(2014/08) August 2014

@luvyz - No need to share my ML with my hubs cos his company gives them 2 weeks paternity leave.

@J.Lau - I don't have child care leave now!! First kid. And I need to check with HR if I am entitled also cos apparently if going on NPL after ML, don't have the 6 days. According to my colleagues who took NPL after ML, don't have the 6 days!! :(

@kopibeanie - we thought of doing it earlier la. But then I'm only 35/36 weeks then. Considered premature baby right? If he doesn't get to see me deliver I will be so upset!!!! And emo... 14 Aug just nice 38 weeks.

35/36W too early le. I 37W+ also need think n think n think liao. btw, anything before 37W is consider premie. I prefer to do it after 38W, but that means my hb can only be ard for 3wks before he start work. prefer that he can start new job after full mth (damn sianz la, his new job can't take leave for first 3 mths probation period). I think my #2 seems to be bigger than #1, so shld be quite safe ba. sigh dilemma....

@kopibeanie - Eh I thought you also getting nanny? OK la 3 weeks not bad liao leh. My hubs prob taking 1 week, then go back to work, then take the other week another time. 3 weeks one go is very good!! 3 months will pass very soon!! Patpat
@kopibeanie - Eh I thought you also getting nanny? OK la 3 weeks not bad liao leh. My hubs prob taking 1 week, then go back to work, then take the other week another time. 3 weeks one go is very good!! 3 months will pass very soon!! Patpat

hb not working so no need CL liao lo. order confinement catering instead. prefer if can rest for 1mth mah, else nobody fetch my #1 to sch & bathe my bb, then I got to do it myself. also can outsource some full mth prep work (e.g. order buffet, etc) to him too, else I got to do it everything myself. hahah.
@queeensg - please don't induce bb before reach full term k, the gestation inside the womb is best for bb esp the lungs which develop last. I read some research that babies which stay full term (meaning 40 weeks) are usually healthier and smarter.

Gestation period is more important than the weight - a bb born earlier say < 37 weeks but 3 kg is not as developed as bb who weighs lighter (but above 2.5 kg)but has longer gestation period.

For me bb's health is top priority - I've seen frens with children who fall sick easily and those who have fitter children, and it makes a lot of difference in the years ahead. My hubby also travelling likely in August so also keeping fingers crossed bb can wait for daddy to be present at labour, but I'm also mentally prepared if it doesn't happen this way. In fact cos no one is staying with me if he travels, I likely will ask my neighbor to be on standby if I need to call ambulance.
I hope I'm not too late to join this topic...

My EDD on 19 aug, plan to have my last work day on 15 aug if bb don't come out early. :p
Wanna save more leaves to stay with my bb rather than staying home waiting. unless tummy is too heavy or I'm too tired at last few wks.

Any idea when will ML start counting? bb birth date or the earlier day we decide to start on leave?
I think it sounds logical that when u r on no pay leave u r not entitled to any leave entitlement. If they give CCL during no pay leave then they would also have to give u annual leave, maternity leave, medical leave etc etc during no pay leave? I'm not sure too but I'm just thinking what sounds logical.
I hope I'm not too late to join this topic...

My EDD on 19 aug, plan to have my last work day on 15 aug if bb don't come out early. :p
Wanna save more leaves to stay with my bb rather than staying home waiting. unless tummy is too heavy or I'm too tired at last few wks.

Any idea when will ML start counting? bb birth date or the earlier day we decide to start on leave?

ML must start latest on bb birth day. but u can choose to start ML anytime 1 mth before EDD.
Hi ladies, need some advice here.

I have this colleague who is a heavy smoker. Although he is located in another office, he often have to come over to my office where his team members are to discuss work matters. The point is he always smoke before he comes into my office, and the cigarette smell makes me nausea and giddy. Im not sure if I want to raise this issue to my manager (highlighted this issue earlier to the colleague and supervisor, but not useful) or should I request MC for gynae to stay home till maternity leave.

Can somebody advise? Thanks
To go on NPL you have to first clear all AL. What I thought was to clear AL + CCL (if entitled) after ML

Yes usually company policy is to make sure u clear all AL before NPL. I used up all my AL already and am on NPL as well currently and my company still gave me maternity leave and CCL also. My company HR told me that it's my entitlement and they cannot take it away from me. I think worthwhile to check w MOM as @J.Lau advised, cos maybe HR oso not sure oso :p.
Hi ladies, need some advice here.

I have this colleague who is a heavy smoker. Although he is located in another office, he often have to come over to my office where his team members are to discuss work matters. The point is he always smoke before he comes into my office, and the cigarette smell makes me nausea and giddy. Im not sure if I want to raise this issue to my manager (highlighted this issue earlier to the colleague and supervisor, but not useful) or should I request MC for gynae to stay home till maternity leave.

Can somebody advise? Thanks

I can relate to this cos I'm very sensitive to smoke, even those lingering in smokers after they stopped smoking. It's an important issue, u shld raise ur concern to manager and see if can have workable solutions eg moving to another corner when they are here for meeting, or work from home.
Hi ladies, need some advice here.

I have this colleague who is a heavy smoker. Although he is located in another office, he often have to come over to my office where his team members are to discuss work matters. The point is he always smoke before he comes into my office, and the cigarette smell makes me nausea and giddy. Im not sure if I want to raise this issue to my manager (highlighted this issue earlier to the colleague and supervisor, but not useful) or should I request MC for gynae to stay home till maternity leave.

Can somebody advise? Thanks
You might wanna tell him nicely abt ur situation if you know the person. I did that to my colleague who come to me for a discussion after he smoke.

Otherwise, maybe you can put on a face mask and spray some air freshener when he comes. A mini fan at your table can help to blow away the smell.
@Seaturtle Yeah! Got somebody support me!

@queeensg Go double confirm with MOM cos as far as I know, Childcare leave is your benefits and it is something which the government give you. If you are working for the govt and they refuse to give you CCL because you have taken NPL then it will be REAL interesting to know which govt sector does that. Heehee!
@crunchies you mentioned that this colleague often have to come to your office to discuss work matter with his team members right? Are you one of them?
I suggest u bring this matter up to your manager and suggest if you could work from home or put you in a 'safe' corner. Don't forget you only have 14 days of MC. Even if let you take finish all 14 days of MC, will it be sufficient to last u till ur maternity leave?

If you are on talking terms with this smoker colleague, perhaps you can ask him if he can avoid getting too near to you as now that you are preggy, you are more sensitive of smell and his ciggie smoke actually make you uncomfortable.
Thanks ladies for the replies. I sent an email to the colleague hoping he will be considerate and kind enough to this pregnant lady now. If he ignores, then I will raise it up to my manager. :(

@J.Lau im not one of his team members and im not on talking terms with him either. True, don have that many MCs to use unless take annual leave or early maternity.

@SQ_babyU air fresheners are not an option now as im super sensitive to fragance nowadays.
Thanks ladies for the replies. I sent an email to the colleague hoping he will be considerate and kind enough to this pregnant lady now. If he ignores, then I will raise it up to my manager. :(

@J.Lau im not one of his team members and im not on talking terms with him either. True, don have that many MCs to use unless take annual leave or early maternity.

@SQ_babyU air fresheners are not an option now as im super sensitive to fragance nowadays.

Hope that ur colleague will cut down on his smoking before the meeting. Is it possible u go to another meeting room to work whenever he is there?

I have a neighbor upstairs who likes to smoke. The smoke invariable drifts to my window depending where he is. I gave up trying to reason w him from where I am cos smokers also want their rights to be asserted, and there is no law stopping people from smoking in their house. So I take the avoidance strategy - keep moving around the house if I smell smoke :p
@Seaturtle even if he smoke 1 only and go meeting, the smell will b strong too. I used to b a smoker myself before I am pregnant. But whenever after I smoke, I will eat strong mint sweets so I know the other person whom I may speak to will not smell my breathe even though my clothes are already stain with the smoke.

@crunchies maybe u can b like @Seaturtle , keep moving around the office till u dun smell the smoke. If u got no choice, offer him a sweet.
@Seaturtle even if he smoke 1 only and go meeting, the smell will b strong too. I used to b a smoker myself before I am pregnant. But whenever after I smoke, I will eat strong mint sweets so I know the other person whom I may speak to will not smell my breathe even though my clothes are already stain with the smoke.

@crunchies maybe u can b like @Seaturtle , keep moving around the office till u dun smell the smoke. If u got no choice, offer him a sweet.

Haha I like ur sweet idea. It's very diplomatic! And if he sweet enough he will get the hint.
@Seaturtle Yeah! Got somebody support me!

@queeensg Go double confirm with MOM cos as far as I know, Childcare leave is your benefits and it is something which the government give you. If you are working for the govt and they refuse to give you CCL because you have taken NPL then it will be REAL interesting to know which govt sector does that. Heehee!

Whats npl?
Dear fellow Aug edd mummies, recently I joined a photo contest that is jointly organised by Mustela and Spring Maternity. Please support me by voting for me in both the Spring Maternity and Mustela Facebook page! They will tally the votes from both Facebook pages. Thank you!!! :)

Some simple steps.

1) 'Like' the Spring Maternity Facebook page:

2) 'Like' my photo (Emmeline Lee)

3) ‘Like’ the Mustela Singapore Facebook page:

4) 'Like' my photo (Emmeline Lee)
Anyone did OGGT test?

I just did mine and I failed! Now have to follow a diet recommended by the Gynae.... Damn tough to follow....
Dear fellow Aug edd mummies, recently I joined a photo contest that is jointly organised by Mustela and Spring Maternity. Please support me by voting for me in both the Spring Maternity and Mustela Facebook page! They will tally the votes from both Facebook pages. Thank you!!! :)

Some simple steps.

1) 'Like' the Spring Maternity Facebook page:

2) 'Like' my photo (Emmeline Lee)

3) ‘Like’ the Mustela Singapore Facebook page:

4) 'Like' my photo (Emmeline Lee)

I clicked "Liked" on both pages, all the best!
Anyone did OGGT test?

I just did mine and I failed! Now have to follow a diet recommended by the Gynae.... Damn tough to follow....

I did mine today but it was a simple blood glucose test (prick on finger 2 hours after meal) and was higher than the norm as well. Normal as defined by my gynae is 125.

I ate lor mee today before doing the test, just to see whether my body can break down the sugar from such an unhealthy food - think really have to cut down eliminate where possible the white starchy stuff (white rice, white vermicelli) and eat more brown rice, rolled oats and green vege.

What's the diet proposed by your gynae? Just curious cos mine didn't prescribe any - just ask me to stop eating lor mee, ice cream, cakes and confectioneries :).
I havent do this test yet. Usually is done at which week?

I think it's usually done around 28 weeks onwards - but diff gynae got diff style. Some only perform this test if they suspect you have gestational diabetes eg baby is bigger than gestation week, or mother puts on more than 2 kg weight in 3 weeks etc.
May I check with experienced mommies here whether you have any toddlers who has hfmd while mommy is pregnant.
Is there any precaution we need to take? I heard its dangerous for pregnant women to have hfmd.
Anyone did OGGT test?

I just did mine and I failed! Now have to follow a diet recommended by the Gynae.... Damn tough to follow....

I did during 28W. I got to starve the night before (no food after 9pm), then go draw blood in the morn at 930am, then drink some sugar solution, then draw blood again after 2hrs at 1130am.

clinic called to say i passed the test. but need wait for checkup next wk to see full report & scan. hoping everything's alright. :)
@Seaturtle it's not meeting room, its the 'lorong' where my cubicle is. I will just go to the toilet everytime I see him coming but dunno when to come out. Haha.

@J.Lau Smokers I know usually will 'clean' themselves up after smoking except this colleague who is super inconsiderate. Bah.

Just hope he can be understanding.
I did during 28W. I got to starve the night before (no food after 9pm), then go draw blood in the morn at 930am, then drink some sugar solution, then draw blood again after 2hrs at 1130am.

clinic called to say i passed the test. but need wait for checkup next wk to see full report & scan. hoping everything's alright. :)
I'm gng to go thru this on 23rd. Dislike the draw blood process. Hope my result will good like yours.
@J.Lau - Haha okok.. I will update after I have clarified! The point is whether or not can take CCL to add on to AL, to clear before the NPL!

Tat is what I intend to do after I finished my ML. I will take my CCL and AL for the month of Dec.
Anyway... I am the HR in my company so whatever I say, my boss will 'nod nod' Wahahaha! *abuse of my position*
@crunchies some smokers are inconsiderate ba... (but not me) Heehee! Just try to 'siam' him or offer him strong mint sweets. One of my fav strong mint sweet when I was still a smoker is Eclipse mint.
Else if you can take sweets now, u eat lor... cos when I take the mint sweet, I usually smell the mint on my own.
My gynae got take my blood test during my check up at week 27 but that is to check my iron and platelet again.
He didn't mentioned about OGGT test though... maybe he see my LO still so tiny so no need to check.
May I check with experienced mommies here whether you have any toddlers who has hfmd while mommy is pregnant.
Is there any precaution we need to take? I heard its dangerous for pregnant women to have hfmd.

yep my boy did have HFMD when I was in 2nd tri. basically try minimise contact lo, esp during first few days when the drooling gets quite bad. we moved him to my parents place, my mum & hb took care of him. I read the HFMD will be dangerous to bb if mummy contacted it just before birth.
I did during 28W. I got to starve the night before (no food after 9pm), then go draw blood in the morn at 930am, then drink some sugar solution, then draw blood again after 2hrs at 1130am.

clinic called to say i passed the test. but need wait for checkup next wk to see full report & scan. hoping everything's alright. :)

Envy really! Did u put on much weight after pregnancy? My LO not big oso but I put on a lot of weight. Now got t control diet. I cannot eat my fav choc stuff and other things :(
How much weight have u gained?

About 13 kg and mostly on myself - on face, neck and butt. My fren who was above the target level was different - the weight gain was almost solely on her bb, such that her stomach looks much bigger than others at the same gestation period.
My edd is 11 aug.

I plan to go on leave by 8 aug and take 16 weeks maternity leave follow by 6 days childcare leave and follow by my unused this year's annual leave which will last me to 2015. And in any case of early delivery, I will use my mc... (probably take a week mc before 8 aug)

Hehe use all my entitled leaves to max!
(Who ask them treat me so "good")
About 13 kg and mostly on myself - on face, neck and butt. My fren who was above the target level was different - the weight gain was almost solely on her bb, such that her stomach looks much bigger than others at the same gestation period.

Me also 12kg as of week 27 but my baby only weighs 976g during my last gynae check up.
My butt and boobs confirm got bigger but the rest of it I think abit ba....
Now u are making me worry about my next gynae check....
Envy really! Did u put on much weight after pregnancy? My LO not big oso but I put on a lot of weight. Now got t control diet. I cannot eat my fav choc stuff and other things :(

yeah put on ALOT of weight. already more than 12kg at 28W, & based on past experience even more & faster in 3rd tri!! althou no GD, but need to control my diet too, else hard to shed off all the weight later.

my bbs seem to be on the bigger side (#2 is 770g at 24W & 1.26kg at 28W), but will usually slow down towards the end of 3rd tri.
My edd is 11 aug.

I plan to go on leave by 8 aug and take 16 weeks maternity leave follow by 6 days childcare leave and follow by my unused this year's annual leave which will last me to 2015. And in any case of early delivery, I will use my mc... (probably take a week mc before 8 aug)

Hehe use all my entitled leaves to max!
(Who ask them treat me so "good")

i remember reading on MOM website that any MC taken directly before delivery (meaning no break between MC & delivery) will be counted as ML, & ML need to start latest on the date of delivery (meaning u can't be on MC after u deliver).
Any post natal slimming waist band to recommend?

So many brands out there dunno which to buy. And I have concern that if material not breathable skin will get itchy as I have sensitive skin.
i remember reading on MOM website that any MC taken directly before delivery (meaning no break between MC & delivery) will be counted as ML, & ML need to start latest on the date of delivery (meaning u can't be on MC after u deliver).

@ kopibeanie: before my ML..in any case if early delivery also cant???

@ kopibeanie: before my ML..in any case if early delivery also cant???

I can't find the website link, but this is what I recall from memory. do check with ur HR thou.

- ML can start anytime 4wks before EDD. so if u so happen to be on MC within 4wks b4 delivery & if u never return to office at all, then the MC will be considered ML.

- ML must start latest on the date of birth of ur child. so early delivery means ML start early lo.
