(2014/08) August 2014

I forgot to check with my gynea if i can take epidural if i have scoliosis. Totally didnt occur to me that i have to check on this till i chance upon a question posted by some1 yesterday! Zzzzz....

I forgot to check with my gynea if i can take epidural if i have scoliosis. Totally didnt occur to me that i have to check on this till i chance upon a question posted by some1 yesterday! Zzzzz....

Hey u reminded me oso. I have a slipped disc at the lower back so need to check oso. Thanks for the reminder!
Visited gynae ytd, had a simple blood test (poke finger) n my blood sugar is at health level.

But during the scan, baby stomach is still bigger than his head. Even I had controlled my diet n only gain 1 kg for past 4 wks. While my baby gain 600g, he is 1.4kg now @ 29 wk.

Gynae said it's dangerous if baby stomach is bigger cos there might be chance tht the head is out but stomach cannot get out n might lost the baby.

I'm so worried :(
gng for detail blood test in 3 wks time.

Hugs girl still got some time. My fren baby girl was 1.8 kg at 28 weeks also. She went for GD test n found blood sugar on high side. She controlled her diet super strictly ie no white rice carbo only brown rice, steamed vege etc and successfully brought down her bb weight to a healthy level at birth. Try to eat healthily I think still got chance to control bb weight. Jia you!
Hi. May i check if any experience feet swollen? Is this normal? I am currently at 28 weeks
Hi weiy, my feet are swollen too! Not just my feet apparently.. my mum has been saying my limbs are all swelling up. I'm coming 30 weeks in 2 days.. I think it's normal, gotta do with all the water retention. I try to prop my legs up when I'm home.. it helps!
Everytime I feel numbness on feet and hands.. I know that's when swelling starts. . Lol.. unavoidable. . So I just heck la.. still drink water. . Very duper thirsty
Guess i lift not high enuff coz i juz put my leg on top of a pillow n swelling doesnt seem better. I wonder how to sleep if lift d foot up 90 degree.
shld drink more water to ease water retention.

juz lift up legs 90deg using the wall for support & relax (breathe deeply) for abt 10mins each day. we do that a lot for prenatal yoga class.
Hugs girl still got some time. My fren baby girl was 1.8 kg at 28 weeks also. She went for GD test n found blood sugar on high side. She controlled her diet super strictly ie no white rice carbo only brown rice, steamed vege etc and successfully brought down her bb weight to a healthy level at birth. Try to eat healthily I think still got chance to control bb weight. Jia you!

@SQ_babyU dont worry... i think have a positive mindset and takes what it comes! i went gynae ytd at my 31weeks and bb is 2KG and he still asked me control diet despite im already doing so! :confused:

anyway gynae said LO in breech position :eek:, and by 34weeks check still haven turn he would have to book a csec date on my 38th week! OMG. meantime i can only try to talk my LO out ask him please turn!
Thats what my gynae told me too.. but many ppl says still early. . Bb will turn.. just need to talk..mine 28 weeks.. bb head down.. 30 weeks.. bb breech.. so u see.. they will change and change. .
Thanks ladies. ..I will stay positive n control my diet even more strictly. Hopefully everything turns out well 3 wks later. I really wish to have a vaginal delivery.

Ya..I heard talking to bb do help getting them to the right position.
Yes.. swelling on and off now.. hands and feet..
I am starting to feel swelling of my hands and feet too....like today, when I try to clench my fist, I could feel the stiffness in my finger joints. My feet just seemed to have expanded too.
I got this feeling cos I drank salty veg w tomato soup today....the feeling today is quite bad.
I having difficulty trying to lie dwn n sleep too cos I feel pins n needles coming on my thigh area and upper arm area. This is torturous.
Omg I am suddenly breaking out in rash in my tummy, arms and upper legs! But I've been diligently moisturising daily and didn't use any new lotion.... :( :(
I am starting to feel swelling of my hands and feet too....like today, when I try to clench my fist, I could feel the stiffness in my finger joints. My feet just seemed to have expanded too.
I got this feeling cos I drank salty veg w tomato soup today....the feeling today is quite bad.
I having difficulty trying to lie dwn n sleep too cos I feel pins n needles coming on my thigh area and upper arm area. This is torturous.
Aiyo... jia you ok.. its gonna be over real soon and we will start missing all these details.. hehe... sometime thw swell so bad thay I feel my lower body like not mine. Lol
Omg I am suddenly breaking out in rash in my tummy, arms and upper legs! But I've been diligently moisturising daily and didn't use any new lotion.... :( :(

Probably didn't apply enough. . My skin also gets dryer which I am already a dry skin person to start with..
<ADV> Swollen feet is one of the discomfort you may experience during pregnancy. You could try wrapping chilled cabbage leaf around your feet to reduce the swelling. What a relief to have your feet size back! SMS XX to 93811880 to unsub
I think is due to hormone changes.. today dun feel the little bub kicking much. Do you gals get paranoid?

Me too.. yesterday is whole day and today little niah.. definitely paranoid ttm!! There are many times I scare myself. . Thinking of if I should go straight to see gyane! But I stop myself. .
My boy weighed 1222g at 27W4D! He has dropped from 90th percentile to 50th. A bit sad though.. Cos I've always been calling him a fat baby. But I know its good la, so big for what.. Later difficult to give birth.
Cut down on carbs and red meat. Total weight gain in a month was around 2.5kg! Overall put on 12kg from pre preg weight.

Any of you written your birth plan yet?
Now i feel super tired even i slept many hrs like still not enough sleep.. i dare not to drink 2nd cup of coffee

yah. me too. sometimes sleep very long also still tired. sometimes can't sleep after waking up in the middle of night. I try to stick to max either 1 cup of coffee or 2 cups of tea. yawnz.
I wanted to let my bb take enfa but I dunno suitable or not till we try out ?? I heard from ppl lah.. I also dunno if its the way.. lol

my #1 has been taking enfa since birth. so far so good. as long no diarrhea, constipation, gas/bloatedness, allergies, etc means ok. muz let baby try then know whether suitable anot. so better not stock up now.
yah. me too. sometimes sleep very long also still tired. sometimes can't sleep after waking up in the middle of night. I try to stick to max either 1 cup of coffee or 2 cups of tea. yawnz.
I'm super tired toooo.
And sometimes have crazy dreams at night then couldn't sleep until it's time to go work.
Suffering.... :(
Hi mummies, while we are planning to breast feed our baby, do we also need to buy formula milk powder before delivery to standby as well? If yes, any brand to recommend? Thanks.
I'm coughing badly. Sigh. Is it ok just to see normal family doc for cough or better to visit the gynae? I'm worried on whether any impact to the baby if I'm on medication
U can visit GP. Cough syrup is safe.. just don't finish the whole bottle. . Stop if ur cough is better. . And drink lots of warm water
Me too.. yesterday is whole day and today little niah.. definitely paranoid ttm!! There are many times I scare myself. . Thinking of if I should go straight to see gyane! But I stop myself. .

I had such days too when bb not so active and was quite worried. I tried the Wong Boi Boi method of tapping lightly on my stomach to stimulate a response. If I get a kick in response even if after a while then I will feel more relaxed.
My boy weighed 1222g at 27W4D! He has dropped from 90th percentile to 50th. A bit sad though.. Cos I've always been calling him a fat baby. But I know its good la, so big for what.. Later difficult to give birth.
Cut down on carbs and red meat. Total weight gain in a month was around 2.5kg! Overall put on 12kg from pre preg weight.

Any of you written your birth plan yet?

Hey girl think if bb weight normal then it's good news. 90th percentile was a bit on high side actually.

I don't have a birth plan yet. Gg to ask doc next appt :p.
Haha thanks @Seaturtle. I was kinda proud he's growing well.. Hubs' family likes baby babies. Hawhaw

Today I told my gynae that I would prefer not to be administered epidural. She gave me a look of disbelief and I'm overestimating my threshold for pain. Hubs is neutral about this.
Apart from the possible side effects (which I don't think is my main concern for not wanting to be administered epidural), I have friends who have done without before, and I tell myself if they can, so can I. I kinda feel that using epidural does not give me full experience of labour (which hubs disagrees of course).
What do you ladies think?
@queeensg - I think u can keep epidural as an option though just be mindful that there is a time limit to when it can be effective :).

My gf who was quite fit and determined not to use epidural in the end used it as the pain was above her threshold. Another gf however persevered through though unintentionally as the epidural had limited effect as administered too late. Just keep an open mind I think wld be good :).
Agree w Seaturtle. ... Keep epidural as an open option. As we do not know how long the labour will takes and not sure if our threshold is as high as what we thought.

This is my 1st baby. No experience n no idea how/what happen during labour. Other mummies experiences are for reference only. Everyone is diff so I hope for the best scenario while keep myself prepare for the worst. :)
Me too.. yesterday is whole day and today little niah.. definitely paranoid ttm!! There are many times I scare myself. . Thinking of if I should go straight to see gyane! But I stop myself. .
Me too. How come everyday can be kicking non-stop then yesterday so quiet...
I think yesterday is "Give ur mom a break day." Lolz.. as long there are movement. . Even light movement. . Its still ok.. we r just freaking ourselves out. Lol.

As for birth plan.. there isn't any for me. I am open to any as long my princess is safe and sound. And depending on position of her too. If head down, gyane wants me to go for natural with epidural. Due to my blood pressure. . If I go without epidural. . Bp may be too high and wnd up Csect. If bb did not head down.. definitely have to csect.
Just went gynae cos I had spotting these few days. He checked my cervix which is thankfully closed. This part quite uncomfortable as it's internal examination.

My eye continues to be a risk factor. I might hv to do c sect if my eye doc insists on laser or c sect for my situation. Will go for follow up n discuss w doc. Need to mentally prepare myself as I prefer natural to experience the birthing process, but need to choose wisely to protect myself oso.
best to keep an open mind, else u might end up disappointed. althou I would prefer natural, my #1 was emergency c-sect. but it was alright for me coz as long bb is safe & sound, I'm happy already (there was a moment I tot I was gonna lose my bb! and it was crying & shaking till knocked out by GA). it was kinda amusing that my gynae & PD tried consoling me after that abt not being able to have a natural delivery, but seriously it was ok for me as long as bb is safe & sound.

even thou this is my #2, I'm still kinda worried & scared abt what will happen & what to expect. every pregnancy, delivery & bb is different. can only pray that everything will go well. :)
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best to keep an open mind, else u might end up disappointed. althou I would prefer natural, my #1 was emergency c-sect. but it was alright for me coz as long bb is safe & sound, I'm happy already (there was a moment I tot I was gonna lose my bb! and it was crying & shaking till knocked out by GA). it was kinda amusing that my gynae & PD tried consoling me after that abt not being able to have a natural delivery, but seriously it was ok for me as long as bb is safe & sound.

even thou this is my #2, I'm still kinda worried & scared abt what will happen & what to expect. every pregnancy, delivery & bb is different. can only pray that everything will go well. :)

You will...every mummies will.. :)
