(2014/08) August 2014

@queeensg ,@tiffy0410 and @kopibeanie - thanks for your concern :), am feeling better today after researching on it online and praying about it.

I have this problem since youth - retinas thinning and have small tears cos of high myopia. There are some cases whereby during labour the retinas detached (due to the pushing) hence some doctors recommend c-sect to bypass this pushing effort which can increase intraocular pressure (pressure within the eye). Retinal detachment if not properly repaired can cause blindness. Currently there is no transplant available for retinas, unlike corneas (the front of our eye).

Hence my eye doc asked me to consider c-sect and also to laser up the tear before labour. I will need to rest at home after that for 2 weeks. It's a 10 min outpatient procedure where she will just laser up the tear so minimal side effects on bb (though the eye drops and anathesia may have some effects but it's a risk that comes with the procedure). I'm just reluctant to do so as actually our eyes undergo changes during pregnancy though you might not feel it eg certain parts become swollen and will become normal after labour.

I will call my gynae and discuss and then go back and discuss with my eye doc again. I still hope to go for natural birth with epidural - with epidural hopefully can push more targeted so won't stress the eyes too much.

Wow! Am hearing this for the first time @Seaturtle.
Good luck to you and hope can go natural birth with epidural.

I have been given bedrest for a week since Tuesday.
My gynae say my amniotic fluid level is slightly below average.
Now that I am on 26 week, he is expecting more.
So therefore asked me to rest in bed and lie on my side and hopefully it will increase.... sigh...
@J.Lau thanks for your msg, I went to do more googling and think I might not go for the laser. I will pray very hard that I don't have the complications for my retinas during labour. Will discuss more with my gynae when I meet him in 3 weeks' time. Yah it's not a common issue - that's why for me to be preggy is really a miracle from God as I have a few "interesting" health challenges.

Amniotic fluid below average - you can drink soup and also soya bean milk to increase the level. I read on China weibo that this seems to work for ladies with similar issues. Jia you!
Thanks @Seaturtle.

I goggled and most say drink lots of water so am drinking plenty now. I'm not a soya bean milk person so I would rather stick to water.
Thanks @Seaturtle.

I goggled and most say drink lots of water so am drinking plenty now. I'm not a soya bean milk person so I would rather stick to water.

Ok but I think u can also try to vary the type of fluid intake too. I read oso that plain water doesn't contain much electrolytes so u can maybe drink those Chinese soups, red bean soup or even milk or juices. I hope ur fluid test is normal next visit!
Ok but I think u can also try to vary the type of fluid intake too. I read oso that plain water doesn't contain much electrolytes so u can maybe drink those Chinese soups, red bean soup or even milk or juices. I hope ur fluid test is normal next visit!

Thanks! Will try other alternatives.
Next visit is next Thur... Hope all is well.
Keep talking to the LO to tell her to grow up healthy and well and not let us worried.
Hi mummies, been a listening quiet member.. nice hearing fm all of u.. me too 2nd bb at 26th wk approachin 27wks. Expecting a son.. doing my GD test on the 29th. Hope all is fine. Had a last wk chk at 26th wk and bb wgt ard 1.1-1.2kg.. hw abt u mummies? Wonder if mine a gd size
Hello limsbaby.. Welcome! I am having a girl and she is 1.3kg at 28 weeks.. so urs should be ok.. and boy tend to be heavier too.
Hi shirley, thx u.. i worried he too light nia.. hahah. When yr edd.. mine suppose be end aug but been push forward to 17-18 aug. I be at parkway east hosp under dr wong heng fok. Wat abt u?
Mine is 8 Aug. I am with Dr Claudine Tan at TMC. Don't worry abt the weight. .. Trust ur Gyane. If there are concerns, I am sure he will tell u.. Don't worry ya.. u r in good hands.
Any mummies experienced 酸痛 feeling at the pelvic area (like those pain u feel down there when u have ur menses ) ? I have been having pain so bad especially when I walk, sit or even changing positions during sleep.. I'm 27 wks coming 28 wk tml..
@carine1 - Me.. I posted a week odd back. Only on my left side. Left butt/lower back area also. Try to keep both legs together and don't make wide movements. When on the bed, have both knees together and move them together if you need to change position. Sit down to wear undies/pants. I'm 25W6D now. Initially was just sore, but got worse since the past 2 weeks. Its even worse at night after all the activity in the day.

Hubs gives me a massage on my left at night before I sleep, in the office I use a massager to keep the area warm and massage the back aches.

I also hit the pool.. Which is the best time for me as I don't feel any weight/aches. Just no breaststroke legwork.

@Seaturtle - Take care!!
@Seaturtle I work in eye clinic before. Is the hole big? Cos if it is I thk is better to get it laser. Cos the hole mayb become big n become retina tear which is much dangerous. As bigger operation may involve. The hole once lasered around the tendency for it to become big will b lesser. R u high myopia?? U can double chk w ur eye doc bout ur concern on c sect . But I feels don risk urself especially eyes r impt. N if really c sect is more of slower recovery for the wound. U can chk w ur doc on his confidence level for ur csect.
@Seaturtle sorry jus read in detail u r high myopia. Get the professional advise from both parties. N weigh the importance of urself n ur baby well being. Hope things goes well with u. Can ask me more if u need .
Thanks joycetansg I have a retina hole but it's been there for many years so hoping it won't impact natural birth. I will discuss w gynae and then go back to my eye doc. Thanks for ur kind advice I will update again after talking to gynae :)
My gynae not keen to measure bb weight at 26 plus weeks. He said not accurate. I ask him to measure and my baby boy was 900g. I also scared he too light but my gynae not too concerned so I will just monitor in next visit. Sometimes feel frustrated w my gynae like bo chup type. Or maybe I'm just paranoid :p
Aiyo I feel that I'm putting more weight than the baby. How can I ensure fats goes to bb instead of myself. Lolx. Getting clumsier each day.
Wow I didn't know that about breast stroke. I always do breaststroke when I go swim. Must start using swim board from now on liao. ..
@sea turtle, it's weird ur Gynae not keen to measure bb weight at week 26 cos I tot it's time to start monitoring bb growth rate. My Gynae has been measuring and monitoring bb weight since 20 weeks. Although there's nothing to be alarmed at the earlier weeks (like 20weeks) but it's just to measure the rate of bb growth.
@Didy yah I oso think so. He was more into capturing the photo of bb than measuring the bb weight, fluid or heartbeat. I have to push him to do so everytime and can tell he half hearted to do so. Sigh. I got frustrated thinking abt it today. But guess other than pushing him I don't have much choice cos a bit late to change gynae.
@Didy yah I oso think so. He was more into capturing the photo of bb than measuring the bb weight, fluid or heartbeat. I have to push him to do so everytime and can tell he half hearted to do so. Sigh. I got frustrated thinking abt it today. But guess other than pushing him I don't have much choice cos a bit late to change gynae.

maybe ur gynae juz don't wan u to worry unnecessarily? no news is good news? my gynae also scan very fast then roughly tell me the baby weight then say whether ok anot. also didn't go into too much details. e.g. during previous 24W scan she was like "baby is ard 700+, abit big, may have to get u to do the GTT test next week...", then the recent 28W scan she was like "baby is 1265, good for 28W..". she also never measure the heartbeat or mention the fluid level etc. but I know she's keeping watch on all these la, juz that she never say unless u ask, & I didn't ask coz if I know she'll highlight if there's something wrong.

oh my gynae did mention that nowadays with internet, ppl tend to every little thing wanna go google for info or start comparing details etc & worry unnecessarily & insist on their own opinion instead of trusting their judgement. so mabbe that's y too...

don't get frustrated la. trust ur gynae. :)
Anyone considering massage service from Bodywork? I attended a talk by the boss, Helen Chua recently. She said its important to engage a certified therapist cos if the therapist do it wrongly, will have difficulty getting pregnant again. She mentioned something like we have to use our strength to push the uterus cannot let the therapist push the uterus...might injure the organ.
@Seaturtle dun get too worried if your gynae didn't say much about ur baby.
Mine also same. My hub even comment that he scan so fast that he cannot even see our baby probably.

Sometimes i do think that if I didn't tell him I was having slight bleeding 2 Saturday ago, he wun check my fluid and wun say it is at average level is ask me to go on bed rest...

Nevertheless, do trust ur gynae. Like kopibeanie say, 'no news is good news''.
Any mummies experienced 酸痛 feeling at the pelvic area (like those pain u feel down there when u have ur menses ) ? I have been having pain so bad especially when I walk, sit or even changing positions during sleep.. I'm 27 wks coming 28 wk tml..
I feel that everyday... some days worse than the other.. at its worse i cant stand up straight at all but its all normally at night... think it is a normal thing... what worry me now is the pain at the lower adomain which im feelong these 2 days.. not the wanna go wee wee feeling but short pain lasting less than 30 sec ...
@leanne yahhh I feel it daily too..it's getting quite bad.. And I feel the lower abdominal pain too! Especially when I'm shifting from sleeping position to standing up in the morning..

I ever asked gynae before But he just said Its the shifting of our pelvic bone And if it's really unbearable we can actually eat panadol..
@leanne yahhh I feel it daily too..it's getting quite bad.. And I feel the lower abdominal pain too! Especially when I'm shifting from sleeping position to standing up in the morning..

I ever asked gynae before But he just said Its the shifting of our pelvic bone And if it's really unbearable we can actually eat panadol..

carine1, this is ur 2nd bb right? I've also had the same feeling during 1st tri & my gynae say it's normal that we feel more pain for 2nd one coz our uterus/ muscles have been stretched before liao, so less tension to hold the bb. try not to walk or sit too long each time. also a belly belt might help support the bb weight. usually I'll feel the pain if I walk too much, & I'll juz use my hands to support the bottom of my belly as I walk or quickly find somewhere sit down for a short rest.
@carine1 - agreed! Else can try the pelvic floor exercises? I do the tilt pelvic up and down and the one that's called cow something one. My pain has also gotten better since 2 weeks ago - surprisingly!

I'm also on the lookout for a support belt!
Hi all. . Just wanna share that I had bought the support belt from mother care n kiddy palace. Personally I prefer the one fr kiddy palace. Cos is adjustable and comfortable. I wore it for my 6 day HK trip 2 wks ago. Not much backache n the support is good, even with lots of walking.
Hi all. . Just wanna share that I had bought the support belt from mother care n kiddy palace. Personally I prefer the one fr kiddy palace. Cos is adjustable and comfortable. I wore it for my 6 day HK trip 2 wks ago. Not much backache n the support is good, even with lots of walking.

what's the brand of the belt u got from kiddy palace? possible to post a pic? btw, most belts look quite thick. will it show up under clothings?
I think the lower ab pain we are all facing nw is called round ligament pain. I feel better if I lie on my sides with pillow bw my legs. It's like jabbing pain on both sides of my lower ab.
I feel miserable with this pain plus constipation!
Hihi your_attorney.. i had same issue as you now feel much better after putting e pillow bw my legs n i drink ginger ale so tat i wont have so much ligament pain..
Any mummies experienced 酸痛 feeling at the pelvic area (like those pain u feel down there when u have ur menses ) ? I have been having pain so bad especially when I walk, sit or even changing positions during sleep.. I'm 27 wks coming 28 wk tml..
Me same! It happened for my first and 2nd pregnancy. Gynae say normal :(
It will gone right away after delivery!
Hey mummies to be...

Not too sure if I'm being too sensitive over work matters but here's what I experience. Shall your view if this consider as BULLY at work for women at work and for preg?

1st encountered:
Two months before my wedding day due to 2 paxs resigned, I was asked to change what I'm doing to totally new portfolio. Have to clear up mess being left over as 1 pax was asked to leave, clean up the database n then train new staff.

I wasn't pleased to have the change before wedding due to stress n pressure of the dateline and undone stuff but bosses left me with this choice: TAKE OR LEAVE!

2nd encountered:
Two months before my first maternity, bosses wanted to change my portfolio again! From this week till end June..I will be busy handing over, doing backup n learn my new assigned portfolio. By Jul, I will be independent with new portfolio n may need to coach temp gal (just started hiring which I hv given 6 mths advance notice) who will be covering during my absence. Do new portfolio for a month than go maternity -__-|||

For mummies info..I'm currently 30th week.

And bosses have no idea what I'll doing when I resume work..was said a month before resume work will call me to see what's available and see if im interested. So god damn obvious of getting rid of me right? I feel like resign but enduring for sake of maternity leaves, annual leave n childcare leaves.
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Wah.. ur boss chu stunts. .!

I think we just have to tolerate whatever that is thrown to us ba.. since we r taking 16 weeks off in 2 - 3 mths time!! After Maternity then u can think about whether take or leave. Lol
@JL72 I think u adopt the watch and see method first. If u go back n they tell u sorry no job then u can go to MOM to review options.

Actually China has put in place anti discrimination laws to protect pregnant ladies in recent years. U can hint at ur bosses oso :p

I'm taking unpaid leave from now to after maternity. So I oso won't know what to do when back. Depends on the opportunities available. HR told me they will try their best but if really no good match I have to leave voluntarily. I'm ok with that cos really didn't like my previous portfolio. See how God leads. Just focussing on bb for now :)
No wonder. .. they r all abt work and no heart.. heck la.. if u tired, just MC.. if u not feeling well, just MC.. if u r sick of ur work also... just MC.. wahahaha. . Thats the only way we can deal with this type of ppl.. this privilege is going to be over soon! So make the beat use of it. . Hahaha
what's the brand of the belt u got from kiddy palace? possible to post a pic? btw, most belts look quite thick. will it show up under clothings?
There is only 1 type at kiddy palace. This one will show under some clothings. You can try the sample over there.


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@JL72 I think you have to keep all your boss instructions in black n white. Keep a copy in your personal email. In case you need them as evidence for MOM complaint later. .

For now, just do whatever you can. But no extra after working hrs. At least he can't find any excuse to terminate you.
@JL72 I think you have to keep all your boss instructions in black n white. Keep a copy in your personal email. In case you need them as evidence for MOM complaint later. .

For now, just do whatever you can. But no extra after working hrs. At least he can't find any excuse to terminate you.

Noted on this.
Hey mummies to be...

Not too sure if I'm being too sensitive over work matters but here's what I experience. Shall your view if this consider as BULLY at work for women at work and for preg?

1st encountered:
Two months before my wedding day due to 2 paxs resigned, I was asked to change what I'm doing to totally new portfolio. Have to clear up mess being left over as 1 pax was asked to leave, clean up the database n then train new staff.

I wasn't pleased to have the change before wedding due to stress n pressure of the dateline and undone stuff but bosses left me with this choice: TAKE OR LEAVE!

2nd encountered:
Two months before my first maternity, bosses wanted to change my portfolio again! From this week till end June..I will be busy handing over, doing backup n learn my new assigned portfolio. By Jul, I will be independent with new portfolio n may need to coach temp gal (just started hiring which I hv given 6 mths advance notice) who will be covering during my absence. Do new portfolio for a month than go maternity -__-|||

For mummies info..I'm currently 30th week.

And bosses have no idea what I'll doing when I resume work..was said a month before resume work will call me to see what's available and see if im interested. So god damn obvious of getting rid of me right? I feel like resign but enduring for sake of maternity leaves, annual leave n childcare leaves.

don't stress. since they can't assure u whether u have a job when u come back from ML, then u can start slacking now liao, start clearing MC & AL & chut pattern, anyway they can't get rid of u now. after ML then see how it goes.
carine1, this is ur 2nd bb right? I've also had the same feeling during 1st tri & my gynae say it's normal that we feel more pain for 2nd one coz our uterus/ muscles have been stretched before liao, so less tension to hold the bb. try not to walk or sit too long each time. also a belly belt might help support the bb weight. usually I'll feel the pain if I walk too much, & I'll juz use my hands to support the bottom of my belly as I walk or quickly find somewhere sit down for a short rest.

Yahhh This is my second pregnancy which I feel is much more painful than the first in my pelvic area no matter what positions I change to.. torture man.

The belly belt I'm abit scared will show under clothes haha.. I will also do the support thing under my tummy when it's really unbearable..
