(2014/08) August 2014

Hi mummies, any1 know any foot massage for pregnant woman.. I have very swollen foot..

erh I think foot reflexology/massage during pregnancy is not recommended leh, coz pressing on some reflex point might trigger contractions, etc. prenatal massage still ok.

eat less salty food, drink more water & don't walk so much. can also try lying down & putting up ur feet 90deg on the wall? or go have a dip at the swimming pool?

Hi mummies, any1 know any foot massage for pregnant woman.. I have very swollen foot..

Ya joyfulmummy don't go for foot massage. Some inexperienced people might press some acu points which might excite the uterus unnecessarily.

U can try the methods mentioned above. I got swollen feet since 20 weeks. I find drinking plenty of water, cutting down on salt and increasing potassium intake (eg banana) will help to balance the sodium level in blood, thereby reducing the swelling. Hope this helps :).
Ya joyfulmummy don't go for foot massage. Some inexperienced people might press some acu points which might excite the uterus unnecessarily.

U can try the methods mentioned above. I got swollen feet since 20 weeks. I find drinking plenty of water, cutting down on salt and increasing potassium intake (eg banana) will help to balance the sodium level in blood, thereby reducing the swelling. Hope this helps :).

Preg cannot massage!!!
Even I go facial..they dare not pat my back...
@Seaturtle - Hope things work out positive for you OK! Jia you!

@kopibeanie - Yup. But yours emergency c-section ma, confirm need some form of anaesthesia. If I need an e c-sect, I would also go with epidural!

I will ponder over this..

How about warm foot soak with Epsom salt?
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@Seaturtle - Hope things work out positive for you OK! Jia you!

@kopibeanie - Yup. But yours emergency c-section ma, confirm need some form of anaesthesia. If I need an e c-sect, I would also go with epidural!

I will ponder over this..

How about warm foot soak with Epsom salt?

emergency csect cannot epidural liao, unless u r already on epidural. coz epidural take some time to take effect. so if not, only GA nia, coz they got no time to wait for the epidural to take effect. that time mine was the CTG monitor detected fetal distress even before I had anything done on me, haven't induce, haven't taken epidural, haven't done anything. suddenly nurse say "I need call ur gynae now! and we need push u into the OT now!". super freaked out sia. end up it's coz my boy the umbilical cord loop ard the neck & body.

that's y some gynae may encourage u to go for epidural. at least if really natural delivery got complications & become csect then at least no need GA & hb can still be in OT. hb cannot be in OT if it's csect with GA.

anyway, best to keep any open mind ba. :)
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@queeensg - thanks dear for ur encouragement ! :)

@kopibeanie - ur experience really informative thanks for sharing :). Pregnancy and giving birth throws up diff scenarios for everyone indeed. Ur boy playful with his cord but thankfully the snap decision by ur gynae rectified that.

I hv to remind myself to keep open mind too. Really reluctant to go for c sect but if good for babe n mum then I have to just do it.
Just have my oral care cleaning..dear mummies to be do take care of ur oral too!

My dental didn't said preg can't do cleaning so why you're waiting for?
I did mine this week too! Felt soooo good after that.

Gynae said that time as long as after first trimester can already!
anyone know where to get green papaya to cook papaya & fish soup?

Hi girl I dunno how far it's true but i read in China weibo that don't eat green papaya when pregnant. Best to eat super ripe ones as fruit n even then not too much. Just my two cents :p.

I think wet market does sell green papaya either at vegetable stall or fruit stall.
Hi girl I dunno how far it's true but i read in China weibo that don't eat green papaya when pregnant. Best to eat super ripe ones as fruit n even then not too much. Just my two cents :p.

I think wet market does sell green papaya either at vegetable stall or fruit stall.

oh no. I'm asking so that I know where to buy for confinement. heehee. left less than 2 mths. muz start preparing confinement stuff liao.

I couldn't find at the Sheng Siong near my hse leh. sigh. so troublesome.
Hi girl I dunno how far it's true but i read in China weibo that don't eat green papaya when pregnant. Best to eat super ripe ones as fruit n even then not too much. Just my two cents :p.

I think wet market does sell green papaya either at vegetable stall or fruit stall.
Dun eat green papaya (ie like thai salad) or cannot even take green papaya cooked with fish.... can clarify?
Anyone bought stroller yet? Any recommendation? Im considering Combi Urban Walker Lite but heard that cos combi is quite light u cant use it when the child grows too heavy.
hi mummies, anyone same as me still haven't decide whether to do cord blood banking or donate? if we do cord blood banking, is the payment made annually aside from the initial payment?
hi mummies, anyone same as me still haven't decide whether to do cord blood banking or donate? if we do cord blood banking, is the payment made annually aside from the initial payment?

It depends I heard cordlife has a 10yr plan for around 3900 sgd lump sum payment.
hi mummies, anyone same as me still haven't decide whether to do cord blood banking or donate? if we do cord blood banking, is the payment made annually aside from the initial payment?

initially was thinking of donating, but eventually decided to bank in cordlife (same as #1) to be fair to #2. helps that there's a repeat customer discount & baby fair discount.

if u take the basic plan then there's a annual payment for the next 20yrs. u can check out the price plan here -> https://www.cordlife.com/sg/en/price-plan

we signed up for the 21yrs plan, which is cheaper overall, so juz one time initial payment.
Dun eat green papaya (ie like thai salad) or cannot even take green papaya cooked with fish.... can clarify?

Hi I think it's don't eat at all if possible. I copied the following from PC.baby.cn page in china:


孕妇可以吃木瓜吗?木瓜甜美可口、营养丰富,有百益之果”、水果之皇”,营养丰富,具有消食,驱虫,清热,祛风的功效; 主治胃痛,消化不良,肺热干咳,乳汁不通,湿疹,寄生虫病,手脚痉挛疼痛等病症。


I think it says papayas whether green or ripen ones contain enzymes or some chemicals which can induce contractions. So better don't eat too much.
oh no. I'm asking so that I know where to buy for confinement. heehee. left less than 2 mths. muz start preparing confinement stuff liao.

I couldn't find at the Sheng Siong near my hse leh. sigh. so troublesome.

Aiyoh girl u always one step ahead good good ! I haven't even bought my bb cot yet :p not washed his clothes.

Btw ladies u use normal detergent to wash bb clothes or special detergent?
oh no. I'm asking so that I know where to buy for confinement. heehee. left less than 2 mths. muz start preparing confinement stuff liao.

I couldn't find at the Sheng Siong near my hse leh. sigh. so troublesome.

Aiyoh girl u always one step ahead good good ! I haven't even bought my bb cot yet :p not washed his clothes.

Btw ladies u use normal detergent to wash bb clothes or special detergent?
Anyone bought stroller yet? Any recommendation? Im considering Combi Urban Walker Lite but heard that cos combi is quite light u cant use it when the child grows too heavy.

I haven't but both my good frens got combi oso cos it's light. I likely will get combi oso. Cannot handle too heavy ones. Where are u intending to get urs from? My fren recommended Taka
I am done with my bb shopping. . Left washing to do in early Jul.

I din sleep the whole night. . Bb kicking and kicking. By the time I really doze off... my alarm rang.. so sad.. took MC today to rest. Headache.
Aiyoh girl u always one step ahead good good ! I haven't even bought my bb cot yet :p not washed his clothes.

Btw ladies u use normal detergent to wash bb clothes or special detergent?

coz working FT & with a toddler, time is a rare commodity. I hardly have time to go shopping/ do housework. so need plan ahead, every wkend can do abit abit nia.

I use pigeon bb laundry powder, but wash in washing machine. lazy to handwash.
Special! Can try pigeon.

I've already done stock count of my baby items and packed into a toyogo!!

Super organised girl! Ok I go buy pigeon tonight. I find that I'm really behind the schedule. I only bought the sharp air purifier on weekend. Philips having GSS promo if anyone interested - their air purifier got discount n got voucher oso. None for Sharp though :( but I'm just thankful got stock.
I am done with my bb shopping. . Left washing to do in early Jul.

I din sleep the whole night. . Bb kicking and kicking. By the time I really doze off... my alarm rang.. so sad.. took MC today to rest. Headache.

Ur bb so active! Mine kicks occasionally at night. Yah good sleep is elusive nowadays. Hope u have a good rest today :)
I am done with my bb shopping. . Left washing to do in early Jul.

I din sleep the whole night. . Bb kicking and kicking. By the time I really doze off... my alarm rang.. so sad.. took MC today to rest. Headache.
Me tooo..
I took mc today too.
Past week haven't been sleeping well...
Gynae says my boy leg length is of 30wks though he's only 28wks.
Which explains why I can feel his vigorous kicks. Lol.
Happy yet tired.
What are you ladies going to do when you start your leave so early ah? I'm contemplating but I don't want to be bored... Just realised I should have enough annual leave together to last until end of 2014 so that my bonus wouldn't be prorated this year
What are you ladies going to do when you start your leave so early ah? I'm contemplating but I don't want to be bored... Just realised I should have enough annual leave together to last until end of 2014 so that my bonus wouldn't be prorated this year

catch up on sleep lo. hahah.

u won't have the chance to feel bored when bb comes! everyday is a mad rush for me now. 24hrs not enuff. wkends also juz fly by.
due to some changes to hb's work, I'll most likely bring forward my c-sect date to end jul & start ML on day of delivery. so no time to rest at all. sigh.

any mummies have delivery (planned or unplanned) at 37W before? thou my gynae say it's ok, not sure if advisable anot. sigh.
Late July is not early for me cos I will be week 38 by then. Won't be bored... sure got lots of baby things to prepare for.
due to some changes to hb's work, I'll most likely bring forward my c-sect date to end jul & start ML on day of delivery. so no time to rest at all. sigh.

any mummies have delivery (planned or unplanned) at 37W before? thou my gynae say it's ok, not sure if advisable anot. sigh.

My first one was born 37 weeks 3 days. Actually 37 weeks and 38 weeks not much difference I feel
@kopibeanie - Haha at least you have a toddler to entertain you leh. I'm taking about a year's no pay leave after delivery.. So going to have no income for a while. Hence, want to maximise as much as I can now. But I guess easier said than done. I might be too tired to work during the last few weeks also! I'm into week 28 today! Last of the lot of all of you!!

Usually how big are babies when born at 37/38 weeks? My hubs actually has a work trip first two weeks of Aug. He is trying to get out of it, but it might affect his work. We contemplated inducing earlier, but feel its quite selfish of us, especially since this is our first child.
@kopibeanie - Haha at least you have a toddler to entertain you leh. I'm taking about a year's no pay leave after delivery.. So going to have no income for a while. Hence, want to maximise as much as I can now. But I guess easier said than done. I might be too tired to work during the last few weeks also! I'm into week 28 today! Last of the lot of all of you!!

Usually how big are babies when born at 37/38 weeks? My hubs actually has a work trip first two weeks of Aug. He is trying to get out of it, but it might affect his work. We contemplated inducing earlier, but feel its quite selfish of us, especially since this is our first child.

more like I'm busy entertaining/ serving him. hahah. I also wanna take no pay leave. but mgmt don't allow leh.

my #1 was born exactly at 38W. measured 2.8kg the day before at 37W+6, but actual is 3.225kg.

my hb is changing job, but he needs to start his new job last wk of aug. so thinking of delivering earlier so he can help me during confinement & can do without the CL (save some $$!!)..

so ur hb might not be ard when u deliver?
@kopibeanie - Hehe but also nice to spend time with him before you're busy with the next one ma! OK that's quite heavy still haha..

Ah.. That means he doesn't have paternity leave?

My EDD is 31/08 and his trip is until 14/08.. I think it might be cutting too close? He's gonna be really far away too so he can't rush back in time if I deliver earlier. We will ask the gynae what she thinks when I'm week 30ish ba. He has to be around la!! I rather the job opportunity lost as this is his first experience as a father leh! But I think he will be upset if he doesn't travel and then baby is overdue and ends up a Sept baby..
@queeensg & @luvyz Har... both of u 31 Aug EDD and u ladies starting leave on 1 Aug so fast ah?
My EDD is 26 Aug but I intend to start 18 Aug (1 week before) only leh....
I wanted to return work only on 5 Jan but if I start leave earlier, I scare I don't have enough to cover till 5 Jan liao...
@queeensg & @J.Lau Haha..
I clearing my leave. Only going back in jan lor.
Are u all giving ur hubby 1wk paternity on top of their entitlement?
I'm giving 1 wk of mine to him.
My new maid coming on 1st aug. So I was thinking start training her n rest at the same time.
Haven't done or pack up the baby room yet. Prolly wait till then.
@kopibeanie - Hehe but also nice to spend time with him before you're busy with the next one ma! OK that's quite heavy still haha..

Ah.. That means he doesn't have paternity leave?

My EDD is 31/08 and his trip is until 14/08.. I think it might be cutting too close? He's gonna be really far away too so he can't rush back in time if I deliver earlier. We will ask the gynae what she thinks when I'm week 30ish ba. He has to be around la!! I rather the job opportunity lost as this is his first experience as a father leh! But I think he will be upset if he doesn't travel and then baby is overdue and ends up a Sept baby..

I think if ur EDD is 31aug & hb coming back by 14aug then still quite safe to wait ba, almost half a mth leh, no need induce ba. most ppl deliver btw 38W to 41W. juz make sure u don't walk too much or carry too heavy stuff etc so as not induce labour early.

ya. hb change job so got to forsake paternity leave lo. sigh.
@queeensg same same leh.... I've calculated... if I start my maternity leave on 18 Aug, deduct the 16 weeks maternity leave plus clear my leave AND ladies, don't forget our 6 days Childcare leave to clear for this year, I have 11.5 days leave balance.

So if my LO decided to come 2 weeks early then I no more leave to barely allow me to last till next year.
Many people tell me 1st child usually come later than EDD but some people say 1st child usually will come earlier 1 leh....
Whenever my boss asked me when I am starting my leave, I always tell him I dunno yet.
@luvyz - No need to share my ML with my hubs cos his company gives them 2 weeks paternity leave.

@J.Lau - I don't have child care leave now!! First kid. And I need to check with HR if I am entitled also cos apparently if going on NPL after ML, don't have the 6 days. According to my colleagues who took NPL after ML, don't have the 6 days!! :(

@kopibeanie - we thought of doing it earlier la. But then I'm only 35/36 weeks then. Considered premature baby right? If he doesn't get to see me deliver I will be so upset!!!! And emo... 14 Aug just nice 38 weeks.
