak.. I just got 1 packet of tie string to try haha never use before ma. That one cheap cheap only $3.30 one packet.
A bit regret after open and see haha but I also got buy the stick on maternity pad.
Ok after eating so sweet for my breakfast the sugar level really shot up. I think I better stay to non sweet food.
Hi ladies...ive discharged frm kkh yesterday afternoon...guess wat my butt n tummy hv rashes le all over n need to apply lotion...

Now on 2wks HL till 21st n shall extend thereafter...bedrest n bedrest for me.. no other medications other than tis...ladies pls take care n refrain from carrying heavy stuff n walk long distance...i just hope my low placenta lining will shift up in time to come...
I was give the tie string pad after I did dnc last year, my goodness I really can't hold it n I wonder how my mum used in the past... I cfm buy the normal night pads to use lor
Aiyoo.. Mine was super low like 2 below meal. After very sweet meal was 10. Jia lat. Think I got to change my meal type. Today had very sweet breakfast.
I was give the tie string pad after I did dnc last year, my goodness I really can't hold it n I wonder how my mum used in the past... I cfm buy the normal night pads to use lor

Yar I also use it for my MTPT, I dun even noe how to loop the string ... not to mention the maternity pad is so narrow, so thick... yucks
gosh did u all say the tie string one is the one with two loops infront and end of the pad? the kotex brand? i got that too and i was as thinking even dont tie they no comes with stick on below the pad? actually can get those thick super long overnight type like we use for normal menses? since its thicker for overnight wear and longer. maternity pad seems short. i saw at mothercare also not those long one.

lynn your boobs really bigger than stomach lol no wonder cannot see you preggy. mine is way over already which makes my boobs become small thou it should have up one size. ya today no govt hahaha. i not going out lunch cause lazy. i brought salad to work, yesterday didn eat so today take as lunch.

simplegirl glad to hear all is well. yours is due to carry heavy and walking? i walk quite alot not to mention still carry stuffs but dont know how much is consider heavy.

thanks circle i also praying all is well after checkup how i wish doc can say miracle everything look fine all problem gone. crossing fingers today can hear this hehe
by the way thou no govt i am super busy. the min i step in i been on my email and documents till now. havent got time log in for my laptop bag purchase.
Maternity pad got 2 types, the photo below is stick one. Then I curious also bought the tie string one as feel Iike experiencing it haha.
Iwantahealthybaby, very fast you are going to knock off soon to go kkh lol. No worries short working day for you. Hmm.. Did you buy the correct pad? Stick one is around $6.30.
I am planning what to eat for lunch to lower sugar Lol.
Dolly, any idea by eating meat alone is it can lower next reading?


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I bought two types but haven't open. I bought the one as shown loop and also yours. So u mean the loop is the one tie and doesn't come with adhesive? Omg!
Ya I also bought this type, this is tie string only and no stick on below. If want I am thinking can use double sided tape a not haha. Well just experience tie string. I don't mind trying as only got 10 pads very fast will finish using.
