(2014/08) August 2014

Hey mummies to be...

Not too sure if I'm being too sensitive over work matters but here's what I experience. Shall your view if this consider as BULLY at work for women at work and for preg?

1st encountered:
Two months before my wedding day due to 2 paxs resigned, I was asked to change what I'm doing to totally new portfolio. Have to clear up mess being left over as 1 pax was asked to leave, clean up the database n then train new staff.

I wasn't pleased to have the change before wedding due to stress n pressure of the dateline and undone stuff but bosses left me with this choice: TAKE OR LEAVE!

2nd encountered:
Two months before my first maternity, bosses wanted to change my portfolio again! From this week till end June..I will be busy handing over, doing backup n learn my new assigned portfolio. By Jul, I will be independent with new portfolio n may need to coach temp gal (just started hiring which I hv given 6 mths advance notice) who will be covering during my absence. Do new portfolio for a month than go maternity -__-|||

For mummies info..I'm currently 30th week.

And bosses have no idea what I'll doing when I resume work..was said a month before resume work will call me to see what's available and see if im interested. So god damn obvious of getting rid of me right? I feel like resign but enduring for sake of maternity leaves, annual leave n childcare leaves.

@Seaturtle @shirleyten @SQ_babyU @kopibeanie @joie
Thank u for the advice.

Hi @JL72 - I found these articles in MOM website which may be of help to you:



Employees who feel that they have been unfairly dismissed because of their pregnancy can approach the Ministry for advice and assistance. They are advised to
file their case as early as possible, within 1 month of their dismissal – they need not wait till the birth of their child. They can email [email protected] or call the MOM hotline at 6438 5122, so that their case can be properly investigated.

You might want to call them to seek advice so you can be better prepared in advance :).
Can I check with you ladies where do you buy your baby cots from? I'm looking for a sturdy white one, with adjustable heights a. nd non-toxic paints. My fren recommended Ikea. Would welcome any other suggestions too, before I head down to the Motherhood Expo this Friday thanks :).
Hey mummies to be...

Not too sure if I'm being too sensitive over work matters but here's what I experience. Shall your view if this consider as BULLY at work for women at work and for preg?

1st encountered:
Two months before my wedding day due to 2 paxs resigned, I was asked to change what I'm doing to totally new portfolio. Have to clear up mess being left over as 1 pax was asked to leave, clean up the database n then train new staff.

I wasn't pleased to have the change before wedding due to stress n pressure of the dateline and undone stuff but bosses left me with this choice: TAKE OR LEAVE!

2nd encountered:
Two months before my first maternity, bosses wanted to change my portfolio again! From this week till end June..I will be busy handing over, doing backup n learn my new assigned portfolio. By Jul, I will be independent with new portfolio n may need to coach temp gal (just started hiring which I hv given 6 mths advance notice) who will be covering during my absence. Do new portfolio for a month than go maternity -__-|||

For mummies info..I'm currently 30th week.

And bosses have no idea what I'll doing when I resume work..was said a month before resume work will call me to see what's available and see if im interested. So god damn obvious of getting rid of me right? I feel like resign but enduring for sake of maternity leaves, annual leave n childcare leaves.
Hi JL72,
My advise will be to endure since you are already at the last lap of the pregnancy. I think alot of companies are cutting cost badly. (Meaning if 1 pax resigned, someone within the dept got to cover till new hire, if any, comes in) its very sad but its the fact in current workpl.
Whatever they want you to do, just relax and do. Anyway learning more may not be a bad thing afterall-boost to your resume.
Lastly if you think you have enough of this shit hole pl, find a job during your ml period. Quit after you return from ml.
To me, its one shit hole to another shit hole at the end of the day. But the diff is the $, the boss, culture of company. Moving to a new environment may not be a bad idea.
@JL72 I agree with most of the mummies here. Endure now and accept whatever is being offered for now that is. They cannot terminate u now because it is against the law. However do keep copies of evidence incase your China man boss dunno about the MOM law here.

My suggestion is that to look for another job after u return from your maternity whether they give you portfolio A or B. Even though it is okay to learn more things but I think at least your boss should have a discussion with you on whether you are comfortable to change the portfolio and not change as and when he suka.
Hi @JL72 - I found these articles in MOM website which may be of help to you:



Employees who feel that they have been unfairly dismissed because of their pregnancy can approach the Ministry for advice and assistance. They are advised to
file their case as early as possible, within 1 month of their dismissal – they need not wait till the birth of their child. They can email [email protected] or call the MOM hotline at 6438 5122, so that their case can be properly investigated.

You might want to call them to seek advice so you can be better prepared in advance :).

Thanks so much @Seaturtle
Can I check with you ladies where do you buy your baby cots from? I'm looking for a sturdy white one, with adjustable heights a. nd non-toxic paints. My fren recommended Ikea. Would welcome any other suggestions too, before I head down to the Motherhood Expo this Friday thanks :).

I bot the Jarrons & co from the previous baby market. $159 and is 5in1.
@Seaturtle - I bought one from spring maternity. The birmingham one. Friend suggested buying a cot that can adjust three heights, but that one can only adjust two. It was cheap.. $189 including mattress.
Hi ladies.. just wondering.. have you chosen the hospital you will be delivering in? And have you prepared the hospital bag yet? What do you pack?
@Seaturtle - what are you going to buy this weekend??
I just saw that mother care is selling the Medela freestyle bundle cheaper. With more relevant items :(

@shirleyten - hopefully start on the day I pop! Haha! *wishful thinking*
Your gynae should hv provided you a checklist what to pack.

is there a list? can share urs? my gynae never provide one leh.

I can't quite recall what I brought. but I didn't bring much, juz 1 set of bb clothes & 1 set of my clothes, & the rest provided by hospital I think.
I'm starting 29jul (~38W) then most prob c-sect 1aug.

how abt u?

Me too thinking of 29 Jul start... 39 weeks. Dunno can tahan till that week or not.. my gynae suggest Natural with epidural cos my bp is always on the higher side even before preg.
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is there a list? can share urs? my gynae never provide one leh.

I can't quite recall what I brought. but I didn't bring much, juz 1 set of bb clothes & 1 set of my clothes, & the rest provided by hospital I think.

Ya I didn't receive any list either. Plus, I am still deciding which hospital to deliver in. Going for the tours this Friday.
I'm thinking of starting my leave once I hit 38 weeks.. cos by then also really too tired to work liao ba?
@Seaturtle - what are you going to buy this weekend??
I just saw that mother care is selling the Medela freestyle bundle cheaper. With more relevant items :(

@shirleyten - hopefully start on the day I pop! Haha! *wishful thinking*

@queeensg - it's ok you gain some will lose some, weighted average should be ok :). I'm thinking of getting the Medela freestyle bundle - hope can get a set on that day. I also clueless what to buy as am a first time mum - likely will just see see look look ha ha.

I also wanted to get that pillow you got at bb fair (forgot the name) but didn't see the vendor in the listing so maybe cannot.

Also plan to sign up with Cordlife at the fair and hopefully can get some freebies. Am gg Friday late morning to early afternoon, hope not that many pple.

As am on no pay leave already so will start maternity at time of birth as easier to calculate. My hospital is Gleneagles but I haven't chosen the type of room, likely a room which can accommodate my hubby and I and bb :).
I wanna ask about cord life thingy. My gf told me the amount will be deducted from CDA hence we do not need to pay any cash?

And, I just bought some wall decals, do u think I can start pasting on the walls? (Superstitious?)
@Seaturtle - I'm checking on the warranty thing (cos the baby expo one told me the mothercare one has a different warranty from the freestyle set they sold me). Let you know!

I didn't manage to buy! Its called Cleavamama baby pillow. At my last antenatal lesson though, the midwife shared not to use pillows and bolsters for babies <6 months/can't flip freely on their own yet. She said that her own relative's baby ahem at 4 months cos couldn't turn back after lying flat on the pillow.... So hubs has decided to do away with pillow/bolster until baby is older.

Wah. What do you do everyday man like that? Heh
I wanna ask about cord life thingy. My gf told me the amount will be deducted from CDA hence we do not need to pay any cash?

And, I just bought some wall decals, do u think I can start pasting on the walls? (Superstitious?)

yes. cordlife subscription can be paid using CDA / baby bonus. but I think u need to topup the CDA with cash b4 govt will do the 1-for-1 topup for u. I subscribed cordlife for #1. think cost abt $6k+ for 21yrs plan, so we put in $3k+ upfront so as to get the $3k+ govt topup. sorry, I can't quite remember the exact details liao. hahah.

#2 still thinking, but most likely donating/storing to public one ba.

baby bonus -> https://www.babybonus.gov.sg/bbss/html/index.html
@Seaturtle - I'm checking on the warranty thing (cos the baby expo one told me the mothercare one has a different warranty from the freestyle set they sold me). Let you know!

I didn't manage to buy! Its called Cleavamama baby pillow. At my last antenatal lesson though, the midwife shared not to use pillows and bolsters for babies <6 months/can't flip freely on their own yet. She said that her own relative's baby ahem at 4 months cos couldn't turn back after lying flat on the pillow.... So hubs has decided to do away with pillow/bolster until baby is older.

Wah. What do you do everyday man like that? Heh

Thanks girl let me know k, I likely will just buy to get one thing off my list :). Too many things to buy!

I agree with you on the pillow - now that you mention, Wong Boi Boi class also mentioned no pillow for babies. Can save $ again :p.et

I packing my messy house slowly bit by bit to make space for bb and also my MIL who will be staying with us for some time. I wish I can go out more often but cos I still have spotting on and off so I have to take it easy and just be a housewife :p.

@kopibeanie - thanks for the helpful info on Cordlife. I have to research more on the public one cos my gf told me that one they wont keep aside esp for bb.
@Seaturtle - You check out mothercare's fb page for the Medela deal. $649. You can call them to check on the local warranty.
I can't cancel my baby expo order so I'm not going to call mothercare to check on their offer already. Makes me more *growl* only. Hah

Yeah.. But eventually will need a pillow? For starters I'll put white handkerchiefs under the head.

Haha so shuang you... Good la you rest well!
Thanks girl let me know k, I likely will just buy to get one thing off my list :). Too many things to buy!

I agree with you on the pillow - now that you mention, Wong Boi Boi class also mentioned no pillow for babies. Can save $ again :p.et

I packing my messy house slowly bit by bit to make space for bb and also my MIL who will be staying with us for some time. I wish I can go out more often but cos I still have spotting on and off so I have to take it easy and just be a housewife :p.

@kopibeanie - thanks for the helpful info on Cordlife. I have to research more on the public one cos my gf told me that one they wont keep aside esp for bb.

yeah. the public one is first come first served basis. as in if other ppl need it & so happen ur cordblood is suitable, they'll use urs. but I read that the probability of suitability, even amg siblings, is quite low, & also the viability of usage is only for the first 5yrs.
Mummies any real difference between medela swing versus medela freestyle (except the price difference )... just wondering if it is worth the price difference. Thks
Yes definitely worth the price difference. I had a swing given to me by my SIL .. and then I decided to get the freestyle. No regrets
Am at the fair now the crowd quite ok. I find like not as many stalls as baby fair. Bought the medela free style pump at $799 and sign up for Cordlife (only the blood and not the cord lining package).
There's nothing much to see leh. Heh. Bought my hubs the diaper bag we eyed at the last fair and signed up for baby bellies' massage package!
I am suffering from v bad constipation. Every time I do my biz, will have fresh blood...m I am getting phobia poo-ing.
I drink alot of water in the day n take fruits after lunch n dinner.
Anyone got remedy?
Was thinking of seeing tcm to lubricate my bowels.
I bought the medela freestyle today at the mothercare gss for 649 sgd. Comes with a free braun thermometer and muslin cloth. The sales girl told me it is a good deal because the braun thermometer already cost 100 sgd.
I bought the medela freestyle today at the mothercare gss for 649 sgd. Comes with a free braun thermometer and muslin cloth. The sales girl told me it is a good deal because the braun thermometer already cost 100 sgd.

Yah it's v good deal better than the fair mums and babes. @queeensg told me but I misread it aiyah. I didn't catch the baby bellies massage package oso. Wait for queeensg to reply :p
I signed up the annual plan and they said got promo for gleneagles n parkway group so it was slightly below $1600 upfront fee (govt will pay half of this via CDA) and per year would be $250 till child reaches 21 years old n they will enter sep agreement w child then.
I didn't pay any $ upfront. Just need to top up CDA account after birth abt $900 and government will pay the other half. The $1600 is before GST I think. There is a $50 voucher which u can use either to offset this or get the Robinsons voucher. The freebies given are a Braun ear thermometer and a clip on fan.
@joie and @Seaturtle - same price as per the website! Just that sign up at fair you have a goodie bag which comes with diapers and some vouchers. I also bought a session of prenatal massage at $39.90 instead of $60.
Its from $350 for 5 sessions (I think) and gets cheaper per session if you buy more. Pay deposit of $100. The rest upon delivery when decided on type of massage package then pay!

@joie - good deal for the Medela! I was eyeing the tommee tippee ear thermometer but didn't get it. What's the warranty like for mothercare's set though? I tried to cancel my order with mums and babes but couldn't. Paid $699 during the previous baby fair in Apr. Comes with hands free kit, Dr brown bottles and $50 voucher. Delivery in end June.
Local Warranty starts today.. For 12 months ..
My sil bought from the US with no warranty and she already experience battery problems and now another problem within the yr. She has to pay for servicing cos not under local warranty
Mummies and babies at Paragon also sent me their packages at 398 for 5 sessions at home. This is their promo at the fair.
They have the uob instalment plan .. so I am doing my comparisons ..

@your_attorney - my husband always tells me to eat fruits before meals so its best absorbed by the body. Also, I tend go get gassy if fruits are eaten after a meal cos fruits digest faster than main course.. What fruits are you having?
