(2014) ivf mummies support group

I see, I scared kena uti or other infection too, dunno got symptoms anot. I think I got piles... Tues took duphalac cos constipated too many days, maybe took too much then diarrhoea. Now behind very very pain...

I'm back ladies. Busy busy. Reach nuh at 4pm waited till almost 5. Scan and left clinic at 6.30pm last patient. But I must say the reception nurse all very friendly. So unlike kkh adc. My scan was done by sonographer as usual but halfway prof came in think he know I'm there for 2nd opinion he did help me with the scan so I am more happy at least he saw with own eyes and not from report. Maybe it's because I am there for 2nd opinion so they were more detail. Anyway I know where my problem lies. sonographer say white spot is very common which is same review as my gynae June tan but the unusual part is the location of my white spot. Prof say at this stage it's not blocking the valve so still consider allright now but he did also say must follow up and schedule me 28 weeks follow up again. Very assuring he was telling me would not need to lose sleep about this. He say now he don't see any problem yet. Oscar was low risk so now monitor. He say some bb when older the spot will disappear while some after birth still got but don't need do much. So one word MONITOR. From here I guess even after fetal echo in kkh next mon I probably hear the same thing. Cause since it require monitoring the scan wouldn stop there. Now I got a week 25 and week 31 at kkh and week 28 at nuh all is detail scan type. So I guess I won't follow up with Thomson already since Thomson is normal gynae scan to ensure bb is growing and hb beating

Cheerywalnuts why u consider high risk? I ask nuh today about cervix length they say usually won't check unless got early cases of premature or mc. So they didn check for me.

Mschar I think also better full bed rest. Endure no choice. Soon I join I too if I don't want give birth too early.

Anyway prof biswas very nice and assuring I like him but I still stick with kkh. Cause now change like quite late and heard dh friend say nuh delivery suite also smaller if ward not enough also will send u other hospital so I guess kkh still the best in terms of no. Of wards and nicu wards.
This evening I was trying to overtake a slow coach van then the road got a dip. End up I had a thump, like a very small mini roller coaster dropping feeling.

But end up my tummy had been having weird sudden pangs of pains. Not the painful painful kind. Just like quickly come quickly go kind below the belly button area. Hopefully it is just the round ligament pulling. Gonna guai guai lie in bed and not move.
Thanks ladies. Actually I think prof himself also find the white spot location unusual cause the scan was quite long and bb not cooperative angle not very right. But at least he tell me at this stage fr his experience nothing to worry yet. But he did mention also diff scenario can happen. When I tell him about mon fetal echo at kkh he say can c cardiac but he also say don't be too worry if hear some stuffs I don't wish to hear. So I just try to take things easy and hope kkh don't make me worried again. Their words must be more careful.
This evening I was trying to overtake a slow coach van then the road got a dip. End up I had a thump, like a very small mini roller coaster dropping feeling.

But end up my tummy had been having weird sudden pangs of pains. Not the painful painful kind. Just like quickly come quickly go kind below the belly button area. Hopefully it is just the round ligament pulling. Gonna guai guai lie in bed and not move.
if u feel weird jus walk 24h kkh n see doc n check if baby is ok.. dun tak risk... tak care..
My gynae aso no give me iron or calcium pills ytd at wk18++.he say continue obimin n fish oil n protein from food..
Dolly, for singleton daily only needs 1500mg in 2nd tri.. but twins need 2500mg... If not for this reason, I wun request too as I got 1000mg from milk but 1500mg from food I dun think I can do it daily...
Dolly, obimin itself got calcium and iron. I was wondering why my doc didn't prescribe me multi vitamins like obimin.
Bb_hc the scan at nuh cost me $300. Confirm more ex than kkh detail scan, I remember paying $180 at kkh don't know Isit cause I'm a patient there already or what.
It's whole sum lump together bbhc. In fact I cannot say I did see prof in a diff room. It's more like scan details just that consultant in charge that day is prof and he will be around to advise all patients if there is a need. And he pop into my room halfway during my scan and took over after which he scan and advise on spot. So guess no charge for consulting. It's like after oscar at kkh a doc in charge will tell u and advise u the result.
Buddy, so glad to hear from you. Ya, so your beanie B is like mine with the spot, my TMC doctor said similar things like Prof so don't worry so much. I think prof always give assurance and professional comments. Luckily you go nuh to see him, otherwise kkh you should know them sure scare people sometimes.

Circle, I also encountered similar feeling as you, so I went to see my doc on Monday. I got this pulling down feeling then making me so scare. Later he checked my urine then review is urine infection that causing the feeling. Maybe you might want to check also or go and see your gynae regarding about this.

Morning everyone, I am in office and busy rushing my work.
My appt with dr tan is on Tues. Will poss tong until then. Poss try to mininise walking and walk even slower.

Later going to see tcm doc too. So hopefully can hear that beanie is doing good.
Circle great at least do share your feeling about the abdominal whether it is ok.
My detailed will be tomorrow. Counting down to it. Beanie please be healthy and alright.
finally your detail scan buddy. same everything will be fine. update us after your scan tomorrow. its with dr ananda right tomorrow?

circle soon tue coming already....

prof is indeed more professional and assuring but in summary i would say he does feel its not common for that spot location too cause can see he spend quite long trying to figure out whether it will affect the blood flow etc due to the location of the spot. before he came in sonographer actually told us white spots is very common she seen many and its a marker for down syndrome but she also continue to say many babies came out fine and healthy too. then when she finally saw the spot in my bb heart she mention its the location thats is uncommon. so at least i got a clearer pic and not like kkh sono just say unusual to see the spot and gave me those worried and stress face. i see liao also stress man. and i dont know if june tan know exactly the position of the white spot before she comment its normal. i presume the sono report would state and also include pic of the spot scan for june to review but then again i wonder if its really clear as you all girls know the resolution of the adc machine. so when prof came in he scan and then commented bb not cooperating the position is not right etc...but he did spend some time figuring out also the spot before his reviews. so now i dont know if this white spot is still due to down syndrome or others health risk already. he just say so far it doesnt block any blood flow and thus not at any serious stage now to worry. i will have a weekend to rest before war again on mon/tue kkh. actually find the tue scan in adc abit redundant dont feel like going since its another detail view again. ask me spend another $200 really heartpain.
Detail scan over. Quite fast. It's a girl. Just that placenta a bit low. Hopefully everything is scanned properly.
congrats on theme pink bbhc. really alot of pink theme. so its really easier to strike girls babies than boys. heard ivf even easier to strike girls. dont know how true but its seems so now. hahaha. so far only kit kats theme blue right? kitkat detail coming up soon as well. same as circle.

placenta low they will tell u isit? cause i also no ask.
Hope your placenta will move up bb_hc! Glad to know the detailed scan went well!

Me and kitkats ate counting down to our scan on Tues. Hahaha! Hope kitkats placenta will move up too!

Iwantahealthybaby, really glad that you had a clearer pic. It really really helps. I remembered when I did my first ivf. I was preggy but keep spotting. Kkh nurses wouldn't give me advice (poss cos not allowed) and I wasn't due to see the gynae yet. They also won't give me support jab but keep asking me to come back for blood test. The worry almost made me mad. I finally went A&E at Mt E to ask for jab and the doctor there explained to me what possibly happened which was a chemical pregnancy and what to expect. At least I was able to have an understanding and prepare for what was about to happen. So sometimes a 2nd opinion is helpful for us just to get a clearer pic.

So glad to hear that it may not be anything too serious. We will continue to pray pray pray for u!
My gynae aso mentioned my placenta low but didn't show much concern yet. Will check w him next review if he mentioned again
iwantahealthybaby , glad to hear those assuring advice from prof. I think Some dr n nurse need training on communication skill too. Hee. As long as prof said don't worry, u don't worry first ok!

Yes my detail scan date same as circle. Circle u really can endure not knowing the gender until now. Good. I feel u may be blue theme same as me... Guess only... Haha
I already bought 2 more blue pyjamas for my beanie.. So see if it really blue theme during scan:p
Tomorrow my scan will be at TMC Novena. My mum and dh will be going as well. Hopefully this 5th time scan is confirmed chop a Girl haha.
Dr Ananda review will be next Tue, well shall see how my detailed goes. Just hope everything is well. We ladies here really not easy to come to this stage, already so hard to conceive then plus all those problems. I think those easily can pregnant ladies and will not understand how we feel.
We are all here to support and give courage to one another. Jia you all the sisters here..
My cousin in law got low placenta and block the way out so she had to csect. She was advised during detailed scan so after that she went to research for good csect gynae.

Kitkats I agree with u on the comms part. The kkh stand - in doc for dr tan last year made my mom cry when he told us about my chemical pregnancy. My dad had to escort her out of the room cos she was crying so badly. Worse still, it was on my bday actual day. Heng i was already prepped. My mom just couldn't take it though she knew beforehand.

Yah, me also surprised me managed to hold off so long. Poss really cos boy or girl also ok. Really doesn't matter. Even if beanie kiap tight tight and don't show us.. It is ok la. Hahaha!

But so far the odds are very high on team blue. Everyone guessed team blue. Some based on feeling and some based on tummy shape. One based it on my hairier arm (he says the hair on my arm looks longer now?!?!?). Even my office cleaner made a bet with my colleague. So it is 7 guesses for boy and 1 for girl (and that 1 guess is no choice one, cos it was a bet).
Tomorrow my scan will be at TMC Novena. My mum and dh will be going as well. Hopefully this 5th time scan is confirmed chop a Girl haha.
Dr Ananda review will be next Tue, well shall see how my detailed goes. Just hope everything is well. We ladies here really not easy to come to this stage, already so hard to conceive then plus all those problems. I think those easily can pregnant ladies and will not understand how we feel.
We are all here to support and give courage to one another. Jia you all the sisters here..
Me every night and morning keep praying that all of us can make it thru detailed scan and week 24. Dunno why.. cos I heard week 24 is viability week. Like anything happen, beanie got hope of being saved. Hopefully we all don't need it la. But it is another milestone for us.
yes agree on those who preg easily doesnt understand why we so gan cheong and stress over little little things, some can really wait for 1month then scan yet we keep feeling 1 month is way too long. but really come so far spent so much, so many injections to reach this stage, failures and disappointment after cashing out so much and emotional draining after we have that lil hope of cause we go all way out to protect it.

lucky got this thread seriously we have been here since week 6 of our preg...and now most of us are in 2nd trim already. one last trim to go lets just hope all is safe and sound. yalor kitkats the kkh staffs i also think they need some skills in communication. because they cannot review knowing all will be done by gynae they keep quiet yet stress written on their face just scare the hell of us. anyway my dh also commented he feel nuh fetal care machine clearer than adc. dont know isit we just have the feeling kkh machine all cmi thats why biased or what haha.

i just bought $65 worth of items from carters website. wonder how much the freight is. i think plus minus $100 for all. cant wait for it to reach sg. today expo again got baby fair small scale one to sun anyone going? i keep telling myself i had enough bb clothes but see cute one just keep buying...

ladies i guess after detail scan all of you all will cheong on bb products already. i settle my big items already. cot and car seat all done. missing items is diaper and milk powder only. i will be using my sil bath tub given by mt a hahaha so not buying. maybe will get extra one more put my own house and one at mum place. twins will take turns to bath. i also starting to get more clothes for myself. got a few from pasar malam those $12bucks big cutting top to tong a while. wonder how long will it last.
i no heard about this week 24 but now that u mention sounds important. after next week my next scan probably is week 25 already. none at week 24.
I also dunno. I just heard that before week 24, doctors can't save beanie one cos too small. If anything happens, doc can't do anything for us. After week 24 then got possibility of saving. Possability only la. But at least it is a safety net. But still the ultimate goal is to carry smooth smooth until delivery!
Iwantahealthybaby, I went crazy at mothercare sales 2 days back after I got my harmony test result... 50% can't resist
congrats on theme pink bbhc. really alot of pink theme. so its really easier to strike girls babies than boys. heard ivf even easier to strike girls. dont know how true but its seems so now. hahaha. so far only kit kats theme blue right? kitkat detail coming up soon as well. same as circle.

placenta low they will tell u isit? cause i also no ask.

I'm theme blue too unless detailed scan says otherwise. Congrats bb_hc for theme pink! Apparently ICSI easier to strike gals, IVF easier to strike boys. But I still think it's random & fate la. :p
Haha mine is icsi maybe that explains both girls :) lunch time folks. What's on the menu. Tdy I had vegetarian noodles and honey chicken chop from pAsar malam.
I'm in KKH O&G now. Woke up, took my weekly bump photo and went to work as usual. Suddenly felt unusual constant, sharp, acute pain at lower abdomen that I couldn't walk. I cried in office and all my colleagues were concerned. Called DH and he came to fetch me. Colleagues had to wheel me to my DH's car. Saw the doctor but didn't do ultrasound. Only let me hear baby's heartbeat on the doppler. Took quite a while for them to hear the heartbeat as baby is small (only at 20 weeks), very active and kept moving according to doctor, so a bit hard to capture the heartbeat. Checked my cervix and is closed but doctor said no bleeding but got a lot of white discharge, no foul smell. She took the specimen of white discharge for further examination. She was worried in case of infection.

I asked if the pain could be due to baby's movement. She said it could be and sometimes it could be due to uterus expanding too during 20 to 24 weeks. She termed my case as a threatened MC and gave me utrogestan to support.

Praying very hard to God to keep baby safe. Drained. Going to Dr Ang now for reassurance.

Jiayou all ladies! Smooth smooth journey for everyone!
Faithfullyyours, go home & get a good rest. Glad you & baby are okay, I had sudden crippling pains in lower abdomen during first pregnancy too, lasted 20 minutes then stopped abruptly. Thought it was okay cos no more pain & no bleeding but next scan I realised no hb le. Better to play safe & go hospital if any such pains. Take care!
Faithfullyyours, hope you are alright now. I think maybe is some infection or so, you see how is the result later. I read from the apps saying that for pregnant lady tends to have urine infection as baby is pressing downward. I kenna too and was given HL. Doctor also say my cervix is closed, I was so worried too.
You better rest well.

Ladies, my lunch was mee hoon soup. Just wanted to eat plain plain today and my breakfast was oats
Faithfullyyours, go home & get a good rest. Glad you & baby are okay, I had sudden crippling pains in lower abdomen during first pregnancy too, lasted 20 minutes then stopped abruptly. Thought it was okay cos no more pain & no bleeding but next scan I realised no hb le. Better to play safe & go hospital if any such pains. Take care!
Mapleleafy, how many weeks were you at that time?

I just had my detailed scan on 1 July and Dr Tan concluded everything is normal and baby is healthy. I don't know why I have such pain. I am very worried now.
Faithfullyours it could really be due to bb growing and expanding that cause the pain or maybe like what doc suspect infection. Hope dr Ang can give u a better picture and I'm sure he will ultrasound u let u c beanie.

By the way only infection then have white discharge? I do have discharge but what is consider a lot and what is usual.

Actually my mum very concern with my no vomit and no crave and no rejection food symptoms. She find it weird keep asking me ask doc if all is normal especially now that she know one bb got white spot. Some say babies are guai that's why no give mummies problem during pregnancy. Hope all is well inside and outside.

Continue praying for all of us. Smooth delivery and healthy babies!
Mapleleafy, how many weeks were you at that time?

I just had my detailed scan on 1 July and Dr Tan concluded everything is normal and baby is healthy. I don't know why I have such pain. I am very worried now.

I was 8w. At 20+w and after detailed scan since all looks normal, you have less to worry about. Monitor the pain, go to hospital once feel anything. Take no chances. Always have faith in second tri that bad things (the dreaded M word) are truly not common.
Faithfullyyours, hope you are alright now. I think maybe is some infection or so, you see how is the result later. I read from the apps saying that for pregnant lady tends to have urine infection as baby is pressing downward. I kenna too and was given HL. Doctor also say my cervix is closed, I was so worried too.
You better rest well.

Ladies, my lunch was mee hoon soup. Just wanted to eat plain plain today and my breakfast was oats

I'm now very paranoid about infection, dunno if I should request to just check next visit.
Oh dear! Hope everything is ok with you faithfullyyours!!!

I just saw my tcm doc. She says from pulse, beanie seems ok. But pulse won't be able to tell beanie heartbeat. I told her about the 'rollercoaster' mini fly that I had but she says could be ok. Preggie mommies can even jog so the bump shouldn't be a prob.

I did tell her that beanie feels low and heavy today. But she says it should be ok. Some days are like that. The funny feelings and pain I am feeling could be from womb expanding or beanie moving.

Today really walking at snail speed. Just now even felt tummy tightened a bit while walking back to office so sat for 1 min and it was felt slightly better.
Mapleleafy No harm just tell the doctor how you feel and ask for urine test if you are not feeling that good.

Just saw Dr Ang. He did an ultrasound. He commented that baby's position is a bit low but placenta is not low, baby's position will move up as baby gets bigger, womb is soft which is good because if it's hardened then contraction will kick in, my cervix is closed. He said sometimes it could also be muscles stretching that resulted in the pain. So he said rest and monitor. What he doesn't want is intermittent pain. If after this morning pain, rest a few days and no more such pain, I can resume normal activities.
