(2014) ivf mummies support group

Lynncandy, mothercare sales up to 50%.saw it today at parkway after my dr review.I can't resist n grab 6 pcs for my godson and 3 pcs for my gal... hehee

I heard mothercare pyjamas also 50%. My friend says very comfy. Nowadays I got to wear nightie to sleep. If wear shorts, feels like it is squashing my tummy. Cannot sleep leh.

Lynncandy, depends la. This week luckier. Last week keep eating hawker and zichar. Beanie didn't crave. This week more interesting but dinner is always home cooked food. Dunno why always no appetite so eat very very little. Today eat at mil house also abour 4-5tablespoons of rice. Think my mil was like staring at me when i went to lessen the rice.

Last evening, I just made milk and add a bit of granola and that is dinner. At least got calcium and fibre. Better than tabao la.
Ladies I'm lying on my bed getting ready to sleep already. Just now had a scare of my life. Think really paranoid. I was sitting at my living room watching tv when I felt my shorts getting wet...then when I stand up the floor beneath me is wet as well. Dh thought I spill water but i know I didn. Then I check my shorts wet as well I thought waterbag burst...I was telling dh pls don't tell me waterbag burst and dh is like huh where got so fast now only how many mths. Then I even can reply him if now burst means miscarriage Liao. Then I think and think and tell him should be nothing la should be the cooling pad I sit burst and leak water slowly...seriously wth scare the hell off me...

Yes tomorrow my 1st Time seeing prof biswas hope he can give me hope. Aptm at 4.30pm so not going to take leave. Will leave office earlier to go for aptm. Dh will meet me there.

Hope I can share some positive light tomorrow in this forum after my review.

Circle must try to eat more cause my experience is even nausea lessen we may not eat more as mths goes by cause the stomach getting bigger and it's causing pressure too so eat a bit will feel like macham eat a lot.
Good morning.
Iwantahealthybaby, you must have got a fright yesterday. Don't worry things will be fine just take step by step. Update us again.
Cheery, the dha so low only. Think Monday I will check with Doc on the fish oil.
Circle, must eat more for beanie. Maybe go for the food you like so that can eat more.
Dolly, think I will go shopping after next Monday review.
Lying on the bed and lazy now. Slowly then go to work. Hmm.. What should I packet for breakfast and lunch?
The match this morning n yet my boss Still can't make it to meeting at Moe this morning. Last night arrow me go on his behalf to attend. He really cmi...
Dolly your boss watch world cup again? So jia lat. Is he or she on commission also?
I am having breakfast at swiss bake now. Yum yum.
He is my boss / manager bcos on commission based. The fact is he is suppose to attend this meeting monthly for past years n recently he start arrow us to attend in his behalf, wat I dun like is last min arrow... it's obvious he can't wake up in time be it world cup or no world cup. Anyway he is a sloppy boss, always appear in polo t for meetings. Simply no respect for customer n company I feel..
Iwantahealthybaby, it must have totally scared u!!!! Oh man!!!! Thankfully it is just a scare man.

I will try to eat more la. Beanie very picky about food. Usually I already don't like my mil food. Now with beanie, even worse. I am sure she is gonna say it is my fault for not eating if anything happens to beanie.

Normally I will try eat something else at home eg a cup of milk or cherries or oat cookies.

Haiz... Sometimes u wonder how some people can climb so high. Makes u feel very duh. Hahaha!
On a side foodie note - I finally got to eat my old chang kee curry puff! Wanted it like 2 months ago! That is brekkie today!
busy since morning the min i step in. finally log in to see see. yes indeed it scare the hell out of me yesterday. cause i also dont know how the scene will be if really waterbag breaks. but pls dont let it happen again cannot take the stress.....

i just received adc kkh aptm reminder. change time to 11 instead of 8am next tue. hope it doesnt delay long i still need go back office after that.
I think I have also been absenting from work always due to scan, check up and etc. Hopefully my boss will understand.

Btw ladies, I just received a called from my doctor's clinic. They said I will need to see my doctor by today. Sigh, another scary thing again. The clinic told me they checked and I have got urine infection, actually my doc not bad will conduct checks for me. So I will have to go back tonight to see him on this and also on my HL review. Luckily mine is package everytime see doctor not need to pay money. My doctor also say will be conducting a glucose check for me next month to see my sugar level. I shall also ask him on the fish oil. I think he will tell me the same thing that I have got too much medicine to eat already.

Busy at work, will lunch in today as I have packet economy mee hoon this morning.
iwantahealthybaby, update us again on your scan later.
Hi Dolly, can I check if you have the harmony report with you? is it from Ariosa laboratory? I was told that the results take 12-14 days , but I saw that date when they receive my blood sample and the report date is only 7 days apart ( weekends included) - how come so fast? also the risk of Trismony 21,18 & 13 have the same results of less than 1/10,000

a bit weird cos all three chromosome tests have the same results, wonder if it was tested properly.

Can you pls check your report and let me know if your results are similiar? thanks
Sweet tarts, all harmony test result is like tat. As long it's low risk it will b presented in that way. U can refer to the link, there is 2 pdf file show example of low n high risk report. Yes same lab. I didn't check the date since they said estimated 2 weeks I just wait n pray they dun call early. If early means bad news to me lor... heheee
I guess as long it's low risk it's presented in this way except the last 2 will b different depends on gender


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Lynncandy don't worry too much I guess doc want to give u med for your urine infection. I saw private clinics do the glucose test quite often. Drink a cup of orangy liquid. Heard it's very very sweet. I don't think kkh will test that unless our urine strips turn color upon every visit. That's what I guess.

I am going for lunch now and after that make my way to nuh.

Anyone know where is prof biswas detail scan held at? His own office? I never been there don't know which part of nuh also.
Lynncandy don't worry too much I guess doc want to give u med for your urine infection. I saw private clinics do the glucose test quite often. Drink a cup of orangy liquid. Heard it's very very sweet. I don't think kkh will test that unless our urine strips turn color upon every visit. That's what I guess.

I am going for lunch now and after that make my way to nuh.

Anyone know where is prof biswas detail scan held at? His own office? I never been there don't know which part of nuh also.

All the best! Prof Biswas sees patient at women's clinic (Ruby & Emerald) at NUH Kent Ridge Wing. The fetal care centre is just right beside the Women's clinic (FCC does scans). You just drive in from the new medical centre/Kent Ridge side can liao, if by train follow the green foot print on the floor to Kent Ridge Wing then take lift to level 3, exit by the entrance right outside the lift & go in from the opposite side nearer. (Think is either north or south entrance)
Visiting nuh is like going back to my old school. I miss the food there lol. Ya my urine is very yellow in color. Actually I also don't know I got urine infection until doc say want to test. I find it very good as they check for us.
Tonight suppose to go out for nice dinner now got to cancel and go visit my doctor.
Thanks mapleleafy for the detail instructions. Wouldn get lost for sure.

Lynncandy nevermind after checkup go for a gd supper also shiok! I been craving for curry Fishhead again. If after check results still quite positive I might ask dh acc me eat.
Hi ladies, just read tar register urself at Philips website as member, get to buy one item at 50% on ur bday month...
At philips tpy showroom only
I realise even at nuh the scan also not done by prof biswas himself but the nurse say scan by sono but review by prof. So same as adc kkh. Sonographer do and review by June tan. I came here cause I was hoping prof can see the whole procedure during scan. Shall see what his advice after seeing scan report.
Iwantahealthybaby, maybe public hospital usually is by sonographer. btw I Don't realise when I got urine infection anyone kenna before how do you find out? Will it affect beanie?
Hi Ladies, all the best to ur review later.

Just did my scan n review this morning. Very pissed off with the dr... nv seen a gynae so rude b4. Did a search on the net then realised I m not the first who encountered this. Just pray tt I wun see her for my future reviews.
Lynncandy, yap no fixed gynae. 1st encounter with this rude gynae. My blood boils when I came out of the room... told dh she cmi.. kns.. almost wanted to quarrel with her if I had not been breathing hard to relax myself
Cos my case classified under high risk so they let me see the specialist instead of MO. So dh prefer to go kkh unless we really need 2nd opinion. Just hope tt we wun see her again.
The MO i seen last review was so much better than this specialist.
Will be gg back in 2 wks for cervix length scan at adc n review.
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I spend the whole day lying in bed most of the time...

I try to keep slping cos time pass fastest that way...

Haiz.. with a kid at home very hard to be full bedrest. I m trying to arrange my relatives to take over the sending and fetching of my gal at sch and her enrichment classes when dh is overseas... i really hope i can safely reach full term although i know hard. Really feel so lousy. Like useless, everything also must ask ppl for help. I owe so many ppl so much favour...

Dunno strict bedrest can sit or not or must lie down. I feel like playing mj..

Tmr i seeing my doctor cos i cancelled today's surgery and he asked me to go bk tmr morning to see him... if he insist on surgery again. I maybe might change gynae le. Cos i asked him 3 times for alternatives but he insist that i need the cerclage.. so hopefully tmr he doesnt insist again.
Mschar, i think strict bedrest must be lying on bed. 45deg with pillow support at the back or lying down. No sitting as sitting will add pressure to the cervix too.
Visiting nuh is like going back to my old school. I miss the food there lol. Ya my urine is very yellow in color. Actually I also don't know I got urine infection until doc say want to test. I find it very good as they check for us.
Tonight suppose to go out for nice dinner now got to cancel and go visit my doctor.
Actually when we go to KKH for our routine checkup and scan every 3/4 weeks, they akways ask us to do urine test, measure weight and bkoid pressure.
Faithfullyyours, the urine test @ kkh is to chk if there is sugar detected in our urine. Got scolded for taking brekkie b4 the test today cos of the sugar detected.
Ya that one is sugar level only for every check up we test the one. Mine is lab test so is different leh. Must send to lab to test one.
Iwantahealthybaby, how is your review?
Ya that one is sugar level only for every check up we test the one. Mine is lab test so is different leh. Must send to lab to test one.
Iwantahealthybaby, how is your review?
Faithfullyyours, the urine test @ kkh is to chk if there is sugar detected in our urine. Got scolded for taking brekkie b4 the test today cos of the sugar detected.
Oh I see. I didn't ask what it is testing. Each time the nurse says normal, then I just throw away the stick.
Porridge so jia lat. I just had my review got to take medicine on my urine infection.
Iwantahealthybaby, is everything alright ? We are concern about you.
Just came back so tired. Got to rest already.
Yeah, iwantahealthybaby, how did things go?

Lynn, how they found out got urine infection? Is it routine urine test? Take good care orh.

Must avoid eating porridge before urine test liao...
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Lynncandy, cos porridge is carbo n easiest to digest. Those carbo food being boil usually have high GI. So rem dun take tt or any fruit juice b4 urine test. Those food which coated with oil or with oil content are low GI eg peanuts

Iwantahealthybaby, is everything is ok? Looking forward to ur update.

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Mapleleafy, my doc say want to do a urine test. So take my sample to the lab and tested infection. It is a check not every time visit doc the paper test. It depends if your doc will ask you do this test. Actually I also don't know I got infection as I find I am very normal.
Bb_hc, mine is 11am sat at novena tmc. Yours?
Cheery your research or acknowledge is really pro.
